コード例 #1
            async Task<string> installPackageToAppDir(UpdateInfo updateInfo, ReleaseEntry release)
                string tmpDir = default(string);
                bool shouldDeleteTmpDir = findShortTemporaryDir(out tmpDir);

                var fs = new PhysicalFileSystem(tmpDir);
                var pkg = new OptimizedZipPackage(fs, Path.Combine(updateInfo.PackageDirectory, release.Filename));
                var target = getDirectoryForRelease(release.Version);

                // NB: This might happen if we got killed partially through applying the release
                if (target.Exists) {
                    this.Log().Warn("Found partially applied release folder, killing it: " + target.FullName);
                    await Utility.DeleteDirectory(target.FullName);


                // Copy all of the files out of the lib/ dirs in the NuGet package
                // into our target App directory.
                // NB: We sort this list in order to guarantee that if a Net20
                // and a Net40 version of a DLL get shipped, we always end up
                // with the 4.0 version.
                this.Log().Info("Writing files to app directory: {0}", target.FullName);

                var toWrite = pkg.GetLibFiles().Where(x => pathIsInFrameworkProfile(x, appFrameworkVersion))
                    .OrderBy(x => x.Path)

                // NB: Because of the above NB, we cannot use ForEachAsync here, we 
                // have to copy these files in-order. Once we fix assembly resolution, 
                // we can kill both of these NBs.
                await Task.Run(() => toWrite.ForEach(x => copyFileToLocation(target, x)));
                await pkg.GetContentFiles().ForEachAsync(x => copyFileToLocation(target, x));

                if (shouldDeleteTmpDir) {
                    await Utility.DeleteDirectory(tmpDir);

                return target.FullName;