protected void editAndSaveConnectionInformation(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { Button sendBtn = (Button)sender; String args = sendBtn.CommandArgument.ToString(); Database dbCheck = new Database(); DataTable dtCheck; DataRow dr; try { dtCheck = dbCheck.executeQueryLocal("SELECT name,dbName,userName,password,port,address,type,protocol,serviceName,SID FROM Connection WHERE ID=\'" + args + "\'"); dr = dtCheck.Rows[0]; } catch (ODBC2KMLException) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("There was an error retreiving connection information for connection " + args + ".", errorPanel1); eh.displayError(); return; } ConnInfo tempConnInfo = new ConnInfo(); tempConnInfo.setConnectionName(editConnName.Text); tempConnInfo.setDatabaseName(editConnDBName.Text); tempConnInfo.setServerAddress(editConnDBAddr.Text); tempConnInfo.setPortNumber(editConnDBPort.Text); tempConnInfo.setUserName(editConnUser.Text); tempConnInfo.setPassword(editConnPass.Text); tempConnInfo.setDatabaseType((editConnDBType.SelectedIndex)); tempConnInfo.setOracleProtocol(editOracleProtocol.Text); tempConnInfo.setOracleServiceName(editOracleService.Text); tempConnInfo.setOracleSID(editOracleSID.Text); if (editConnName.Text.Equals(dr["name"].ToString()) && editConnDBName.Text.Equals(dr["dbName"].ToString()) && editConnDBAddr.Text.Equals(dr["address"].ToString()) && editConnDBPort.Text.Equals(dr["port"].ToString()) && editConnUser.Text.Equals(dr["userName"].ToString()) && editConnPass.Text.Equals(dr["password"].ToString()) && editConnDBType.SelectedIndex.ToString().Equals(dr["type"].ToString()) && editOracleProtocol.Text.Equals(dr["protocol"].ToString()) && editOracleService.Text.Equals(dr["serviceName"].ToString()) && editOracleSID.Text.Equals(dr["SID"].ToString())) { updateConnection(sender, e); } else { this.editConnModalPopUp.Hide(); this.warningModal.Show(); continueUpdate.CommandName = e.CommandName.ToString(); continueUpdate.CommandArgument = args; } }
protected void updateConnection(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { Button sendBtn = (Button)sender; String args = sendBtn.CommandArgument.ToString(); ConnInfo tempConnInfo = new ConnInfo(); tempConnInfo.setConnectionName(editConnName.Text); tempConnInfo.setDatabaseName(editConnDBName.Text); tempConnInfo.setServerAddress(editConnDBAddr.Text); tempConnInfo.setPortNumber(editConnDBPort.Text); tempConnInfo.setUserName(editConnUser.Text); tempConnInfo.setPassword(editConnPass.Text); tempConnInfo.setDatabaseType((editConnDBType.SelectedIndex)); tempConnInfo.setOracleProtocol(editOracleProtocol.Text); tempConnInfo.setOracleServiceName(editOracleService.Text); tempConnInfo.setOracleSID(editOracleSID.Text); //If the connection information is bad, report the error and cancel the function. This does NOT run against the database. try { if (!tempConnInfo.isValid(Convert.ToInt32(args))) { throw new ODBC2KMLException(""); // Throw any error. The catch is generic. } } catch { String error = "The entered connection information is invalid. Please make sure all fields are filled and that they are in proper format."; if (tempConnInfo.getDatabaseType() == ConnInfo.ORACLE) { error = "The entered connection information is invalid. Please verify that all fields have a value and the value is of proper type." + " Also, make sure that Oracle SID or Oracle Service Name and Oracle Protocol have been entered."; } ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler(error, errorPanel1); this.editConnModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } //Create database and test it Database db = new Database(tempConnInfo); //See if you can reach the database. If not, error out and don't save. try { if (tempConnInfo.getDatabaseType() == ConnInfo.MSSQL) { String query = "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA != 'information_schema' AND TABLE_NAME != 'sysdiagrams'"; db.executeQueryRemote(query); } else if (tempConnInfo.getDatabaseType() == ConnInfo.MYSQL) { String query = "SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA != 'information_schema' && TABLE_SCHEMA != 'mysql'"; db.executeQueryRemote(query); } else if (tempConnInfo.getDatabaseType() == ConnInfo.ORACLE) { String query = "select TABLE_NAME from user_tables"; db.executeQueryRemote(query); } } catch { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The database entered could not be connected to. Please verify the information is correct.", errorPanel1); this.editConnModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } db.executeQueryLocal("UPDATE Connection SET name='" + tempConnInfo.getConnectionName() + "', dbName='" + tempConnInfo.getDatabaseName() + "', userName='******', password='******', port='" + tempConnInfo.getPortNumber() + "', address='" + tempConnInfo.getServerAddress() + "', type='" + tempConnInfo.getDatabaseType() + "', protocol='" + tempConnInfo.getOracleProtocol() + "', serviceName='" + tempConnInfo.getOracleServiceName() + "', SID='" + tempConnInfo.getOracleSID() + "' WHERE (ID='" + args + "')"); Connection conn = new Connection(Convert.ToInt16(args)); try { conn.populateFields(); //Force the connection into a safe state, if it is not if (!conn.safeStateConnection()) { String error = "Invalid connection information. Please verify all of your fields are filled in correctly." + "If you are using an oracle connection, please make sure you filled out the oracle specific information."; ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler(error, errorPanel1); this.editConnModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } } catch (ODBC2KMLException err) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler(err.errorText, errorPanel1); this.editConnModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } if (e.CommandName.Equals("saveConn")) { this.editConnModalPopUp.Hide(); Response.Redirect("Main.aspx"); } else { this.editConnModalPopUp.Hide(); Response.Redirect("ConnDetails.aspx?ConnID=" + ((Button)sender).CommandArgument.ToString() + "&locked=false"); } }
protected void editAndSaveConnectionInformation(object sender, CommandEventArgs e) { Button sendBtn = (Button)sender; String args = sendBtn.CommandArgument.ToString(); Database dbCheck = new Database(); DataTable dtCheck; DataRow dr; try { dtCheck = dbCheck.executeQueryLocal("SELECT name,dbName,userName,password,port,address,type,protocol,serviceName,SID FROM Connection WHERE ID=\'" + args + "\'"); dr = dtCheck.Rows[0]; } catch (ODBC2KMLException) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("There was an error retreiving connection information for connection " + args + ".", errorPanel1); eh.displayError(); return; } ConnInfo tempConnInfo = new ConnInfo(); tempConnInfo.setConnectionName(editConnName.Text); tempConnInfo.setDatabaseName(editConnDBName.Text); tempConnInfo.setServerAddress(editConnDBAddr.Text); tempConnInfo.setPortNumber(editConnDBPort.Text); tempConnInfo.setUserName(editConnUser.Text); tempConnInfo.setPassword(editConnPass.Text); tempConnInfo.setDatabaseType((editConnDBType.SelectedIndex)); tempConnInfo.setOracleProtocol(editOracleProtocol.Text); tempConnInfo.setOracleServiceName(editOracleService.Text); tempConnInfo.setOracleSID(editOracleSID.Text); if (editConnName.Text.Equals(dr["name"].ToString()) && editConnDBName.Text.Equals(dr["dbName"].ToString()) && editConnDBAddr.Text.Equals(dr["address"].ToString()) && editConnDBPort.Text.Equals(dr["port"].ToString()) && editConnUser.Text.Equals(dr["userName"].ToString()) && editConnPass.Text.Equals(dr["password"].ToString()) && editConnDBType.SelectedIndex.ToString().Equals(dr["type"].ToString()) && editOracleProtocol.Text.Equals(dr["protocol"].ToString()) && editOracleService.Text.Equals(dr["serviceName"].ToString()) && editOracleSID.Text.Equals(dr["SID"].ToString())) { updateConnection(sender, e); }else{ this.editConnModalPopUp.Hide(); this.warningModal.Show(); continueUpdate.CommandName = e.CommandName.ToString(); continueUpdate.CommandArgument = args; } }
protected void createConnection(object sender, EventArgs e) { String ConnName = odbcNameE.Text.ToString(); String ConnDBName = odbcDNameE.Text.ToString(); String ConnDBAddress = odbcDatabaseE.Text.ToString(); String ConnPortNum = odbcPNE.Text.ToString(); String ConnUser = odbcUserE.Text.ToString(); String ConnPWD = odbcPWE.Text.ToString(); String ConnDBType = odbcDBType.SelectedValue.ToString(); String oracleProtocol = odbcProtocol.Text.ToString(); String oracleSName = odbcSName.Text.ToString(); String oracleSID = odbcSID.Text.ToString(); String DBTypeNum; odbcDBType.SelectedIndex = 0; if (ConnDBType.Equals("MySQL")){ DBTypeNum = "0"; }else if(ConnDBType.Equals("MSSQL")){ DBTypeNum = "1"; }else{ DBTypeNum = "2"; } if (DBTypeNum.Equals("2")){ if (oracleSName.Equals("") && oracleSID.Equals("")){ ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("Either Service Name or Service ID must be completed!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } if (oracleProtocol.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("Oracle protocol must be provided!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } } Database dbCheck = new Database(); DataTable dtCheck = null; try { dtCheck = dbCheck.executeQueryLocal("SELECT name FROM Connection WHERE name=\'" + ConnName + "\'"); } catch (ODBC2KMLException) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("There was an error getting the Connection's name", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } if (dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("Connection name already in use!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } if (ConnName.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a unique name!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; }else if (ConnDBName.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a database name!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; }else if (ConnDBAddress.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a database address!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; }else if (ConnPortNum.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a port number!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; }else if(ConnUser.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a user name!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; }else if (ConnPWD.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a password!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } ConnInfo testConn = new ConnInfo(); testConn.setConnectionName(ConnName); testConn.setDatabaseName(ConnDBName); testConn.setDatabaseType((int)Convert.ToInt32(DBTypeNum)); testConn.setPassword(ConnPWD); testConn.setPortNumber(ConnPortNum); testConn.setServerAddress(ConnDBAddress); testConn.setUserName(ConnUser); if (DBTypeNum.Equals("2")) { testConn.setOracleProtocol(oracleProtocol); testConn.setOracleServiceName(oracleSName); testConn.setOracleSID(oracleSID); } try { Database dbTest = new Database(testConn); DataTable dtTest; if (DBTypeNum.Equals("0")) { dtTest = dbTest.executeQueryRemote("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES"); } else if (DBTypeNum.Equals("1")) { dtTest = dbTest.executeQueryRemote("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES"); } else { dtTest = dbTest.executeQueryRemote("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM user_tables"); } } catch (ODBC2KMLException ex) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler(ex.errorText, errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } //Call Create DB with the DB Function Database db = new Database(); DataTable dt; try { if (DBTypeNum.Equals("2")) { db.executeQueryLocal("INSERT INTO Connection (name, dbName, userName, password, port, address, type, protocol, serviceName, SID) VALUES ('" + ConnName + "', '" + ConnDBName + "', '" + ConnUser + "', '" + ConnPWD + "', '" + ConnPortNum + "', '" + ConnDBAddress + "', '" + DBTypeNum + "', '" + oracleProtocol + "', '" + oracleSName + "', '" + oracleSID + "')"); } else { db.executeQueryLocal("INSERT INTO Connection (name, dbName, userName, password, port, address, type, protocol, serviceName, SID) VALUES ('" + ConnName + "', '" + ConnDBName + "', '" + ConnUser + "', '" + ConnPWD + "', '" + ConnPortNum + "', '" + ConnDBAddress + "', '" + DBTypeNum + "', '', '', '')"); } } catch (ODBC2KMLException) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("There was an error saving the connection to the database.", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); //Jump to the Modify page try { dt = db.executeQueryLocal("SELECT ID FROM CONNECTION WHERE name='" + ConnName + "' AND dbName='" + ConnDBName + "' AND userName='******' AND port='" + ConnPortNum + "' AND address='" + ConnDBAddress + "' AND type='" + DBTypeNum + "'"); } catch (ODBC2KMLException) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("There was an error retreiving the new connection's connID.", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string connID = dr["ID"].ToString(); Response.Redirect("ConnDetails.aspx?ConnID=" + connID + "&locked=false"); } }
public static ConnInfo getConnInfo(int connID) { ConnInfo connInfo = new ConnInfo(); Database localDatabase = new Database(); //Construct the connInfo query and retrieve the DataTable string query = "SELECT * FROM Connection WHERE ID=" + connID + " ORDER BY ID"; DataTable table = null; try { table = localDatabase.executeQueryLocal(query); } catch (ODBC2KMLException ex) { ex.errorText = "Error getting connection information for the connection"; throw ex; } //Cycle through each row and column foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns) { //Set all connInfo switch (col.ColumnName) { case "name": connInfo.setConnectionName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "dbName": connInfo.setDatabaseName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "userName": connInfo.setUserName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "password": connInfo.setPassword(row[col].ToString()); break; case "port": connInfo.setPortNumber(row[col].ToString()); break; case "address": connInfo.setServerAddress(row[col].ToString()); break; case "type": connInfo.setDatabaseType((int)row[col]); break; case "protocol": connInfo.setOracleProtocol(row[col].ToString()); break; case "serviceName": connInfo.setOracleServiceName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "SID": connInfo.setOracleSID(row[col].ToString()); break; default: break; } } }//End outer loop return connInfo; }
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e) { Database db = new Database(); DataTable dt; Label title = new Label(); string connID = Request["con"]; string table = Request["tbl"]; string tblQuery = "SELECT * FROM " + table; ConnInfo info = new ConnInfo(); try { db = new Database(); string query = "SELECT * FROM Connection WHERE ID=" + connID; dt = db.executeQueryLocal(query); if (dt.HasErrors) { throw new ODBC2KMLException("There was a problem getting the connection information from the local database"); } } catch (ODBC2KMLException ex) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler(ex.conErrorText, errorPanel1); eh.displayError(); return; } //Cycle through each row and column foreach (DataRow row in dt.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in dt.Columns) { //Set all connInfo switch (col.ColumnName) { case "name": info.setConnectionName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "dbName": info.setDatabaseName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "userName": info.setUserName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "password": info.setPassword(row[col].ToString()); break; case "port": info.setPortNumber(row[col].ToString()); break; case "address": info.setServerAddress(row[col].ToString()); break; case "type": info.setDatabaseType(int.Parse(row[col].ToString())); break; case "protocol": info.setOracleProtocol(row[col].ToString()); break; case "serviceName": info.setOracleServiceName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "SID": info.setOracleSID(row[col].ToString()); break; default: break; } } }//End outer loop db.setConnInfo(info); try { dt = db.executeQueryRemote(tblQuery); } catch (ODBC2KMLException ex) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler(ex.tblErrorText, errorPanel1); eh.displayError(); return; } //resultsPanel.Visible = true; bool altTables = true; Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<span style=\"color: white; font-weight:bold; background-color:rgb(26,49,76);\"> " + table + " Database Query Results</span>")); Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div>")); Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table cellpadding=\"5\" cellspacing=\"2\">")); Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr><td>")); Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<div>")); Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table cellspacing=\"2\" cellpadding=\"2\" rules=\"all\">")); Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr class=\"titleConn\">")); foreach (DataColumn dc in dt.Columns) { Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td><b>" + dc.ColumnName + "<br/></b></td>")); } Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</tr>")); foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { if (altTables) { Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr class=\"evenConn\">")); foreach (Object data in dr.ItemArray) { Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td>" + data.ToString() + "</td>")); } Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</tr>")); } else { Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<tr class=\"oddConn\">")); foreach (Object data in dr.ItemArray) { Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<td>" + data.ToString() + "</td>")); } Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</tr>")); } altTables = !altTables; } Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</table>")); Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</td></tr>")); Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</div>")); Page.Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("</span>")); }
protected void createConnection(object sender, EventArgs e) { String ConnName = odbcNameE.Text.ToString(); String ConnDBName = odbcDNameE.Text.ToString(); String ConnDBAddress = odbcDatabaseE.Text.ToString(); String ConnPortNum = odbcPNE.Text.ToString(); String ConnUser = odbcUserE.Text.ToString(); String ConnPWD = odbcPWE.Text.ToString(); String ConnDBType = odbcDBType.SelectedValue.ToString(); String oracleProtocol = odbcProtocol.Text.ToString(); String oracleSName = odbcSName.Text.ToString(); String oracleSID = odbcSID.Text.ToString(); String DBTypeNum; odbcDBType.SelectedIndex = 0; if (ConnDBType.Equals("MySQL")) { DBTypeNum = "0"; } else if (ConnDBType.Equals("MSSQL")) { DBTypeNum = "1"; } else { DBTypeNum = "2"; } if (DBTypeNum.Equals("2")) { if (oracleSName.Equals("") && oracleSID.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("Either Service Name or Service ID must be completed!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } if (oracleProtocol.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("Oracle protocol must be provided!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } } Database dbCheck = new Database(); DataTable dtCheck = null; try { dtCheck = dbCheck.executeQueryLocal("SELECT name FROM Connection WHERE name=\'" + ConnName + "\'"); } catch (ODBC2KMLException) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("There was an error getting the Connection's name", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } if (dtCheck.Rows.Count > 0) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("Connection name already in use!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } if (ConnName.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a unique name!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } else if (ConnDBName.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a database name!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } else if (ConnDBAddress.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a database address!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } else if (ConnPortNum.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a port number!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } else if (ConnUser.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a user name!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } else if (ConnPWD.Equals("")) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("The connection must have a password!", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } ConnInfo testConn = new ConnInfo(); testConn.setConnectionName(ConnName); testConn.setDatabaseName(ConnDBName); testConn.setDatabaseType((int)Convert.ToInt32(DBTypeNum)); testConn.setPassword(ConnPWD); testConn.setPortNumber(ConnPortNum); testConn.setServerAddress(ConnDBAddress); testConn.setUserName(ConnUser); if (DBTypeNum.Equals("2")) { testConn.setOracleProtocol(oracleProtocol); testConn.setOracleServiceName(oracleSName); testConn.setOracleSID(oracleSID); } try { Database dbTest = new Database(testConn); DataTable dtTest; if (DBTypeNum.Equals("0")) { dtTest = dbTest.executeQueryRemote("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES"); } else if (DBTypeNum.Equals("1")) { dtTest = dbTest.executeQueryRemote("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.TABLES"); } else { dtTest = dbTest.executeQueryRemote("SELECT TABLE_NAME FROM user_tables"); } } catch (ODBC2KMLException ex) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler(ex.errorText, errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } //Call Create DB with the DB Function Database db = new Database(); DataTable dt; try { if (DBTypeNum.Equals("2")) { db.executeQueryLocal("INSERT INTO Connection (name, dbName, userName, password, port, address, type, protocol, serviceName, SID) VALUES ('" + ConnName + "', '" + ConnDBName + "', '" + ConnUser + "', '" + ConnPWD + "', '" + ConnPortNum + "', '" + ConnDBAddress + "', '" + DBTypeNum + "', '" + oracleProtocol + "', '" + oracleSName + "', '" + oracleSID + "')"); } else { db.executeQueryLocal("INSERT INTO Connection (name, dbName, userName, password, port, address, type, protocol, serviceName, SID) VALUES ('" + ConnName + "', '" + ConnDBName + "', '" + ConnUser + "', '" + ConnPWD + "', '" + ConnPortNum + "', '" + ConnDBAddress + "', '" + DBTypeNum + "', '', '', '')"); } } catch (ODBC2KMLException) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("There was an error saving the connection to the database.", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); //Jump to the Modify page try { dt = db.executeQueryLocal("SELECT ID FROM CONNECTION WHERE name='" + ConnName + "' AND dbName='" + ConnDBName + "' AND userName='******' AND port='" + ConnPortNum + "' AND address='" + ConnDBAddress + "' AND type='" + DBTypeNum + "'"); } catch (ODBC2KMLException) { ErrorHandler eh = new ErrorHandler("There was an error retreiving the new connection's connID.", errorPanel1); this.NewConn1ModalPopUp.Hide(); eh.displayError(); return; } foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { string connID = dr["ID"].ToString(); Response.Redirect("ConnDetails.aspx?ConnID=" + connID + "&locked=false"); } }
public static ConnInfo getConnInfo(int connID) { ConnInfo connInfo = new ConnInfo(); Database localDatabase = new Database(); //Construct the connInfo query and retrieve the DataTable string query = "SELECT * FROM Connection WHERE ID=" + connID + " ORDER BY ID"; DataTable table = null; try { table = localDatabase.executeQueryLocal(query); } catch (ODBC2KMLException ex) { ex.errorText = "Error getting connection information for the connection"; throw ex; } //Cycle through each row and column foreach (DataRow row in table.Rows) { foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns) { //Set all connInfo switch (col.ColumnName) { case "name": connInfo.setConnectionName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "dbName": connInfo.setDatabaseName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "userName": connInfo.setUserName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "password": connInfo.setPassword(row[col].ToString()); break; case "port": connInfo.setPortNumber(row[col].ToString()); break; case "address": connInfo.setServerAddress(row[col].ToString()); break; case "type": connInfo.setDatabaseType((int)row[col]); break; case "protocol": connInfo.setOracleProtocol(row[col].ToString()); break; case "serviceName": connInfo.setOracleServiceName(row[col].ToString()); break; case "SID": connInfo.setOracleSID(row[col].ToString()); break; default: break; } } }//End outer loop return(connInfo); }