private void DoPublish() { var header = $"Npm: {Registry}"; var msg = $"Are you really want to publish package {}: {package.version}?"; if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(header, msg, "Publish", "Cancel")) { return; } NpmPublishCommand.Execute(packageAsset, () => { // UpmClientUtils.ListPackages(() => Refresh(false)); }); }
public static IEnumerator PublishPackages(IDictionary <TextAsset, Package> toPublish) { var nl = Environment.NewLine; var message = $"Following packages would be published:" + toPublish.Aggregate("", (s, c) => s + $"{nl} - {}: {c.Value.version}"); var header = $"Npm {NpmPublishPreferences.Registry}"; if (!EditorUtility.DisplayDialog(header, message, "Publish", "Cancel")) { yield break; } try { foreach (var asset in toPublish) { EditorUtility.DisplayProgressBar("Npm Publish",, 1f); while (NpmUtils.IsNpmRunning) { yield return(null); } bool done = false; NpmPublishCommand.Execute(asset.Key, () => done = true); while (!done) { yield return(null); } Debug.Log("OK " + asset.Key); } } finally { EditorUtility.ClearProgressBar(); } }