public static long insObject( string sessionGuid_in, string ip_forLogPurposes_in, SO_NWS_Attachment attachment_in, SO_DIC__TextLanguage[] tx_Name_in, SO_DIC__TextLanguage[] tx_Description_in, bool selectIdentity_in, out string guid_out, out int[] errors_out ) { guid_out = ""; long _output = -1L; Guid _sessionguid; Sessionuser _sessionuser; #region check... List<int> _errorlist; if (!check( sessionGuid_in, ip_forLogPurposes_in, ref attachment_in, out _sessionguid, out _sessionuser, out _errorlist )) { errors_out = _errorlist.ToArray(); return _output; } #endregion #region check Existence . . . if ( (attachment_in.IFContent <= 0) || !DO_NWS_Content.isObject(attachment_in.IFContent) ) { _errorlist.Add(ErrorType.data__not_found); errors_out = _errorlist.ToArray(); return _output; } #endregion // ToDos: here! should mark Content to be re-Approved! // ToDos: here! or not allow if no approve permition attachment_in.GUID = guid_out = Guid.NewGuid().ToString("N"); attachment_in.OrderNum = DateTime.Now.Ticks; Exception _exception = null; #region DBConnection _con = DO__utils.DBConnection_createInstance(...); DBConnection _con = DO__utils.DBConnection_createInstance( DO__utils.DBServerType, DO__utils.DBConnectionstring, DO__utils.DBLogfile ); #endregion try { //if ( // ( // (tx_Name_in != null) // && // (tx_Name_in.Length != 0)) // || // ( // (tx_Description_in != null) // && // (tx_Description_in.Length != 0) // ) //) { _con.Open(); _con.Transaction.Begin(); //} #region content_in.TX_Name = ...; if ( (tx_Name_in == null) || (tx_Name_in.Length == 0) ) { attachment_in.TX_Name_isNull = true; } else { attachment_in.TX_Name = SBO_DIC_Dic.insObject( _con, _sessionuser.IDApplication, OGen.NTier.Kick.lib.businesslayer.shared.TableFieldSource.NWS_ATTACHMENT__TX_NAME, tx_Name_in ); } #endregion #region content_in.TX_Description = ...; if ( (tx_Description_in == null) || (tx_Description_in.Length == 0) ) { attachment_in.TX_Description_isNull = true; } else { attachment_in.TX_Description = SBO_DIC_Dic.insObject( _con, _sessionuser.IDApplication, OGen.NTier.Kick.lib.businesslayer.shared.TableFieldSource.NWS_ATTACHMENT__TX_DESCRIPTION, tx_Description_in ); } #endregion _output = DO_NWS_Attachment.insObject( attachment_in, selectIdentity_in, _con ); _errorlist.Add(ErrorType.news__attachment__successfully_created__WARNING); #region _con.Transaction.Commit(); if ( _con.isOpen && _con.Transaction.inTransaction ) { _con.Transaction.Commit(); } #endregion } catch (Exception _ex) { #region _con.Transaction.Rollback(); if ( _con.isOpen && _con.Transaction.inTransaction ) { _con.Transaction.Rollback(); } #endregion _exception = _ex; } finally { #region _con.Transaction.Terminate(); _con.Close(); _con.Dispose(); if (_con.isOpen) { if (_con.Transaction.inTransaction) { _con.Transaction.Terminate(); } _con.Close(); } _con.Dispose(); #endregion } if (_exception != null) { #region SBO_LOG_Log.Log(; OGen.NTier.Kick.lib.businesslayer.SBO_LOG_Log.log( _sessionuser, LogType.error,, -1L, _sessionuser.IDApplication, "{0}", new string[] { _exception.Message } ); #endregion _errorlist.Add(; } errors_out = _errorlist.ToArray(); return _output; }
public static void updObject( string sessionGuid_in, string ip_forLogPurposes_in, SO_NWS_Attachment attachment_in, SO_DIC__TextLanguage[] tx_Name_in, SO_DIC__TextLanguage[] tx_Description_in, out int[] errors_out ) { Guid _sessionguid; Sessionuser _sessionuser; #region check... List<int> _errorlist; if (!check( sessionGuid_in, ip_forLogPurposes_in, ref attachment_in, out _sessionguid, out _sessionuser, out _errorlist )) { errors_out = _errorlist.ToArray(); return; } #endregion #region check existence . . . SO_NWS_Attachment _attachment; if ( attachment_in.IDAttachment <= 0 || ( (_attachment = DO_NWS_Attachment.getObject( attachment_in.IDAttachment )) == null ) ) { _errorlist.Add(ErrorType.data__not_found); errors_out = _errorlist.ToArray(); return; } #endregion // ToDos: here! should mark Content to be re-Approved! // ToDos: here! or not allow if no approve permition Exception _exception = null; #region DBConnection _con = DO__utils.DBConnection_createInstance(...); DBConnection _con = DO__utils.DBConnection_createInstance( DO__utils.DBServerType, DO__utils.DBConnectionstring, DO__utils.DBLogfile ); #endregion try { _con.Open(); _con.Transaction.Begin(); #region TX_Name . . . if ((tx_Name_in != null) && (tx_Name_in.Length != 0)) { if (_attachment.TX_Name_isNull) { _attachment.TX_Name = SBO_DIC_Dic.insObject( _con, _sessionuser.IDApplication, OGen.NTier.Kick.lib.businesslayer.shared.TableFieldSource.NWS_ATTACHMENT__TX_NAME, tx_Name_in ); } else { SBO_DIC_Dic.updObject( _con, _attachment.TX_Name, tx_Name_in ); } } #endregion #region TX_Description . . . if ((tx_Description_in != null) && (tx_Description_in.Length != 0)) { if (_attachment.TX_Description_isNull) { _attachment.TX_Description = SBO_DIC_Dic.insObject( _con, _sessionuser.IDApplication, OGen.NTier.Kick.lib.businesslayer.shared.TableFieldSource.NWS_ATTACHMENT__TX_DESCRIPTION, tx_Description_in ); } else { SBO_DIC_Dic.updObject( _con, _attachment.TX_Description, tx_Description_in ); } } #endregion //_attachment.??? = attachment_in.???; DO_NWS_Attachment.updObject( _attachment, true, _con ); _errorlist.Add(ErrorType.news__attachment__successfully_updated__WARNING); #region _con.Transaction.Commit(); if ( _con.isOpen && _con.Transaction.inTransaction ) { _con.Transaction.Commit(); } #endregion } catch (Exception _ex) { #region _con.Transaction.Rollback(); if ( _con.isOpen && _con.Transaction.inTransaction ) { _con.Transaction.Rollback(); } #endregion _exception = _ex; } finally { #region _con.Transaction.Terminate(); _con.Close(); _con.Dispose(); if (_con.isOpen) { if (_con.Transaction.inTransaction) { _con.Transaction.Terminate(); } _con.Close(); } _con.Dispose(); #endregion } if (_exception != null) { #region SBO_LOG_Log.Log(; OGen.NTier.Kick.lib.businesslayer.SBO_LOG_Log.log( _sessionuser, LogType.error,, -1L, _sessionuser.IDApplication, "{0}", new string[] { _exception.Message } ); #endregion _errorlist.Add(; } errors_out = _errorlist.ToArray(); }
public void Bind() { int[] _errors; SO_vNWS_Tag[] _tags; if ( #region ((_tags = ...) != null) (IDTag > 0) && ( (_tags = BusinessInstances.NWS_Tag.InstanceClient.getRecord_byTag( utils.User.SessionGuid, utils.ClientIPAddress, IDTag, 0, 0, out _errors )) != null ) && !Master__base.Error_add(_errors) && (_tags.Length != 0) #endregion ) { #region dic_Name.Texts = ...; List<OGen.NTier.Kick.lib.datalayer.shared.structures.SO_DIC__TextLanguage> _name = new List<OGen.NTier.Kick.lib.datalayer.shared.structures.SO_DIC__TextLanguage>( _tags.Length ); SO_DIC__TextLanguage[] _texts = new SO_DIC__TextLanguage[_tags.Length]; foreach (SO_vNWS_Tag _tag in _tags) { _name.Add(new SO_DIC__TextLanguage( _tag.IDLanguage, _tag.ShortName )); } dic_Name.Texts = _name.ToArray(); #endregion #region ddl_Tag_parent.SelectedValue = _tags[0].IFTag__parent.ToString(); if (_tags[0].IFTag__parent_isNull) { ddl_Tag_parent.SelectedValue = ""; } else { ddl_Tag_parent.SelectedValue = _tags[0].IFTag__parent.ToString(); } #endregion } else { dic_Name.Texts = null; ddl_Tag_parent.SelectedValue = ""; } }