コード例 #1
 // Useful utility method
 private Customer CreateFakeExistingCustomer(EntityManager entityManager, string companyName = "Existing Customer") {
     var customer = new Customer();
     customer.CompanyName = companyName;
     customer.CustomerID = Guid.NewGuid();
     return customer;
コード例 #2
        public async Task SaveModifiedEntity() {
            var entityManager = await TestFns.NewEm(_northwindServiceName);

            // Create a new customer
            var customer = new Customer { CustomerID = Guid.NewGuid() };
            customer.CompanyName = "Test2A " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            Assert.IsTrue(customer.EntityAspect.EntityState == EntityState.Added, "State of new entity should be Added");

            try {
                var saveResult = await entityManager.SaveChanges();
                var savedEntity = saveResult.Entities[0];
                Assert.IsTrue(savedEntity is Customer && savedEntity == customer, "After save, added entity should still exist");
                Assert.IsTrue(customer.EntityAspect.EntityState == EntityState.Unchanged, "State of saved entity should be Unchanged");

                // Modify customer
                customer.CompanyName = "Test2M " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
                Assert.IsTrue(customer.EntityAspect.EntityState == EntityState.Modified, "State of modified entity should be Modified");

                saveResult = await entityManager.SaveChanges();
                savedEntity = saveResult.Entities[0];
                Assert.IsTrue(savedEntity is Customer && savedEntity == customer, "After save, modified entity should still exist");
                Assert.IsTrue(customer.EntityAspect.EntityState == EntityState.Unchanged, "State of saved entity should be Unchanged");

            } catch (Exception e) {
                var message = string.Format("Save of customer {0} should have succeeded;  Received {1}: {2}", 
                                            customer.CompanyName, e.GetType().Name, e.Message);
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult Create(Customer customer)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                return RedirectToAction("Index");

            return View(customer);
コード例 #4
        public static int InsertCustomer(Customer customer)
            var affectedRows = 0;
            using (var db = new NorthwindEntities())
                affectedRows = db.SaveChanges();

            return affectedRows;
コード例 #5
        private static void TestInsertMethod()
            var customer = new Customer()
                CustomerID = "TEST",
                CompanyName = "UNKNOWN",
                ContactName = "UNNAMED",
                ContactTitle = "NO-TITLE"

            var affectedRows = DataAccessObjectsClass.InsertCustomer(customer);

            Console.WriteLine("\rInsert -> ({0} affected row(s))", affectedRows);
コード例 #6
        public async Task DoesValidateOnAttachByDefault()
            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName); // new empty EntityManager
            await manager.FetchMetadata(); // required before creating a new entity

            var customer = new Customer();
            var validationErrors = customer.EntityAspect.ValidationErrors;
            Assert.IsFalse(validationErrors.Any(), "Should be no validation errors before attach.");

            // attach triggers entity validation by default

            Assert.IsTrue(validationErrors.Any(ve => ve.Message.Contains("CompanyName") && ve.Message.Contains("required")), "Should be a validation error stating CompanyName is required.");
コード例 #7
        public async Task DoesNotValidateOnAttachWhenOptionIsOff()
            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName); // new empty EntityManager
            await manager.FetchMetadata(); // required before creating a new entity

            // change the default options, turning off "OnAttach"
            var valOpts = new ValidationOptions { ValidationApplicability = ValidationApplicability.OnPropertyChange | ValidationApplicability.OnSave };
            // reset manager's options
            manager.ValidationOptions = valOpts;

            var customer = new Customer();

            var validationErrors = customer.EntityAspect.ValidationErrors;
            Assert.IsFalse(validationErrors.Any(), "Should be no validation errors even though CompanyName is required.");
コード例 #8
        public async Task SaveNewEntity() {
            var entityManager = await TestFns.NewEm(_northwindServiceName);

            // Create a new customer
            var customer            = new Customer();
            customer.CustomerID     = Guid.NewGuid();
            customer.CompanyName    ="Test1 " + DateTime.Now.ToString();
            Assert.IsTrue(customer.EntityAspect.EntityState == EntityState.Added, "State of new entity should be Added");

            try {
                var saveResult = await entityManager.SaveChanges();
                Assert.IsTrue(customer.EntityAspect.EntityState == EntityState.Unchanged, "State of saved entity should be Unchanged");
            catch (Exception e) {
                var message = "Server should not have rejected save of Customer entity with the error " + e.Message;
コード例 #9
        public async Task CreatingEntities()
            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName);

            // Metadata must be fetched before CreateEntity() can be called
            await manager.FetchMetadata();

            var newCustomer = new Customer(); // rarely done in Breeze

            // Order uses an auto-generated key value
            var order = manager.CreateEntity<Order>();

            // If the key is not auto generated, it must be initialized by CreateEntity()
            var alpha = manager.CreateEntity<Customer>(new { CustomerID = Guid.NewGuid(), CompanyName = "Alpha" });

            // Unattached new customer so you can keep configuring it and add/attach it later
            // Key value initializer not required because new entity is not attached to entity manager
            var beta = manager.CreateEntity<Customer>(new { CompanyName = "Beta" }, EntityState.Detached);

            // Attached customer, as if retrieved from the database
            // Note that the key must be initialized when new entity will be in an attached state
            var gamma = manager.CreateEntity<Customer>(new { CustomerID = Guid.NewGuid(), CompanyName = "Gamma" }, EntityState.Unchanged);

            // Only need to do this once
            var metadataStore = manager.MetadataStore;                           // The model metadata known to this EntityManager instance
            var customerType = metadataStore.GetEntityType(typeof(Customer));    // Metadata about the Customer type

            // Do this for each customer to be created
            var acme = customerType.CreateEntity() as Customer;     // Returns Customer as IEntity
            acme.CompanyName = "Acme";                              // CompanyName is a required field
            acme.CustomerID = Guid.NewGuid();                       // Must set the key field before attaching to entity manager
            manager.AddEntity(acme);                                // Attach the entity as a new entity; it's EntityState is "Added"
コード例 #10
        public static int InsertCustomer(
            string customerID,
            string companyName,
            string contactName = null,
            string city = null,
            string contactTitle = null,
            string address = null,
            string region = null,
            string postalCode = null,
            string country = null,
            string phone = null,
            string fax = null)
            var newCustomer = new Customer
                CustomerID = customerID,
                CompanyName = companyName,
                City = city,
                ContactName = contactName,
                ContactTitle = contactTitle,
                Address = address,
                Region = region,
                PostalCode = postalCode,
                Country = country,
                Phone = phone,
                Fax = fax,

            using (var dbContext = new NorthwindEntities())
                int affectedRows = dbContext.SaveChanges();

                return affectedRows;
コード例 #11
        public async Task CustomizeMessageString()
            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName); // new empty EntityManager
            await manager.FetchMetadata(); // required before creating a new entity

            var customer = new Customer();
            var vr = new RequiredValidator().WithMessage("Dude! The {0} is really required ... seriously ... as in mandatory");

            var companyNameProp = customer.EntityAspect.EntityType.GetDataProperty("CompanyName");
            var context = new ValidationContext(customer, companyNameProp, null);
            var error = vr.Validate(context);
            Assert.IsTrue(error.Message.Contains("CompanyName") && error.Message.Contains("Dude"), "should be an error containing 'Dude'");
コード例 #12
        public async Task AddRemoveValidationError()
            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName); // new empty EntityManager
            await manager.FetchMetadata(); // required before creating a new entity

            var customer = new Customer { CompanyName = "Presumed Guilty"};

            var errmsgs = customer.EntityAspect.ValidationErrors;
            Assert.IsFalse(errmsgs.Any(), "should have no errors at start");

            // create a fake error
            var fakeError = new ValidationError( 
                new AlwaysWrongValidator(),     // the marker validator
                new ValidationContext(customer),// validation context
                "You were wrong this time!"     // error message

            // add the fake error

            Assert.IsTrue(errmsgs.Any(), String.Format("should have 1 error after add: {0}", errmsgs.First().Message));               

            // Now remove that error

            customer.EntityAspect.Validate(); // re-validate

            Assert.IsFalse(errmsgs.Any(), "should have no errors after remove");
コード例 #13
        public async Task RemoveRuleAndError()
            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName); // new empty EntityManager
            await manager.FetchMetadata(); // required before creating a new entity

            var customerType = manager.MetadataStore.GetEntityType(typeof(Customer)); //get the Customer type
            var alwaysWrongValidator = new AlwaysWrongValidator();
            var validators = customerType.Validators;

                // add alwaysWrong to the entity (not to a property)

                var customer = new Customer { CompanyName = "Presumed Guilty"};

                // Attach triggers entity validation by default

                var errmsgs = customer.EntityAspect.ValidationErrors;
                Assert.IsTrue(errmsgs.Any(), String.Format("should have 1 error: {0}", errmsgs.First().Message));

                // remove validation rule

                // Clear out the "alwaysWrong" error
                // Must do manually because that rule is now gone
                // and, therefore, can't cleanup after itself

                customer.EntityAspect.Validate(); // re-validate

                Assert.IsFalse(errmsgs.Any(), "should have no errors");
コード例 #14
        public async Task USCustomerMustHaveValidZipCode()
            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName); // new empty EntityManager
            await manager.FetchMetadata(); // required before creating a new entity

            var customerType = manager.MetadataStore.GetEntityType(typeof(Customer)); //get the Customer type

                // add US zip code validator to the entity (not to a property)
                customerType.Validators.Add(new ZipCodeValidator());

                var customer = new Customer { CustomerID = Guid.NewGuid(), CompanyName = "Boogaloo Board Games" };
                customer.Country = "USA";
                customer.PostalCode = "N2L 3G1"; // a Canadian postal code
                // force validation of  customer
                var errors = customer.EntityAspect.Validate();

                Assert.IsTrue(errors.Any(), String.Format("should have 1 error: {0}", errors.First().Message));

                customer.Country = "Canada";

                errors = customer.EntityAspect.Validate();

                Assert.IsFalse(errors.Any(), String.Format("should have no errors"));
                Assert.IsTrue(customerType.Validators.Remove(new ZipCodeValidator()));
コード例 #15
        public async Task AddRequiredValidator()
            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName); // new empty EntityManager
            await manager.FetchMetadata(); // required before creating a new entity

            // Add required validator to the Country property of a Customer entity
            var customerType = manager.MetadataStore.GetEntityType(typeof(Customer)); //get the Customer type
            var countryProp = customerType.GetProperty("Country"); //get the property definition to validate

            var validators = countryProp.Validators; // get the property's validator collection
            Assert.IsFalse(validators.Any(v => v == new RequiredValidator()), "Should be no required validators on Customer.Country.");

                validators.Add(new RequiredValidator()); // add a new required validator instance 
                Assert.IsTrue(validators.Any(), "Should now have a required validator on Customer.Country.");

                // create a new customer setting the required CompanyName
                var customer = new Customer { CompanyName = "zzz" };
                var validationErrors = customer.EntityAspect.ValidationErrors;
                Assert.IsFalse(validationErrors.Any(), "Should be no validation errors prior to attach");

                // attach triggers entity validation by default
                // customer is no longer valid since Country was never set
                Assert.IsTrue(validationErrors.Any(ve => ve.Message.Contains("Country") && ve.Message.Contains("required")), "Should be a validation error stating Country is required.");
                Assert.IsTrue(validators.Remove(new RequiredValidator()));
 public void AddCustomer(Customer customer)
コード例 #17
        public async Task ManualValidationAndClearingOfErrors()
            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName); // new empty EntityManager
            await manager.FetchMetadata(); // required before creating a new entity

            var newCustomer = new Customer();
            // attach triggers entity validation by default

            // validate an individual entity at any time
            var results = newCustomer.EntityAspect.Validate();
            if (results.Any()) {/* do something about errors */}
            Assert.IsTrue(results.Any(ve => ve.Message.Contains("CompanyName") && ve.Message.Contains("required")), "Should be a validation error stating CompanyName is required.");

            // remove all current errors from the collection
            Assert.IsFalse(newCustomer.EntityAspect.ValidationErrors.Any(), "Should be no validation errors after clearing them.");

            // validate a specific property at any time
            var dp = newCustomer.EntityAspect.EntityType.GetDataProperty("CompanyName");
            results = newCustomer.EntityAspect.ValidateProperty(dp);
            if (results.Any()) { /* do something about errors */}
            Assert.IsTrue(results.Any(ve => ve.Message.Contains("CompanyName") && ve.Message.Contains("required")), "Should be a validation error stating CompanyName is required.");

            // remove a specific error
            var specificError = results.First(ve => ve.Context.PropertyPath == "CompanyName");
            Assert.IsFalse(newCustomer.EntityAspect.ValidationErrors.Any(), "Should be no validation errors after clearing a specific one.");

            // clear server errors
            var errors = newCustomer.EntityAspect.ValidationErrors;
            errors.ForEach(ve =>
                                   if (ve.IsServerError) errors.Remove(ve);

コード例 #18
        public async Task CustomerCanBeInCanada()
            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName); // new empty EntityManager
            await manager.FetchMetadata(); // required before creating a new entity

            var customer = new Customer {CompanyName="zzz", ContactName = "Wayne Gretzky", Country = "Canada"};

            // force validation of unattached customer
            var errors = customer.EntityAspect.Validate();

            // Ok for customer to be in Canada
            Assert.IsFalse(errors.Any(), "Should be no validation errors.");
コード例 #19
 public ActionResult Edit(Customer customer)
     if (ModelState.IsValid)
         db.Entry(customer).State = EntityState.Modified;
         return RedirectToAction("Index");
     return View(customer);
コード例 #20
        public async Task CustomerMustBeInUs()
            var manager = new EntityManager(_serviceName); // new empty EntityManager
            await manager.FetchMetadata(); // required before creating a new entity

            var customer = new Customer { CompanyName = "zzz", ContactName = "Shania Twain" };

                // add the US-only validator
                        .Validators.Add(new CountryIsUsValidator());

                // non-US customers no longer allowed 
                customer.Country = "CA";
                var validationErrors = customer.EntityAspect.ValidationErrors;
                Assert.IsTrue(validationErrors.Any(ve => ve.Message.Contains("Country must start with 'US'")), "Should be a validation error stating Country must start with 'US'.");

                // back in the USA 
                customer.Country = "USA";
                Assert.IsFalse(validationErrors.Any(), "Should be no validation errors.");
                        .Validators.Remove(new CountryIsUsValidator()));