public LicenseResolver(SpdxLicenseData spdxLicenseData, string githubUsername, string githubPassword) { _spdxLicenseData = spdxLicenseData; var byteArray = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(githubUsername + ":" + githubPassword); _authHeader = new System.Net.Http.Headers.AuthenticationHeaderValue("Basic", Convert.ToBase64String(byteArray)); }
/// <summary> /// Download licenses from /// </summary> /// <param name="getIndividualLicenseText"></param> /// <returns>SpdxLicenseData</returns> public async Task <SpdxLicenseData> GetLicencesAsync(bool getIndividualLicenseText) { var licenses = new SpdxLicenseData(); try { var json = await GetHttpAsync(_url); if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(json)) { throw new Exception($"No data returned from {_url}."); } licenses = await LoadLicensesAsync(json, getIndividualLicenseText); } catch (Exception ex) { _log.LogError($"Error occurred when downloading licenses from ({ex.Message})"); } //Adding Amazon Web services licensing. licenses.Licenses.Add(new SpdxLicense { Id = "Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004", Name = "Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004", KnownAliasUrls = new List <string> { "" }, StandardLicenseTemplate = "", Text = "", SpdxDetailsUrl = "", IsDeprecatedLicenseId = false, IsOsiApproved = false, ReferenceNumber = "-1" }); //Add Microsoft licensing terms see list here for Visual Studio. //MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS //MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2017 TOOLS, ADD - ONs and EXTENSIONS licenses.Licenses.Add(new SpdxLicense { Id = "MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2017 TOOLS, ADD - ONs and EXTENSIONS", Name = "MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2017 TOOLS, ADD - ONs and EXTENSIONS", KnownAliasUrls = new List <string> { "", "" }, StandardLicenseTemplate = "", Text = "", SpdxDetailsUrl = "", IsDeprecatedLicenseId = false, IsOsiApproved = false, ReferenceNumber = "-1" }); //Web API //MICROSOFT SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS //MICROSOFT.NET LIBRARY licenses.Licenses.Add(new SpdxLicense { Id = "MICROSOFT.NET LIBRARY", Name = "MICROSOFT.NET LIBRARY", KnownAliasUrls = new List <string> { "", "", "", "" }, StandardLicenseTemplate = "", Text = "", SpdxDetailsUrl = "", IsDeprecatedLicenseId = false, IsOsiApproved = false, ReferenceNumber = "-1" }); //MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2015 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT licenses.Licenses.Add(new SpdxLicense { Id = "MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2015 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT", Name = "MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2015 SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT KIT", KnownAliasUrls = new List <string> { "", "" }, StandardLicenseTemplate = "", Text = "", SpdxDetailsUrl = "", IsDeprecatedLicenseId = false, IsOsiApproved = false, ReferenceNumber = "-1" }); //MICROSOFT PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE LICENSE TERMS //MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2017 FAMILY PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE licenses.Licenses.Add(new SpdxLicense { Id = "MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2017 FAMILY PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE", Name = "MICROSOFT VISUAL STUDIO 2017 FAMILY PRE-RELEASE SOFTWARE", KnownAliasUrls = new List <string> { "", "" }, StandardLicenseTemplate = "", Text = "", SpdxDetailsUrl = "", IsDeprecatedLicenseId = false, IsOsiApproved = false, ReferenceNumber = "-1" }); //Copyright (c) 2015-2016 Xamarin, Inc. //Copyright(c) 2017 - 2018 Microsoft Corporation. // licenses.Licenses.Add(new SpdxLicense { Id = "Xamarin, Inc. Microsoft Corporation", Name = "Xamarin, Inc. Microsoft Corporation", KnownAliasUrls = new List <string> { "" }, StandardLicenseTemplate = "", Text = "", SpdxDetailsUrl = "", IsDeprecatedLicenseId = false, IsOsiApproved = false, ReferenceNumber = "-1" }); return(licenses); }
public async Task GenerateAsync(IEnumerable <PackageInfo> packageList, Dictionary <string, LicenseRow> cachedLicenses, SpdxLicenseData spdxLicenseData) { var licenses = (await ToLicenseRowsAsync(packageList, cachedLicenses, spdxLicenseData)).OrderBy(p => p.Value.Id); switch (_options.FileType) { case FileType.Csv: using (var write = new StreamWriter(_options.Path)) { using (var helper = new CsvHelper.CsvWriter(write)) { helper.Configuration.SanitizeForInjection = true; helper.Configuration.QuoteAllFields = true; //Write headers foreach (var property in _options.Columns) { helper.WriteField(property, true); } helper.NextRecord(); var properties = typeof(LicenseRow).GetProperties().ToList(); //Write values foreach (var license in licenses) { //Get rid of new lines as they are bad in CSV and other report layouts. license.Value.LicenseText = license.Value?.LicenseText.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace(",", " "); // if (license.Value?.LicenseText?.Length >= 35000) { license.Value.LicenseText = license.Value.LicenseText.Substring(0, 35000); } foreach (var propertyName in _options.Columns) { var property = properties.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Name == propertyName); var value = property?.GetValue(license.Value, null); helper.WriteField(value?.ToString()); } helper.NextRecord(); } } } break; case FileType.Html: throw new NotImplementedException(); case FileType.Pdf: throw new NotImplementedException(); case FileType.Word: throw new NotImplementedException(); default: throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException(); } var proc = new Process(); var finfo = new FileInfo(_options.Path); if (finfo.Exists) { proc.StartInfo.FileName = finfo.FullName; proc.Start(); } }
private async Task <Dictionary <string, LicenseRow> > ToLicenseRowsAsync(IEnumerable <PackageInfo> packageList, Dictionary <string, LicenseRow> cachedLicenses, SpdxLicenseData spdxLicenseData) { var licenseResolver = new LicenseResolver(spdxLicenseData, "", ""); var rows = new Dictionary <string, LicenseRow>(); foreach (var package in packageList.OrderBy(p => p.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetTitle())) { var nugetId = package.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetId() + " : " + package.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetVersion().Version; var licenseRow = new LicenseRow { Id = nugetId, Component = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(package.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetTitle()) ? package.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetTitle() : package.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetId(), Project = package.ProjectList.Aggregate("", (accumulator, piece) => (accumulator.Length > 0 ? "," : "") + piece.Name),//string.Join(",", package.ProjectList), Author = package.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetAuthors(), LicenseUrl = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(package.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetLicenseUrl()) ? package.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetLicenseUrl() : package.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetProjectUrl(), License = "Unknown", Version = package.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetVersion().Version.ToString(), LicenseText = "", SpdxLicenseId = "", AccuracyOfLicense = AccuracyOfLicense.NotFound, RequireAcceptance = package.LocalPackageInfo.Nuspec.GetRequireLicenseAcceptance() }; //Check cache first //TODO consider checking if url has changed? if (cachedLicenses.ContainsKey(nugetId) && cachedLicenses[nugetId].LicenseUrl == licenseRow.LicenseUrl) { licenseRow = cachedLicenses[nugetId]; } else { //Go determine license. if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(licenseRow.LicenseUrl)) { var licenseTuple = await licenseResolver.ResolveAsync(new Uri(licenseRow.LicenseUrl)); if (licenseTuple?.Item2 != null) { licenseRow.License = licenseTuple.Item2.Name; licenseRow.SpdxLicenseId = licenseTuple.Item2.Id; licenseRow.LicenseText = licenseTuple.Item2.Text; licenseRow.AccuracyOfLicense = licenseTuple.Item1; if (cachedLicenses.ContainsKey(nugetId)) { cachedLicenses[nugetId] = licenseRow; } else if (!licenseRow.License.Equals("Unknown")) { cachedLicenses.Add(nugetId, licenseRow); } else { Debug.WriteLine("Unable to determine license for {licenseRow.LicenseUrl}."); } } else { Debug.WriteLine("Unable to determine license for {licenseRow.LicenseUrl}."); } } else { Debug.WriteLine("Unable to determine license for {licenseRow.LicenseUrl}."); } } if (rows.ContainsKey(nugetId)) { rows[nugetId] = licenseRow; } else { rows.Add(nugetId, licenseRow); } } return(rows); }