コード例 #1
        public ActionResult CreateLotFinderFees(AUCombLotFinderFees combfees)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)

                AUFinderFeesRecord fee = new AUFinderFeesRecord();
                //fee = _finderfeesRepo.GetById(combfees.AUFinderFeesRecord.AUFinderFeesID);

                //if (fee == null)

                fee.AUEntityID = combfees.AULotID;
                fee.AUEntityType = "AULot";
                fee.CustomerID = combfees.AUFinderFeesRecord.CustomerID;
                fee.DisplayOrder = 1;
                fee.FinderFeeAmt = combfees.AUFinderFeesRecord.FinderFeeAmt;
                fee.FinderFeePct = combfees.AUFinderFeesRecord.FinderFeePct;

                SuccessNotification("Finder Fee Created Successfully!");
                return RedirectToRoute(new
                    Action = "Edit",
                    Controller = "Product",
                    //ConsignorId = r2.AUConsignorRecord.AUConsignorID,
                    id = combfees.ProductID

                //    throw new NopException("Finder Fee already exists! Please notify Administrator");

                //    //return View("~/Views/AUConsignor/CreateUpdateConsignmentFinderFees.cshtml", combfees); //not hit first time??
                //invalid model will show "default" error messages driven by record annotation/decorations
                //var errors = ModelState.Values.SelectMany(v => v.Errors);
                ErrorNotification("Finder Fee Not Created - Model has errors! Please notify administrator.");
                return View("~/Views/AUConsignor/CreateUpdateLotFinderFees.cshtml", combfees);
                //return View();
                //return View("~/Views/PromoSlider/CreateUpdatePromoSlider.cshtml"); //not hit first time?
                //return View("~/Plugins/Widgets.PromoSlider/Views/PromoSlider/CreateUpdatePromoSlider.cshtml");
コード例 #2
        public ActionResult CreateUpdateLotFinderFees(int id = 0)     //id = Product Id

            AUCombLotFinderFees lotfees = new AUCombLotFinderFees();

            if (id > 0)
                //consfees.AUConsignmentRecord = _consignmentRepo.GetById(ConsignmentId);
                var product = _productService.GetProductById(id);
                lotfees.ProductID = product.Id;
                lotfees.Name = product.Name;
                lotfees.ShortDescription = product.ShortDescription;

                var lot = _consignorService.GetLotByProductId(id);
                if (lot != null)
                    lotfees.AULotID = lot.AULotID;
                    lotfees.AULotID = 0;

                throw new NopException("No LotId provided - please notify system aministrator");

            //need to do this to make sure model is valid for ADD
            lotfees.AUFinderFeesRecord = new AUFinderFeesRecord();
            lotfees.AUFinderFeesRecord.AUFinderFeesID = 0; //set this because kick model invalid in POST otherwise

            return View("~/Views/AUConsignor/CreateUpdateLotFinderFees.cshtml", lotfees); //worked first time null

コード例 #3
        //////protected virtual IList<AUSaleCategorySimpleModel> PrepareSaleCategorySimpleModels(int rootCategoryId,
        //////    bool loadSubCategories = true, IList<Category> allCategories = null)
        //////    var result = new List<AUSaleCategorySimpleModel>();

        //////    //little hack for performance optimization.
        //////    //we know that this method is used to load top and left menu for categories.
        //////    //it'll load all categories anyway.
        //////    //so there's no need to invoke "GetAllCategoriesByParentCategoryId" multiple times (extra SQL commands) to load childs
        //////    //so we load all categories at once
        //////    //if you don't like this implementation if you can uncomment the line below (old behavior) and comment several next lines (before foreach)
        //////    //var categories = _categoryService.GetAllCategoriesByParentCategoryId(rootCategoryId);

        //////    //TODO: pass in store id and also what are customer role ids?
        //////    var sidebarSales = _ausaleService.GetAllSidebarSales();
        //////    foreach (var AUSaleRecord in sidebarSales)
        //////    {
        //////        var saleCategories = _ausaleService.GetCategoriesForSidebarSale(AUSaleRecord.AUSaleID);
        //////        result.AddRange(saleCategories);

        //////    }

        //////    ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////

        //////    //if (allCategories == null)
        //////    //{
        //////    //    //load categories if null passed
        //////    //    //we implemeneted it this way for performance optimization - recursive iterations (below)
        //////    //    //this way all categories are loaded only once
        //////    //    allCategories = _categoryService.GetAllCategories();
        //////    //}

        //////    var categories = allCategories.Where(c => c.ParentCategoryId == rootCategoryId).ToList();
        //////    foreach (var category in categories)
        //////    {
        //////        var categoryModel = new CategorySimpleModel
        //////        {
        //////            Id = category.Id,
        //////            Name = category.GetLocalized(x => x.Name),
        //////            SeName = category.GetSeName(),
        //////            IncludeInTopMenu = category.IncludeInTopMenu
        //////        };

        //////        //product number for each category
        //////        if (_catalogSettings.ShowCategoryProductNumber)
        //////        {
        //////            string cacheKey = string.Format(ModelCacheEventConsumer.CATEGORY_NUMBER_OF_PRODUCTS_MODEL_KEY,
        //////                string.Join(",", _workContext.CurrentCustomer.GetCustomerRoleIds()),
        //////                _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id,
        //////                category.Id);
        //////            categoryModel.NumberOfProducts = _cacheManager.Get(cacheKey, () =>
        //////            {
        //////                var categoryIds = new List<int>();
        //////                categoryIds.Add(category.Id);
        //////                //include subcategories
        //////                if (_catalogSettings.ShowCategoryProductNumberIncludingSubcategories)
        //////                    categoryIds.AddRange(GetChildCategoryIds(category.Id));
        //////                return _productService.GetCategoryProductNumber(categoryIds, _storeContext.CurrentStore.Id);
        //////            });
        //////        }

        //////        if (loadSubCategories)
        //////        {
        //////            var subCategories = PrepareCategorySimpleModels(category.Id, loadSubCategories, allCategories);
        //////            categoryModel.SubCategories.AddRange(subCategories);
        //////        }
        //////        result.Add(categoryModel);
        //////    }

        //////    return result;


        //TODO: is int FinderFeeId = 0 needed? get rid of
        public ActionResult CreateLotFinderFees(int productId = 0, int FinderFeeId = 0)

            AUCombLotFinderFees lotfees = new AUCombLotFinderFees();

            if (productId > 0)
                var product = _productService.GetProductById(productId);
                //TODO: implement InvokeHttp404()
                ////if (product == null || product.Deleted)
                ////    return InvokeHttp404();

                var lot = _consignorService.GetLotByProductId(productId);
                //TODO: implement InvokeHttp404()
                ////if (product == null || product.Deleted)
                ////    return InvokeHttp404();

                lotfees.AULotID = lot.AULotID;
                lotfees.Name = product.Name;
                lotfees.ShortDescription = product.ShortDescription;

                throw new NopException("No Lot/Product ID provided - please notify system aministrator");

            //need to do this to make sure model is valid for ADD
            lotfees.AUFinderFeesRecord = new AUFinderFeesRecord();
            lotfees.AUFinderFeesRecord.AUFinderFeesID = 0; //set this because kick model invalid in POST otherwise

            //if (FinderFeeId > 0)
            //    consfees.AUFinderFeesRecord = _finderfeesRepo.GetById(FinderFeeId);

            return View("~/Views/AUConsignor/CreateLotFinderFees.cshtml", lotfees); //worked first time null