public static OrderBlob Create(int orderId) { return(new OrderBlob { Id = orderId, Customer = NorthwindFactory.Customer("ALFKI", "Alfreds Futterkiste", "Maria Anders", "Sales Representative", "Obere Str. 57", "Berlin", null, "12209", "Germany", "030-0074321", "030-0076545", null), Employee = NorthwindFactory.Employee(1, "Davolio", "Nancy", "Sales Representative", "Ms.", NorthwindData.ToDateTime("12/08/1948"), NorthwindData.ToDateTime("05/01/1992"), "507 - 20th Ave. E. Apt. 2A", "Seattle", "WA", "98122", "USA", "(206) 555-9857", "5467", null, "Education includes a BA in psychology from Colorado State University in 1970. She also completed 'The Art of the Cold Call.' Nancy is a member of Toastmasters International.", 2, "http://accweb/emmployees/davolio.bmp"), OrderDate = NorthwindData.ToDateTime("7/4/1996"), RequiredDate = NorthwindData.ToDateTime("8/1/1996"), ShippedDate = NorthwindData.ToDateTime("7/16/1996"), ShipVia = 5, Freight = 32.38m, ShipName = "Vins et alcools Chevalier", ShipAddress = "59 rue de l'Abbaye", ShipCity = "Reims", ShipRegion = null, ShipPostalCode = "51100", ShipCountry = "France", OrderDetails = new List <OrderDetailBlob> { new OrderDetailBlob { ProductId = 11, UnitPrice = 11, Quantity = 14, Discount = 0 }, new OrderDetailBlob { ProductId = 42, UnitPrice = 9.8m, Quantity = 10, Discount = 0 }, new OrderDetailBlob { ProductId = 72, UnitPrice = 34.8m, Quantity = 5, Discount = 0 }, }, IntIds = new List <int> { 10, 20, 30 }, CharMap = new Dictionary <int, string> { { 1, "A" }, { 2, "B" }, { 3, "C" }, } }); }
public static void LoadData(bool loadImages) { NorthwindData.LoadData(loadImages); Instance = new NorthwindDtoData { Categories = NorthwindData.Categories.ConvertAll(x => ToCategoryDto(x)), Customers = NorthwindData.Customers.ConvertAll(x => ToCustomerDto(x)), Employees = NorthwindData.Employees.ConvertAll(x => ToEmployeeDto(x)), Shippers = NorthwindData.Shippers.ConvertAll(x => ToShipperDto(x)), Suppliers = NorthwindData.Suppliers.ConvertAll(x => ToSupplierDto(x)), Orders = NorthwindData.Orders.ConvertAll(x => ToOrderDto(x)), Products = NorthwindData.Products.ConvertAll(x => ToProduct(x)), OrderDetails = NorthwindData.OrderDetails.ConvertAll(x => ToOrderDetailDto(x)), CustomerCustomerDemos = NorthwindData.CustomerCustomerDemos.ConvertAll(x => ToCustomerCustomerDemoDto(x)), Regions = NorthwindData.Regions.ConvertAll(x => ToRegionDto(x)), Territories = NorthwindData.Territories.ConvertAll(x => ToTerritoryDto(x)), EmployeeTerritories = NorthwindData.EmployeeTerritories.ConvertAll(x => ToEmployeeTerritoryDto(x)), }; }