コード例 #1
        public Artist CreateArtist( Artist artist, HttpServerUtilityBase server )
            if( artist == null ) throw new ArgumentException( "Artist can't be null" );
            if( server == null ) throw new ArgumentException( "Server can't be null" );

            using( var ctx = new NwdBackOfficeContext() )
                if( !ArtistExists( artist ) ) ctx.Artists.Add( artist );
                return ctx.Artists.Single( a => a.Name == artist.Name );
コード例 #2
        // POST api/track
        public async Task Post( [FromBody]TrackRegisterViewModel model )
            Stream buffer = null;
                if( Request.Content.IsMimeMultipartContent() )
                    var provider = await Request.Content.ReadAsMultipartAsync();
                    buffer = await provider.Contents[0].ReadAsStreamAsync();

                if( buffer == null ) throw new ArgumentNullException();

                using( var ctx = new NwdBackOfficeContext() )
                    int number = ctx.Albums.Where( a => a.Id == model.AlbumId ).FirstOrDefault().Tracks.Max( a => a.Number );
                    Track t = new Track { AlbumId = model.AlbumId, Duration = new TimeSpan( model.Duration ), Song = new Song { Composed = model.Song.Composed, Name = model.Song.Name }, Number = number };
                    ctx.Albums.SingleOrDefault( a => a.Id == model.AlbumId ).Tracks.Add( t );

                    string path = String.Format( "~/Private/{0}/{1}", model.AlbumId, t.AlbumId, t.Number );
                    t.FileRelativePath = path;

                    FileStream f = File.Create( HostingEnvironment.MapPath( path ) );
                    buffer.Seek( 0, SeekOrigin.Begin );
                    buffer.CopyTo( f );

コード例 #3
        public static Album CreateAlbum(Album album, HttpServerUtilityBase server)
            int i = 0;
            if (album == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("album");
            if (server == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("server");

            using (var ctx = new NwdBackOfficeContext())
                album = ctx.Albums.Add(album);

                string directory;
                string physDirectory;
                EnsureDirectory(album, server, out directory, out physDirectory);

                foreach (var track in album.Tracks)
                    track.Number = i;
                    HttpPostedFileBase file = track.File;
                    if (file == null) throw new ApplicationException("You must add a file to a track");

                    string fileName = SaveFile(physDirectory, file);
                    track.FileRelativePath = Path.Combine(directory, fileName);

                if (album.CoverFile != null)
                    string coverFileName = "cover.jpg";
                    string physPath = Path.Combine(physDirectory, coverFileName);

                    album.CoverImagePath = Path.Combine(directory, coverFileName);

                return album;
コード例 #4
        public Album EditAlbum( Album album, HttpServerUtilityBase server )
            using( var ctx = new NwdBackOfficeContext() )
                album = ctx.Albums.Attach( album );
                ctx.Entry( album ).Reference( e => e.Artist ).Load();
                ctx.Entry( album ).Collection( e => e.Tracks ).Load();

                string directory;
                string physDirectory;
                EnsureDirectory( album, server, out directory, out physDirectory );

                foreach( var track in album.Tracks )
                    HttpPostedFileBase file = track.File;
                    if( file != null )
                        //TODO delete previous file
                        string fileName = SaveFile( physDirectory, file );
                        track.FileRelativePath = Path.Combine( directory, fileName );

                    //else do not change the FileRelativePath since it is send by the form in an hidden input
                if( GetAlbumForEdit( (int)album.Id ).CoverImagePath != album.CoverImagePath )
                    if( album.CoverImagePath == null || album.CoverImagePath.Length == 0 )
                        album.CoverImagePath = "album.jpg";

                    string coverFileName = "cover.jpg";
                    string physPath = Path.Combine( physDirectory, coverFileName );
                    _fileRepo.SaveFile( album.CoverImagePath, physPath );

                    album.CoverImagePath = Path.Combine( directory, coverFileName );

                ctx.Entry( album ).State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
                //foreach( var e in ctx.ChangeTracker.Entries() )
                //    e.State = System.Data.EntityState.Modified;
                return album;