コード例 #1
        protected DataTable BindSSZ()
            Hashtable ht = new Hashtable();

            ht.Add("CategoryID", 1);
            PagerData pd = PagerData.GetInstance();
            SqlParameterCollection spc = new SqlCommand().Parameters;

            pd.Conn             = AppConfig.Conn_O2O2;
            pd.Field            = @" SysNo,PropertyName ";
            pd.Table            = @" dbo.P_Property ";
            pd.Where            = " WHERE 1=1 And Status = '0'";
            pd.SearchWhere      = " 1=1 ";
            pd.Order            = " ORDER BY SysNo ASC ";
            pd.PageSize         = PageSize;
            pd.CurrentPageIndex = PageIndex;
            if (ht != null && ht.Count > 1)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string key in ht.Keys)
                    #region 搜索条件
                    if (key == "PropertyName")
                        //sb.Append(" and PropertyName ").Append(" LIKE ").Append(Util.ToSqlLikeString(ht[key].ToString()));
                        sb.Append(" and PropertyName LIKE '%'+@PropertyName+'%'  ");
                        spc.Add(new SqlParameter("@PropertyName", ht[key].ToString()));
                pd.SearchWhere += sb.ToString();
            pd.Collection = spc;
            DataSet ds = pd.GetPage(PageIndex);

            string         sSql = "SELECT DISTINCT a.SysNo,a.GroupDesc FROM dbo.P_Property_Group AS a INNER JOIN dbo.P_CategoryTemplateProperty AS b ON a.SysNo = b.GroupSysNo WHERE b.C3SysNo = @CategoryID ORDER BY a.SysNo ASC";
            SqlParameter[] spp  =
                new SqlParameter("@CategoryID", ht["CategoryID"].ToString()),
            DataSet   dsF = SqlHelper.ExecuteDataSet(AppConfig.Conn_O2O2, sSql, spp);
            DataTable dts = new DataTable("ddd");
            dts           = dsF.Tables[0];
            dts.TableName = "ddd";
コード例 #2
        public DataSet GetDs(int sPageIndex, int sPageSize, Hashtable ht)
            PagerData pd = PagerData.GetInstance();
            SqlParameterCollection spc = new SqlCommand().Parameters;

            pd.Conn             = AppConfig.Conn_O2O2;
            pd.Field            = @" a.SysNo,c.PropertyName,d.GroupDesc,a.IsInAdvSearch,a.WebDisplayStyle,a.IsMustInput,a.SortNo,a.GroupSysNo ";
            pd.Table            = @" dbo.P_CategoryTemplateProperty AS a 
                        INNER JOIN dbo.P_Category AS b ON a.C3SysNo = b.SysNo AND ISNULL(b.C3Name,'') != ''
                        INNER JOIN dbo.P_Property AS c ON a.PropertySysNo = c.SysNo
                        INNER JOIN dbo.P_Property_Group AS d ON a.GroupSysNo = d.SysNo ";
            pd.Where            = " WHERE 1=1 ";
            pd.SearchWhere      = " 1=1 ";
            pd.Order            = " ORDER BY a.SysNo ASC ";
            pd.PageSize         = sPageSize;
            pd.CurrentPageIndex = sPageIndex;
            if (ht != null && ht.Count > 0)
                StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
                foreach (string key in ht.Keys)
                    #region 搜索条件
                    if (key == "CategoryID")
                        //sb.Append(" and b.SysNo ").Append(" = ").Append(Util.ToSqlString(ht[key].ToString()));
                        sb.Append(" and b.SysNo=@CategoryID  ");
                        spc.Add(new SqlParameter("@CategoryID", ht[key].ToString()));
                pd.SearchWhere += sb.ToString();
            pd.Collection = spc;
            DataSet ds = pd.GetPage(PageIndex);