private void CreateNewiFolder() { DomainInformation[] domains = domainController.GetDomains(); if (domains.Length <= 0) return; string domainID = domains[0].ID; DomainInformation defaultDomain = domainController.GetDefaultDomain(); if (defaultDomain != null) domainID = defaultDomain.ID; CreateDialog cd = new CreateDialog(this, domains, domainID, Util.LastCreatedPath, ifws); cd.TransientFor = this; int rc = 0; do { rc = cd.Run(); cd.Hide(); if (rc == (int)ResponseType.Ok) { try { string selectedFolder = cd.iFolderPath.Trim(); string selectedDomain = cd.DomainID; if (selectedFolder == String.Empty) { iFolderMsgDialog dg = new iFolderMsgDialog( this, iFolderMsgDialog.DialogType.Warning, iFolderMsgDialog.ButtonSet.Ok, "", Util.GS("Invalid folder specified"), Util.GS("An invalid folder was specified.")); dg.Run(); dg.Hide(); dg.Destroy(); continue; } string parentDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( selectedFolder ); if ( ( parentDir == null ) || ( parentDir == String.Empty ) ) { iFolderMsgDialog dg = new iFolderMsgDialog( this, iFolderMsgDialog.DialogType.Warning, iFolderMsgDialog.ButtonSet.Ok, "", Util.GS("Invalid folder specified"), Util.GS("An invalid folder was specified")); dg.Run(); dg.Hide(); dg.Destroy(); continue; } string name = selectedFolder.Substring(parentDir.Length + 1); if (name == null || name == String.Empty) { iFolderMsgDialog dg = new iFolderMsgDialog( this, iFolderMsgDialog.DialogType.Warning, iFolderMsgDialog.ButtonSet.Ok, "", Util.GS("Invalid folder specified"), Util.GS("The folder you've specified is invalid. Please remove the trailing separator character (/) and try again.")); dg.Run(); dg.Hide(); dg.Destroy(); continue; } selectedFolder = ParseAndReplaceTildeInPath(selectedFolder); iFolderHolder ifHolder = null; try { ifHolder = ifdata.CreateiFolder(selectedFolder, selectedDomain); } catch(Exception e) { if (DisplayCreateOrSetupException(e)) { cd.iFolderPath = selectedFolder; continue; } } if(ifHolder == null) throw new Exception("Simias returned null"); rc = 0; Util.LastCreatedPath = ifHolder.iFolder.UnManagedPath; if(ClientConfig.Get(ClientConfig.KEY_SHOW_CREATION, "true") == "true") { iFolderCreationDialog dlg = new iFolderCreationDialog(ifHolder.iFolder); dlg.TransientFor = this; int createRC; do { createRC = dlg.Run(); if(createRC == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Help) { Util.ShowHelp("myifolders.html", this); } }while(createRC != (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok); dlg.Hide(); if(dlg.HideDialog) { ClientConfig.Set( ClientConfig.KEY_SHOW_CREATION, "false"); } cd.Destroy(); cd = null; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); continue; } } } while(rc == (int)ResponseType.Ok); }
private void OnIconViewDragDataReceived(object o, DragDataReceivedArgs args) { bool bFolderCreated = false; switch (args.Info) { case (uint) DragTargetType.iFolderID: string ifolderID = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(args.SelectionData.Data); iFolderHolder holder = ifdata.GetAvailableiFolder(ifolderID); if (holder != null) DownloadiFolder(holder, true); break; case (uint) DragTargetType.UriList: UriList uriList = new UriList(args.SelectionData); if (uriList.Count == 1) { string path = null; try { path = uriList.ToLocalPaths()[0]; } catch { return; } DomainInformation[] domains = domainController.GetDomains(); if (domains.Length <= 0) return; string domainID = domains[0].ID; DomainInformation defaultDomain = domainController.GetDefaultDomain(); if (defaultDomain != null) domainID = defaultDomain.ID; DragCreateDialog cd = new DragCreateDialog(this, domains, domainID, path, ifws); cd.TransientFor = this; int rc = 0; do { rc = cd.Run(); cd.Hide(); if (rc == (int)ResponseType.Ok) { try { string selectedFolder = cd.iFolderPath.Trim(); string selectedDomain = cd.DomainID; bool SSL = cd.ssl; string algorithm = cd.EncryptionAlgorithm; string parentDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( selectedFolder ); if ( ( parentDir == null ) || ( parentDir == String.Empty ) ) { iFolderMsgDialog dg = new iFolderMsgDialog( this, iFolderMsgDialog.DialogType.Warning, iFolderMsgDialog.ButtonSet.Ok, "", Util.GS("Invalid folder specified"), Util.GS("An invalid folder was specified")); dg.Run(); dg.Hide(); dg.Destroy(); continue; } iFolderHolder ifHolder = null; try { if( algorithm != null) { DomainInformation domainInfo = domainController.GetDomain(selectedDomain); if( !domainInfo.Authenticated) { DisplayLoginMesg(); continue; } bool passPhraseStatus = false; bool passphraseStatus = false; try { passphraseStatus = simws.IsPassPhraseSet(selectedDomain); } catch(Exception) { DisplayLoginMesg(); continue; } if(passphraseStatus == true) { string passphrasecheck = simws.GetPassPhrase(selectedDomain); if( passphrasecheck == null || passphrasecheck =="") { Debug.PrintLine(" passphrase not entered at login"); passPhraseStatus = ShowVerifyDialog(selectedDomain, simws); } else { passPhraseStatus = true; } } else { passPhraseStatus = ShowEnterPassPhraseDialog(selectedDomain, simws); } if( passPhraseStatus == false) { continue; } } ifHolder = ifdata.CreateiFolder(selectedFolder, selectedDomain, SSL, algorithm); } catch(Exception e) { if (DisplayCreateOrSetupException(e)) { continue; } } if(ifHolder == null) throw new Exception("Simias returned null"); rc = 0; Util.LastCreatedPath = ifHolder.iFolder.UnManagedPath; if ((bool)ClientConfig.Get(ClientConfig.KEY_SHOW_CREATION)) { iFolderCreationDialog dlg = new iFolderCreationDialog(ifHolder.iFolder); dlg.TransientFor = this; int createRC; do { createRC = dlg.Run(); if(createRC == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Help) { Util.ShowHelp("myifolders.html", this); } }while(createRC != (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok); dlg.Hide(); if(dlg.HideDialog) { ClientConfig.Set( ClientConfig.KEY_SHOW_CREATION, false); } cd.Destroy(); cd = null; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.PrintLine(e.Message); continue; } } } while(rc == (int)ResponseType.Ok); } break; default: break; } Gtk.Drag.Finish (args.Context, bFolderCreated, false, args.Time); }
private void OnIconViewDragDataReceived(object o, DragDataReceivedArgs args) { Console.WriteLine("OnIconViewDragDataReceived: {0}", (DragTargetType)args.Info); bool bFolderCreated = false; switch (args.Info) { case (uint) DragTargetType.iFolderID: string ifolderID = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(args.SelectionData.Data); iFolderHolder holder = ifdata.GetAvailableiFolder(ifolderID); if (holder != null) DownloadiFolder(holder); break; case (uint) DragTargetType.UriList: UriList uriList = new UriList(args.SelectionData); if (uriList.Count == 1) { string path = uriList.ToLocalPaths()[0]; DomainInformation[] domains = domainController.GetDomains(); if (domains.Length <= 0) return; string domainID = domains[0].ID; DomainInformation defaultDomain = domainController.GetDefaultDomain(); if (defaultDomain != null) domainID = defaultDomain.ID; DragCreateDialog cd = new DragCreateDialog(this, domains, domainID, path); cd.TransientFor = this; int rc = 0; do { rc = cd.Run(); cd.Hide(); if (rc == (int)ResponseType.Ok) { try { string selectedFolder = cd.iFolderPath.Trim(); string selectedDomain = cd.DomainID; string parentDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( selectedFolder ); if ( ( parentDir == null ) || ( parentDir == String.Empty ) ) { iFolderMsgDialog dg = new iFolderMsgDialog( this, iFolderMsgDialog.DialogType.Warning, iFolderMsgDialog.ButtonSet.Ok, "", Util.GS("Invalid folder specified"), Util.GS("An invalid folder was specified")); dg.Run(); dg.Hide(); dg.Destroy(); continue; } iFolderHolder ifHolder = null; try { ifHolder = ifdata.CreateiFolder(selectedFolder, selectedDomain); } catch(Exception e) { if (DisplayCreateOrSetupException(e)) { continue; } } if(ifHolder == null) throw new Exception("Simias returned null"); rc = 0; Util.LastCreatedPath = ifHolder.iFolder.UnManagedPath; if(ClientConfig.Get(ClientConfig.KEY_SHOW_CREATION, "true") == "true") { iFolderCreationDialog dlg = new iFolderCreationDialog(ifHolder.iFolder); dlg.TransientFor = this; int createRC; do { createRC = dlg.Run(); if(createRC == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Help) { Util.ShowHelp("myifolders.html", this); } }while(createRC != (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok); dlg.Hide(); if(dlg.HideDialog) { ClientConfig.Set( ClientConfig.KEY_SHOW_CREATION, "false"); } cd.Destroy(); cd = null; } } catch (Exception e) { Console.WriteLine(e.Message); continue; } } } while(rc == (int)ResponseType.Ok); } break; default: break; } Gtk.Drag.Finish (args.Context, bFolderCreated, false, args.Time); }
private void CreateNewiFolder() { DomainInformation[] domains = domainController.GetDomains(); if (domains.Length <= 0) return; string domainID = domains[0].ID; DomainInformation defaultDomain = domainController.GetDefaultDomain(); if (defaultDomain != null) domainID = defaultDomain.ID; CreateDialog cd = new CreateDialog(this, domains, domainID, Util.LastCreatedPath, ifws); cd.TransientFor = this; int rc = 0; do { rc = cd.Run(); cd.Hide(); if (rc == (int)ResponseType.Ok) { try { string selectedFolder = cd.iFolderPath.Trim(); string selectedDomain = cd.DomainID; bool SSL = cd.ssl; string algorithm = cd.EncryptionAlgorithm; if (selectedFolder == String.Empty) { iFolderMsgDialog dg = new iFolderMsgDialog( this, iFolderMsgDialog.DialogType.Warning, iFolderMsgDialog.ButtonSet.Ok, "", Util.GS("Invalid folder specified"), Util.GS("An invalid folder was specified.")); dg.Run(); dg.Hide(); dg.Destroy(); continue; } string parentDir = System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName( selectedFolder ); if ( ( parentDir == null ) || ( parentDir == String.Empty ) ) { iFolderMsgDialog dg = new iFolderMsgDialog( this, iFolderMsgDialog.DialogType.Warning, iFolderMsgDialog.ButtonSet.Ok, "", Util.GS("Invalid folder specified"), Util.GS("An invalid folder was specified")); dg.Run(); dg.Hide(); dg.Destroy(); continue; } if(ifws.GetLimitPolicyStatus(selectedDomain) != 1 ) { iFolderMsgDialog dg = new iFolderMsgDialog( this, iFolderMsgDialog.DialogType.Warning, iFolderMsgDialog.ButtonSet.Ok, "", Util.GS("Error"), Util.GS("Folder could not be created as you are exceeding the limit of ifolders set by your Administrator.")); dg.Run(); dg.Hide(); dg.Destroy(); continue; } string name = selectedFolder.Substring(parentDir.Length + 1); if (name == null || name == String.Empty) { iFolderMsgDialog dg = new iFolderMsgDialog( this, iFolderMsgDialog.DialogType.Warning, iFolderMsgDialog.ButtonSet.Ok, "", Util.GS("Invalid folder specified"), Util.GS("The folder you've specified is invalid. Please remove the trailing separator character (/) and try again.")); dg.Run(); dg.Hide(); dg.Destroy(); continue; } selectedFolder = ParseAndReplaceTildeInPath(selectedFolder); iFolderHolder ifHolder = null; try { if( algorithm != null) { bool passPhraseStatus = false; bool passphraseStatus = false; DomainInformation domainInfo = domainController.GetDomain(selectedDomain); if( !domainInfo.Authenticated) { DisplayLoginMesg(); continue; } try { passphraseStatus = simws.IsPassPhraseSet(selectedDomain); } catch(Exception) { DisplayLoginMesg(); continue; } if(passphraseStatus == true) { string passphrasecheck = simws.GetPassPhrase(selectedDomain); if( passphrasecheck == null || passphrasecheck =="") { Debug.PrintLine(" passphrase not entered at login"); passPhraseStatus = ShowVerifyDialog(selectedDomain, simws); } else { passPhraseStatus = true; } } else { passPhraseStatus = ShowEnterPassPhraseDialog(selectedDomain, simws); } if( passPhraseStatus == false) { continue; } } ifHolder = ifdata.CreateiFolder(selectedFolder, selectedDomain, SSL, algorithm); } catch(Exception e) { if (DisplayCreateOrSetupException(e)) { cd.iFolderPath = selectedFolder; continue; } } if(ifHolder == null) throw new Exception("Simias returned null"); rc = 0; Util.LastCreatedPath = ifHolder.iFolder.UnManagedPath; if((bool)ClientConfig.Get(ClientConfig.KEY_SHOW_CREATION)) { iFolderCreationDialog dlg = new iFolderCreationDialog(ifHolder.iFolder); dlg.TransientFor = this; int createRC; do { createRC = dlg.Run(); if(createRC == (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Help) { Util.ShowHelp("myifolders.html", this); } }while(createRC != (int)Gtk.ResponseType.Ok); dlg.Hide(); if(dlg.HideDialog) { ClientConfig.Set( ClientConfig.KEY_SHOW_CREATION, false); } cd.Destroy(); cd = null; } } catch (Exception e) { Debug.PrintLine(e.Message); continue; } } } while(rc == (int)ResponseType.Ok); UpdateServerInfoForSelectedDomain(); }