コード例 #1
 public PartialViewResult addReadOnlySection(string sCounter, CollectionFormSection colFormSection)
     ViewData["sNumber"] = sCounter;
     return PartialView("_addReadOnlySection", colFormSection);
コード例 #2
        private void retrieveQuestionData()
            DSC_OBS_DB_ENTITY db = new DSC_OBS_DB_ENTITY();  //To give Database access to this Class
            // Pull all the questions information for the selected Form in the correct order
            var formQuestions = db.OBS_COL_FORM_QUESTIONS.Include(o => o.OBS_FORM_SECTION).Where(x => x.obs_cft_id == cft_id).ToList().OrderBy(y => y.obs_col_form_quest_order);
            if (formQuestions.Count() > 0)
            { //Pupulate the Form Sections and Questions List only if there is question data for the selcted Form
                int sectionCounter = 0;
                string oldSectionName = "undefined";
                string newSectionName = String.Empty;
                int questionCounter = 1;
                CollectionFormSection oSection = new CollectionFormSection();
                foreach (OBS_COL_FORM_QUESTIONS q in formQuestions)
                    newSectionName = q.OBS_FORM_SECTION.obs_form_section_name;
                    //If the section name has changed, then we are in a new section
                    if (!newSectionName.Equals(oldSectionName))   // --- If this is a new Section ---
                        // If this is not the first section. Add the old Section to the List
                        if (!oldSectionName.Equals("undefined")) { colFormSections.Add(oSection); }
                        //Create a new Section from scratch
                        oSection = new CollectionFormSection();
                        oSection.sectionNumber = sectionCounter;
                        oSection.sectionName = q.OBS_FORM_SECTION.obs_form_section_name;
                        oSection.sectionViewId = "viewSection" + oSection.sectionNumber.ToString();

                    //Create New question, Populate the Info and Add it to the current Form section
                    CollectionFormQuestion oQuestion = new CollectionFormQuestion();
                    oQuestion.cfq_id = q.obs_col_form_quest_id;
                    oQuestion.cfq_questId = q.OBS_QUEST_ANS_TYPES.obs_question_id;
                    oQuestion.cfq_order = q.obs_col_form_quest_order;
                    oQuestion.cfq_seqInForm = questionCounter.ToString("00");
                    oQuestion.cfq_fullText = q.OBS_QUEST_ANS_TYPES.OBS_QUESTION.obs_question_full_text.Replace(System.Environment.NewLine.ToString(), "").Trim();
                    oQuestion.cfq_AT = q.OBS_QUEST_ANS_TYPES.OBS_ANS_TYPE.obs_ans_type_name;
                    oQuestion.cfq_qatId = q.obs_qat_id;
                    oQuestion.cfq_na_yn = q.obs_col_form_quest_na_yn;
                    //oQuestion.cfq_SelectableAnswers = q.OBS_QUEST_ANS_TYPES.OBS_QUEST_SLCT_ANS.Where(item => item.obs_qsa_eff_st_dt <= DateTime.Now && item.obs_qsa_eff_end_dt > DateTime.Now).OrderBy(xx => xx.obs_qsa_order).Select(x => x.obs_qsa_text).ToList();
                    oQuestion.cfq_SelectableAnswers = q.OBS_QUEST_ANS_TYPES.OBS_QUEST_SLCT_ANS.OrderBy(xx => xx.obs_qsa_order).Select(x => x.obs_qsa_text).ToList();
                    // .... Populate the rest of the oQuestion properties

                    // reset the name of the old  section indicator
                    oldSectionName = newSectionName;
                } // End of For-each question loop
                //Finally add the last populated section to the section List