public IEnumerable <BuildObject> getIncludes(BuildObject beatsrc) { IHasher hasher = BuildEngine.theEngine.getHasher(); OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject> includes = new OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject>(); BuildObject ifcFile =, beatsrc.getFileNameWithoutExtension(), ModPart.Ifc); BuildObject impFile =, beatsrc.getFileNameWithoutExtension(), ModPart.Imp); Util.Assert(ifcFile.Equals(beatsrc) || impFile.Equals(beatsrc)); includes.AddRange(this.directIncludes.getBasmIncludes(ifcFile)); includes.AddRange(this.directIncludes.getBasmIncludes(impFile)); return(includes); }
public override IEnumerable <BuildObject> getDependencies(out DependencyDisposition ddisp) { ddisp = DependencyDisposition.Complete; OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject> deps = new OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject>(); // Things we need to stitch the interface: deps.Add(this.genericStitch); deps.Add(this.appSpecificStitch); deps.AddRange(this.mainBeatVerb.getOutputs()); // Things we need to stitch the imports into the imp file: deps.Add(this.entryImpInput); deps.Add(this.context.getContextOutput()); IIncludePathContext pathContext = this.context.fetchIfAvailable(ref ddisp); if (pathContext != null) { this.dafnyMainIfcInput ="dafny_Main_i", ModPart.Ifc); Util.Assert(this.dafnyMainIfcInput != null); deps.Add(this.dafnyMainIfcInput); this.dafnyMainImpInput ="dafny_Main_i", ModPart.Ifc); Util.Assert(this.dafnyMainImpInput != null); deps.Add(this.dafnyMainImpInput); } return(deps); }
//- The list belongs to the caller to .Add() to as desired. public static OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject> getBasmFlavoredTransitiveDependencies(IContextGeneratingVerb context, BuildObject rootObj, out DependencyDisposition ddisp) { OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject> result = new OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject>(); TransitiveDepsVerb depsVerb = getBasmFlavoredTransitiveDepVerb(context, rootObj); result.Add(depsVerb.depsObj()); result.AddRange(depsVerb.getAvailableDeps(out ddisp)); //- NB add root object at end of list, to keep it in definition-dependency order result.Add(rootObj); return(result); }
public override IVerbWorker getWorker() { OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject> shallowDeps = new OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject>(); OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject> transitiveDeps = new OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject>(); IEnumerable <BuildObject> includes = getIncludeFactory().getIncludes(obj); foreach (BuildObject child in includes) { shallowDeps.Add(child); transitiveDeps.AddRange(factory(child).getTransitiveIncludes()); transitiveDeps.Add(child); } VirtualContents contents = new TransitiveDepsContents(shallowDeps, transitiveDeps); BuildEngine.theEngine.getNuObjContents().storeVirtual(depsObj(), new Fresh(), contents); return(new VerbSyncWorker(new Fresh())); }
//- This used to use a BeatTransitiveDepsVerb, but we're going with shallow dependencies at the moment. //- We may want to restore that behavior later, if we can get some sane transitive dep tree worked out for //- Verve code. //- The returned list belongs to the caller to .Add() to as desired. //- TODO this really needs to be factored to supply the actual Beat-flavored references separately //- from the auxiliary deps (transitive dep objects and context dep objects), so we don't have //- client code trying to filter back out the part it wants. Brittle. public static OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject> getBeatFlavoredShallowDependencies( IContextGeneratingVerb contextVerb, BuildObject rootObj, out DependencyDisposition ddisp, BeatIncludes.ImportFilter filter) { OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject> result = new OrderPreservingSet <BuildObject>(); result.Add(contextVerb.getContextOutput()); try { result.AddRange(getBeatFlavoredShallowIncludes(contextVerb, rootObj, filter)); ddisp = DependencyDisposition.Complete; } catch (ObjNotReadyException) { ddisp = DependencyDisposition.Incomplete; } catch (ObjFailedException) { ddisp = DependencyDisposition.Failed; } result.Add(rootObj); //- root really needs to go at the end of the list. return(result); }