コード例 #1
        //When a view is returned, it expects that an associated .cshtml file is in the same view folder 
        //structure as the controller layout for that area (if no areas are in use, then there is only 
        //1 view folder and 1 controller folder). The controller name will be the folder name in the views 
        //folder, and the actionresult name will be the expected name of the .cshtml file.

        //public ActionResult Index()
        //    return View();

        public ActionResult CreateUpdateConsignor(int ConsignorId = 0)
            AUConsignorRecord consignor = new AUConsignorRecord();
            if (ConsignorId > 0)
                consignor = _consignorRepo.GetById(ConsignorId);

            //indicate if entity has a fee associated. This tells Consignor page not to show fees fields if already has fee (maintain through grid)
            var fee = _consignorService.GetFeesForOneId(ConsignorId, "AUConsignor");
            //return View(consignment); //use with custome view engine
            //return View("CreateUpdatePromoSlider");
            //return View("~/Views/PromoSlider/CreateUpdatePromoSlider.cshtml");
            return View("~/Views/AUConsignor/CreateUpdateConsignor.cshtml", consignor); //worked first time null
            //return View("~/Plugins/Widgets.PromoSlider/Views/PromoSlider/CreateUpdatePromoSlider.cshtml", slider);
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult CreateUpdateConsignor(AUConsignorRecord record)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                AUConsignorRecord consignor = _consignorRepo.GetById(record.AUConsignorID);

                if (consignor == null)

                    var CurrentCustomer = _authenticationService.GetAuthenticatedCustomer();
                    record.CreatedBy = CurrentCustomer.Username;
                    record.UpdatedBy = CurrentCustomer.Username;

                    record.CreatedOnDT = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
                    record.UpdatedOnDT = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
                    //Make updated by same as created by date for initial store
                    //record.UpdatedOnDT = System.DateTime.UtcNow;
                    record.UpdatedOnDT = record.CreatedOnDT;


                    //store a blank fee at the highest level to make consignor fees easier/more consistent grid design
                    var fee = new AUFeesRecord();
                    fee.AUEntityID = record.AUConsignorID;
                    fee.AUEntityType = "AUConsignor";
                    fee.CommissionCanExceedReserveInd = false;
                    fee.ExpertisingFeeAmt = 0;
                    fee.FixedFeeAmt = 0;
                    fee.InsuranceSoldPct = 0;
                    fee.InsuranceUnsoldPct = 0;
                    fee.InterestOnAdvancePct = 0;
                    fee.MinCommissionMailSoldAmt = 0;
                    fee.MinCommissionMailUnsoldAmt = 0;
                    fee.MinCommissionPublicSoldAmt = 0;
                    fee.MinCommissionPublicUnsoldAmt = 0;
                    fee.MinimumConsignorTotalFeeAmt = 0;
                    fee.MiscFeeAmt = 0;
                    fee.SoldPct = 0;
                    fee.UnsoldPct = 0;


                    SuccessNotification("Consignor Created Successfully - please add consignments and fees!");
                    return RedirectToRoute(new
                        Action = "CreateUpdateConsignor",
                        Controller = "AUConsignor",
                        ConsignorId = record.AUConsignorID
                    //use latest consignor record to update with most up-do-date data rather than stale record
                    consignor.Prefix = record.Prefix;
                    consignor.FirstName = record.FirstName;
                    consignor.MiddleName = record.MiddleName;
                    consignor.LastName = record.LastName;
                    consignor.CustomerID = record.CustomerID;
                    consignor.Suffix = record.Suffix;
                    consignor.WEMailID = record.WEMailID;
                    consignor.HEMailID = record.HEMailID;
                    consignor.EMailPrefCode = record.EMailPrefCode;
                    //consignor.CommissionCanExceedReserveInd = record.CommissionCanExceedReserveInd;
                    //consignor.SoldPct = record.SoldPct;
                    //consignor.UnsoldPct = record.UnsoldPct;
                    //consignor.InsuranceSoldPct = record.InsuranceSoldPct;
                    //consignor.InsuranceUnsoldPct = record.InsuranceUnsoldPct;
                    //consignor.MinCommissionPublicSoldAmt = record.MinCommissionPublicSoldAmt;
                    //consignor.MinCommissionPublicUnsoldAmt = record.MinCommissionPublicUnsoldAmt;
                    //consignor.MinCommissionMailSoldAmt = record.MinCommissionMailSoldAmt;
                    //consignor.MinCommissionMailUnsoldAmt = record.MinCommissionMailUnsoldAmt;
                    //consignor.FixedFeeAmt = record.FixedFeeAmt;
                    //consignor.MinimumConsignorTotalFeeAmt = record.MinimumConsignorTotalFeeAmt;
                    //consignor.InterestOnAdvancePct = record.InterestOnAdvancePct;
                    //consignor.MiscFeeAmt = record.MiscFeeAmt;
                    //consignor.MiscFeeAmt = record.MiscFeeAmt;
                    //consignor.MiscFeeType = record.MiscFeeType;
                    //consignor.ExpertisingFeeAmt = record.ExpertisingFeeAmt;

                    //consignor.CreatedOnDT = System.DateTime.UtcNow;   --> don't overlay created info
                    //consignor.CreatedBy = CurrentCustomer.Username;

                    var CurrentCustomer = _authenticationService.GetAuthenticatedCustomer();
                    consignor.UpdatedBy = CurrentCustomer.Username;
                    consignor.UpdatedOnDT = System.DateTime.UtcNow;

                    //this is how nop converts it back out
                    //consignor.CreatedOnDT = _dateTimeHelper.ConvertToUserTime(customer.CreatedOnUtc, DateTimeKind.Utc);

                    //public virtual DateTime CreatedOnDT { get; set; }
                    //public virtual string CreatedBy { get; set; }
                    //public virtual DateTime UpdatedOnDT { get; set; }
                    //public virtual string UpdatedBy { get; set; }

                    SuccessNotification("Changed Saved!");
                    //return View(consignment); //now with customer view engine
                    return View("~/Views/AUConsignor/CreateUpdateConsignor.cshtml", consignor); //not hit first time??
                    //return View("~/Plugins/Widgets.PromoSlider/Views/PromoSlider/CreateUpdatePromoSlider.cshtml", slider);
                return View();
                //return View("~/Views/PromoSlider/CreateUpdatePromoSlider.cshtml"); //not hit first time?
                //return View("~/Plugins/Widgets.PromoSlider/Views/PromoSlider/CreateUpdatePromoSlider.cshtml");
コード例 #3
        public ActionResult EditCustomer(int ConsignorId = 0)

            AUConsignorRecord consignor = new AUConsignorRecord() { FirstName = "Test" };
            if (ConsignorId > 0)
                consignor = _consignorRepo.GetById(ConsignorId);

            //try this!!   COMMENTED 03/23/16 TO AVOID THE WHOL INHERITANCE BULLSHIT
            //return RedirectToAction("Edit", "AUConsignorAdmin", new { id = consignor.CustomerID, area = "Admin" });

            return RedirectToAction("Edit", "Customer", new { id = consignor.CustomerID, area = "Admin" });

            //comment for now
            //if (!ControllerContext.IsChildAction)    //%%%%%
            //{ return View(consignor); }
            //{ return PartialView(consignor); }
