public void WhenAProjectContainsNet45BinariesItContainsTheNecessaryDependency() { var outputPackage = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".nupkg"; var inputPackage = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "ThisShouldBeANet45Project.1.0.nupkg"); var rightPackage = "Caliburn.Micro.1.5.2.nupkg"; var rightPackagePath = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", rightPackage); try { var sourceDir = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "packages"); (new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); File.Copy(rightPackagePath, Path.Combine(sourceDir, rightPackage), true); var package = new ReleasePackage(inputPackage); var outputFileName = package.CreateReleasePackage(outputPackage, sourceDir); var zipPackage = new ZipPackage(outputFileName); var dependency = zipPackage.GetLibFiles() .Where(f => f.Path.EndsWith("Caliburn.Micro.dll")) .FirstOrDefault(f => f.TargetFramework == FrameworkTargetVersion.Net45); Assert.NotNull(dependency); } finally { File.Delete(outputPackage); } }
public void ContentFilesAreIncludedInCreatedPackage() { var inputPackage = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "ProjectWithContent."); var outputPackage = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".nupkg"; var sourceDir = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "packages"); var fixture = new ReleasePackage(inputPackage); (new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); try { fixture.CreateReleasePackage(outputPackage, sourceDir); this.Log().Info("Resulting package is at {0}", outputPackage); var pkg = new ZipPackage(outputPackage); int refs = pkg.FrameworkAssemblies.Count(); this.Log().Info("Found {0} refs", refs); refs.ShouldEqual(0); this.Log().Info("Files in release package:"); var contentFiles = pkg.GetContentFiles(); Assert.Equal(2, contentFiles.Count()); var contentFilePaths = contentFiles.Select(f => f.EffectivePath); Assert.Contains("some-words.txt", contentFilePaths); Assert.Contains("dir\\item-in-subdirectory.txt", contentFilePaths); Assert.Equal(1, pkg.GetLibFiles().Count()); } finally { File.Delete(outputPackage); } }
// // ApplyReleases methods // List<string> installPackageToAppDir(UpdateInfo updateInfo, ReleaseEntry release) { var pkg = new ZipPackage(Path.Combine(rootAppDirectory, "packages", release.Filename)); var target = getDirectoryForRelease(release.Version); // NB: This might happen if we got killed partially through applying the release if (target.Exists) { Utility.DeleteDirectory(target.FullName).Wait(); } target.Create(); // Copy all of the files out of the lib/ dirs in the NuGet package // into our target App directory. // // NB: We sort this list in order to guarantee that if a Net20 // and a Net40 version of a DLL get shipped, we always end up // with the 4.0 version. pkg.GetLibFiles().Where(x => pathIsInFrameworkProfile(x, appFrameworkVersion)) .OrderBy(x => x.Path) .ForEach(x => CopyFileToLocation(target, x)); pkg.GetContentFiles().ForEach(x => CopyFileToLocation(target, x)); var newCurrentVersion = updateInfo.FutureReleaseEntry.Version; // Perform post-install; clean up the previous version by asking it // which shortcuts to install, and nuking them. Then, run the app's // post install and set up shortcuts. return runPostInstallAndCleanup(newCurrentVersion, updateInfo.IsBootstrapping); }
public void UsesTheRightVersionOfADependencyWhenMultipleAreInPackages() { var outputPackage = Path.GetTempFileName() + ".nupkg"; string outputFile = null; var inputPackage = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "CaliburnMicroDemo.1.0.0.nupkg"); var wrongPackage = "Caliburn.Micro.1.4.1.nupkg"; var wrongPackagePath = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", wrongPackage); var rightPackage = "Caliburn.Micro.1.5.2.nupkg"; var rightPackagePath = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", rightPackage); try { var sourceDir = IntegrationTestHelper.GetPath("fixtures", "packages"); (new DirectoryInfo(sourceDir)).Exists.ShouldBeTrue(); File.Copy(wrongPackagePath, Path.Combine(sourceDir, wrongPackage), true); File.Copy(rightPackagePath, Path.Combine(sourceDir, rightPackage), true); var package = new ReleasePackage(inputPackage); var outputFileName = package.CreateReleasePackage(outputPackage, sourceDir); var zipPackage = new ZipPackage(outputFileName); var fileName = "Caliburn.Micro.dll"; var dependency = zipPackage.GetLibFiles() .Where(f => f.Path.EndsWith(fileName)) .Single(f => f.TargetFramework == FrameworkTargetVersion.Net40); outputFile = new FileInfo(Path.Combine(sourceDir, fileName)).FullName; using (var of = File.Create(outputFile)) { dependency.GetStream().CopyTo(of); } var assemblyName = AssemblyName.GetAssemblyName(outputFile); Assert.Equal(1, assemblyName.Version.Major); Assert.Equal(5, assemblyName.Version.Minor); } finally { File.Delete(outputPackage); File.Delete(outputFile); } }
async Task<string> installPackageToAppDir(UpdateInfo updateInfo, ReleaseEntry release) { var pkg = new ZipPackage(Path.Combine(updateInfo.PackageDirectory, release.Filename)); var target = getDirectoryForRelease(release.Version); // NB: This might happen if we got killed partially through applying the release if (target.Exists) { this.Log().Warn("Found partially applied release folder, killing it: " + target.FullName); await Utility.DeleteDirectory(target.FullName); } target.Create(); // Copy all of the files out of the lib/ dirs in the NuGet package // into our target App directory. // // NB: We sort this list in order to guarantee that if a Net20 // and a Net40 version of a DLL get shipped, we always end up // with the 4.0 version. this.Log().Info("Writing files to app directory: {0}", target.FullName); var toWrite = pkg.GetLibFiles().Where(x => pathIsInFrameworkProfile(x)) .OrderBy(x => x.Path) .ToList(); // NB: Because of the above NB, we cannot use ForEachAsync here, we // have to copy these files in-order. Once we fix assembly resolution, // we can kill both of these NBs. await Task.Run(() => toWrite.ForEach(x => copyFileToLocation(target, x))); await pkg.GetContentFiles().ForEachAsync(x => copyFileToLocation(target, x)); return target.FullName; }