コード例 #1
        public static bool check_the_start_Address_ForOHT(string section_Num)
            bool      checkthestartaddress = false;
            DataTable dt            = new ReadCsv()._ReadParamsFromVhSectionData(CsvGlobal.NowFileDir);
            int       tempsection   = Int32.Parse(section_Num);
            string    tempsection_1 = tempsection.ToString();

            DataRow[] drselectsection = dt.Select("SEC_ID = '" + tempsection_1 + "'");
            if (drselectsection[0].ItemArray[0] != null)
                string temp = (string)drselectsection[0].ItemArray[6];
                eqTool.Fun_Log(eqTool.MyLogKind.GeneralProcess, NLog.LogLevel.Info, null, "@Veh_VehM_Comm_Data :temp = {0}", temp.ToString());
                eqTool.Fun_Log(eqTool.MyLogKind.GeneralProcess, NLog.LogLevel.Info, null, "@Veh_VehM_Comm_Data :Veh_VehM_Global.Address = {0}", Veh_VehM_Global.Address.ToString());
                if (temp == Veh_VehM_Global.Address)
                    checkthestartaddress = true;
コード例 #2
        public static string FindSectionOfAddress(string address)
                DataTable dt = new ReadCsv()._ReadParamsFromVhSectionData(CsvGlobal.NowFileDir);
                DataRow[] rowsHaveTargetAddress = dt.Select("TO_ADR_ID = '" + address + "'");

                foreach (var row in rowsHaveTargetAddress)
                    string testSection = row.ItemArray[0].ToString().PadLeft(4, '0');
                    if (Veh_VehM_Global.GuideSections.Contains(testSection))
            catch (Exception ex)
                string err = ex.Message + Environment.NewLine + ex.StackTrace;
                eqTool.Fun_Log(eqTool.MyLogKind.GeneralProcess, NLog.LogLevel.Info, null, err);
コード例 #3
        protected void Set_New_Section(string loadAdr, string unloadAdr, ref string[] LoadSections, ref string[] UnLoadSections)
            DataTable dt = new ReadCsv()._ReadParamsFromVhSectionData(CsvGlobal.NowFileDir);

            string[]  passSections   = Veh_VehM_Global.GuideSections; //0304
            DataRow[] drselectload   = dt.Select("TO_ADR_ID = '" + loadAdr + "'");
            DataRow[] drselectunload = dt.Select("TO_ADR_ID = '" + unloadAdr + "'");
            int       splitnum       = -1;
            bool      check          = false;
            int       halfsignal;

            #region Load Sections
            //Load Sections
            for (int i = 0; i < drselectload.Count(); i++)
                string loadsectemp = (string)drselectload[i].ItemArray[0];
                string loadsect    = loadsectemp.PadLeft(4, '0');
                check = false;

                for (int j = 0; j < passSections.Count(); j++)
                    if (loadsect == passSections[j])
                        splitnum = j + 1;
                        check    = true;

                if (check == true) // 181022 Due to that if there has the redrive section, we shouldpick the first one;

            if (splitnum == -1)
                Console.WriteLine("Something Wrong ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
                Console.WriteLine("Something Wrong ~~ there should have a section that end at the load address.");
                Console.WriteLine("Something Wrong ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
                string[] loadSecArray = new string[splitnum];

                for (int i = 0; i < splitnum; i++)
                    loadSecArray[i] = passSections[i];
                LoadSections = loadSecArray;
            ///if there is no section from now to load address , the halfsignal should be 0 ;
            if (splitnum != -1)
                halfsignal = splitnum;
                halfsignal = 0;
            #region Unload Sections
            //Unload Sections
            int unloadStart = 0;
            if (splitnum != -1)
                unloadStart = splitnum - 1;

            for (int i = 0; i < drselectunload.Count(); i++)
                string unloadsectemp = (string)drselectunload[i].ItemArray[0];
                string unloadsect    = unloadsectemp.PadLeft(4, '0');
                check = false;

                for (int j = unloadStart; j < passSections.Count(); j++)
                    if (unloadsect == passSections[j])
                        splitnum = j + 1;
                        check    = true;

                if (check == true) // 181022 Due to that if there has the redrive section, we shouldpick the first one;

            if (splitnum == -1)
                Console.WriteLine("Something Wrong ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
                Console.WriteLine("Something Wrong ~~ there should have a section that end at the unload address.");
                Console.WriteLine("Something Wrong ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~");
                string[] unloadSecArray = new string[splitnum - halfsignal];

                for (int i = halfsignal; i < splitnum; i++)
                    unloadSecArray[i - halfsignal] = passSections[i];
                UnLoadSections = unloadSecArray;