static Culture() { Program.WriteLine("Loading cultures..."); Cultures = new Dictionary <string, Culture>(); NameGens = new Dictionary <string, Token>(); var cultures = Mix.GetTokenTree("culture.tml"); foreach (var c in cultures.Where(t => t.Name == "culture")) { Cultures.Add(c.Text, Culture.FromToken(c)); } DefaultCulture = Cultures.ElementAt(0).Value; foreach (var c in cultures.Where(t => t.Name == "namegen")) { NameGens.Add(c.Text, c); } DefaultNameGen = NameGens.ElementAt(0).Value; }
public ColorEditorControl(Color value) { Value = value; hexField = new TextBox(); knownList = new ListBox(); hexField.Text = value.ToHex(); hexField.Dock = DockStyle.Top; if (colors == null) { colors = new List <Tuple <string, SolidBrush> >(); var knownColors = Mix.GetTokenTree("knowncolors.tml", true); foreach (var knownColor in knownColors) { var name = knownColor.Name; var brush = new SolidBrush(System.Drawing.Color.FromArgb((int)((long)knownColor.Value | 0xFF000000))); colors.Add(new Tuple <string, SolidBrush>(name, brush)); } } knownList.Items.AddRange(colors.ToArray()); for (var i = 0; i < colors.Count; i++) { var colorHere = colors[i].Item2.Color.ToArgb(); if ((colorHere & 0xFFFFFF) == (value.ArgbValue & 0xFFFFFF)) { knownList.SelectedIndex = i; break; } } knownList.DrawMode = DrawMode.OwnerDrawFixed; knownList.DrawItem += new DrawItemEventHandler(knownList_DrawItem); knownList.SelectedIndexChanged += new EventHandler(knownList_SelectedIndexChanged); knownList.Dock = DockStyle.Fill; Controls.Add(knownList); Controls.Add(hexField); }
public static void LoadBiomes() { Biomes = new List <BiomeData>(); WaterLevels = new List <int>(); WaterTypes = new List <Fluids>(); var biomeData = Mix.GetTokenTree("biomes.tml"); var i = 0; foreach (var realm in biomeData.Where(x => x.Name == "realm")) { var waterLevel = (int)realm.GetToken("waterlevel").Value; WaterLevels.Add(waterLevel); var waterType = (Fluids)Enum.Parse(typeof(Fluids), realm.GetToken("watertype").Text, true); WaterTypes.Add(waterType); foreach (var biome in realm.Tokens.Where(x => x.Name == "biome")) { Biomes.Add(BiomeData.FromToken(biome, i)); } i++; } }
public static void Handler() { var host = NoxicoGame.HostForm; if (Subscreens.FirstDraw) { UIManager.Initialize(); Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); Subscreens.Redraw = true; var backdrop = new Bitmap(Program.Cols, Program.Rows * 2, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); var ccback = Mix.GetBitmap("travelback.png"); var ccpage = Mix.GetBitmap("ccpage.png"); var ccbars = Mix.GetBitmap("ccbars.png"); var pageTop = Program.Rows - (ccpage.Height / 2); using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(backdrop)) { gfx.Clear(Color.Black); gfx.DrawImage(ccback, 0, 0, Program.Cols, Program.Rows * 2); gfx.DrawImage(ccpage, 0, pageTop, ccpage.Width, ccpage.Height); var barsSrc = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 3, ccbars.Width, 7); var barsDst = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, Program.Cols, 7); gfx.DrawImage(ccbars, barsDst, barsSrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); barsSrc = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, ccbars.Width, 5); barsDst = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, (Program.Rows * 2) - 5, Program.Cols, 5); gfx.DrawImage(ccbars, barsDst, barsSrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } var list = new UIList() { Left = 4, Top = (pageTop / 2) + 4, Width = 34, Height = (ccpage.Height / 2) - 6, Background = Color.White, Foreground = Color.Black, }; UIManager.Elements.Add(new UIPNGBackground(backdrop)); UIManager.Elements.Add(new UILabel(i18n.GetString("travel_header")) { Left = 1, Top = 0, Foreground = Color.Silver }); UIManager.Elements.Add(new UILabel(i18n.GetString("travel_footer")) { Left = 1, Top = Program.Rows - 1, Foreground = Color.Silver }); UIManager.Elements.Add(new UILabel(i18n.GetString("travel_current") + "\n \x07<cCyan> " + (host.Noxico.CurrentBoard.Name ?? "Somewhere")) { Left = 44, Top = (pageTop / 2) + 4, Width = Program.Cols - 46, Foreground = Color.Teal }); UIManager.Elements.Add(list); var targets = new List <int>(); foreach (var target in NoxicoGame.TravelTargets) { targets.Add(target.Key); } targets.Sort(); list.Items.AddRange(targets.Select(x => NoxicoGame.TravelTargets[x])); list.Index = 0; //fixes crash when pressing Enter right away list.Enter = (s, e) => { var newBoard = NoxicoGame.TravelTargets.First(tn => tn.Value == list.Text).Key; if (host.Noxico.CurrentBoard.BoardNum == newBoard) { return; } NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddDays(1); while (Toolkit.IsNight()) { NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddHours(Random.Next(1, 3)); } NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddMinutes(Random.Next(10, 50)); host.Noxico.Player.OpenBoard(newBoard); var hereNow = host.Noxico.Player.ParentBoard; if (hereNow.BoardType == BoardType.Dungeon) { //find the exit and place the player there //TODO: something similar for towns var dngExit = hereNow.Warps.FirstOrDefault(w => w.TargetBoard == -2); if (dngExit != null) { host.Noxico.Player.XPosition = dngExit.XPosition; host.Noxico.Player.YPosition = dngExit.YPosition; } } else { host.Noxico.Player.Reposition(); } }; if (host.Noxico.CurrentBoard.Name != null) { var thisBoard = NoxicoGame.TravelTargets.FirstOrDefault(tn => host.Noxico.CurrentBoard.Name.StartsWith(tn.Value)); if (thisBoard.Value != null) { list.Index = list.Items.FindIndex(i => thisBoard.Value.StartsWith(i)); } } } if (Subscreens.Redraw) { Subscreens.Redraw = false; UIManager.Draw(); } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Back) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; host.Noxico.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); host.Noxico.CurrentBoard.Draw(true); host.Noxico.CurrentBoard.AimCamera(); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; } else { UIManager.CheckKeys(); } }
private static Bitmap backdrop; //, backWithPortrait; /// <summary> /// Don't see a Subscreen with multiple handlers often... /// </summary> public static void CharacterCreator() { if (Subscreens.FirstDraw) { //Start creating the world as we work... if (worldgen == null) //Conditional added by Mat. { worldgen = new System.Threading.Thread(NoxicoGame.Me.CreateRealm); worldgen.Start(); } //Load all bonus traits. var traits = new List <string>(); var traitHelps = new List <string>(); var traitsDoc = Mix.GetTokenTree("bonustraits.tml"); foreach (var trait in traitsDoc.Where(t => t.Name == "trait")) { traits.Add(trait.GetToken("display").Text); traitHelps.Add(trait.GetToken("description").Text); } //Define the help texts for the standard controls. controlHelps = new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "back", i18n.GetString("cchelp_back") }, { "next", i18n.GetString("cchelp_next") }, { "play", Random.NextDouble() > 0.7 ? "FRUITY ANGELS MOLEST SHARKY" : "ENGAGE RIDLEY MOTHER F****R" }, { "name", i18n.GetString("cchelp_name") }, { "species", string.Empty }, { "sex", i18n.GetString("cchelp_sex") }, { "gid", i18n.GetString("cchelp_gid") }, { "pref", i18n.GetString("cchelp_pref") }, { "tutorial", i18n.GetString("cchelp_tutorial") }, { "easy", i18n.GetString("cchelp_easy") }, { "gift", traitHelps[0] }, }; var xScale = Program.Cols / 80f; var yScale = Program.Rows / 25f; //backdrop = Mix.GetBitmap("chargen.png"); backdrop = new Bitmap(Program.Cols, Program.Rows * 2, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); var ccback = Mix.GetBitmap("ccback.png"); var ccpage = Mix.GetBitmap("ccpage.png"); var ccbars = Mix.GetBitmap("ccbars.png"); var pageLeft = Program.Cols - ccpage.Width - (int)(2 * yScale); var pageTop = Program.Rows - (ccpage.Height / 2); using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(backdrop)) { gfx.Clear(Color.Black); gfx.DrawImage(ccback, 0, 0, Program.Cols, Program.Rows * 2); gfx.DrawImage(ccpage, pageLeft, pageTop, ccpage.Width, ccpage.Height); var barsSrc = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 3, ccbars.Width, 7); var barsDst = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, Program.Cols, 7); gfx.DrawImage(ccbars, barsDst, barsSrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); barsSrc = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, 0, ccbars.Width, 5); barsDst = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(0, (Program.Rows * 2) - 5, Program.Cols, 5); gfx.DrawImage(ccbars, barsDst, barsSrc, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } //Build the interface. var title = "\xB4 " + i18n.GetString("cc_title") + " \xC3"; var bar = new string('\xC4', 33); string[] sexoptions = { i18n.GetString("Male"), i18n.GetString("Female"), i18n.GetString("Herm"), i18n.GetString("Neuter") }; string[] prefoptions = { i18n.GetString("Male"), i18n.GetString("Female"), i18n.GetString("Either") }; var labelL = pageLeft + 5; var cntrlL = labelL + 2; var header = (pageTop / 2) + 3; var top = header + 2; var buttons = (pageTop / 2) + 20; controls = new Dictionary <string, UIElement>() { { "backdrop", new UIPNGBackground(backdrop) }, //backWithPortrait) }, { "headerline", new UILabel(bar) { Left = labelL, Top = header, Foreground = Color.Black } }, { "header", new UILabel(title) { Left = labelL + 17 - (title.Length() / 2), Top = header, Width = title.Length(), Foreground = Color.Black } }, { "back", new UIButton(i18n.GetString("cc_back"), null) { Left = labelL, Top = buttons, Width = 10, Height = 1 } }, { "next", new UIButton(i18n.GetString("cc_next"), null) { Left = labelL + 23, Top = buttons, Width = 10, Height = 1 } }, { "wait", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_wait")) { Left = labelL + 23, Top = buttons, Foreground = Color.Silver } }, { "play", new UIButton(i18n.GetString("cc_play"), null) { Left = labelL + 23, Top = buttons, Width = 10, Height = 1, Hidden = true } }, { "nameLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_name")) { Left = labelL, Top = top, Foreground = Color.Gray } }, { "name", new UITextBox(string.Empty) { Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 1, Width = 24, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent } }, { "nameRandom", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_random")) { Left = cntrlL + 2, Top = top + 1, Foreground = Color.Gray } }, { "speciesLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_species")) { Left = labelL, Top = top + 3, Foreground = Color.Gray } }, { "species", new UISingleList() { Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 4, Width = 26, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent } }, { "tutorial", new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("cc_tutorial")) { Left = labelL, Top = top + 6, Width = 24, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent } }, { "easy", new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("cc_easy")) { Left = labelL, Top = top + 7, Width = 24, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent } }, { "sexLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_sex")) { Left = labelL, Top = top, Foreground = Color.Gray } }, { "sex", new UIRadioList(sexoptions) { Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 1, Width = 24, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent } }, { "gidLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_gid")) { Left = labelL, Top = top + 6, Foreground = Color.Gray } }, { "gid", new UISingleList(string.Empty, null, sexoptions.ToList(), 0) { Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 7, Width = 26, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent } }, { "prefLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_pref")) { Left = labelL, Top = top + 9, Foreground = Color.Gray } }, { "pref", new UISingleList(string.Empty, null, prefoptions.ToList(), 1) { Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 10, Width = 26, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent } }, { "giftLabel", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_gift")) { Left = labelL, Top = top, Foreground = Color.Gray } }, { "gift", new UIList(string.Empty, null, traits) { Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 1, Width = 30, Height = 24, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent } }, { "controlHelp", new UILabel(traitHelps[0]) { Left = 1, Top = 1, Width = pageLeft - 2, Height = 4, Foreground = Color.White, Darken = true } }, { "topHeader", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_header")) { Left = 1, Top = 0, Foreground = Color.Silver } }, { "helpLine", new UILabel(i18n.GetString("cc_footer")) { Left = 1, Top = Program.Rows - 1, Foreground = Color.Silver } }, }; //Map the controls to pages. pages = new List <UIElement>[] { new List <UIElement>() { controls["backdrop"], controls["headerline"], controls["header"], controls["topHeader"], controls["helpLine"], controls["nameLabel"], controls["name"], controls["nameRandom"], controls["speciesLabel"], controls["species"], controls["tutorial"], controls["easy"], controls["controlHelp"], controls["next"], }, new List <UIElement>() { controls["backdrop"], controls["headerline"], controls["header"], controls["topHeader"], controls["helpLine"], controls["sexLabel"], controls["sex"], controls["gidLabel"], controls["gid"], controls["prefLabel"], controls["pref"], controls["controlHelp"], controls["back"], controls["next"], }, new List <UIElement>(), //Placeholder, filled in on-demand from PlayableRace.ColorItems. new List <UIElement>() { controls["backdrop"], controls["headerline"], controls["header"], controls["topHeader"], controls["helpLine"], controls["giftLabel"], controls["gift"], controls["controlHelp"], controls["back"], controls["wait"], controls["play"], }, }; CollectPlayables(); loadPage = new Action <int>(p => { UIManager.Elements.Clear(); UIManager.Elements.AddRange(pages[page]); UIManager.Highlight = UIManager.Elements[5]; //select whatever comes after helpLine. }); //Called when changing species. loadColors = new Action <int>(i => { var species = playables[i]; controlHelps["species"] = species.Bestiary; pages[2].Clear(); pages[2].AddRange(new[] { controls["backdrop"], controls["headerline"], controls["header"], controls["topHeader"], controls["helpLine"] }); pages[2].AddRange(species.ColorItems.Values); pages[2].AddRange(new[] { controls["controlHelp"], controls["back"], controls["next"] }); }); controls["back"].Enter = (s, e) => { page--; loadPage(page); UIManager.Draw(); }; controls["next"].Enter = (s, e) => { page++; loadPage(page); UIManager.Draw(); }; controls["play"].Enter = (s, e) => { var playerName = controls["name"].Text; var sex = ((UIRadioList)controls["sex"]).Value; var gid = ((UISingleList)controls["gid"]).Index; var pref = ((UISingleList)controls["pref"]).Index; var species = ((UISingleList)controls["species"]).Index; var tutorial = ((UIToggle)controls["tutorial"]).Checked; var easy = ((UIToggle)controls["easy"]).Checked; var bonus = ((UIList)controls["gift"]).Text; var colorMap = new Dictionary <string, string>(); foreach (var editable in playables[species].ColorItems) { if (editable.Key.StartsWith("lbl")) { continue; } var path = editable.Key; var value = ((UISingleList)editable.Value).Text; colorMap.Add(path, value); } NoxicoGame.Me.CreatePlayerCharacter(playerName.Trim(), (Gender)(sex + 1), (Gender)(gid + 1), pref, playables[species].ID, colorMap, bonus); if (tutorial) { NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.AddToken("tutorial"); } if (easy) { NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.AddToken("easymode"); } NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddYears(Random.Next(0, 10)); NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddDays(Random.Next(20, 340)); NoxicoGame.InGameTime = NoxicoGame.InGameTime.AddHours(Random.Next(10, 54)); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.UpdateLightmap(NoxicoGame.Me.Player, true); Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; /* #if DEBUG * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("orgasm_denial_ring"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("baseballbat"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("really_kinky_panties"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("timertest"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("clit_regenring"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("gExtractor"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("strapon_ovi"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("strapon"); #if FREETESTPOTIONS * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("foxite"); // ok * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("odd_nip"); // ok * //NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("dogmorph"); no bodyplan * //NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("bunnymorph"); no bodyplan * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("chaos_potion"); // ok * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("enhanced_chaos_potion"); // ok * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("demonite_potion"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("tentacle_potion"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("cock_potion"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("corrupted_cock_potion"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("neutralizer_potion"); * NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character.GetToken("items").AddToken("spidermorph"); #endif #endif */ NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("welcometonoxico"), Color.Yellow); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("rememberhelp")); //Story(); }; ((UISingleList)controls["species"]).Items.Clear(); playables.ForEach(x => ((UISingleList)controls["species"]).Items.Add(x.Name.Titlecase())); ((UISingleList)controls["species"]).Index = 0; loadColors(0); ((UIRadioList)controls["sex"]).ItemsEnabled = playables[0].SexLocks; controls["species"].Change = (s, e) => { var speciesIndex = ((UISingleList)controls["species"]).Index; loadColors(speciesIndex); var playable = playables[speciesIndex]; controlHelps["species"] = playable.Bestiary; controls["controlHelp"].Text = playable.Bestiary.Wordwrap(controls["controlHelp"].Width); var sexList = (UIRadioList)controls["sex"]; sexList.ItemsEnabled = playable.SexLocks; if (!sexList.ItemsEnabled[sexList.Value]) { //Uh-oh. Select the first non-disabled item. for (var i = 0; i < sexList.ItemsEnabled.Length; i++) { if (sexList.ItemsEnabled[i]) { sexList.Value = i; break; } } } //redrawBackdrop(0); UIManager.Draw(); }; controls["sex"].Change = (s, e) => { //redrawBackdrop(0); UIManager.Draw(); }; controls["name"].Change = (s, e) => { controls["nameRandom"].Hidden = !controls["name"].Text.IsBlank(); UIManager.Draw(); }; controls["gift"].Change = (s, e) => { var giftIndex = ((UIList)controls["gift"]).Index; controls["controlHelp"].Text = traitHelps[giftIndex].Wordwrap(controls["controlHelp"].Width); controls["controlHelp"].Top = controls["gift"].Top + giftIndex; UIManager.Draw(); }; ((UIToggle)controls["tutorial"]).Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "tutorial", true); ((UIToggle)controls["easy"]).Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "easymode", false); UIManager.Initialize(); UIManager.HighlightChanged = (s, e) => { var c = controls.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Value == UIManager.Highlight); if (c.Key != null && controlHelps.ContainsKey(c.Key)) { controls["controlHelp"].Text = controlHelps[c.Key].Wordwrap(controls["controlHelp"].Width); controls["controlHelp"].Top = c.Value.Top; } else { controls["controlHelp"].Text = string.Empty; } UIManager.Draw(); }; loadPage(page); //redrawBackdrop(0); Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; Subscreens.Redraw = true; UIManager.HighlightChanged(null, null); NoxicoGame.Sound.PlayMusic("set://Character Creation", false); NoxicoGame.InGame = false; } if (Subscreens.Redraw) { UIManager.Draw(); Subscreens.Redraw = false; } if (WorldGenFinished) { WorldGenFinished = false; controls["play"].Hidden = false; UIManager.Draw(); } UIManager.CheckKeys(); }
public override void Update() { base.Update(); NoxicoGame.ContextMessage = i18n.GetString("context_interactmode"); if (this.ParentBoard == null) { NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; return; } //this.ParentBoard.Draw(true); if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Interact) || NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Back) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) { NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); NoxicoGame.ContextMessage = string.Empty; Hide(); return; } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.TabFocus) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.RightShoulder) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); Tabstop++; if (Tabstop >= Tabstops.Count) { Tabstop = 0; } XPosition = Tabstops[Tabstop].X; YPosition = Tabstops[Tabstop].Y; Point(); } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Accept) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.A) { Subscreens.PreviousScreen.Clear(); NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); var player = NoxicoGame.Me.Player; #if DEBUG if (PointingAt == null) { ActionList.Show("Debug?", this.XPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraX, this.YPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraY, new Dictionary <object, string>() { { "teleport", "Teleport" }, { "spawn", "Spawn character" }, }, () => { Hide(); if (ActionList.Answer is int && (int)ActionList.Answer == -1) { NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; Hide(); return; } switch (ActionList.Answer as string) { case "teleport": player.XPosition = this.XPosition; player.YPosition = this.YPosition; ParentBoard.AimCamera(); ParentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Aiming; Point(); return; case "spawn": var spawnOptions = new Dictionary <object, string>(); foreach (var bp in Character.Bodyplans) { spawnOptions[bp.Text] = bp.Text; } var uniques = Mix.GetTokenTree("uniques.tml", true); foreach (var bp in uniques) { spawnOptions['!' + bp.Text] = bp.Text; } ActionList.Show("Debug?", this.XPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraX, this.YPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraY, spawnOptions, () => { if (ActionList.Answer is int && (int)ActionList.Answer == -1) { NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Aiming; Point(); return; } Character newChar = null; if (ActionList.Answer is string && ((string)ActionList.Answer).StartsWith('!')) { newChar = Character.GetUnique(((string)ActionList.Answer).Substring(1)); } else { newChar = Character.Generate((string)ActionList.Answer, Gender.RollDice); } var newBoardChar = new BoardChar(newChar) { XPosition = this.XPosition, YPosition = this.YPosition, ParentBoard = this.ParentBoard }; newBoardChar.AdjustView(); ParentBoard.EntitiesToAdd.Add(newBoardChar); ParentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; Hide(); return; } ); break; } } ); } #endif if (PointingAt != null) { LastTarget = PointingAt; var distance = player.DistanceFrom(PointingAt); var canSee = player.CanSee(PointingAt); var options = new Dictionary <object, string>(); var description = "something"; options["look"] = i18n.GetString("action_lookatit"); if (PointingAt is Player) { description = i18n.Format("action_descyou", player.Character.Name); options["look"] = i18n.GetString("action_lookatyou"); if (player.Character.GetStat("excitement") >= 30) { options["f**k"] = i18n.GetString("action_masturbate"); } if (player.Character.HasToken("copier") && player.Character.GetToken("copier").Value == 1) { if (player.Character.Path("copier/backup") != null || player.Character.Path("copier/full") == null) { options["revert"] = i18n.GetString("action_revert"); } } } else if (PointingAt is DroppedItem) { var drop = PointingAt as DroppedItem; var item = drop.Item; var token = drop.Token; description = item.ToString(token); if (distance <= 1) { options["take"] = i18n.GetString("action_pickup"); } } else if (PointingAt is Container) { var container = PointingAt as Container; description = container.Name ?? "container"; } else if (PointingAt is Clutter) { var clutter = PointingAt as Clutter; description = clutter.Name ?? "something"; if (clutter.ID == "craftstation") { options["craft"] = i18n.GetString("action_craft"); } } else if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { var boardChar = PointingAt as BoardChar; description = boardChar.Character.GetKnownName(true); options["look"] = i18n.Format("action_lookathim", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); if (canSee && distance <= 2 && !boardChar.Character.HasToken("beast") && !boardChar.Character.HasToken("sleeping")) { options["talk"] = i18n.Format("action_talktohim", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); if (boardChar.Character.Path("role/vendor") != null && boardChar.Character.Path("role/vendor/class").Text != "carpenter") { options["trade"] = i18n.Format("action_trade", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); } } if (canSee && player.Character.GetStat("excitement") >= 30 && distance <= 1) { var mayFuck = boardChar.Character.HasToken("willing"); var willRape = boardChar.Character.HasToken("helpless"); if (!IniFile.GetValue("misc", "allowrape", false) && willRape) { mayFuck = false; } //but DO allow it if they're helpless but willing if (boardChar.Character.HasToken("willing") && willRape) { mayFuck = true; willRape = false; } if (boardChar.Character.HasToken("beast")) { mayFuck = false; } if (mayFuck) { options["f**k"] = i18n.Format(willRape ? "action_rapehim" : "action_fuckhim", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); } } if (canSee && !boardChar.Character.HasToken("beast") && player.Character.HasToken("copier") && player.Character.Path("copier/timeout") == null) { //if (player.Character.UpdateCopier()) if (player.Character.HasToken("fullCopy") || player.Character.HasToken("sexCopy")) { options["copy"] = i18n.Format("action_copyhim", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); } } if (canSee && player.Character.CanShoot() != null && player.ParentBoard.HasToken("combat")) { options["shoot"] = i18n.Format("action_shoothim", boardChar.Character.HimHerIt(true)); } } #if DEBUG if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { options["mutate"] = "(debug) Random mutate"; } if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { options["turbomutate"] = "(debug) Apply LOTS of mutations!"; } #endif ActionList.Show(description, PointingAt.XPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraX, PointingAt.YPosition - NoxicoGame.CameraY, options, () => { Hide(); if (ActionList.Answer is int && (int)ActionList.Answer == -1) { //NoxicoGame.Messages.Add("[Aim message]"); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Aiming; Point(); return; } switch (ActionList.Answer as string) { case "look": if (PointingAt is DroppedItem) { var drop = PointingAt as DroppedItem; var item = drop.Item; var token = drop.Token; var text = (item.HasToken("description") && !token.HasToken("unidentified") ? item.GetToken("description").Text : i18n.Format("thisis_x", item.ToString(token))).Trim(); MessageBox.Notice(text, true); } else if (PointingAt is Clutter && !((Clutter)PointingAt).Description.IsBlank()) { MessageBox.Notice(((Clutter)PointingAt).Description.Trim(), true, ((Clutter)PointingAt).Name ?? "something"); } else if (PointingAt is Container) { MessageBox.Notice(((Container)PointingAt).Description.Trim(), true, ((Container)PointingAt).Name ?? "container"); } else if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { if (((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.HasToken("beast")) { MessageBox.Notice(((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.LookAt(PointingAt), true, ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.GetKnownName(true)); } else { TextScroller.LookAt((BoardChar)PointingAt); } } break; case "talk": if (PointingAt is Player) { //if (Culture.CheckSummoningDay()) return; if (player.Character.Path("mind").Value >= 10) { MessageBox.Notice(i18n.GetString("talkingotyourself"), true); } else { MessageBox.Notice(i18n.GetString("talkingtoyourself_nutso"), true); } } else if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { var boardChar = PointingAt as BoardChar; if (boardChar.Character.HasToken("hostile") && !boardChar.Character.HasToken("helpless")) { MessageBox.Notice(i18n.Format("nothingtosay", boardChar.Character.GetKnownName(false, false, true, true)), true); } else { SceneSystem.Engage(player.Character, boardChar.Character); } } break; case "trade": ContainerMan.Setup(((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character); break; case "f**k": if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { SexManager.Engage(player.Character, ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character); } break; case "shoot": player.AimShot(PointingAt); break; case "copy": player.Character.Copy(((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character); player.AdjustView(); //NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.Format((player.Character.Path("copier/full") == null) ? "youimitate_x" : "become_x", ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.GetKnownName(false, false, true))); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.Format(player.Character.HasToken("fullCopy") ? "x_becomes_y" : "x_imitates_y").Viewpoint(player.Character, ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character)); player.Energy -= 2000; break; case "revert": player.Character.Copy(null); player.AdjustView(); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString((player.Character.HasToken("fullCopy")) ? "youmelt" : "yourevert")); player.Energy -= 1000; break; case "take": if (PointingAt is DroppedItem) { var drop = PointingAt as DroppedItem; var item = drop.Item; var token = drop.Token; drop.Take(player.Character, ParentBoard); player.Energy -= 1000; NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.Format("youpickup_x", item.ToString(token, true)), drop.ForegroundColor); NoxicoGame.Sound.PlaySound("set://GetItem"); ParentBoard.Redraw(); } break; case "craft": Crafting.Open(player.Character); break; #if DEBUG case "edit": TokenCarrier tc = null; if (PointingAt is DroppedItem) { tc = ((DroppedItem)PointingAt).Token; } else if (PointingAt is BoardChar) { tc = ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character; } NoxicoGame.HostForm.Write("TOKEN EDIT ENGAGED. Waiting for editor process to exit.", Color.Black, Color.White, 0, 0); NoxicoGame.HostForm.Draw(); ((MainForm)NoxicoGame.HostForm).timer.Enabled = false; var dump = "-- WARNING! Many things may cause strange behavior or crashes. WATCH YOUR F*****G STEP.\r\n" + tc.DumpTokens(tc.Tokens, 0); var temp = Path.Combine(Path.GetTempPath(), DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString() + ".txt"); File.WriteAllText(temp, dump); var process = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(temp); process.WaitForExit(); var newDump = File.ReadAllText(temp); File.Delete(temp); ((MainForm)NoxicoGame.HostForm).timer.Enabled = true; ParentBoard.Redraw(); if (newDump == dump) { break; } tc.Tokenize(newDump); ((BoardChar)PointingAt).AdjustView(); ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.RecalculateStatBonuses(); ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.CheckHasteSlow(); break; case "mutate": var result = ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.Mutate(1, 30); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(result); break; case "turbomutate": result = ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.Mutate(2500, 30); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(result); break; #endif default: MessageBox.Notice("Unknown action handler \"" + ActionList.Answer.ToString() + "\".", true); break; } } ); // true, true); return; } else { /* * var tSD = this.ParentBoard.GetDescription(YPosition, XPosition); * if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tSD)) * { * PointingAt = null; * MessageBox.ScriptPauseHandler = () => * { * NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Aiming; * Point(); * }; * MessageBox.Notice(tSD, true); * return; * } */ } } #if DEBUG if (NoxicoGame.KeyMap[Keys.D]) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); if (PointingAt != null && PointingAt is BoardChar) { ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.CreateInfoDump(); NoxicoGame.AddMessage("Info for " + ((BoardChar)PointingAt).Character.GetKnownName(true, true, true) + " dumped.", Color.Red); } } #endif if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Left) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Left) { this.Move(Direction.West); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Right) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Right) { this.Move(Direction.East); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Up) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Up) { this.Move(Direction.North); } else if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Down) || Vista.DPad == XInputButtons.Down) { this.Move(Direction.South); } }
public void Write(string text, Color foregroundColor, Color backgroundColor, int row = 0, int col = 0, bool darken = false) { if (!text.IsNormalized()) { text = text.Normalize(); } text = text.FoldEntities(); if (fontVariants == null) { var tml = Mix.GetTokenTree("fonts\\variants.tml"); fontVariants = new Dictionary <string, Tuple <int, bool> >(); foreach (var t in tml) { fontVariants.Add(t.Text, Tuple.Create((int)t.GetToken("offset").Value, t.HasToken("hasLowercase"))); } } var font = 0; var fontHasLower = true; var fg = foregroundColor; var bg = backgroundColor; var rx = col; for (var i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { var c = text[i]; if (c == '\r') { continue; } if (c == '\n') { col = rx; row++; continue; } if (c == '<') { var gtPos = text.IndexOf('>', i + 1); if (gtPos != -1) { var tag = text.Substring(i + 1); i = gtPos; if (tag.StartsWith("nowrap")) { continue; } if (tag[0] == 'c') { var match = Regex.Match(tag, @"c(?<fore>\w+)(?:,(?<back>\w+))?"); foregroundColor = (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups["fore"].Value) && match.Groups["fore"].Value.Length > 1) ? Color.FromName(match.Groups["fore"].Value) : fg; backgroundColor = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(match.Groups["back"].Value) ? Color.FromName(match.Groups["back"].Value) : bg; continue; } else if (tag[0] == 'f') { var match = Regex.Match(tag, @"f(?<face>\w+)?"); font = 0; var face = match.Groups["face"].Value; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(face) && face.Length > 1) { if (fontVariants.ContainsKey(face)) { font = fontVariants[face].Item1; fontHasLower = fontVariants[face].Item2; } } continue; } } } if (font > 0) { if (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') { c = (char)((c - 'A') + font); } else if (fontHasLower && c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') { c = (char)((c - 'a') + font + 0x1A); } } if (darken) { image[col, row].Background = image[col, row].Background.Darken(); image[col, row].Foreground = image[col, row].Foreground.Darken(); } if (!(darken && c == ' ')) { SetCell(row, col, c, foregroundColor, backgroundColor, true); } col++; if ((c >= 0x3000 && c < 0x4000) || (c >= 0x4E00 && c < 0xA000) || (c >= 0xE400 && c < 0xE500)) { SetCell(row, col, '\uE2FF', Color.Black, Color.Black); col++; } if (col >= Program.Cols) { col = rx; row++; } if (row >= Program.Rows) { return; } } }
public MainForm() { #if !DEBUG try #endif { this.Text = "Noxico"; this.BackColor = System.Drawing.Color.Black; this.DoubleBuffered = true; this.FormBorderStyle = FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle; this.MaximizeBox = false; //it's about time, too! this.FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(this.Form1_FormClosing); this.KeyDown += new KeyEventHandler(this.Form1_KeyDown); this.KeyPress += new KeyPressEventHandler(this.Form1_KeyPress); this.KeyUp += new KeyEventHandler(this.Form1_KeyUp); this.Icon =; this.ClientSize = new Size(Program.Cols * cellWidth, Program.Rows * cellHeight); this.Controls.Add(new Label() { Text = "Loading...", AutoSize = true, Font = new System.Drawing.Font("Arial", 24, FontStyle.Bold | FontStyle.Italic), ForeColor = System.Drawing.Color.White, Visible = true, Location = new System.Drawing.Point(16, 16) }); foreach (var reqDll in new[] { "Neo.Lua.dll" }) { if (!File.Exists(reqDll)) { throw new FileNotFoundException("Required DLL " + reqDll + " is missing."); } } try { Mix.Initialize("Noxico"); } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { if (!UacHelper.IsProcessElevated) { var proc = new System.Diagnostics.ProcessStartInfo(); proc.UseShellExecute = true; proc.WorkingDirectory = Environment.CurrentDirectory; proc.FileName = Application.ExecutablePath; proc.Verb = "runas"; try { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(proc); } catch { } } Close(); return; } if (!Mix.FileExists("credits.txt")) { SystemMessageBox.Show(this, "Could not find game data. Please redownload the game.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Close(); return; } var portable = false; IniPath = Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.LocalApplicationData), "noxico.ini"); if (File.Exists("portable")) { portable = true; var oldIniPath = IniPath; IniPath = "noxico.ini"; Program.CanWrite(); /* * if (!Program.CanWrite()) * { * var response = SystemMessageBox.Show(this, "Trying to start in portable mode, but from a protected location. Use non-portable mode?" + Environment.NewLine + "Selecting \"no\" may cause errors.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel, MessageBoxIcon.Warning, MessageBoxDefaultButton.Button1); * if (response == DialogResult.Cancel) * { * Close(); * return; * } * else if (response == DialogResult.Yes) * { * IniPath = oldIniPath; * portable = false; * } * } */ } if (!File.Exists(IniPath)) { File.WriteAllText(IniPath, Mix.GetString("noxico.ini")); } IniFile.Load(IniPath); if (portable) { IniFile.SetValue("misc", "vistasaves", false); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "savepath", "./saves"); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "shotpath", "./screenshots"); } RestartGraphics(true); fourThirtySeven = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "437", false); Noxico = new NoxicoGame(); Noxico.Initialize(this); MouseUp += new MouseEventHandler(MainForm_MouseUp); MouseWheel += new MouseEventHandler(MainForm_MouseWheel); GotFocus += (s, e) => { Vista.GamepadFocused = true; }; LostFocus += (s, e) => { Vista.GamepadFocused = false; }; Vista.GamepadEnabled = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "xinput", true); Program.WriteLine("Environment: {0} {1}", Environment.OSVersion.Platform, Environment.OSVersion); Program.WriteLine("Application: {0}", Application.ProductVersion); if (Environment.OSVersion.Platform == PlatformID.Unix) { Program.WriteLine("*** You are running on a *nix system. ***"); Program.WriteLine("Key repeat delays exaggerated."); NoxicoGame.Mono = true; Vista.GamepadEnabled = false; } this.Controls.Clear(); starting = false; Running = true; Cursor = new Point(-1, -1); cursorPens = new Pen[3, 16]; cursorPens[0, 0] = cursorPens[1, 0] = cursorPens[2, 0] = Pens.Black; for (var i = 1; i < 9; i++) { cursorPens[0, i] = cursorPens[0, 16 - i] = new Pen(Color.FromArgb((i * 16) - 1, (i * 16) - 1, 0)); cursorPens[1, i] = cursorPens[1, 16 - i] = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(0, (i * 32) - 1, 0)); cursorPens[2, i] = cursorPens[2, 16 - i] = new Pen(Color.FromArgb((i * 32) - 1, (i * 32) - 1, (i * 32) - 1)); } fpsTimer = new Timer() { Interval = 1000, Enabled = true, }; fpsTimer.Tick += (s, e) => { this.Text = "Noxico - " + NoxicoGame.Updates + " updates, " + Frames + " frames"; NoxicoGame.Updates = 0; Frames = 0; }; #if GAMELOOP while (Running) { Noxico.Update(); Application.DoEvents(); } #else FormClosing += new FormClosingEventHandler(MainForm_FormClosing); var speed = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "speed", 15); if (speed <= 0) { speed = 15; } timer = new Timer() { Interval = speed, Enabled = true, }; timer.Tick += new EventHandler(timer_Tick); #endif } #if !DEBUG catch (Exception x) { new ErrorForm(x).ShowDialog(this); SystemMessageBox.Show(this, x.ToString(), Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK); Running = false; fatal = true; Application.ExitThread(); } #endif if (!fatal) { Noxico.SaveGame(); } }
public static bool ResetToKnown(Entity thing) { if (!(thing is Clutter) && !(thing is Container)) { throw new InvalidCastException("ResetToKnown only takes Clutter and Container objects."); } var name = string.Empty; if (thing is Clutter) { name = ((Clutter)thing).Name; } else if (thing is Container) { name = ((Container)thing).Name; } if (clutterDB == null) { clutterDB = Mix.GetTokenTree("clutter.tml", true); } var knownThing = clutterDB.FirstOrDefault(kc => thing.Glyph == kc.GetToken("char").Value || (!name.IsBlank() && name.Equals(kc.Text, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) || thing.ID.StartsWith(kc.Text, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (knownThing != null) { thing.Glyph = (int)knownThing.GetToken("char").Value; if (knownThing.HasToken("color")) { thing.ForegroundColor = Color.FromName(knownThing.GetToken("color").Text); thing.BackgroundColor = thing.ForegroundColor.Darken(); //TileDefinition.Find(parentBoardHack.Tilemap[e.XPosition, e.YPosition].Index).Background; } if (knownThing.HasToken("background")) { if (knownThing.GetToken("background").Text == "inherit") { thing.BackgroundColor = TileDefinition.Find((thing.ParentBoard ?? ParentBoardHack).Tilemap[thing.XPosition, thing.YPosition].Index).Background; } else { thing.BackgroundColor = Color.FromName(knownThing.GetToken("background").Text); } } if (thing is Clutter) { ((Clutter)thing).CanBurn = knownThing.HasToken("canburn"); } //else if (thing is Container) ((Container)thing).CanBurn = knownClutter.HasToken("canburn"); thing.Blocking = knownThing.HasToken("blocking"); if (knownThing.HasToken("description")) { if (thing is Clutter) { ((Clutter)thing).Description = knownThing.GetToken("description").Text; ((Clutter)thing).descriptionFromDB = true; } else if (thing is Container && !((Container)thing).Token.HasToken("description")) { ((Container)thing).Token.AddToken("description", knownThing.GetToken("description").Text); } } if (knownThing.HasToken("name")) { if (thing is Clutter) { ((Clutter)thing).Name = knownThing.GetToken("name").Text; } if (thing is Container) { ((Container)thing).Name = knownThing.GetToken("name").Text; } } if (knownThing.HasToken("role") && thing is Clutter) { ((Clutter)thing).DBRole = knownThing.GetToken("role").Text; } return(true); } return(false); }
public static void Handler() { var host = NoxicoGame.HostForm; if (Subscreens.FirstDraw) { Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; UIManager.Initialize(); UIManager.Elements.Add(new UIWindow(i18n.GetString("pause_title")) { Left = 3, Top = 1, Width = 22, Height = pages.Count + 2 }); UIManager.Elements.Add(new UIWindow(string.Empty) { Left = 28, Top = 1, Width = 49, Height = 23 }); list = new UIList() { Width = 20, Height = pages.Count, Left = 4, Top = 2, Background = UIColors.WindowBackground }; list.Items.AddRange(pages.Keys); list.Change += (s, e) => { page = list.Index; text.Text = pages.Values.ElementAt(page); UIManager.Draw(); }; list.Enter += (s, e) => { if (list.Index == list.Items.Count - 1) //can't use absolute index because Debug might be missing. { host.Close(); } else if (list.Index == list.Items.Count - 2) //same { //System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(host.IniPath); Options.Open(); } else if (list.Index == 4) { TextScroller.Plain(Mix.GetString("credits.txt"), i18n.GetString("pause_credits"), false); } }; text = new UILabel("...") { Left = 30, Top = 2 }; UIManager.Elements.Add(list); UIManager.Elements.Add(text); list.Index = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "rememberpause", true) ? page : 0; UIManager.Highlight = list; Subscreens.Redraw = true; } if (Subscreens.Redraw) { Subscreens.Redraw = false; UIManager.Draw(); } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Back) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) { NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(true); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; } else { UIManager.CheckKeys(); } }
public static Board CreateDungeon(bool forTravel, string name) { var host = NoxicoGame.HostForm; var nox = host.Noxico; new UIPNGBackground(Mix.GetBitmap("makecave.png")).Draw(); host.Write("Generating dungeon. Please wait.", Color.Silver, Color.Transparent, 1, 2); host.Draw(); var dunGen = new StoneDungeonGenerator(); var caveGen = new CaveGenerator(); Func <Board, Warp> findWarpSpot = (b) => { var eX = 0; var eY = 0; var attempts = 0; var minSides = 1; while (true) { attempts++; if (attempts == 10) { minSides = 0; } eX = Random.Next(1, b.Width - 1); eY = Random.Next(1, b.Height - 1); //2013-03-07: prevent placing warps on same tile as clutter //<Ragath> Kawa, this is bad //<Ragath> that should be a .Any() call //if (b.Entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.XPosition == eX && e.YPosition == eY) != null) if (b.Entities.Any(e => e.XPosition == eX && e.YPosition == eY)) { Program.WriteLine("Tried to place a warp below an entity -- rerolling..."); continue; } var sides = 0; if (b.IsSolid(eY - 1, eX)) { sides++; } if (b.IsSolid(eY + 1, eX)) { sides++; } if (b.IsSolid(eY, eX - 1)) { sides++; } if (b.IsSolid(eY, eX + 1)) { sides++; } if (sides < 3 && sides >= minSides) { break; } } return(new Warp() { XPosition = eX, YPosition = eY }); }; Warp originalExit = null; BiomeData.LoadBiomes(); var biomeData = BiomeData.Biomes[DungeonGeneratorBiome]; /* Step 1 - Randomize jagged array, make boards for each entry. * ------------------------------------------------------------ * ("goal" board is boss/treasure room, picked at random from bottom floor set.) * [EXIT] [ 01 ] [ 02 ] * [ 03 ] [ 04 ] * [ 05 ] [ 06 ] [ 07 ] [ 08 ] * [ 09 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] * [GOAL] [ 13 ] */ var levels = new List <List <Board> >(); var depth = Random.Next(3, 6); var boardWidths = new[] { 80, 80, 80, 40, 160, 120 }; var boardHeights = new[] { 50, 50, 50, 25, 100, 75 }; for (var i = 0; i < depth; i++) { levels.Add(new List <Board>()); var length = Random.Next(2, 5); for (var j = 0; j < length; j++) { var board = new Board(boardWidths.PickOne(), boardHeights.PickOne()); board.AllowTravel = false; board.Clear(DungeonGeneratorBiome); board.BoardNum = nox.Boards.Count; board.Coordinate = nox.Player.ParentBoard.Coordinate; if (i > 0) { board.AddToken("dark"); } nox.Boards.Add(board); levels[i].Add(board); } } //Decide which boards are the exit and goal var entranceBoard = levels[0].PickOne(); var goalBoard = levels[levels.Count - 1].PickOne(); //Generate content for each board for (var i = 0; i < levels.Count; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < levels[i].Count; j++) { var board = levels[i][j]; if (Random.NextDouble() > 0.7 || board == entranceBoard) { caveGen.Board = board; caveGen.Create(biomeData); caveGen.ToTilemap(ref board.Tilemap); } else { dunGen.Board = board; dunGen.Create(biomeData); dunGen.ToTilemap(ref board.Tilemap); } board.Name = string.Format("Level {0}-{1}", i + 1, (char)('A' + j)); if (!name.IsBlank()) { board.Name = string.Format("{0}, level {1}-{2}", name, i + 1, (char)('A' + j)); } board.ID = string.Format("Dng_{0}_{1}{2}", DungeonGeneratorEntranceBoardNum, i + 1, (char)('A' + j)); board.BoardType = BoardType.Dungeon; board.Music = "set://Dungeon"; var encounters = board.GetToken("encounters"); foreach (var e in biomeData.Encounters) { encounters.AddToken(e); } encounters.Value = biomeData.MaxEncounters; encounters.GetToken("stock").Value = encounters.Value * Random.Next(3, 5); board.RespawnEncounters(); //If this is the entrance board, add a warp back to the Overworld. if (board == entranceBoard) { var exit = findWarpSpot(board); originalExit = exit; exit.ID = "Dng_" + DungeonGeneratorEntranceBoardNum + "_Exit"; board.Warps.Add(exit); board.SetTile(exit.YPosition, exit.XPosition, "dungeonExit"); //board.SetTile(exit.YPosition, exit.XPosition, '<', Color.Silver, Color.Black); } } } /* Step 2 - Randomly add up/down links * ----------------------------------- * (imagine for the moment that each board can have more than one exit and that this goes for both directions.) * [EXIT] [ 01 ] [ 02 ] * | * [ 03 ] [ 04 ] * | * [ 05 ] [ 06 ] [ 07 ] [ 08 ] * | | * [ 09 ] [ 10 ] [ 11 ] * | * [GOAL] [ 13 ] */ var connected = new List <Board>(); for (var i = 0; i < levels.Count; i++) { var j = Random.Next(0, levels[i].Count); //while (connected.Contains(levels[i][j])) // j = Randomizer.Next(0, levels[i].Count); var up = false; var destLevel = i + 1; if (destLevel == levels.Count) { up = true; destLevel = i - 1; } var dest = Random.Next(0, levels[destLevel].Count); var boardHere = levels[i][j]; var boardThere = levels[destLevel][dest]; var here = findWarpSpot(boardHere); var there = findWarpSpot(boardThere); boardHere.Warps.Add(here); boardThere.Warps.Add(there); here.ID = boardHere.ID + boardHere.Warps.Count; there.ID = boardThere.ID + boardThere.Warps.Count; here.TargetBoard = boardThere.BoardNum; there.TargetBoard = boardHere.BoardNum; here.TargetWarpID = there.ID; there.TargetWarpID = here.ID; boardHere.SetTile(here.YPosition, here.XPosition, up ? "dungeonUpstairs" : "dungeonDownstairs"); //boardHere.SetTile(here.YPosition, here.XPosition, up ? '<' : '>', Color.Gray, Color.Black); boardThere.SetTile(there.YPosition, there.XPosition, up ? "dungeonDownstairs" : "dungeonUpstairs"); //boardThere.SetTile(there.YPosition, there.XPosition, !up ? '<' : '>', Color.Gray, Color.Black); Program.WriteLine("Connected {0} || {1}.", boardHere.ID, boardThere.ID); connected.Add(boardHere); connected.Add(boardThere); } /* Step 3 - Connect the Unconnected * -------------------------------- * [EXIT]=[ 01 ]=[ 02 ] * | * [ 03 ]=[ 04 ] * | * [ 05 ]=[ 06 ] [ 07 ]=[ 08 ] * | | * [ 09 ]=[ 10 ]=[ 11 ] * | * [GOAL]=[ 13 ] */ for (var i = 0; i < levels.Count; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < levels[i].Count - 1; j++) { //Don't connect if this board AND the right-hand neighbor are already connected. //if (connected.Contains(levels[i][j]) && connected.Contains(levels[i][j + 1])) // continue; var boardHere = levels[i][j]; var boardThere = levels[i][j + 1]; var here = findWarpSpot(boardHere); var there = findWarpSpot(boardThere); boardHere.Warps.Add(here); boardThere.Warps.Add(there); here.ID = boardHere.ID + boardHere.Warps.Count; there.ID = boardThere.ID + boardThere.Warps.Count; here.TargetBoard = boardThere.BoardNum; there.TargetBoard = boardHere.BoardNum; here.TargetWarpID = there.ID; there.TargetWarpID = here.ID; boardHere.SetTile(here.YPosition, here.XPosition, "dungeonSideexit"); //boardHere.SetTile(here.YPosition, here.XPosition, '\x2261', Color.Gray, Color.Black); boardThere.SetTile(there.YPosition, there.XPosition, "dungeonSideexit"); //boardThere.SetTile(there.YPosition, there.XPosition, '\x2261', Color.Gray, Color.Black); Program.WriteLine("Connected {0} -- {1}.", boardHere.ID, boardThere.ID); connected.Add(boardHere); connected.Add(boardThere); } } // Step 4 - place sick lewt in goalBoard var treasureX = 0; var treasureY = 0; while (true) { treasureX = Random.Next(1, goalBoard.Width - 1); treasureY = Random.Next(1, goalBoard.Height - 1); //2013-03-07: prevent treasure from spawning inside a wall if (goalBoard.IsSolid(treasureY, treasureX)) { continue; } //2013-03-07: prevent placing warps on same tile as clutter if (goalBoard.Entities.FirstOrDefault(e => e.XPosition == treasureX && e.YPosition == treasureY) != null) { Program.WriteLine("Tried to place cave treasure below an entity -- rerolling..."); continue; } var sides = 0; if (goalBoard.IsSolid(treasureY - 1, treasureX)) { sides++; } if (goalBoard.IsSolid(treasureY + 1, treasureX)) { sides++; } if (goalBoard.IsSolid(treasureY, treasureX - 1)) { sides++; } if (goalBoard.IsSolid(treasureY, treasureX + 1)) { sides++; } if (sides < 3 && sides > 1 && goalBoard.Warps.FirstOrDefault(w => w.XPosition == treasureX && w.YPosition == treasureY) == null) { break; } } var treasure = DungeonGenerator.GetRandomLoot("container", "dungeon_chest", new Dictionary <string, string>() { { "biome", BiomeData.Biomes[DungeonGenerator.DungeonGeneratorBiome].Name.ToLowerInvariant() }, }); var treasureChest = new Container(i18n.GetString("treasurechest"), treasure) { Glyph = 0x14A, XPosition = treasureX, YPosition = treasureY, ForegroundColor = Color.FromName("SaddleBrown"), BackgroundColor = Color.Black, ParentBoard = goalBoard, Blocking = false, }; goalBoard.Entities.Add(treasureChest); if (forTravel) { originalExit.TargetBoard = -2; //causes Travel menu to appear on use. return(entranceBoard); } var entrance = nox.CurrentBoard.Warps.Find(w => w.ID == DungeonGeneratorEntranceWarpID); entrance.TargetBoard = entranceBoard.BoardNum; //should be this one. entrance.TargetWarpID = originalExit.ID; originalExit.TargetBoard = nox.CurrentBoard.BoardNum; originalExit.TargetWarpID = entrance.ID; nox.CurrentBoard.EntitiesToRemove.Add(nox.Player); nox.CurrentBoard = entranceBoard; nox.Player.ParentBoard = entranceBoard; entranceBoard.Entities.Add(nox.Player); nox.Player.XPosition = originalExit.XPosition; nox.Player.YPosition = originalExit.YPosition; entranceBoard.UpdateLightmap(nox.Player, true); entranceBoard.Redraw(); entranceBoard.PlayMusic(); NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; NoxicoGame.Me.SaveGame(); return(entranceBoard); }
static Color() { colorTable = Mix.GetTokenTree("knowncolors.tml", true); }
public void PlaySound(string name) { if (!Enabled || musicVolume == 0) { return; } if (name.StartsWith("set://")) { name = name.Substring(6); var setNode = soundLibrary.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == name); if (setNode == null) { name = "-"; } else { name = "-"; var unmarked = new List <Token>(); foreach (var t in setNode.Tokens) { if (!t.HasToken("used")) { unmarked.Add(t); } } if (unmarked.Count == 0) { foreach (var t in setNode.Tokens) { t.RemoveToken("used"); unmarked.Add(t); } } while (unmarked.Count > 0) { var pick = Random.Next(unmarked.Count); var file = unmarked[pick].Name; if (!Mix.FileExists(file)) { unmarked.RemoveAt(pick); } else { name = file; unmarked[pick].AddToken("used"); break; } } } } if (sounds.ContainsKey(name) && sounds[name] == null) { return; } if (!sounds.ContainsKey(name)) { if (Mix.FileExists(name)) { sounds.Add(name, new Sound(name, system)); } else { sounds.Add(name, null); return; } } sounds[name].Play(); sounds[name].Channel.SetVolume(soundVolume); }
public void PlayMusic(string name, bool fade = true) { if (!Enabled || musicVolume == 0) { return; } var set = targetSet; if (name.StartsWith("set://")) { set = name.Substring(6); var setNode = musicLibrary.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name == set); if (setNode == null) { name = "-"; } else { name = "-"; var unmarked = new List <Token>(); foreach (var t in setNode.Tokens) { if (!t.HasToken("used")) { unmarked.Add(t); } } if (unmarked.Count == 0) { foreach (var t in setNode.Tokens) { t.RemoveToken("used"); unmarked.Add(t); } } while (unmarked.Count > 0) { var pick = Random.Next(unmarked.Count); var file = unmarked[pick].Name; if (!Mix.FileExists(file)) { unmarked.RemoveAt(pick); } else { name = file; unmarked[pick].AddToken("used"); break; } } } } if (set == currentSet) { return; } if (fade && string.IsNullOrEmpty(FadeTarget) && musicChannel != null && name != musicPlaying) { FadeTarget = name; targetSet = set; fadeProcess = 300; return; } FadeTarget = null; if (name == "-") { if (musicChannel != null) { musicChannel.Stop(); } if (music != null) { music.Release(); } currentSet = string.Empty; musicPlaying = string.Empty; } else if (musicPlaying != name) { if (Mix.FileExists(name)) { if (musicChannel != null) { musicChannel.Stop(); } if (music != null) { music.Release(); } var data = Mix.GetBytes(name); var fCSex = new FMOD.CreateSoundExInfo() { Size = 216, Length = (uint)data.Length }; CheckError(system.CreateSound(data, FMOD.SoundMode.LoopNormal | FMOD.SoundMode.OpenMemory, ref fCSex, ref music)); system.PlaySound(music, false, ref musicChannel); musicPlaying = name; currentSet = set; musicChannel.SetVolume(musicVolume); //NoxicoGame.HostForm.Text = file; } else { Program.WriteLine("PlayMusic: couldn't load song \"{0}\".", name); } } }
public static void Engage(Character top, Character bottom, string name = "(start)") { if (sceneList == null) { sceneList = Mix.GetTokenTree("dialogue.tml", true); } = top; SceneSystem.bottom = bottom; SceneSystem.actors = new[] { top, bottom }; var dreaming = top.HasToken("dream"); if (name.Contains('\xE064')) { name = name.Remove(name.LastIndexOf('\xE064')); } var openings = sceneList.Where(x => x.Name == "scene" && x.GetToken("name").Text == name).ToList(); if (openings.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Notice(string.Format("Could not find a proper opening for scene name \"{0}\". Aborting.", name), true, "Uh-oh."); return; } var firstScene = openings.FirstOrDefault(i => SexManager.LimitsOkay(actors, i)); var scenes = new List <Token>() { firstScene }; if (firstScene.HasToken("random")) { var randomKey = firstScene.GetToken("random").Text; foreach (var s in openings.Where(i => i != firstScene && i.HasToken("random") && i.GetToken("random").Text == randomKey && SexManager.LimitsOkay(actors, i))) { scenes.Add(s); } } var scene = scenes.PickOne(); var message = i18n.Viewpoint(ExtractParagraphsAndScripts(scene),, SceneSystem.bottom); var actions = ExtractActions(scene); if (actions.Count == 1) { var target = actions.First().Key; actions.Clear(); actions.Add(target, "==>"); } if (bottom == NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character && !letBottomChoose) { if (actions.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Notice(message, true, bottom.Name.ToString(true)); } else { var randomAction = actions.Keys.ToArray().PickOne(); actions.Clear(); actions.Add(randomAction, "==>"); MessageBox.List(message, actions, () => { Engage(, SceneSystem.bottom, (string)MessageBox.Answer); }, false, true, bottom.GetKnownName(true, true)); } } else { letBottomChoose = false; if (actions.Count == 0) { MessageBox.Notice(message, !dreaming, bottom.GetKnownName(true, true)); } else { MessageBox.List(message, actions, () => { Engage(, SceneSystem.bottom, (string)MessageBox.Answer); }, false, !dreaming, bottom.GetKnownName(true, true)); } } if (dreaming) { new UIPNGBackground(Mix.GetBitmap("dream.png")).Draw(); } else { NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(); } }
public static string Wordwrap(this string text, int length = 80) { var words = new List <Word>(); var lines = new List <string>(); text = text.Normalize(); #region Hyphenator if (hyphenationRules == null) { var rulesRoot = Mix.GetTokenTree("i18n.tml").First(t => t.Name == "hyphenation"); hyphenationRules = new List <Tuple <Regex, int> >(); foreach (var rule in rulesRoot.Tokens) { var newTuple = Tuple.Create(new Regex(rule.GetToken("pattern").Text), (int)rule.GetToken("cutoff").Value); hyphenationRules.Add(newTuple); } } var newText = new StringBuilder(); foreach (var inWord in text.Split(' ')) { if (inWord.Contains('\u00AD') || inWord.Length < 6) { newText.Append(inWord); newText.Append(' '); continue; } var word = inWord; foreach (var rule in hyphenationRules) { if (rule.Item2 == -1 && rule.Item1.IsMatch(word)) { break; } while (rule.Item1.IsMatch(word)) { var match = rule.Item1.Match(word); word = word.Substring(0, match.Index + rule.Item2) + '\u00AD' + word.Substring(match.Index + rule.Item2); } } newText.Append(word); newText.Append(' '); } text = newText.ToString(); text = text.Replace("\u00AD\u00AD", "\u00AD"); text = Regex.Replace(text, "<(?:[\\w^]+)(\u00AD)(?:[\\w^]+)>", (m => m.Captures[0].Value.Replace("\u00AD", string.Empty))); #endregion var currentWord = new StringBuilder(); var breakIt = false; var spaceAfter = false; var mandatory = false; var softHyphen = false; var color = Color.Transparent; for (var i = 0; i < text.Length; i++) { var ch = text[i]; var nextCh = (i < text.Length - 1) ? text[i + 1] : '\0'; if (ch == '<' && nextCh == 'c') { if (text[i + 2] == '>') { color = Color.Transparent; i += 2; continue; } var colorToken = new StringBuilder(); for (var j = i + 2; j < text.Length; j++) { if (text[j] == '>') { color = Color.FromName(colorToken.ToString()); i = j; break; } colorToken.Append(text[j]); } continue; } if ((ch == '\r' && nextCh != '\n') || ch == '\n') { breakIt = true; mandatory = true; } else if (char.IsWhiteSpace(ch) && ch != '\u00A0') { breakIt = true; spaceAfter = true; } else if (ch == '\u00AD') { breakIt = true; softHyphen = true; } else if (char.IsPunctuation(ch) && !(ch == '(' || ch == ')' || ch == '\'')) { currentWord.Append(ch); breakIt = true; } else { currentWord.Append(ch); } if (breakIt) { var newWord = new Word() { Content = currentWord.ToString().Trim(), SpaceAfter = spaceAfter, MandatoryBreak = mandatory, SoftHyphen = softHyphen, Color = color, }; breakIt = false; spaceAfter = false; mandatory = false; softHyphen = false; words.Add(newWord); currentWord.Clear(); } } if (currentWord.ToString() != string.Empty) { var newWord = new Word() { Content = currentWord.ToString().Trim(), SpaceAfter = currentWord.ToString().EndsWith(' '), MandatoryBreak = false, SoftHyphen = softHyphen, Color = color, }; words.Add(newWord); } var line = new StringBuilder(); var spaceLeft = length; color = Color.Transparent; for (var i = 0; i < words.Count; i++) { var word = words[i]; var next = (i < words.Count - 1) ? words[i + 1] : null; //Check for words longer than length? Should not happen with autohyphenator. //Reinsert color change without changing line length. if (word.Color != color) { color = word.Color; line.AppendFormat("<c{0}>", color == Color.Transparent ? string.Empty : color.Name); } if (word.Content == "\u2029") { lines.Add(line.ToString().Trim()); lines.Add(string.Empty); line.Clear(); spaceLeft = length; continue; } if (word.SoftHyphen) { if (next != null && spaceLeft - word.Length - next.Content.TrimEnd().Length <= 0) { word.Content += '-'; word.SoftHyphen = false; } } line.Append(word.Content); spaceLeft -= word.Length; if (next != null && spaceLeft - next.Content.TrimEnd().Length <= 0) { if (!line.ToString().Trim().IsBlank()) { lines.Add(line.ToString().Trim()); } line.Clear(); spaceLeft = length; } else { if (word.SpaceAfter) { line.Append(' '); spaceLeft--; } } if (word.MandatoryBreak) { lines.Add(line.ToString().Trim()); line.Clear(); spaceLeft = length; continue; } } if (!line.ToString().Trim().IsBlank()) { lines.Add(line.ToString()); } return(string.Join("\n", lines.ToArray()) + '\n'); }
public static void ReadBook(string bookID) { var bookData = new string[0]; try { bookData = Mix.GetString("books\\" + bookID + ".txt").Split('\n'); } catch (FileNotFoundException) { bookData = i18n.GetString("book_404").Split('\n'); } var text = new StringBuilder(); var header = string.Empty; var identification = string.Empty; /* * var fonts = new Dictionary<string, int>() * { * { "Hand", 0x200 }, * { "Carve", 0x234 }, * { "Daedric", 0x24E }, * { "Alternian", 0x268 }, * { "Felin", 0x282 }, * }; */ for (var i = 0; i < bookData.Length; i++) { if (bookData[i].StartsWith("##")) { header = bookData[i].Substring(3); i++; if (bookData[i].StartsWith("##")) { i++; //skip author } if (bookData[i].StartsWith("##")) { identification = bookData[i].Substring(3); i++; } //var fontOffset = 0; //var fontHasLower = false; for (; i < bookData.Length; i++) { var line = bookData[i]; if (line.StartsWith("## ")) { break; } for (int j = 0; j < line.Length; j++) { if (j < line.Length - 2 && line.Substring(j, 3) == "<b>") { text.Append("<cYellow>"); j += 2; } else if (j < line.Length - 3 && line.Substring(j, 4) == "</b>") { text.Append(" <c>"); j += 3; } /* * else if (j < line.Length - 2 && line.Substring(j, 2) == "<f") * { * var fontName = line.Substring(j + 2); * fontName = fontName.Remove(fontName.IndexOf('>')); * j = j + fontName.Length + 2; * fontOffset = fonts.ContainsKey(fontName) ? fonts[fontName] : 0; * fontHasLower = fontName == "Hand"; * } * else * { * if (fontOffset == 0) */ text.Append(line[j]); /* * else * { * if (line[j] >= 'A' && line[j] <= 'Z') * { * text.Append((char)((line[j] - 'A') + fontOffset)); * } * else if (fontHasLower && line[j] >= 'a' && line[j] <= 'z') * { * text.Append((char)((line[j] - 'a') + fontOffset + 0x1A)); * } * else * { * text.Append(line[j]); * } * } * } */ } //text.Append(bookData[i]); //text.AppendLine(); } break; } } var player = NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character; if (!identification.IsBlank()) { foreach (var item in NoxicoGame.KnownItems.Where(ki => ki.HasToken("identify") && ki.GetToken("identify").Text == identification && !NoxicoGame.Identifications.Contains(ki.ID))) { NoxicoGame.Identifications.Add(item.ID); } //text += "<cLime>(Your " + skillProper + " knowledge has gone up.)"; } Plain(text.ToString(), header); }
public static string Viewpoint(this string message, Character top, Character bottom = null) { #if DEBUG var player = NoxicoGame.Me.Player == null ? null : NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character; #else var player = NoxicoGame.Me.Player.Character; #endif if (top == null) { top = player; } if (bottom == null) { bottom = top; } //var tIP = player == top; //Definitions used to be here. Now they're defined in i18n.lua. #region WordStructor filter var wordStructFilter = new Func <Token, Character, bool>((filter, who) => { var env = Lua.Environment; env.cultureID = who.Culture.ID; env.culture = who.Culture; env.gender = who.Gender; foreach (var stat in env.stats) { var statName = ((Neo.IronLua.LuaTable)stat.Value)["name"].ToString().ToLowerInvariant(); env[statName] = who.GetStat(statName); } env.pussyAmount = who.HasToken("v****a") ? (who.GetToken("v****a").HasToken("dual") ? 2 : 1) : 0; env.penisAmount = who.HasToken("penis") ? (who.GetToken("penis").HasToken("dual") ? 2 : 1) : 0; env.pussyWetness = who.HasToken("v****a") && who.GetToken("v****a").HasToken("wetness") ? who.GetToken("v****a").GetToken("wetness").Value : 0; env.cumAmount = who.CumAmount; env.slime = who.IsSlime; //return env.DoChunk("return " + filter.Text, "lol.lua").ToBoolean(); return(Lua.Run("return " + filter.Text, env)); }); #endregion #region {} parser var regex = new Regex(@"{(?:{)? (?<first>\w*) (?: \| (?<second>\w*) )? }(?:})?", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Multiline); message = regex.Replace(message, (match => top == player ? (match.Groups["second"].Success ? match.Groups["second"].Value : string.Empty) : match.Groups["first"].Value)); #endregion #region [] parser regex = new Regex(@" \[ (?:(?<target>[tb\?]{1,2}):)? #Optional target and : (?: #One or more subcommands (?:\:?) #Separating :, optional in case target already had one (?<subcom>[\w\/\-_\{\}]+) #Command )* \]", RegexOptions.IgnorePatternWhitespace | RegexOptions.Multiline); var allMatches = regex.Matches(message); while (regex.IsMatch(message)) { message = regex.Replace(message, (match => { var target = bottom; var subcom = match.Groups["subcom"].Captures[0].Value; var parms = new List <string>(); var targetGroup = match.Groups["target"].Value; if (targetGroup.StartsWith('?')) { if (i18n.wordStructor == null) { i18n.wordStructor = Mix.GetTokenTree("wordstructor.tml", true); } if (targetGroup.Length == 2 && "tb".Contains(targetGroup[1])) { target = (targetGroup[1] == 't' ? top : bottom); } = top; Lua.Environment.bottom = bottom; = target; var pToks = wordStructor.Where(x => x.Name == match.Groups["subcom"].Value).ToList(); if (pToks.Count == 0) { return(string.Format("<WordStructor fail: {0}>", match.Groups["subcom"].Value)); } var pTok = pToks.PickWeighted(); //pToks[Random.Next(pToks.Count)]; var pRes = pTok.Tokens.Where(x => !x.HasToken("filter") || wordStructFilter(x.GetToken("filter"), target)).ToList(); //Remove all less-specific options if any specific are found. if (pRes.Any(x => x.HasToken("filter"))) { pRes.RemoveAll(x => !x.HasToken("filter")); } return(pRes.PickOne().Text); } else if (targetGroup.StartsWith('t')) { target = top; } Lua.Environment.isPlayer = (target == player); = target; //subcom = targetGroup; //subcom = match.Groups["subcom"].Captures[0].Value; for (var i = 1; i < match.Groups["subcom"].Captures.Count; i++) { var c = match.Groups["subcom"].Captures[i]; //Console.WriteLine(c); parms.Add(c.Value.Replace('(', '[').Replace(')', ']')); } parms.Add(string.Empty); parms.Add(string.Empty); parms.Add(string.Empty); //if (subcoms.ContainsKey(subcom)) return subcoms[subcom](target, parms); if (SubCommands.ContainsKey(subcom)) { return(SubCommands[subcom](target, parms).ToString()); } return(string.Format("(?{0}?)", subcom)); })); } message = Regex.Replace(message, @"\[\!(?<keybinding>.+?)\]", (match => Toolkit.TranslateKey(match.Groups["keybinding"].Value))); #endregion if (!message.Contains('"')) { return(message); } if (top == null) { return(message); } SpeechFilter speechFilter = top.SpeechFilter; if (speechFilter == null) { if (top.Culture.SpeechFilter != null) { speechFilter = new SpeechFilter(x => { Lua.RunFile(top.Culture.SpeechFilter); x = Lua.Environment.SpeechFilter(x); return(x); }); } if (impediments == null) { impediments = Mix.GetTokenTree("impediments.tml"); } foreach (var impediment in impediments) { var apply = true; foreach (var filter in impediment.Tokens.Where(t => t.Name == "have")) { var f = filter.Text.Split('='); var p = top.Path(f[0]); if (p == null || p.Text != f[1]) { apply = false; break; } } if (apply) { var oldFilter = speechFilter; speechFilter = new SpeechFilter(x => { Lua.RunFile(impediment.GetToken("file").Text); x = Lua.Environment.SpeechFilter(x); return(oldFilter(x)); }); } } if (speechFilter == null) //Still? { speechFilter = new SpeechFilter(x => x); //Then just assign a dummy so we don't do this all over and over again. } top.SpeechFilter = speechFilter; } message = message.SmartQuote(speechFilter); return(message); }
public static void Handler() { if (Subscreens.FirstDraw) { Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; if (!FromTitle) { UIManager.Initialize(); UIManager.Elements.Clear(); } else { //Leave the title screen background UIManager.Highlight = UIManager.Elements[0]; UIManager.Elements.RemoveRange(3, UIManager.Elements.Count - 3); } window = new UIWindow(i18n.GetString("opt_title")) { Left = 0, Top = 0, Width = 80, Height = 25, }; window.Center(); var speedLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_speed")); speedLabel.Move(3, 2, window); speed = new UITextBox(IniFile.GetValue("misc", "speed", "15")) { Width = 4, Numeric = true }; speed.Move(1, 1, speedLabel); var fonts = Mix.GetFilesWithPattern("fonts\\*.png").Select(x => System.IO.Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(x)).ToArray(); var currentFont = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "font", "8x8-thin"); var currentFontIndex = 0; if (fonts.Contains(currentFont)) { for (currentFontIndex = 0; currentFontIndex < fonts.Length; currentFontIndex++) { if (fonts[currentFontIndex] == currentFont) { break; } } } var fontLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_font")); fontLabel.Move(0, 3, speedLabel); font = new UIList(string.Empty, null, fonts, currentFontIndex) { Width = 20, Height = 8, }; font.Move(1, 1, fontLabel); font.Enter = (s, e) => { var previousFont = font.Text; IniFile.SetValue("misc", "font", font.Text); NoxicoGame.HostForm.RestartGraphics(false); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "font", previousFont); }; font.EnsureVisible(); var screenColsLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_screencols")); screenColsLabel.MoveBelow(-1, 1, font); screenCols = new UITextBox(IniFile.GetValue("misc", "screencols", "80")) { Width = 4, Numeric = true }; screenCols.Move(1, 1, screenColsLabel); var screenRowsLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_screenrows")); screenRowsLabel.Move(-1, 1, screenCols); screenRows = new UITextBox(IniFile.GetValue("misc", "screenrows", "25")) { Width = 4, Numeric = true }; screenRows.Move(1, 1, screenRowsLabel); screenCols.Enter = screenRows.Enter = (s, e) => { var resetGraphics = false; var i = int.Parse(screenCols.Text); if (i < 80) { i = 80; } if (i > 300) { i = 300; } if (i != Program.Cols) { resetGraphics = true; } Program.Cols = i; IniFile.SetValue("misc", "screencols", i); i = int.Parse(screenRows.Text); if (i < 25) { i = 25; } if (i > 100) { i = 100; } if (i != Program.Rows) { resetGraphics = true; } Program.Rows = i; IniFile.SetValue("misc", "screenrows", i); if (resetGraphics) { NoxicoGame.HostForm.RestartGraphics(true); window.Center(); UIManager.ReMove(); } Subscreens.Redraw = true; NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.AimCamera(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(); }; var miscWindow = new UIWindow(i18n.GetString("opt_misc")) { Width = 50, Height = 11, }; miscWindow.MoveBeside(2, 0, speedLabel); rememberPause = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_rememberpause")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "rememberpause", true), Background = Color.Transparent, }; rememberPause.Move(2, 1, miscWindow); vistaSaves = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_vistasaves")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "vistasaves", true), Enabled = Vista.IsVista, Background = Color.Transparent, }; vistaSaves.MoveBelow(0, 1, rememberPause); xInput = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_xinput")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "xinput", true), Enabled = Vista.IsVista, Background = Color.Transparent, }; xInput.MoveBelow(0, 1, vistaSaves); imperial = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_imperial")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "imperial", false), Background = Color.Transparent, }; imperial.MoveBelow(0, 1, xInput); fourThirtySeven = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_437")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "437", false), Background = Color.Transparent, }; fourThirtySeven.MoveBelow(0, 1, imperial); var audioWindow = new UIWindow(i18n.GetString("opt_audio")) { Width = 30, Height = 8, }; audioWindow.MoveBelow(0, 1, miscWindow); enableAudio = new UIToggle(i18n.GetString("opt_enableaudio")) { Checked = IniFile.GetValue("audio", "enabled", true), Background = Color.Transparent, }; enableAudio.Move(2, 1, audioWindow); var musicVolumeLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_musicvolume")); musicVolumeLabel.MoveBelow(0, 1, enableAudio); musicVolume = new UITextBox(IniFile.GetValue("audio", "musicvolume", "100")); musicVolume.Move(1, 1, musicVolumeLabel); var soundVolumeLabel = new UILabel(i18n.GetString("opt_soundvolume")); soundVolumeLabel.Move(-1, 1, musicVolume); soundVolume = new UITextBox(IniFile.GetValue("audio", "soundvolume", "100")); soundVolume.Move(1, 1, soundVolumeLabel); saveButton = new UIButton(i18n.GetString("opt_save"), (s, e) => { var i = int.Parse(speed.Text); if (i < 1) { i = 1; } if (i > 200) { i = 200; } IniFile.SetValue("misc", "speed", i); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "font", font.Text); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "rememberpause", rememberPause.Checked); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "vistasaves", vistaSaves.Checked); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "xinput", xInput.Checked); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "imperial", imperial.Checked); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "437", fourThirtySeven.Checked); Vista.GamepadEnabled = xInput.Checked; var resetGraphics = false; i = int.Parse(screenCols.Text); if (i < 80) { i = 80; } if (i > 300) { i = 300; } if (i != Program.Cols) { resetGraphics = true; } Program.Cols = i; IniFile.SetValue("misc", "screencols", i); i = int.Parse(screenRows.Text); if (i < 25) { i = 25; } if (i > 100) { i = 100; } if (i != Program.Rows) { resetGraphics = true; } Program.Rows = i; IniFile.SetValue("misc", "screenrows", i); IniFile.SetValue("misc", "imperial", imperial.Checked); IniFile.SetValue("audio", "enabled", enableAudio.Checked); i = int.Parse(musicVolume.Text); if (i < 0) { i = 0; } if (i > 100) { i = 100; } NoxicoGame.Sound.MusicVolume = i / 100f; IniFile.SetValue("audio", "musicvolume", i); i = int.Parse(soundVolume.Text); if (i < 0) { i = 0; } if (i > 100) { i = 100; } NoxicoGame.Sound.SoundVolume = i / 100f; IniFile.SetValue("audio", "soundvolume", i); if (!enableAudio.Checked && NoxicoGame.Sound != null) { NoxicoGame.Sound.ShutDown(); } else if (enableAudio.Checked && !NoxicoGame.Sound.Enabled) { NoxicoGame.Sound = new SoundSystem(); if (NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard != null) { NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.PlayMusic(); } } if (resetGraphics) { NoxicoGame.HostForm.RestartGraphics(true); } IniFile.Save(string.Empty); cancelButton.DoEnter(); }) { Width = 16 }; saveButton.MoveBeside(2, 0, audioWindow); keysButton = new UIButton(i18n.GetString("opt_keys"), (s, e) => { Controls.Open(); }) { Width = 16 }; keysButton.MoveBelow(0, 1, saveButton); openButton = new UIButton(i18n.GetString("opt_open"), (s, e) => { System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(NoxicoGame.HostForm.IniPath); }) { Width = 16 }; openButton.MoveBelow(0, 1, keysButton); cancelButton = new UIButton(i18n.GetString("opt_cancel"), (s, e) => { UIManager.Elements.Clear(); NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Redraw(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(true); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; if (FromTitle) { Introduction.Title(); } Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; }) { Width = 16 }; cancelButton.MoveBelow(0, 1, openButton); UIManager.Elements.Add(window); UIManager.Elements.Add(speedLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(speed); UIManager.Elements.Add(fontLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(font); UIManager.Elements.Add(screenColsLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(screenCols); UIManager.Elements.Add(screenRowsLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(screenRows); UIManager.Elements.Add(miscWindow); UIManager.Elements.Add(rememberPause); UIManager.Elements.Add(vistaSaves); UIManager.Elements.Add(xInput); UIManager.Elements.Add(imperial); UIManager.Elements.Add(fourThirtySeven); UIManager.Elements.Add(audioWindow); UIManager.Elements.Add(enableAudio); UIManager.Elements.Add(musicVolumeLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(musicVolume); UIManager.Elements.Add(soundVolumeLabel); UIManager.Elements.Add(soundVolume); UIManager.Elements.Add(saveButton); UIManager.Elements.Add(keysButton); UIManager.Elements.Add(openButton); UIManager.Elements.Add(cancelButton); Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; Subscreens.Redraw = true; } if (Subscreens.Redraw) { Subscreens.Redraw = false; UIManager.Draw(); } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Back) || Vista.Triggers == XInputButtons.B) { cancelButton.DoEnter(); } else { UIManager.CheckKeys(); } }
private static void Initialize() { if (words != null) { return; } words = new Dictionary <string, string>(); var x = Mix.GetTokenTree("i18n.tml"); foreach (var word in x.Find(t => t.Name == "words").Tokens) { if (word.Text == null && word.HasToken("#text")) { words[word.Name] = word.GetToken("#text").Text; } else { words[word.Name] = word.Text; } } #if DEBUG var sanityCheck = new[] { "A|pie|a", "A|apple|an", "P|hoof|hooves", "S|hooves|hoof", "P|cheap piece of shit|cheap pieces of shit", "S|cheap pieces of shit|cheap piece of shit", "P|vortex|vortices", "S|cortices|cortex", "P|pegasus|pegasori", "S|pegasori|pegasus", "P|alga|algæ", "S|kunai|kunai", "P|kunai of the dawn|kunai of the dawn", "p|Kawa|Kawa's", "p|it|its", "p|Sassafrass|Sassafrass'", }; foreach (var test in sanityCheck.Select(t => t.Split('|'))) { var checkFrom = test[1]; var checkTo = test[2]; var result = string.Empty; if (test[0] == "P") { result = Pluralize(checkFrom, 2); } else if (test[0] == "S") { result = Singularize(checkFrom); } else if (test[0] == "A") { result = GetArticle(checkFrom); } else if (test[0] == "p") { result = Possessive(checkFrom); } if (result != checkTo) { throw new Exception(string.Format("Sanity check on pluralizer failed. Expected \"{0}\" but got \"{1}\".", checkTo, result)); } } #endif }
public void RestartGraphics(bool full) { pngFont = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "font", "8x16-bold"); if (!Mix.FileExists("fonts\\" + pngFont + ".png")) { pngFont = "8x16-bold"; if (!Mix.FileExists("fonts\\" + pngFont + ".png")) { SystemMessageBox.Show(this, "Could not find font bitmaps. Please redownload the game.", Application.ProductName, MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); Close(); return; } } var fontBitmap = Mix.GetBitmap("fonts\\" + pngFont + ".png"); cellWidth = fontBitmap.Width / 32; cellHeight = fontBitmap.Height / 32; IsSquare = cellWidth == cellHeight; Program.Cols = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "screencols", Program.Cols); Program.Rows = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "screenrows", Program.Rows); if (full) { image = new Cell[Program.Cols, Program.Rows]; previousImage = new Cell[Program.Cols, Program.Rows]; } CachePNGFont(fontBitmap); fourThirtySeven = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "437", false); youtube = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "youtube", false); ClientSize = new Size(Program.Cols * cellWidth, Program.Rows * cellHeight); if (youtube) { //Find nearest YT size var eW = Program.Cols * cellWidth; var eH = Program.Rows * cellHeight; if (eW <= 854 || eH <= 480) { ClientSize = new Size(854, 480); } else if (eW <= 1280 || eH <= 720) { ClientSize = new Size(1280, 720); } else { ClientSize = new Size(1920, 1080); } var prime = Screen.FromRectangle(ClientRectangle).Bounds; if (ClientSize.Width == prime.Width && ClientSize.Height == prime.Height) { FormBorderStyle = System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; Left = Top = 0; } else { FormBorderStyle = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "border", true) ? System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle : System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; } youtubeRect = new System.Drawing.Rectangle((ClientSize.Width / 2) - (eW / 2), (ClientSize.Height / 2) - (eH / 2), eW, eH); } else { FormBorderStyle = IniFile.GetValue("misc", "border", true) ? System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.FixedSingle : System.Windows.Forms.FormBorderStyle.None; } Show(); Refresh(); backBuffer = new Bitmap(Program.Cols * cellWidth, Program.Rows * cellHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); scrollBuffer = new Bitmap(Program.Cols * cellWidth, Program.Rows * cellHeight, PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); for (int row = 0; row < Program.Rows; row++) { for (int col = 0; col < Program.Cols; col++) { previousImage[col, row].Character = '\uFFFE'; } } }
public void MergeBitmap(string fileName, string tiledefs) { var bitmap = Mix.GetBitmap(fileName); var tileset = new Token(); tileset.AddSet(Mix.GetTokenTree(tiledefs, true)); var width = Width; var height = Height; if (width > bitmap.Width) { width = bitmap.Width; } if (height > bitmap.Height) { height = bitmap.Height; } for (var y = 0; y < height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < width; x++) { var color = bitmap.GetPixel(x, y); if (color.Name == "ff000000" || color.A == 0) { continue; } var key = color.Name.Substring(2).ToUpperInvariant(); if (!tileset.HasToken(key)) { continue; } var tile = tileset.GetToken(key); //Keep the original tile, but drain it. if (tile.Text == "drain") { this.Tilemap[x, y].Fluid = Fluids.Dry; continue; } this.Tilemap[x, y].Index = TileDefinition.Find(tile.Text).Index; if (tile.Text.StartsWith("doorway")) { var door = new Door() { XPosition = x, YPosition = y, ForegroundColor = this.Tilemap[x, y].Definition.Background, BackgroundColor = this.Tilemap[x, y].Definition.Background.Darken(), ID = "mergeBitmap_Door" + x + "_" + y, ParentBoard = this, Closed = tile.Text.EndsWith("Closed"), Glyph = '+' }; this.Entities.Add(door); } if (tile.HasToken("clutter")) { var nc = new Clutter() { XPosition = x, YPosition = y, ParentBoard = this }; this.Entities.Add(nc); var properties = tile.GetToken("clutter"); foreach (var property in properties.Tokens) { switch (property.Name) { case "id": nc.ID = property.Text; break; case "name": nc.Name = property.Text; break; case "desc": nc.Description = property.Text; break; case "glyph": nc.Glyph = (int)property.Value; break; case "fg": if (property.Text.StartsWith('#')) { nc.ForegroundColor = Color.FromCSS(property.Text); } else { nc.ForegroundColor = Color.FromName(property.Text); } break; case "bg": if (property.Text.StartsWith('#')) { nc.BackgroundColor = Color.FromCSS(property.Text); } else { nc.BackgroundColor = Color.FromName(property.Text); } break; case "block": nc.Blocking = true; break; case "burns": nc.CanBurn = true; break; } } } if (tile.HasToken("unique")) { var unique = tile.GetToken("unique"); var newChar = new BoardChar(Character.GetUnique(unique.Text)) { XPosition = x, YPosition = y, ParentBoard = this }; this.Entities.Add(newChar); newChar.AssignScripts(unique.Text); newChar.ReassignScripts(); } if (!tile.HasToken("fluid")) { this.Tilemap[x, y].Fluid = Fluids.Dry; } else { this.Tilemap[x, y].Fluid = (Fluids)Enum.Parse(typeof(Fluids), tile.GetToken("fluid").Text, true); } } } this.ResolveVariableWalls(); }
public void Create(BiomeData biome, string templateSet) { Culture = Culture.Cultures[biome.Cultures.PickOne()]; DungeonGenerator.DungeonGeneratorBiome = BiomeData.Biomes.IndexOf(biome); this.biome = biome; map = new int[Board.Width, Board.Height]; plotCols = Board.Width / plotWidth; plotRows = Board.Height / plotHeight; if (plotCols * plotWidth < Board.Width) { plotWidth = Board.Width / plotCols; } if (plotRows * plotHeight < Board.Height) { plotHeight = Board.Height / plotRows; } plots = new Building[plotCols, plotRows]; if (templates == null) { templates = new Dictionary <string, List <Template> >(); var templateSource = Mix.GetTokenTree("buildings.tml"); CreateRotationsAndFlips(templateSource); foreach (var set in templateSource.Where(x => x.Name == "set")) { var thisSet = new List <Template>(); foreach (var template in set.Tokens.Where(x => x.Name == "template")) { thisSet.Add(new Template(template)); } templates.Add(set.Text, thisSet); } } var spill = new Building("<spillover>", null, 0, 0, Culture.DefaultCulture); //var justPlaced = false; for (var row = 0; row < plotRows; row++) { for (var col = 0; col < plotCols; col++) { if (plots[col, row].BaseID == "<spillover>") { continue; } //Small chance of not having anything here, for variation. if (Random.NextDouble() < 0.2) { //justPlaced = false; continue; } var newTemplate = templates[templateSet].PickOne(); //TODO: check if chosen template spills over and if so, if there's room. For now, assume all templates are <= 8 //Each plot is 8x8. Given that and the template size, we can wiggle them around a bit from 0 to (8 - tSize). var sX = newTemplate.Width < plotWidth?Random.Next(1, plotWidth - newTemplate.Width) : 0; var sY = newTemplate.Height < plotHeight?Random.Next(1, plotHeight - newTemplate.Height) : 0; //NEW: check for water in this plot. var water = 0; for (var y = 0; y < newTemplate.Height; y++) { for (var x = 0; x < newTemplate.Width; x++) { if (Board.Tilemap[(col * plotWidth) + x, (row * plotHeight) + y].Fluid != Fluids.Dry) { water++; } } } if (water > 0) { continue; } //Later on, we might be able to wiggle them out of their assigned plot a bit. var newBuilding = new Building(string.Format("house{0}x{1}", row, col), newTemplate, sX, sY, Culture); plots[col, row] = newBuilding; //justPlaced = true; } } }
public void GenerateTown(bool rename, bool vendors, List <string> vendorTypes) { this.BoardType = BoardType.Town; this.GetToken("encounters").Value = 0; this.GetToken("encounters").Tokens.Clear(); var townGen = new TownGenerator(); townGen.Board = this; var biome = BiomeData.Biomes[(int)this.GetToken("biome").Value]; var cultureName = biome.Cultures.PickOne(); townGen.Culture = Culture.Cultures[cultureName]; townGen.Create(biome); townGen.ToTilemap(ref this.Tilemap); townGen.ToSectorMap(this.Sectors); this.Music = biome.Realm == Realms.Nox ? "set://Town" : "set://Dungeon"; this.AddToken("culture", 0, cultureName); if (rename) { while (true) { var newName = Culture.GetName(townGen.Culture.TownName, Culture.NameType.Town); if (NoxicoGame.Me.Boards.Find(b => b != null && b.Name == newName) == null) { this.Name = newName; break; } } //this.ID = string.Format("{0}x{1}-{2}",, y, this.Name.ToID()); } if (vendors) { if (vendorTypes == null) { vendorTypes = new List <string>(); var lootData = Mix.GetTokenTree("loot.tml", true); foreach (var filter in lootData.Where(t => t.Path("filter/vendorclass") != null).Select(t => t.Path("filter/vendorclass"))) { if (!vendorTypes.Contains(filter.Text)) { vendorTypes.Add(filter.Text); } } } var citizens = this.Entities.OfType <BoardChar>().Where(e => e.Character.Path("role/vendor") == null).ToList(); foreach (var vendorType in vendorTypes) { if (Random.Flip()) { continue; } if (citizens.Count == 0) //Shouldn't happen, but who knows. { break; } var chosenCitizen = citizens.PickOne(); citizens.Remove(chosenCitizen); var spouse = chosenCitizen.Character.Spouse; if (spouse != null) { citizens.Remove(spouse.BoardChar); } var newVendor = chosenCitizen.Character; var vendorStock = newVendor.GetToken("items"); newVendor.RemoveAll("role"); newVendor.AddToken("role").AddToken("vendor").AddToken("class", 0, vendorType); newVendor.GetToken("money").Value = 1000 + (Random.Next(0, 20) * 50); Program.WriteLine("*** {0} of {2} is now a {1} ***", newVendor.Name.ToString(true), vendorType, this.Name); chosenCitizen.RestockVendor(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Goes through bodyplans.tml to get a list of PlayableRaces. /// </summary> private static void CollectPlayables() { playables = new List <PlayableRace>(); Program.WriteLine("Collecting playables..."); foreach (var bodyPlan in Character.Bodyplans.Where(t => t.Name == "bodyplan")) { var id = bodyPlan.Text; var plan = bodyPlan.Tokens; if (!bodyPlan.HasToken("playable")) { continue; } Program.WriteLine(" * Parsing {0}...", id); var sexlocks = new[] { true, true, true, false }; if (bodyPlan.HasToken("normalgenders")) { sexlocks = new[] { true, true, false, false } } ; else if (bodyPlan.HasToken("maleonly")) { sexlocks = new[] { true, false, false, false } } ; else if (bodyPlan.HasToken("femaleonly")) { sexlocks = new[] { false, true, false, false } } ; else if (bodyPlan.HasToken("hermonly")) { sexlocks = new[] { false, false, true, false } } ; else if (bodyPlan.HasToken("neuteronly")) { sexlocks = new[] { false, false, false, true } } ; if (bodyPlan.HasToken("allowneuter")) { sexlocks[3] = true; } //Use the ID ("bodyplan: example") as the name, unless there's a "playable: proper name". var name = id.Replace('_', ' ').Titlecase(); if (!bodyPlan.GetToken("playable").Text.IsBlank()) { name = bodyPlan.GetToken("playable").Text; } var bestiary = bodyPlan.HasToken("bestiary") ? bodyPlan.GetToken("bestiary").Text : string.Empty; //Figure out what to put on page two. //By default, we assume skin and hair colors can be edited. //Most bodyplans will be different, though. var colorItems = new Dictionary <string, UIElement>(); var editables = "skin/color|Skin color, hair/color|Hair color"; //path|Label, path|Label... if (bodyPlan.HasToken("editable")) { editables = bodyPlan.GetToken("editable").Text; } var xScale = Program.Cols / 80f; var yScale = Program.Rows / 25f; var ccpage = Mix.GetBitmap("ccpage.png"); var pageLeft = Program.Cols - ccpage.Width - (int)(2 * yScale); var pageTop = Program.Rows - (ccpage.Height / 2); var labelL = pageLeft + 5; var cntrlL = labelL + 2; var top = (pageTop / 2) + 5; var width = 26; foreach (var aspect in editables.Split(',')) { if (aspect.IsBlank()) { continue; } var a = aspect.Trim().Split('|'); var path = a[0]; var label = a[1]; var t = bodyPlan.Path(path).Text; if (t.StartsWith("oneof")) { t = t.Substring(6); } var oneof = t.Split(',').ToList(); var items = new List <string>(); colorItems.Add("lbl-" + path, new UILabel(label) { Left = labelL, Top = top, Foreground = Color.Gray }); foreach (var i in oneof) { var iT = i.Trim(); iT = iT.IsBlank(i18n.GetString("[none]", false), iT.Titlecase()); if (!items.Contains(iT)) { items.Add(iT); } } if (label.EndsWith("color", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)) { for (var i = 0; i < items.Count; i++) { items[i] = Color.NameColor(items[i]).Titlecase(); } colorItems.Add(path, new UIColorList() { Items = items, Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 1, Width = width, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent, Index = 0 }); } else { colorItems.Add(path, new UISingleList() { Items = items, Left = cntrlL, Top = top + 1, Width = width, Foreground = Color.Black, Background = Color.Transparent, Index = 0 }); } top += 2; } playables.Add(new PlayableRace() { ID = id, Name = name, Bestiary = bestiary, ColorItems = colorItems, SexLocks = sexlocks }); } }
/// <summary> /// Returns a list of possible Recipes that a given character is able to craft. /// </summary> /// <param name="carrier">Probably the player character.</param> /// <returns>A list of possible recipes. Keep it, and invoke Apply on the player's choice.</returns> public static List <Recipe> GetPossibilities(Character carrier) { Carrier = carrier; ItemsToWorkWith = Carrier.GetToken("items"); var results = new List <Recipe>(); var tml = Mix.GetTokenTree("crafting.tml"); foreach (var recipe in tml) { var considered = new List <Token>(); var resultName = "?"; if (recipe.HasToken("produce")) { resultName = recipe.GetToken("produce").Text; } var resultingSourceItem = default(InventoryItem); var steps = recipe.Tokens; var stepRefs = new Token[steps.Count()]; var i = 0; var newRecipe = new Recipe(); foreach (var step in steps) { if (step.Name == "consume" || step.Name == "require") { var amount = 1; if (step.HasToken("amount")) { amount = (int)step.GetToken("amount").Value; } var numFound = 0; if (step.Text == "<anything>") { foreach (var carriedItem in ItemsToWorkWith.Tokens) { var knownItem = NoxicoGame.KnownItems.Find(ki => ki.ID == carriedItem.Name); if (knownItem == null) { Program.WriteLine("Crafting: don't know what a {0} is.", carriedItem.Name); continue; } var withs = step.GetAll("with"); var withouts = step.GetAll("withouts"); var okay = 0; foreach (var with in withs) { if (knownItem.HasToken(with.Text)) { okay++; } } foreach (var without in withouts) { if (knownItem.HasToken(without.Text)) { okay = 0; } } if (okay < withs.Count()) { continue; } if (carriedItem.HasToken("charge")) { numFound += (int)carriedItem.GetToken("charge").Value; } else { numFound++; } stepRefs[i] = carriedItem; if (i == 0) { resultingSourceItem = knownItem; } } } else if (step.Text == "book") { //TODO: see if a book with the given ID is marked as read. } else { foreach (var carriedItem in ItemsToWorkWith.Tokens.Where(t => t.Name == step.Text)) { var knownItem = NoxicoGame.KnownItems.Find(ki => ki.ID == carriedItem.Name); if (knownItem == null) { Program.WriteLine("Crafting: don't know what a {0} is.", carriedItem.Name); continue; } if (carriedItem.HasToken("charge")) { numFound += (int)carriedItem.GetToken("charge").Value; } else { numFound++; } stepRefs[i] = carriedItem; if (i == 0) { resultingSourceItem = knownItem; } } } if (numFound < amount) { Program.WriteLine("Crafting: not enough {0} to craft {1}.", step.Text, resultName); break; } if (step.Name == "consume") { newRecipe.Actions.Add(new CraftConsumeItemAction() { Target = stepRefs[i] }); } } else if (step.Name == "produce") { var itemMade = new Token(step.Text); itemMade.Tokens.AddRange(step.Tokens); newRecipe.Actions.Add(new CraftProduceItemAction() { Target = itemMade }); var resultingKnownItem = NoxicoGame.KnownItems.Find(ki => ki.ID == itemMade.Name); newRecipe.Display = i18n.Format("craft_produce_x_from_y", resultingKnownItem.ToString(itemMade), resultingSourceItem.ToString(stepRefs[0])); } else if (step.Name == "train") { newRecipe.Actions.Add(new CraftTrainAction() { Trainee = carrier, Target = step }); } } if (newRecipe.Display.IsBlank()) { continue; } if (results.Exists(x => x.Display == newRecipe.Display)) { continue; } results.Add(newRecipe); } //Find dyes foreach (var maybeDye in ItemsToWorkWith.Tokens) { var knownItem = NoxicoGame.KnownItems.Find(ki => ki.ID == maybeDye.Name); if (knownItem == null) { Program.WriteLine("Crafting: don't know what a {0} is.", maybeDye.Name); continue; } if (knownItem.HasToken("dye")) { var dyeItem = maybeDye; var color = dyeItem.GetToken("color").Text; foreach (var carriedItem in ItemsToWorkWith.Tokens) { knownItem = NoxicoGame.KnownItems.Find(ki => ki.ID == carriedItem.Name); if (knownItem == null) { Program.WriteLine("Crafting: don't know what a {0} is.", carriedItem.Name); continue; } if (knownItem.HasToken("colored") && !knownItem.HasToken("dye")) { var newRecipe = new Recipe(); newRecipe.Display = i18n.Format("craft_dye_x_y", knownItem.ToString(carriedItem), color); if (!carriedItem.HasToken("color")) { newRecipe.Actions.Add(new CraftAddTokenAction() { Target = carriedItem, Add = new Token("color", 0, color) }); } else if (carriedItem.GetToken("color").Text == color) { continue; } else { newRecipe.Actions.Add(new CraftChangeTokenAction() { Target = carriedItem.GetToken("color"), NewText = color, NewValue = 0 }); } results.Add(newRecipe); } } } } return(results); }
/// <summary> /// Generic Subscreen handler. /// </summary> public static void TitleHandler() { var host = NoxicoGame.HostForm; if (Subscreens.FirstDraw) { Subscreens.FirstDraw = false; host.Clear(); var xScale = Program.Cols / 80f; var yScale = Program.Rows / 25f; var background = new Bitmap(Program.Cols, Program.Rows * 2, System.Drawing.Imaging.PixelFormat.Format24bppRgb); var logo = Mix.GetBitmap("logo.png"); var titleOptions = Mix.GetFilesWithPattern("titles\\*.png"); var chosen = Mix.GetBitmap(titleOptions.PickOne()); //Given our random backdrop and fixed logo, draw them both onto background //because we can't -just- display alpha-blended PNGs. using (var gfx = Graphics.FromImage(background)) { gfx.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.High; gfx.Clear(Color.Black); gfx.DrawImage(chosen, 0, 0, Program.Cols, Program.Rows * 2); gfx.InterpolationMode = System.Drawing.Drawing2D.InterpolationMode.NearestNeighbor; gfx.DrawImage(logo, 0, 0, logo.Width * xScale, logo.Height * yScale); } UIManager.Initialize(); titleBack = new UIPNGBackground(background); var subtitleLeft = (int)(10 * xScale); var subtitleTop = (int)((logo.Height * yScale) / 2) + 1; var subtitle = i18n.GetString("ts_subtitle"); var pressEnter = "\xC4\xC4\xC4\xC4\xB4 " + i18n.GetString("ts_pressentertobegin") + " <cGray>\xC3\xC4\xC4\xC4\xC4"; titleCaption = new UILabel(subtitle) { Top = subtitleTop, Left = subtitleLeft + 2, Foreground = Color.Teal, Darken = true }; titlePressEnter = new UILabel(pressEnter) { Top = subtitleTop + 2, Left = subtitleLeft, Foreground = Color.Gray, Darken = true }; UIManager.Elements.Add(titleBack); UIManager.Elements.Add(titleCaption); UIManager.Elements.Add(titlePressEnter); //UIManager.Elements.Add(new UILabel("\u015c") { Top = 6, Left = 50, Foreground = Color.Gray }); UIManager.Draw(); Options.FromTitle = true; } if (NoxicoGame.IsKeyDown(KeyBinding.Accept) || Subscreens.Mouse || Vista.Triggers != 0) { if (Subscreens.Mouse) { Subscreens.UsingMouse = true; } Subscreens.Mouse = false; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; var rawSaves = Directory.GetDirectories(NoxicoGame.SavePath); var saves = new List <string>(); //Check each possible save's version. foreach (var s in rawSaves) { var verCheck = Path.Combine(s, "version"); if (!File.Exists(verCheck)) { continue; } var version = int.Parse(File.ReadAllText(verCheck)); if (version < 20) { continue; } if (File.Exists(Path.Combine(s, "global.bin"))) { saves.Add(s); } } NoxicoGame.ClearKeys(); Subscreens.Mouse = false; //Linq up a set of options for each save game. This returns the game's names as the keys. var options = saves.ToDictionary(new Func <string, object>(s => Path.GetFileName(s)), new Func <string, string>(s => { string p; var playerFile = Path.Combine(s, "player.bin"); if (File.Exists(playerFile)) { using (var f = new BinaryReader(File.OpenRead(playerFile))) { p = Player.LoadFromFile(f).Character.Name.ToString(true); } return(i18n.Format("ts_loadgame", p, Path.GetFileName(s))); } return(i18n.Format("ts_startoverinx", Path.GetFileName(s))); })); options.Add("~", i18n.GetString("ts_startnewgame")); options.Add("~~", i18n.GetString("ts_testingarena")); options.Add("~~~", i18n.GetString("ts_options")); //Display our list of saves. MessageBox.List(saves.Count == 0 ? i18n.GetString("ts_welcometonoxico") : i18n.GetString(saves.Count == 1 ? "ts_thereisasave" : "ts_therearesaves"), options, () => { if ((string)MessageBox.Answer == "~") { //Restore our title screen backdrop, since the MessageBox subscreen purged it. UIManager.Elements.Add(titleBack); UIManager.Elements.Add(titleCaption); UIManager.Elements.Add(titlePressEnter); UIManager.Draw(); MessageBox.Input("What name would you like for your new world?", NoxicoGame.RollWorldName(), () => { NoxicoGame.WorldName = (string)MessageBox.Answer; NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Subscreen; NoxicoGame.Subscreen = Introduction.CharacterCreator; NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; } ); } else if ((string)MessageBox.Answer == "~~") { NoxicoGame.WorldName = "<Testing Arena>"; var env = Lua.Environment; Lua.RunFile("testarena.lua"); var testBoard = new Board(env.TestArena.ArenaWidth, env.TestArena.ArenaHeight); var me = NoxicoGame.Me; me.Boards.Add(testBoard); me.CurrentBoard = testBoard; me.CreatePlayerCharacter(env.TestArena.Name, env.TestArena.BioGender, env.TestArena.IdentifyAs, env.TestArena.Preference, env.TestArena.Bodyplan, new Dictionary <string, string>(), env.TestArena.BonusTrait); env.BuildTestArena(testBoard); me.Player.ParentBoard = testBoard; testBoard.EntitiesToAdd.Add(me.Player); NoxicoGame.InGameTime = new DateTime(740 + Random.Next(0, 20), 6, 26, 12, 0, 0); testBoard.UpdateLightmap(null, true); testBoard.AimCamera(); testBoard.Redraw(); testBoard.Draw(); Options.FromTitle = false; Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("welcometest"), Color.Yellow); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("rememberhelp")); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; } else if ((string)MessageBox.Answer == "~~~") { Options.FromTitle = true; //Restore our title screen backdrop, since the MessageBox subscreen purged it. UIManager.Initialize(); UIManager.Elements.Add(titleBack); UIManager.Elements.Add(titleCaption); UIManager.Elements.Add(titlePressEnter); Options.Open(); } else { Options.FromTitle = false; NoxicoGame.WorldName = (string)MessageBox.Answer; host.Noxico.LoadGame(); NoxicoGame.Me.CurrentBoard.Draw(); Subscreens.FirstDraw = true; NoxicoGame.Immediate = true; NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("welcomeback"), Color.Yellow); NoxicoGame.AddMessage(i18n.GetString("rememberhelp")); //TextScroller.LookAt(NoxicoGame.Me.Player); NoxicoGame.Mode = UserMode.Walkabout; } } ); } }
static Descriptions() { descTable = new TokenCarrier(); descTable.Tokens.AddRange(Mix.GetTokenTree("bodyparts.tml")); }