public void CallOnBallLaunch(FVector launchVelocity, UBowlingBallComponent bowlingBall) { bCanLaunchBall = false; if (OnBallLaunch != null) { OnBallLaunch(launchVelocity, bowlingBall); } }
public void SetBallFromBallFindCollection(List <AActor> balls) { if (balls != null && balls.Count > 0 && balls[0] != null) { var _ballComp = balls[0].GetComponentByClass <UBowlingBallComponent>(); if (_ballComp != null) { myBall = _ballComp; } } }
void StartFollowingBall(FVector launchVelocity, UBowlingBallComponent bowlingBall) { myBall = bowlingBall; if (myBall != null) { DefaultBallFollowOffset = MyOwner.GetActorLocation().X - myBall.MyOwner.GetActorLocation().X; bShouldFollowBall = true; } else { bShouldFollowBall = false; } }
void LaunchBall(FVector launchVelocity, UBowlingBallComponent bowlingBall) { if (MyMeshComponent == null) { MyOwner.PrintString("Please Assign A mesh component to the uproperty", FLinearColor.OrangeRed); } else if (MyAudioSourceComponent == null) { MyOwner.PrintString("Please Assign an audio component to the uproperty", FLinearColor.OrangeRed); } else if (BallRollingSound == null) { MyOwner.PrintString("Please Assign a sound clip to the ball rolling sound uproperty", FLinearColor.OrangeRed); } else { MyMeshComponent.AddImpulse(launchVelocity, MyMeshComponent.GetAttachSocketName(), true); MyAudioSourceComponent.Sound = BallRollingSound; MyAudioSourceComponent.Play(); } }