コード例 #1
        public ActionResult FinderFeeCustomerSelectPopup(string selectedIds, int consignorId, string btnIdToRefresh, string frmIdToRefresh, AUCustomerList model)
            //TODO: Implement permissions
            //if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageProducts))
            //    return AccessDeniedView();

            var consignor = _consignorService.GetConsignorById(consignorId);
            if (consignor == null || selectedIds == null)
                ErrorNotification("A major error occurred -consignor id or selected ids from ConsignorCustomerSelectPopup null. Please contact System Support");
                return RedirectToAction("ManageConsignors");

            //TODO: Finish this - Need to get the lot info to ensure not already sold and unpublished
            var ids = selectedIds
                    .Split(new[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)
                    .Select(x => Convert.ToInt32(x))

            var customer = _consignorService.GetCustomerById(ids[0]);

            if (customer == null)
                ErrorNotification("A major error occurred - customer not found using vendor id from ConsignorCustomerSelectPopup null. Please contact System Support");
                return RedirectToAction("ManageConsignors");

            consignor.CustomerID = customer.Id;

            SuccessNotification("Customer associated to Consignor!!");  //seems to be nop admin convention

            ViewBag.RefreshPage = true;
            ViewBag.btnId = btnIdToRefresh;
            ViewBag.formId = frmIdToRefresh;
            return View("~/Views/AUConsignor/ConsignorCustomerSelectPopup.cshtml", model);
            //return RedirectToAction("ListLots"); //TODO FIX THIS
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult ListUnassignedFinders(DataSourceRequest command, AUCustomerList model)

            //int roleId = _consignorService.GetIdForRole("Consignors");
            //int[] roleIds = new int[1];

            ////Note: roleId may be 0 if Role was not found
            //roleIds[0] = roleId;

            var finders = _consignorService.GetUnassignedFinderCustomers(
                entityId: model.AUEntityId,
                entityType: model.AUEntityType,
                vendorId: model.SearchVendorId,
                //customerRoleIds: roleIds,
                email: model.SearchEmail,
                username: model.SearchUsername,
                firstName: model.SearchFirstName,
                lastName: model.SearchLastName,
                company: model.SearchCompany,
                phone: model.SearchPhone,
                zipPostalCode: model.SearchZipPostalCode,
                pageIndex: 0,
                pageSize: 500);

            //pageIndex: command.Page - 1,
            //pageSize: command.PageSize);

            //TODO: Add address, phone info to this result set (use nav property = select home address)
            var gridModel = new DataSourceResult
                Data = finders.Select(x => new
                    Id = x.Id,
                    VendorId = x.VendorId,
                    CustomerGuid = x.CustomerGuid,
                    Firstname = (x.Addresses.Count() != 0) ? x.Addresses.First().FirstName : "No Address",
                    Lastname = (x.Addresses.Count() != 0) ? x.Addresses.First().LastName : "No Address",
                    Address1 = (x.Addresses.Count() != 0) ? x.Addresses.First().Address1 : "No Address",
                    Address2 = (x.Addresses.Count() != 0) ? x.Addresses.First().Address2 : "No Address",
                    City = (x.Addresses.Count() != 0) ? x.Addresses.First().City : "No Address",
                    ZipPostalCode = (x.Addresses.Count() != 0) ? x.Addresses.First().ZipPostalCode : "No Address",
                    Username = x.Username,
                    Company = (x.Addresses.Count() != 0) ? x.Addresses.First().Company : "No Address",
                    Phone = (x.Addresses.Count() != 0) ? x.Addresses.First().PhoneNumber : "No Address",
                    Email = x.Email,
                    AdminComment = x.AdminComment,
                    HasShoppingCartItems = x.HasShoppingCartItems,
                    Active = x.Active,
                    CreatedOnUtc = x.CreatedOnUtc,
                    LastLoginDateUtc = x.LastLoginDateUtc,
                    LastActivityDateUtc = x.LastActivityDateUtc
                Total = finders.TotalCount

            return Json(gridModel);
コード例 #3

        public ActionResult FinderFeeCustomerSelectPopup(int entityId, string entityType)
            //TODO: Permissions to associate Customer to Consignor
            //if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageProducts))
            //    return View("~/Administration/Views/Security/AccessDenied.cshtml");

            var model = new AUCustomerList();  //same model as used in consignorcustomer popup

            model.AUEntityId = entityId;
            model.AUEntityType = entityType;

            //TODO: a vendor should not be able to see the consignor info or set the customer. Add and Set the indicator in the model
            model.IsLoggedInAsVendor = _workContext.CurrentVendor != null;

            model.PhoneEnabled = true;
            model.ZipPostalCodeEnabled = true;
            model.CompanyEnabled = true;

            model.AUConsignorId = 0;

            return View("~/Views/AUConsignor/FinderFeeCustomerSelectPopup.cshtml", model);