public void Can_save_and_load_stateProvince() { var stateProvince = new StateProvince { Name = "California", Abbreviation = "CA", Published = true, DisplayOrder = 1, Country = new Country() { Name = "United States", AllowsBilling = true, AllowsShipping = true, TwoLetterIsoCode = "US", ThreeLetterIsoCode = "USA", NumericIsoCode = 1, SubjectToVat = true, Published = true, DisplayOrder = 1, } }; var fromDb = SaveAndLoadEntity(stateProvince); fromDb.ShouldNotBeNull(); fromDb.Name.ShouldEqual("California"); fromDb.Abbreviation.ShouldEqual("CA"); fromDb.Published.ShouldEqual(true); fromDb.DisplayOrder.ShouldEqual(1); fromDb.Country.ShouldNotBeNull(); fromDb.Country.Name.ShouldEqual("United States"); }
protected void UpdateLocales(StateProvince stateProvince, StateProvinceModel model) { foreach (var localized in model.Locales) { _localizedEntityService.SaveLocalizedValue(stateProvince, x => x.Name, localized.Name, localized.LanguageId); } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes a state/province /// </summary> /// <param name="stateProvince">The state/province</param> public virtual void DeleteStateProvince(StateProvince stateProvince) { if (stateProvince == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("stateProvince"); _stateProvinceRepository.Delete(stateProvince); _cacheManager.RemoveByPattern(STATEPROVINCES_PATTERN_KEY); //event notification _eventPublisher.EntityDeleted(stateProvince); }
/// <summary> /// Import states from TXT file /// </summary> /// <param name="stream">Stream</param> /// <returns>Number of imported states</returns> public virtual int ImportStatesFromTxt(Stream stream) { int count = 0; using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream)) { while (!reader.EndOfStream) { string line = reader.ReadLine(); if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(line)) continue; string[] tmp = line.Split(','); if (tmp.Length != 5) throw new NopException("Wrong file format"); //parse var countryTwoLetterIsoCode = tmp[0].Trim(); var name = tmp[1].Trim(); var abbreviation = tmp[2].Trim(); bool published = Boolean.Parse(tmp[3].Trim()); int displayOrder = Int32.Parse(tmp[4].Trim()); var country = _countryService.GetCountryByTwoLetterIsoCode(countryTwoLetterIsoCode); if (country == null) { //country cannot be loaded. skip continue; } //import var states = _stateProvinceService.GetStateProvincesByCountryId(country.Id, showHidden: true); var state = states.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Name.Equals(name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase)); if (state != null) { state.Abbreviation = abbreviation; state.Published = published; state.DisplayOrder = displayOrder; _stateProvinceService.UpdateStateProvince(state); } else { state = new StateProvince { CountryId = country.Id, Name = name, Abbreviation = abbreviation, Published = published, DisplayOrder = displayOrder, }; _stateProvinceService.InsertStateProvince(state); } count++; } } return count; }
public static StateProvince ToEntity(this StateProvinceModel model, StateProvince destination) { return Mapper.Map(model, destination); }
protected virtual List<LocalizedProperty> UpdateLocales(StateProvince stateProvince, StateProvinceModel model) { List<LocalizedProperty> localized = new List<LocalizedProperty>(); foreach (var local in model.Locales) { localized.Add(new LocalizedProperty() { LanguageId = local.LanguageId, LocaleKey = "Name", LocaleValue = local.Name }); } return localized; }
public ActionResult CityList(DataSourceRequest command, int productId) { if (!_permissionService.Authorize(StandardPermissionProvider.ManageProducts)) return AccessDeniedView(); var product = _productService.GetProductById(productId); if (product == null) throw new ArgumentException("No product found with the specified id"); //a vendor should have access only to his products if (_workContext.CurrentVendor != null && product.VendorId != _workContext.CurrentVendor.Id) return Content("This is not your product"); var Cities = _productCitiesService.GetProductsCitiesByProductId(productId); List<ProductModel.CityModel> citymodel = new List<ProductModel.CityModel>(); foreach (var c in Cities) { if (c != null) { ProductModel.CityModel city = new ProductModel.CityModel(); string countryName; var state = new StateProvince(); var country = new Country(); var cty = new City(); if (c.CityID > 0) { cty = _cityService.GetCityById(c.CityID); state = _stateProvinceService.GetStateProvinceById(cty.StateID); country = _countryService.GetCountryById(state.Id); countryName = country != null ? country.Name : "Deleted"; } else { countryName = _localizationService.GetResource("Admin.Catalog.Products.City.Fields.Country.All"); } city.Id = c.Id; city.CityId = c.CityID; city.City = cty.CityName; city.CountryId = country != null ? country.Id : 0; city.Country = country != null ? country.Name : "Deleted"; city.StateId = state != null ? state.Id : 0; city.State = state != null ? state.Name : "Deleted"; city.ProductId = c.ProductID; citymodel.Add(city); } } var gridModel = new DataSourceResult { Data = citymodel, Total = citymodel.Count }; return Json(gridModel); }