public void PrintPlateWithInnerPlatesTest() { var ruler = new Rule {StartValue = 950, EndValue = 775}; var egypt = new Block {Ruler = ruler, Title = "Egypt"}; var israel = new Block {Ruler = ruler, Title = "Israel"}; var damascus = new Block {Ruler = ruler, Title = "Damascus"}; var assyria = new Block {Ruler = ruler, Title = "Assyria"}; var northKingdom = new Block {StartValue = 922, EndValue = 775, Ruler = ruler, Title = "Israel"}; var southKingdom = new Block {StartValue = 922, EndValue = 775, Ruler = ruler, Title = "Judea"}; egypt.AddEntry(new Entry {StartValue = 935, Text = "XXII Dyn. 935-725",Location = PrintLocation.Left}); egypt.AddEntry(new Entry { StartValue = 935, EndValue = 914, Text = "Shishak 935-914",Location = PrintLocation.Right}); egypt.AddEntry(new Entry {StartValue = 914, EndValue = 874, Text = "Osorkon I 914-874"}); israel.AddEntry(new Entry {StartValue = 940,Text="Solomon 961-922"}); southKingdom.AddEntry(new Entry {StartValue = 922, Text = "Rehoboam 922-915"}); southKingdom.AddEntry(new Entry {StartValue = 915, Text = "Abijah 915-913"}); northKingdom.AddEntry(new Entry {StartValue = 922, Text = "Jeroboam I 922-901"}); israel.AddInnerBlock(southKingdom); israel.AddInnerBlock(northKingdom); damascus.AddEntry(new Entry {StartValue = 930, Text = "Rezon"}); assyria.AddEntry(new Entry {StartValue = 935, Text = "Asshur-dan II 935-913"}); var testSubject = new Plate() {Name = "Near East", Ruler = ruler}; testSubject.AddBlock(egypt); testSubject.AddBlock(israel); testSubject.AddBlock(damascus); testSubject.AddBlock(assyria); var testResult = testSubject.ToString(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(testResult); }
public Plate CE1788to1865() { var rule = new Rule { StartValue = 1785, EndValue = 1868, RuleLineSpacing = 7 }; var plate = new Plate { Ruler = rule, Name = "The Industrial Revolution" }; var usa = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "United States" }; usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("DE,PA,NJ", 1787) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("GA,CT,MA,MD,SC,NH,VA,NY", 1788) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Washington", new int?[, ] { { 1789, 1797 } }) { StartValue = 1789 }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("NC", 1789) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("RI", 1790) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("VT", 1791) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("KY", 1792) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("cottin gin(d.)", "E.Whitney", 1793)); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("TN", 1796) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("John Adams", new int?[, ] { { 1797, 1801 } }) { StartValue = 1797 }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("T.Jefferson", new int?[, ] { { 1801, 1809 } }) { StartValue = 1801 }); usa.AddEntry(1802, "West Point founded(1802)"); usa.AddEntry(1803, "Louisiana Purchase(1803)"); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("OH", 1803) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new ExplorerEntry("Lewis & Clark", "Expedition", 1804) { Location = PrintLocation.Center }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("[James Madison", new int?[, ] { { 1809, 1817 } }) { StartValue = 1809 }); usa.AddEntry(1811, "B.of Tippecanoe(1811)(h.)"); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("LA", 1812) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(1815, "failed Canadian conquest"); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("IN", 1816) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(1816, "First Seminole War(1816-1819)"); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("James Monroe", new int?[, ] { { 1817, 1825 } }) { StartValue = 1817 }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("MS", 1817) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("IL", 1818) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("AL", 1819) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("ME", 1820) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("MO", 1821) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("John Quincy Adams", new int?[, ] { { 1825, 1829 } }) { StartValue = 1825 }); usa.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Last of the Mohicans", "J.F.Cooper", 1826)); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Andrew Jackson", new int?[, ] { { 1829, 1837 } }) { StartValue = 1829 }); usa.AddEntry(1835, "Second Seminole War(1835-1842)"); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("AR", 1836) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Martin Van Buren", new int?[, ] { { 1837, 1841 } }) { StartValue = 1837 }); usa.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("telegraph", "Morse", 1837) { StartValue = 1839 }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("MI", 1837) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("William H Harrison", new int?[, ] { { null, 1841 } }) { StartValue = 1841 }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("John Tyler", new int?[, ] { { 1842, 1845 } }) { StartValue = 1842 }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("James K Polk", new int?[, ] { { 1845, 1849 } }) { StartValue = 1845 }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("FL,TX", 1845) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("IA", 1846) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("anesthesia", "W.Morton", 1846) { StartValue = 1844 }); usa.AddEntry(1847, "U.S.-Mexican War(1846-1848)"); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("WI", 1848) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Zachary Taylor", new int?[, ] { { 1849, 1850 } }) { StartValue = 1849 }); usa.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("The Scarlet Letter", "N.Hawthorne", 1849) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Millard Fillmore", new int?[, ] { { 1850, 1853 } }) { StartValue = 1850 }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("CA", 1850) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Moby-Dick", "H.Melville", 1851) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Uncle Tom's Cabin", "H.B.Stowe", 1852) { StartValue = 1851, Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(1852, "Perry Expedition to Japan(1852-54)"); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Franklin Pierce", new int?[, ] { { 1853, 1857 } }) { StartValue = 1853 }); usa.AddEntry(1855, "Third Seminole War(1855-1858)"); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("James Buchanan", new int?[, ] { { 1857, 1861 } }) { StartValue = 1857 }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("MN", 1858) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("OR", 1859) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Abraham Lincoln", new int?[, ] { { 1861, 1865 } }) { StartValue = 1860 }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("KS", 1861) { Location = PrintLocation.Left }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("WV", 1863) { Location = PrintLocation.Left }); usa.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("NV", 1864) { Location = PrintLocation.Left }); var csa = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Confederate States", StartValue = 1860, EndValue = 1866, Width = 48 }; csa.AddEntry(1861, "New Orleans captured"); csa.AddEntry(1863, "Vicksburg\\Petersburg under seige"); csa.AddEntry(1864, "Atlanta razed(1864)", PrintLocation.Right); csa.AddEntry(1865, "fall of Richmond", PrintLocation.Left); csa.AddEntry(1865, "surrender @ Appomattox(1865)(f.)", PrintLocation.Right); plate.Arrows.Add(new Arrow(csa, usa) { StartValue = 1861, Text = "Ft.Sumter fired on(e.)", MoveArrowHeadToCenterOfBlock = true }); plate.Arrows.Add(new Arrow(csa, usa) { StartValue = 1863, Text = "Lee's invasion of PA", MoveArrowHeadToCenterOfBlock = true }); plate.Arrows.Add(new Arrow(usa, csa) { StartValue = 1864, Text = "Sherman's March" }); usa.AddEntry(1866, "Lincoln assassinated(1865)"); usa.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("rotary press", "R.M.Hoe") { StartValue = 1843 }); usa.AddEntry(1836, 1845, "Republic of Texas"); var engd = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "United Kingdom" }; engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("vaccination", "Jenner", 1798) { Location = PrintLocation.Left }); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("battery", "Volta", 1800) { Location = PrintLocation.Left }); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("William Pitt", new int?[, ] { { 1783, 1801 }, { 1804, 1806 } }) { StartValue = 1786 }); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("atomic theory", "Dalton", 1803)); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Henry Addington", new int?[, ] { { 1801, 1804 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Baron Grenville", new int?[, ] { { 1804, 1807 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("W. Cavendish-Bentinck", new int?[, ] { { 1807, 1809 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Spencer Perceval", new int?[, ] { { 1809, 1812 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("R.B Jenkinson", new int?[, ] { { 1812, 1827 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Pride & Prejudice", "J.Austen", 1813) { StartValue = 1815, Location = PrintLocation.Left }); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("G. Canning", new int?[, ] { { 1826, 1827 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Viscount Goderich", new int?[, ] { { 1827, 1828 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Arthur Wellesley", new int?[, ] { { 1828, 1830 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Charles Grey", new int?[, ] { { 1830, 1834 } })); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("law of induction", "Faraday", 1831)); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("R.Peel & W.Lamb(a.)", new int?[, ] { { 1836, 1846 } })); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("1st law thermodyn", "J.P.Joule", 1843)); engd.AddEntry(new ExplorerEntry("Franklin", "lost expedition", 1845) { StartValue = 1844 }); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("John Russel", new int?[, ] { { 1846, 1852 } })); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("Kelvin", "absolute zero", 1848) { Location = PrintLocation.Left }); engd.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Communist Manifesto", "", 1848) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("G. Hamilton-Gordon", new int?[, ] { { 1852, 1855 } }) { StartValue = 0 }); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("E. Smith-Stanley", new int?[, ] { { 1858, 1859 } }) { StartValue = 0 }); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("H. John Temple", new int?[, ] { { 1855, 1858 }, { 1859, 1865 } }) { StartValue = 1860 }); engd.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Principles of Geology", "Lyell", 1833) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); engd.AddEntry(1834, "Abolition Act(1833)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Oliver Twist", "Dickens", 1838)); engd.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Origin of Species", "Darwin", 1859) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); engd.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Great Expectations", "Dickens", 1861)); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("electromag.", "Maxwell") { StartValue = 1864 }); engd.AddEntry(1865, "First Subway(1864)"); engd.AddEntry(1840, 1860, "Industrial Revolution", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1839, 1866, "Queen Victoria (1837-1901)", PrintLocation.Left); var fr = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "France" }; fr.AddEntry(1789, "Estates-General meets(1789)(b.)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1791, "Storming of the Bastille(1789)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1792, "Louis XVI executed(1793)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1793, "Reign of Terror(1793\\94)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1794, "Robespierre executed(1794)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1795, "Napolean quells insurrection(1795)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("extinction", "Cuvier", 1796)); fr.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("heat engine", "Carnot", 1824)); fr.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("enzymes", "A.Payen", 1833)); fr.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Count of Monte Cristo", "A.Dumas", 1845)); fr.AddEntry(1848, "revolution of 1848 & 2nd Republic "); fr.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("germ theory", "Pasteur", 1861)); fr.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Les Miserables", "V.Hugo", 1862)); fr.AddEntry(1787, 1792, "French Revolution", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1793, 1804, "1st Republic", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Napolean", new int?[, ] { { 1804, 1814 } }) { Location = PrintLocation.Left }); fr.AddEntry(1804, 1814, "(French Empire)", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1815, 1830, "Bourbon Restoration", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1831, 1848, "July Monarchy", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1852, 1866, "2nd French Empire", PrintLocation.Right); var de = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Prussia" }; de.AddEntry(1848, "revolution of 1848"); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Frederick William II", new int?[, ] { { 1786, 1797 } }) { StartValue = 1789 }); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Frederick William III", new int?[, ] { { 1797, 1840 } }) { StartValue = 1795 }); de.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Faust", "Goethe", 1808) { StartValue = 1809 }); de.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("electromagnetism", "H.C.Orsted", 1820)); de.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("Ohm's law", "Ohm", 1827)); de.AddEntry(1834, "German free-trade zone(1834)"); de.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("plant cells", "M.Schleiden", 1838)); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Frederick William IV", new int?[, ] { { 1840, 1861 } })); de.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("Neptune discovered", "", 1846)); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Otto V.Bismarck(PM)", new int?[, ] { { 1862, 1890 } })); de.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Capital", "Marx", 1867) { StartValue = 1866 }); de.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("inheritance", "Mendel", 1865)); var aus = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Austrian Empire", Width = 30 }; aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Joseph II", new int?[, ] { { 1765, 1790 } }) { StartValue = 1788 }); aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Leopold VII", new int?[, ] { { 1790, 1792 } })); aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Francis II", new int?[, ] { { 1792, 1804 } }) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Francis I", new int?[, ] { { 1804, 1835 } })); aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("K.V.Metternich(PM)", new int?[, ] { { 1821, 1848 } })); aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Ferdinand I", new int?[, ] { { 1835, 1848 } })); aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Francis Joseph", new int?[, ] { { 1848, 1916 } }) { StartValue = 1846 }); aus.AddEntry(1815, "Congress of Vienna(1815)"); aus.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("Doppler efct", "Doppler", 1842)); aus.AddEntry(1848, "revolution of 1848"); var ott = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Ottoman Empire" }; ott.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Selim III", new int?[, ] { { 1789, 1807 } })); ott.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Mustafa IV", new int?[, ] { { 1807, 1808 } })); ott.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Mahmud II", new int?[, ] { { 1808, 1839 } }) { StartValue = 1809 }); ott.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Abdulmecid I", new int?[, ] { { 1839, 1861 } })); ott.AddEntry(1852, "Epirus Revolt(1854)"); ott.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Abdulaziz I", new int?[, ] { { 1861, 1876 } })); ott.AddEntry(1821, 1832, "Greek War of Independence"); var rus = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Imperial Russia" }; rus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Paul I", new int?[, ] { { 1796, 1801 } })); rus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Alexander I", new int?[, ] { { 1801, 1825 } })); rus.AddEntry(1825, "Decembrist revolt(1825)"); rus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Nicholas I", new int?[, ] { { 1825, 1855 } }) { StartValue = 1824 }); rus.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("Non-Euclidean geo", "Lobachevsky", 1830)); rus.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("A Sportsman Sketches", "I.Turgenev", 1852) { Location = PrintLocation.Left }); rus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Alexander II", new int?[, ] { { 1855, 1881 } })); rus.AddEntry(1860, "Vladivostok founded(1860)"); rus.AddEntry(1861, "serfs freed(1861)"); rus.AddEntry(1854, 1856, "Crimean War", PrintLocation.Right); plate.AddBlock(usa); plate.AddBlock(csa); plate.AddBlock(engd); plate.AddBlock(fr); plate.AddBlock(de); plate.AddBlock(aus); plate.AddBlock(ott); plate.AddBlock(rus); plate.FileName = "17_CE1788_1865"; plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(aus, ott) { Text = "B.of Focsani(1789)", StartValue = 1789 }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(rus, ott) { StartValue = 1789, FromRightToLeftArrowHead = "<......" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(aus, fr) { StartValue = 1792 }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(de, fr) { StartValue = 1793 }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, aus) { StartValue = 1796, Text = "B.of Rivoli(1797)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, ott) { Text = "B.of the Pryamids(1798)(c.)", StartValue = 1797 }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, fr) { Text = "B.of the Nile(1798)(g.)", StartValue = 1798 }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, aus) { Text = "B.of Marengo(1800)", StartValue = 1800 }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(rus, fr) { Text = "B.of Leipzig(1813)", StartValue = 1813 }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, usa) { Text = "DC sacked(1814)", StartValue = 1814, ArrowTail = ".", FromRightToLeftArrowHead = "<...." }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, fr) { Text = "Waterloo(1815)", StartValue = 1815 }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, rus) { StartValue = 1812 }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(rus, ott) { StartValue = 1853, Text = "B.of Sinop(1853)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, rus) { StartValue = 1854, Text = "B.of Balaclava(1854)", FromLeftToRightArrowHead = "..>" }); plate.Notes.Add("(a.) last Prime Minister dismissed by a king, (b.) last met in 1614"); plate.Notes.Add( "(c.) intended to cut England off from India, (d.) pop. of black slaves goes from 700 thousand to 3 million"); plate.Notes.Add("(e.) April 12, 1861, (f.) April 9, 1865 (est. 620,000 killed)"); plate.Notes.Add( "(g.) Napolean's Navy destroyed, (h.) Gen. Harrison defeats confederacy of Native Americans"); return(plate); }
public void PlateToStringWithNotesTest() { var ruler = new Rule() {StartValue = 525, EndValue = 310}; var greece = new Block() {Ruler = ruler, Title = "Greece"}; greece.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 500, Text = "Ionian revolt", Location = PrintLocation.Right}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry() {StartValue = 490, Text = "Battle of Marathon"}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 480, Text = "Battle of Thermopyle / Salamis"}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 479, Text ="Battle of Plataea"}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 450, Text = "Peace of Callias"}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 440, Text = "Parthenon built"}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 431,EndValue = 404,Text = "Peloponnesian War"}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 400,Text = "Athens return of self-rule"}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 390,Text ="Corinthian War"}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 338, Text = "Battle of Chaeronea"}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 336, Text = "Phillip II rules all Greece"}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry() { StartValue = 460, EndValue = 429, Text = "Pericles" }); greece.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 323, Text = "Alexander & Fall of Persian Empire"}); greece.AddEntry(new Entry() { StartValue = 500, EndValue = 325, Text = "Classical Period", Location = PrintLocation.Left }); var plate = new Plate() {Name = "Classical Period", Ruler = ruler}; plate.AddBlock(greece); var testResult = plate.ToString(); Assert.IsNotNull(testResult); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(testResult); }
public void PrintPlateTest() { var testRuler = new Rule() { EndValue = 575, StartValue = 775 }; var testBlock1 = new Block() { EndValue = 575, StartValue = 775, Title = "Judah", Ruler = testRuler }; var testBlock2 = new Block() {EndValue = 575, StartValue = 775, Title = "Egypt", Ruler = testRuler}; testBlock1.AddEntry(new Entry() { Text = "Uzziah 783-742", StartValue = 765, EndValue = 765, }); testBlock1.AddEntry(new Entry() { Text = "(Jotham coregent 750)", StartValue = 750, EndValue = 750, Location = PrintLocation.Right }); testBlock1.AddEntry(new Entry() { Text = "Jotham 742-735", StartValue = 742, EndValue = 742, }); testBlock1.AddEntry(new Entry() { EndValue = 687, StartValue = 732, Text = "(Isaiah)", Location = PrintLocation.Center }); testBlock1.AddEntry(new Entry() { EndValue = 702, StartValue = 733, Text = "(Micah)", Location = PrintLocation.Right }); testBlock1.AddEntry(new Entry() { EndValue = 735, StartValue = 735, Text = "Ahaz 735-715" }); testBlock1.AddEntry(new Entry() { EndValue = 715, StartValue = 715, Text = "Hezekiah 715-687" }); testBlock2.AddEntry(new Entry() { Text = "XXII Dyn. 935-725", StartValue = 935, EndValue = 725, Location = PrintLocation.Left }); testBlock2.AddEntry(new Entry() { Text = "XXIV Dyn. 725-709", StartValue = 725, EndValue = 709, }); testBlock2.AddEntry(new Entry() {Text = "Neco II 610-594", StartValue = 610, EndValue = 610}); var testSubject = new Plate() {Ruler = testRuler, Name = "Near East"}; testSubject.AddBlock(testBlock1); testSubject.AddBlock(testBlock2); var testResult = testSubject.ToString(); Assert.IsNotNull(testResult); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(testResult); }
public void PlateConcatAllBlocksTest() { var ruler = new Rule { StartValue = 950, EndValue = 775 }; var egypt = new Block { Ruler = ruler, Title = "Egypt" }; var israel = new Block { Ruler = ruler, Title = "Israel" }; var damascus = new Block { Ruler = ruler, Title = "Damascus" }; var assyria = new Block { Ruler = ruler, Title = "Assyria" }; var northKingdom = new Block { StartValue = 922, EndValue = 775, Ruler = ruler, Title = "Israel" }; var southKingdom = new Block { StartValue = 922, EndValue = 775, Ruler = ruler, Title = "Judea" }; egypt.AddEntry(new Entry { StartValue = 935, Text = "XXII Dyn. 935-725", Location = PrintLocation.Left }); egypt.AddEntry(new Entry { StartValue = 935, EndValue = 914, Text = "Shishak 935-914", Location = PrintLocation.Right }); egypt.AddEntry(new Entry { StartValue = 914, EndValue = 874, Text = "Osorkon I 914-874" }); israel.AddEntry(new Entry { StartValue = 940, Text = "Solomon 961-922" }); southKingdom.AddEntry(new Entry { StartValue = 922, Text = "Rehoboam 922-915" }); southKingdom.AddEntry(new Entry { StartValue = 915, Text = "Abijah 915-913" }); northKingdom.AddEntry(new Entry { StartValue = 922, Text = "Jeroboam I 922-901" }); israel.AddInnerBlock(southKingdom); israel.AddInnerBlock(northKingdom); damascus.AddEntry(new Entry { StartValue = 930, Text = "Rezon" }); assyria.AddEntry(new Entry { StartValue = 935, Text = "Asshur-dan II 935-913" }); var testSubject = new Plate() { Name = "Near East", Ruler = ruler }; testSubject.AddBlock(egypt); testSubject.AddBlock(israel); testSubject.AddBlock(damascus); testSubject.AddBlock(assyria); var testResult = testSubject.ToTextCanvas(); Assert.IsNotNull(testResult); Assert.AreNotEqual(0, testResult.Items); foreach (var item in testResult.Items) { var itemText = new string(item.Text.ToArray()); foreach (var span in item.Ranges) { var subText = itemText.Substring(span.StartIndex, span.Length); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("{0} {1} {2} {3} {4} '{5}'",item.Index, item.HashMarkValue,span.Id,span.StartIndex,span.Length, subText); } } }
public void PlateSplitBlockTest() { var rule = new Rule() {StartValue = 2050, EndValue = 1500}; var mesopotamia = new Block() {Ruler = rule, Title = "Mesopotamia"}; mesopotamia.AddEntry(new Entry(){StartValue = 2060, EndValue = 1950, Text = "Ur III: ca. 2060-1950"}); var assyria = new Block(){Ruler = rule, StartValue = 1950, EndValue = 1550, Title = "Assyria"}; var babylon = new Block {Ruler = rule, StartValue = 1830, EndValue = 1530, Title = "I Babylon"}; var kassite = new Block {Ruler = rule, StartValue = 1650, EndValue = 1500, Title = "Kassite Dyn."}; mesopotamia.AddInnerBlock(assyria); mesopotamia.AddInnerBlock(babylon); mesopotamia.AddInnerBlock(kassite); mesopotamia.AddArrow(new Arrow(babylon,assyria) {StartValue = 1728,Text = "Hammurabi"}); var hittites = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "Hittites"}; var palestine = new Block() {Ruler = rule, Title = "Palestine"}; var egypt = new Block() {Ruler = rule, Title = "Egypt"}; var plate = new Plate() {Name = "Near East 2050-1500", Ruler = rule}; plate.AddBlock(mesopotamia); plate.AddBlock(hittites); plate.AddBlock(palestine); plate.AddBlock(egypt); var testResult = plate.ToString(); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(testResult); }
public void TextAfterBlockEnd() { var rule = new Rule() { StartValue = 780, EndValue = 500, RuleLineSpacing = 7 }; var judah = new Block() { Ruler = rule, Title = "Judah", StartValue = 780, EndValue = 587 }; judah.AddEntry(560, "Exile"); var plate = new Plate() { Ruler = rule, Name = "Mid-Eighth to Fifth Centuries BCE" }; plate.AddBlock(judah); System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine(plate.ToString()); }
public Plate CE1945to1992() { var rule = new Rule { StartValue = 1945, EndValue = 1992, RuleLineSpacing = 7 }; var plate = new Plate { Ruler = rule, Name = "The Cold War" }; var usa = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "United States" }; var engd = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "United Kingdom" }; var fr = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "France" }; var de = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Germany" }; var ussr = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Soviet Union", EndValue = 1991 }; var zho = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "China" }; var jpn = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Japan" }; var israel = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Israel", StartValue = 1948 }; plate.AddBlock(jpn); plate.AddBlock(usa); plate.AddBlock(engd); plate.AddBlock(fr); plate.AddBlock(de); plate.AddBlock(israel); plate.AddBlock(ussr); plate.AddBlock(zho); plate.FileName = "20_CE1945_1992"; zho.AddEntry(1946, 1949, "Civil War", PrintLocation.Right); zho.AddEntry(1949, "KMT flees to Taiwan"); zho.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Mao Zedong", new int?[, ] { { 1946, 1976 } })); zho.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Hua Guofeng", new int?[, ] { { 1976, 1978 } })); zho.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Deng Xiaoping", new int?[, ] { { 1978, 1989 } })); zho.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Chen Yun", new int?[, ] { { 1987, 1992 } })); zho.AddEntry(1958, 1962, "'Great Leap Foward'[1]"); zho.AddEntry(1964, "test atomic bomb(1964)"); zho.AddEntry(1966, 1976, "'Cultural Revolution'[2]"); zho.AddEntry(1972, "Nixon's visit(1972)"); zho.AddEntry(1979, "economic reform"); jpn.AddEntry(1946, "Tokyo Trials(warcrimes)"); jpn.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Constitution.Japan", "", 1947)); jpn.AddEntry(1947.8, "Fundamental Law of Edu(1947)"); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Shigeru Yoshida", new int?[, ] { { 1948, 1954 } }) { StartValue = 1949 }); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Ichiro Hatoyama", new int?[, ] { { 1954, 1956 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Tanzan Ishibashi", new int?[, ] { { 1956, 1957 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Nobusuke Kishi", new int?[, ] { { 1957, 1960 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Hayato Ikeda", new int?[, ] { { 1960, 1964 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("high-speed rail", "", 1964) { StartValue = 1965.6 }); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Eisaku Sato", new int?[, ] { { 1964, 1972 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("pocket calc", "", 1970)); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Kakuei Tanaka", new int?[, ] { { 1972, 1974 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Takeo Miki", new int?[, ] { { 1974, 1976 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Takeo Fukuda", new int?[, ] { { 1976, 1978 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Masayoshi Ohira", new int?[, ] { { 1978, 1980 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Zenko Suzuki", new int?[, ] { { 1980, 1982 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Yasuhiro Nakasone", new int?[, ] { { 1982, 1987 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Noboru Takeshita", new int?[, ] { { 1987, 1989 } })); jpn.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Toshiki Kaifu", new int?[, ] { { 1989, 1991 } })); jpn.AddEntry(1945.6, 1952, "Allied occupation"); jpn.AddEntry(1965, 1980, "rapid econ. expansion", PrintLocation.Right); jpn.AddEntry(1980.6, "becomes 2nd largest econ."); usa.AddEntry(1945.5, "United Nations formed"); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Truman", new int?[, ] { { 1945, 1953 } }) { StartValue = 1946 }); usa.AddEntry(1947, "Truman Doctrine[4]"); usa.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("transistor", "", 1947) { StartValue = 1947.6 }); usa.AddEntry(1948, "Marshall Plan"); usa.AddEntry(1948.6, "NATO formed"); usa.AddEntry(1952.6, "hydrogen bomb tested"); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Eisenhower", new int?[, ] { { 1953, 1961 } })); usa.AddEntry(1950, 1953, "Korean War", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1953.5, "support Iran coup"); usa.AddEntry(1954, "Domino Theory"); usa.AddEntry(1956.6, "military assist Vietnam"); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("J.F.Kennedy", new int?[, ] { { 1961, 1963 } })); usa.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("integrated circuit", "", 1958)); usa.AddEntry(1959, "Communist Cuba"); usa.AddEntry(1962, "Cuban Missile Crisis[5]"); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("L.B.Johnson", new int?[, ] { { 1963, 1969 } })); usa.AddEntry(1964, 1972, "Vietnam War", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("moon landing", "", 1969) { StartValue = 1969 }); usa.AddEntry(1969.9, 1973, "draft lottery", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Nixon", new int?[, ] { { 1969, 1974 } }) { StartValue = 1969.6 }); usa.AddEntry(1972, "Watergate incident"); usa.AddEntry(1973, "oil crisis"); usa.AddEntry(1973.6, "support Chilean coup"); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("G.Ford", new int?[, ] { { 1974, 1977 } })); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("J.Cater", new int?[, ] { { 1977, 1981 } })); usa.AddEntry(1979, "Iran hostage crisis"); usa.AddEntry(1979.6, "oil crisis"); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Reagan", new int?[, ] { { 1981, 1989 } })); usa.AddEntry(1983, "invade Grenada"); usa.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Bush", new int?[, ] { { 1989, 1992 } })); usa.AddEntry(1990, "first Gulf War"); engd.AddEntry(1947, "India independent"); engd.AddEntry(1945.5, 1954, "rationing", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1952, "test atomic bomb(1952)"); engd.AddEntry(1948, "National Health Serv."); engd.AddEntry(1949, "withdraw from Palestine"); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("DNA", "", 1953)); engd.AddEntry(1956, "Suez Crisis[8]"); engd.AddEntry(1955.4, 1965, "econ. recovery", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1978.6, "'Winter of Discontent'[9]"); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Clement Attlee", new int?[, ] { { 1945, 1951 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Churchill", new int?[, ] { { 1940, 1945 }, { 1951, 1955 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Anthony Eden", new int?[, ] { { 1955, 1957 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Harold Macmillan", new int?[, ] { { 1957, 1963 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("A.Douglas-Home", new int?[, ] { { 1963, 1964 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Harold Wilson", new int?[, ] { { 1964, 1970 }, { 1974, 1976 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Edward Heath", new int?[, ] { { 1970, 1974 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("James Callaghan", new int?[, ] { { 1976, 1979 } })); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("M.Thatcher", new int?[, ] { { 1977, 1990 } })); engd.AddEntry(1982, "Falkland War"); engd.AddEntry(1984, "miners' strike"); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("John Major", new int?[, ] { { 1990, 1997 } })); israel.AddEntry(1948.6, "Arab-Israeli War"); israel.AddEntry(1949, "armistice w\\ arabs"); israel.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("D.Ben-Gurion", new int?[, ] { { 1949, 1954 }, { 1955, 1963 } }) { StartValue = 1949.6 }); israel.AddEntry(1950, "Law of Return"); israel.AddEntry(1952, "rel. W Germany"); israel.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("M.Sharett", new int?[, ] { { 1954, 1955 } })); israel.AddEntry(1961, "Eichmann trail"); israel.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Levi Eshkol", new int?[, ] { { 1963, 1969 } })); israel.AddEntry(1966, "US military support"); israel.AddEntry(1967, "six-day war[10]"); israel.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Golda Meir", new int?[, ] { { 1969, 1974 } })); israel.AddEntry(1973, "Yom Kippur War[11]"); israel.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Y.Rabin", new int?[, ] { { 1974, 1977 }, { 1992, 1995 } })); israel.AddEntry(1975, "efforts settle West Bank "); israel.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("M.Begin", new int?[, ] { { 1977, 1983 } })); israel.AddEntry(1978, "Egypt-Israel peace"); israel.AddEntry(1982, "Lebanon War[12]"); israel.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Y.Shamir", new int?[, ] { { 1983, 1984 }, { 1986, 1992 } })); israel.AddEntry(1987, 1997, "First Intifada", PrintLocation.Right); israel.AddEntry(1988, "launch spy satallite"); israel.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("S.Peres", new int?[, ] { { 1984, 1986 }, { 1995, 1996 } })); israel.AddEntry(1990, "Soviet Jews free migration"); de.AddEntry(1955.6, "total econ. recovery[W]"); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Konrad Adenauer", new int?[, ] { { 1949, 1963 } }) { StartValue = 1950 }); de.AddEntry(1951, "industrial limits lifted"); de.AddEntry(1955, "sovereign W.Germany "); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Ludwig Erhard", new int?[, ] { { 1963, 1966 } })); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("K.G.Kiesinger", new int?[, ] { { 1966, 1969 } })); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Willy Brandt", new int?[, ] { { 1969, 1974 } })); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Helmut Schmidt", new int?[, ] { { 1974, 1982 } })); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Helmut Kohl", new int?[, ] { { 1982, 1998 } })); de.AddEntry(1961, "ctor Berlin Wall(1961)"); de.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Holcaust[6]", "TV-series", 1979)); de.AddEntry(1989, "Berlin Wall comes down"); de.AddEntry(1990, "German re-unification"); de.AddEntry(1948, 1949, "Berlin blockade", PrintLocation.Right); de.AddEntry(1945.6, 1949, "Allied occupation"); fr.AddEntry(1956.6, "French leave Vietnam"); fr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("DeGaulle", new int?[, ] { { 1946, 1947 }, { 1959, 1969 } }) { StartValue = 1945.5 }); fr.AddEntry(1951, "ECSC formed[7]"); fr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("V.Auriol", new int?[, ] { { 1947, 1954 } })); fr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Rene Coty", new int?[, ] { { 1954, 1959 } })); fr.AddEntry(1957, "EEC superseds ECSC"); fr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("G.Pompidou", new int?[, ] { { 1969, 1974 } })); fr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("V.G.d'Estaing", new int?[, ] { { 1974, 1981 } })); fr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("F.Mitterrand", new int?[, ] { { 1981, 1995 } })); fr.AddEntry(1958, "Algerian crisis"); fr.AddEntry(1946, 1956, "Indochina War(Vietnam)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1949, 1958, "Fourth Republic", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1958.6, 1992, "Fifth Republic", PrintLocation.Right); ussr.AddEntry(1949, "test atomic bomb(1949)"); ussr.AddEntry(1955.4, "Warsaw Pact formed"); ussr.AddEntry(1956, "Hungarian Revolt crushed(1956)"); ussr.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("satallite(Sputnik)", "", 1957)); ussr.AddEntry(1968, "Czech revolt crushed(1968)"); ussr.AddEntry(1979, 1987, "Soviet-Afghan war", PrintLocation.Right); ussr.AddEntry(1990, "Soviet Union abolished"); ussr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Stalin", new int?[, ] { { 1924, 1953 } }) { StartValue = 1946 }); ussr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("G.Malenkov", new int?[, ] { { 1953, 1955 } })); ussr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Khrushchev", new int?[, ] { { 1955, 1964 } })); ussr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("L.Brezhnev", new int?[, ] { { 1964, 1982 } })); ussr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Y.Andropov", new int?[, ] { { 1982, 1984 } })); ussr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("K.Chernenko", new int?[, ] { { 1984, 1985 } })); ussr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("M.Gorbachev", new int?[, ] { { 1985, 1991 } })); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(usa, jpn) { StartValue = 1952, Text = "San Franciso Treaty (1952)", FromRightToLeftArrowHead = "+``", ArrowShaft = '`', ArrowTail = "``+" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(zho, ussr) { StartValue = 1969, Text = "border conflict" }); plate.Notes.Add(" [1] An economic disaster resulting in millions of deaths. [2] brought serious disaster and turmoil to the Communist Party and the Chinese people."); plate.Notes.Add(" [3] China & USSR nearly come to nuclear war."); plate.Notes.Add(" [4] Policy to contain spread of Soviet influence. [5] Closest to point WWIII."); plate.Notes.Add(" [6] When term was first coined, brought Nazi attrocities to W.German public"); plate.Notes.Add(" [7] ECSC: European Coal and Steel Community, EEC: European Economic Community"); plate.Notes.Add(" [8] loss of superpower status, leads to further decolonization"); plate.Notes.Add(" [9] Political crisis with wide-spread strikes."); plate.Notes.Add(" [10] territory gains and access to Jerusalem's old city. [11] US support led Saudi gov't to initate oil embargo (1973 oil crisis)."); plate.Notes.Add(" [11] S.Lebanon controlled by islamic radicals - invasion success all the way to Beirut."); return(plate); }
public Plate CE1788to1865() { var rule = new Rule {StartValue = 1785, EndValue = 1867, RuleLineSpacing = 7}; var usa = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "United States"}; usa.AddEntry(1787, "+DE,PA,NJ(1787)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1788, "+GA,CT,MA,MD,SC,NH,VA,NY(1788)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1789, "[Washington 1789-1797]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1789, "+NC(1789)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1790, "+RI(1790)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1791, "+VT(1791)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1792, "+KY(1792)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1793, "E.Whitney[cottin gin](1793)(d.)"); usa.AddEntry(1796, "+TN(1796)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1797, "[John Adams -1801]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1801, "[T.Jefferson -1809]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1802, "West Point founded(1802)"); usa.AddEntry(1803, "Louisiana Purchase(1803)"); usa.AddEntry(1803, "+OH(1803)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1804, "Lewis & Clark Expedition(1804)"); usa.AddEntry(1809, "[James Madison -1817]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1811, "B.of Tippecanoe(1811)(h.)"); usa.AddEntry(1812, "+LA(1812)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1815, "failed Canadian conquest"); usa.AddEntry(1816, "+IN(1816)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1816, "First Seminole War(1816-1819)"); usa.AddEntry(1817, "[James Monroe -1825]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1817, "+MS(1817)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1818, "+IL(1818)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1819, "+AL(1819)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1820, "+ME(1820)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1821, "+MO(1821)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1825, "[John Quincy Adams -1829]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1826, "'Last of the Mohicans'J.F.Cooper(1826)"); usa.AddEntry(1829, "[Andrew Jackson -1837]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1835, "Second Seminole War(1835-1842)"); usa.AddEntry(1836, "+AR(1836)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1837, "[Martin Van Buren -1841]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1839, "Morse[telegraph](1837)"); usa.AddEntry(1837, "+MI(1837)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1841, "[William H Harrison -1841]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1842, "[John Tyler -1845]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1845, "[James K Polk -1849]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1845, "+FL,TX(1845)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1846, "+IA(1846)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1844, "W.Morton[anesthesia](1846)"); usa.AddEntry(1847, "U.S.-Mexican War(1846-1848)"); usa.AddEntry(1848, "+WI(1848)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1849, "[Zachary Taylor -1850]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1849, "'The Scarlet Letter'N.Hawthorne'", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1850, "[Millard Fillmore -1853]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1850, "+CA(1850)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1851, "'Moby-Dick'H.Melville(1851)", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1851, "'Uncle Tom's Cabin'H.B.Stowe(1852)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1852, "Perry Expedition to Japan(1852-54)"); usa.AddEntry(1853, "[Franklin Pierce -1857]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1855, "Third Seminole War(1855-1858)"); usa.AddEntry(1857, "[James Buchanan -1861]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1858, "+MN(1858)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1859, "+OR(1859)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1860, "[Abraham Lincoln -1865]", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1861, "+KS(1861)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1861, "Ft.Sumter fired on(e.)", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1863, "Lee's invasion of PA,", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1863, "Siege of Vicksburg, +WV(1863)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1864, "Siege of Petersburg,", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1864, "Atlanta falls, +NV(1864)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1865, "Richmond falls,", PrintLocation.Left); usa.AddEntry(1865, "surrender @ Appomattox(1865)(f.)", PrintLocation.Right); usa.AddEntry(1866, "Lincoln assassinated(1865)"); usa.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("rotary press", "R.M.Hoe") {StartValue = 1843}); var engd = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "United Kingdom"}; engd.AddEntry(1798, "Jenner[vaccination](1798)", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1800, "Volta[battery](1800)"); engd.AddEntry(1801, "[William Pitt -1801\\-1806]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1803, "Dalton[atomic theory](1803)"); engd.AddEntry(1804, "[Henry Addington -1804]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1806, "[Baron Grenville -1807]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1807, "[W. Cavendish-Bentinck -1809]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1809, "[Spencer Perceval -1812]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1812, "[R.B Jenkinson -1827]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1813, "'Pride & Prejudice'J.Austen(1813)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1826, "[G. Canning -1827]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1827, "[Viscount Goderich -1828]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1828, "[Arthur Wellesley -1830]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1830, "[Charles Grey -1834]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1831, "Faraday[law of induction](1831)"); engd.AddEntry(1836, "[R.Peel & W.Lamb(a.) -1846]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1843, "J.P.Joule[1st law thermodyn](1843)"); engd.AddEntry(1844, "Franklin's lost expedition(1845)"); engd.AddEntry(1846, "[John Russel -1852]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1847, "Kelvin[absolute zero](1848)"); engd.AddEntry(1848, "'Communist Manifesto'(1848)"); engd.AddEntry(1855, "[G. Hamilton-Gordon -1852-55]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1858, "[E. Smith-Stanley -1852\\1858-59]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1860, "[H. John Temple 1855-58\\59-65]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1833, "'Principles of Geology' Lyell(1833)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1834, "Abolition Act(1833)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1838, "'Oliver Twist'Dickens(1838)"); engd.AddEntry(1859, "'Origin of Species' Darwin(1859)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1861, "'Great Expectations'Dickens(1861)"); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("electromag.", "Maxwell") {StartValue = 1864}); engd.AddEntry(1865, "First Subway(1864)"); engd.AddEntry(1840, 1860, "Industrial Revolution", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1839, 1866, "Queen Victoria (1837-1901)", PrintLocation.Left); var fr = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "France"}; fr.AddEntry(1789, "Estates-General meets(1789)(b.)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1791, "Storming of the Bastille(1789)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1792, "Louis XVI executed(1793)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1793, "Reign of Terror(1793\\94)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1794, "Robespierre executed(1794)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1795, "Napolean quells insurrection(1795)", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1796, "Cuvier[extinction](1796)"); fr.AddEntry(1824, "Carnot[heat engine](1824)"); fr.AddEntry(1833, "A.Payen[enzymes](1833)"); fr.AddEntry(1845, "'Count of Monte Cristo'A.Dumas(1845)"); fr.AddEntry(1848, "revolution of 1848 & 2nd Republic "); fr.AddEntry(1861, "Pasteur[germ theory](1861)"); fr.AddEntry(1863, "'Les Miserables'V.Hugo(1862)"); fr.AddEntry(1787, 1792, "French Revolution", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1793, 1804, "1st Republic", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1804, 1814, "Napolean(French Empire)"); fr.AddEntry(1815, 1830, "Bourbon Restoration", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1831, 1848, "July Monarchy", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1852, 1866, "2nd French Empire", PrintLocation.Right); var de = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "Prussia"}; de.AddEntry(1848, "revolution of 1848"); de.AddEntry(1789, "[Frederick William II 1786-1797]", PrintLocation.Left); de.AddEntry(1795, "[Frederick William III 1797-1840]", PrintLocation.Left); de.AddEntry(1809, "'Faust'Goethe(1808)"); de.AddEntry(1820, "H.C.Orsted[electromagnetism](1820)"); de.AddEntry(1827, "Ohm[Ohm's law](1827)"); de.AddEntry(1834, "German free-trade zone(1834)"); de.AddEntry(1838, "M.Schleiden[plant cells](1838)"); de.AddEntry(1840, "[Frederick William IV 1840-1861]", PrintLocation.Left); de.AddEntry(1846, "Neptune discovered(1846)"); de.AddEntry(1862, "Otto V.Bismarck as PM(1862)"); de.AddEntry(1866, "'Capital' Marx(1867)"); de.AddEntry(1865, "Mendel[inheritance](1865)"); var aus = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "Austrian Empire", Width = 30}; aus.AddEntry(1788, "[Joseph II 1765-1790]", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1790, "[Leopold VII 1790-1792]", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1791, "[Francis II 1792-1804]", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1804, "[Francis I 1804-1835]", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1821, "K.V.Metternich PM(1821-1848)", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1835, "[Ferdinand I 1835-1848]", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1847, "[Francis Joseph 1848-1916]", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1815, "Congress of Vienna(1815)"); aus.AddEntry(1842, "Doppler[Doppler efct](1842)"); aus.AddEntry(1848, "revolution of 1848"); var ott = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "Ottoman Empire"}; ott.AddEntry(1789, "[Selim III 1789-1807]", PrintLocation.Left); ott.AddEntry(1807, "[Mustafa IV 1807/8]", PrintLocation.Left); ott.AddEntry(1809, "[Mahmud II 1808-1839]", PrintLocation.Left); ott.AddEntry(1839, "[Abdulmecid I 1839-1861]", PrintLocation.Left); ott.AddEntry(1852, "Epirus Revolt(1854)"); ott.AddEntry(1861, "[Abdulaziz I 1861-1876]", PrintLocation.Left); ott.AddEntry(1821, 1832, "Greek War of Independence"); var rus = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "Imperial Russia"}; rus.AddEntry(1796, "[Paul I 1796-1801]", PrintLocation.Left); rus.AddEntry(1801, "[Alexander I 1801-1825]", PrintLocation.Left); rus.AddEntry(1825, "Decembrist revolt(1825)"); rus.AddEntry(1824, "[Nicholas I 1825-1855]", PrintLocation.Left); rus.AddEntry(1830, "Lobachevsky[Non-Euclidean geo](1830)"); rus.AddEntry(1855, "[Alexander II 1855-1881]", PrintLocation.Left); rus.AddEntry(1860, "Vladivostok founded(1860)"); rus.AddEntry(1861, "serfs freed(1861)"); rus.AddEntry(1852, 1856, "Crimean War"); var plate = new Plate {Ruler = rule, Name = "Modern Age(1)"}; plate.AddBlock(usa); plate.AddBlock(engd); plate.AddBlock(fr); plate.AddBlock(de); plate.AddBlock(aus); plate.AddBlock(ott); plate.AddBlock(rus); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(aus, ott) {Text = "B.of Focsani(1789)", StartValue = 1789}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(rus, ott) {StartValue = 1789, FromRightToLeftArrowHead = "<......"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(aus, fr) {StartValue = 1792}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(de, fr) {StartValue = 1793}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, aus) {StartValue = 1796, Text = "B.of Rivoli(1797)"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, ott) {Text = "B.of the Pryamids(1798)(c.)", StartValue = 1797}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, fr) {Text = "B.of the Nile(1798)(g.)", StartValue = 1798}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, aus) {Text = "B.of Marengo(1800)", StartValue = 1800}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(rus, fr) {Text = "B.of Leipzig(1813)", StartValue = 1813}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, usa) { Text = "DC sacked(1814)", StartValue = 1814, ArrowTail = ".", FromRightToLeftArrowHead = "<...." }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, fr) {Text = "Waterloo(1815)", StartValue = 1815}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, rus) {StartValue = 1812}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(rus, ott) {StartValue = 1853, Text = "B.of Sinop(1853)"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, rus) {StartValue = 1854, Text = "B.of Balaclava(1854)"}); plate.Notes.Add("(a.) last Prime Minister dismissed by a king, (b.) last met in 1614"); plate.Notes.Add( "(c.) intended to cut England off from India, (d.) pop. of black slaves goes from 700 thousand to 3 million"); plate.Notes.Add("(e.) April 12, 1861, (f.) April 9, 1865 (est. 620,000 killed)"); plate.Notes.Add( "(g.) Napolean's Navy destroyed, (h.) Gen. Harrison defeats confederacy of Native Americans"); return plate; }
public Plate CE1700to1788() { var rule = new Rule {StartValue = 1700, EndValue = 1790, RuleLineSpacing = 7}; var amer = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "Americas"}; var col = new Block {StartValue = 1703, EndValue = 1783, Title = "Colonies", Ruler = rule}; col.AddEntry(1771, "Boston Massacre(1770)", PrintLocation.Left); col.AddEntry(1703, "Yale College (1700)"); col.AddEntry(1727, "[Bering] Bering straight(1728)"); col.AddEntry(1739, "Stono Rebellion(1739)"); col.AddEntry(1730, "Baltimore MA(1730)"); col.AddEntry(1764, "Mason Dixon survey(1764)"); col.AddEntry(1769, "[D.Boone]-Kentucky(1769)"); col.AddEntry(1773, "Boston Tea Party(1773)"); col.AddEntry(1704, 1713, "Queen Anne's War"); col.AddEntry(1754, 1763, "French Indian War"); col.AddEntry(1775, 1783, "American Rev.(1775-1783)", PrintLocation.Left); col.AddEntry(1777, "NY occupied(1776)"); col.AddEntry(1778, "Savannah occupied(1778)"); col.AddEntry(1780, "Charleston occupied(1780)"); var que = new Block {StartValue = 1703, EndValue = 1763, Title = "New France", Ruler = rule, Width = 22}; que.AddEntry(1703, "Fr.settle Mobile AL"); que.AddEntry(1718, "New Orleans LA(1718)"); var usa = new Block {StartValue = 1775, Title = "United States", Ruler = rule}; usa.AddEntry(1776, "Lafayette in PA(1777)"); usa.AddEntry(1781, "Cornwallis surrender(1781)"); usa.AddEntry(1783, "Peace of Paris(1783)"); usa.AddEntry(1787, "U.S.Constitution(1787)"); amer.AddInnerBlock(col); amer.AddInnerBlock(usa); amer.AddInnerBlock(que); amer.AddArrow(new Arrow(que, col) {StartValue = 1706, ArrowTail = "."}); amer.AddArrow(new Arrow(col, que) {StartValue = 1755, Text = "B. of the Monongahela"}); amer.AddArrow(new Arrow(que, col) {StartValue = 1757, Text = "massacre @ F.William Henry"}); var engd = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "United Kingdom"}; engd.AddEntry(1704, "[Anne 1702-1714]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1720, "[George I 1714-1727]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1727, "[George II 1727-1760]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1730, "first railroad(1730)"); engd.AddEntry(1739, "Wesley/Whitefield[Methodism]"); engd.AddEntry(1745, "Jacobite Rebellion(1745)"); engd.AddEntry(1760, "[George III 1760-1820]", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1766, "H.Cavendish[hydrogen](1766)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1776, "'Wealth of Nations' A.Smith(1776)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1777, " 'Rise & Fall..Roman Empire'Gibbon(1777)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1781, "1st Sunday-school(R.Raikes)(1781)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1769, "J.Watt[steam engine](1769)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1764, "J.Hargreaves[spinning jenny](1764)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(1782, "Lord North resigns as PM(1782)"); engd.AddEntry(1787, "Australia penal settlement(1788)"); engd.AddEntry(1789, "[Cook]Hawaiian Islands(1788)"); engd.AddEntry(1702, 1714, "Stuart(restored)", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1715, 1800, "Hanover", PrintLocation.Left); var fr = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "France"}; fr.AddEntry(1601, "[Louis XIV 1643-1715]", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1715, "[Louis XV 1715-1774]", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1774, "[Louis XVI 1774-1792]", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1720, "France bankrupt(1721)"); fr.AddEntry(1748, "'The Spirit of Laws' Montesquieu(1748)", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1761, "'Social Contract' Rousseau(1761)", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1756, "Diplomatic Revolution(1756)(c.)"); fr.AddEntry(1783, "1st hot-air ballon(1783)", PrintLocation.Right); fr.AddEntry(1702, 1790, "Capetian[Bourbon]", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1701, 1714, "War of Spanish Succ.(1701-1714)"); var de = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "Prussia"}; de.AddEntry(1702, "[Fredrick I 1701-1713]", PrintLocation.Left); de.AddEntry(1713, "[Fredrick William I 1713-1740]", PrintLocation.Left); de.AddEntry(1740, "[Fredrick the Great 1740-1786]", PrintLocation.Left); de.AddEntry(1786, "[Fredrick William II 1786-1797]", PrintLocation.Left); de.AddEntry(1781, "'Critique of Pure Reason' E.Kant(1781)", PrintLocation.Right); de.AddEntry(1715, "Fahrenheit[thermometer](1714)"); de.AddEntry(1730, "'Toccata Fugue' Bach(~1730s)"); de.AddEntry(1754, 1763, "Seven's Year War"); var aus = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "Austrian Empire"}; aus.AddEntry(1701, "[Leopold I 1640-1705]", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1705, "[Joseph I 1705-1711]", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1711, "[Charles III 1711-1740]", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1739, "[Maria Theresa 1740-1780]", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1780, "[Joseph II 1780-1790]", PrintLocation.Left); aus.AddEntry(1783, "Mozart in Vienna", PrintLocation.Right); aus.AddEntry(1741, 1748, "War of Austrian Succ.(1740-1748)"); var ott = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "Ottoman Empire"}; ott.AddEntry(1710, "[Ahmed III 1703-1730]", PrintLocation.Left); ott.AddEntry(1730, "[Mahmud I 1730-1754]", PrintLocation.Left); ott.AddEntry(1754, "[Osman III 1754-1757]", PrintLocation.Left); ott.AddEntry(1757, "[Mustafa III 1757-1774]", PrintLocation.Left); ott.AddEntry(1774, "[Abdulhamid I 1774-1789]", PrintLocation.Left); ott.AddEntry(1789, "[Selim III 1789-1807]", PrintLocation.Left); var rus = new Block {Ruler = rule, Title = "Imperial Russia", StartValue = 1721}; rus.AddEntry(1725, "[Peter the Great 1695-1725]"); rus.AddEntry(1727, 1760, "[internal intrigue]"); rus.AddEntry(1762, "[Catherine theGreat 1762-1796]"); rus.AddEntry(1783, "(+)Crimea(1783)"); rus.AddEntry(1768, 1774, "1st Russio-Turkish War", PrintLocation.Right); var plate = new Plate {Ruler = rule, Name = "Early Modern Age(2)"}; plate.AddBlock(amer); plate.AddBlock(engd); plate.AddBlock(fr); plate.AddBlock(de); plate.AddBlock(aus); plate.AddBlock(ott); plate.AddBlock(rus); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(aus, fr) {StartValue = 1704, Text = "B. of Blenheim(1704)"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, de) {StartValue = 1706, Text = "B. of Ramilies(1706)"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, de) {StartValue = 1708, Text = "B. of Oudenarde(1708)"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, fr) {StartValue = 1709, Text = "B. of Malpaquet(1709)"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(aus, ott) {StartValue = 1717, Text = "B. of Belgrad(1717)"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(de, aus) {StartValue = 1740, Text = "invasion of Silesia(1740)"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, fr) {StartValue = 1743, Text = "B. of Dettingen(1743)(e.)"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(de, aus) {StartValue = 1757, Text = "B. of Prague(1757)"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(rus, ott) {StartValue = 1770, Text = "B.of Chesma & Kagus(1770)"}); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, aus) { StartValue = 1714, Text = "Peace of Ulrecht(1714)(a.)", ArrowTail = "[..........", FromLeftToRightArrowHead = "......]", }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(aus, de) { StartValue = 1748, Text = "Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle(1748)", ArrowTail = "........]", FromRightToLeftArrowHead = "[.....", }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, fr) { StartValue = 1763, Text = "Treaty of Paris(1763)(b.)", ArrowTail = "[..........", FromLeftToRightArrowHead = "......]", }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(de, aus) { StartValue = 1788, Text = "War of Bavarian Succ.(1778\\79)", ArrowTail = "[.........", FromLeftToRightArrowHead = "]", }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, amer) { StartValue = 1771, Text = "B. of the Alamance(1771)", FromRightToLeftArrowHead = "<..............................." }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, amer) { StartValue = 1775, Text = "B. of Lexington(1775)", FromRightToLeftArrowHead = "<........................", ArrowTail = "." }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, amer) { StartValue = 1777, Text = "B. at Trenton(1777)", FromRightToLeftArrowHead = "<........................", ArrowTail = "." }); plate.Notes.Add("(a.)marks the end of Wars of Spanish Succession"); plate.Notes.Add("(b.)British supremacy in Canada and India"); plate.Notes.Add("(c.)England allies with Prussia - Austria with France."); plate.Notes.Add("(d.)start of Wars of Austrian Succ."); plate.Notes.Add("(e.)fought on German soil"); return plate; }
public Plate CE1700to1788() { var rule = new Rule { StartValue = 1700, EndValue = 1790, RuleLineSpacing = 7 }; var amer = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Americas" }; var col = new Block { StartValue = 1703, EndValue = 1783, Title = "Colonies", Ruler = rule }; col.AddEntry(1771, "Boston Massacre(1770)", PrintLocation.Left); col.AddEntry(1703, "Yale College (1700)"); col.AddEntry(new ExplorerEntry("Bering", "Bering straight", 1728) { StartValue = 1727 }); col.AddEntry(1739, "Stono Rebellion(1739)"); col.AddEntry(1730, "Baltimore MA(1730)"); col.AddEntry(1764, "Mason Dixon survey(1764)"); col.AddEntry(new ExplorerEntry("D.Boone", "Kentucky", 1769)); col.AddEntry(1773, "Boston Tea Party(1773)"); col.AddEntry(1704, 1713, "Queen Anne's War"); col.AddEntry(1754, 1763, "French Indian War"); col.AddEntry(1775, 1783, "American Rev.(1775-1783)", PrintLocation.Left); col.AddEntry(1777, "NY occupied(1776)"); col.AddEntry(1778, "Savannah occupied(1778)"); col.AddEntry(1780, "Charleston occupied(1780)"); var que = new Block { StartValue = 1703, EndValue = 1763, Title = "New France", Ruler = rule, Width = 22 }; que.AddEntry(1703, "Fr.settle Mobile AL"); que.AddEntry(1718, "New Orleans LA(1718)"); var usa = new Block { StartValue = 1775, Title = "United States", Ruler = rule }; usa.AddEntry(1776, "Lafayette in PA(1777)"); usa.AddEntry(1781, "Cornwallis surrender(1781)"); usa.AddEntry(1783, "Peace of Paris(1783)"); usa.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("U.S.Constitution", "", 1789) { StartValue = 1787 }); var engd = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "United Kingdom" }; engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Anne", new int?[, ] { { 1702, 1714 } }) { StartValue = 1704 }); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("George I", new int?[, ] { { 1714, 1727 } }) { StartValue = 1720 }); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("George II", new int?[, ] { { 1727, 1760 } })); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("railroad", "", 1730)); engd.AddEntry(1739, "Wesley/Whitefield[Methodism]"); engd.AddEntry(1745, "Jacobite Rebellion(1745)"); engd.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("George III", new int?[, ] { { 1760, 1820 } })); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("hydrogen", "H.Cavendish", 1766)); engd.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Wealth of Nations", "A.Smith", 1776) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); engd.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Rise & Fall..Roman Empire", "Gibbon", 1777) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); engd.AddEntry(1781, "1st Sunday-school(R.Raikes)(1781)", PrintLocation.Right); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("steam engine", "J.Watt", 1769)); engd.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("spinning jenny", "J.Hargreaves", 1764) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); engd.AddEntry(1782, "Lord North resigns as PM(1782)"); engd.AddEntry(1787, "Australia penal settlement(1788)"); engd.AddEntry(new ExplorerEntry("Cook", "Hawaiian Islands", 1788) { StartValue = 1789 }); engd.AddEntry(1702, 1714, "Stuart(restored)", PrintLocation.Left); engd.AddEntry(1715, 1800, "Hanover", PrintLocation.Left); var fr = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "France" }; fr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Louis XIV", new int?[, ] { { null, 1715 } }) { StartValue = 1704 }); fr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Louis XV", new int?[, ] { { 1715, 1774 } }) { StartValue = 1715 }); fr.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Louis XVI", new int?[, ] { { 1774, 1792 } }) { StartValue = 1774 }); fr.AddEntry(1720, "France bankrupt(1721)"); fr.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("The Spirit of Laws", "Montesquieu", 1748) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); fr.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Social Contract", "Rousseau", 1761) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); fr.AddEntry(1756, "Diplomatic Revolution(1756)(c.)"); fr.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("hot-air ballon", "", 1783) { Location = PrintLocation.Right }); fr.AddEntry(1702, 1790, "Capetian[Bourbon]", PrintLocation.Left); fr.AddEntry(1701, 1714, "War of Spanish Succ.(1701-1714)"); var de = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Prussia" }; de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Fredrick I", new int?[, ] { { 1701, 1713 } }) { StartValue = 1702 }); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Fredrick William I", new int?[, ] { { 1713, 1740 } })); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Fredrick the Great", new int?[, ] { { 1740, 1786 } })); de.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Fredrick William II", new int?[, ] { { 1786, 1797 } })); de.AddEntry(new LiteraryWorkEntry("Critique Pure Reason", "E.Kant", 1781)); de.AddEntry(new ScienceAdvEntry("thermometer", "Fahrenheit", 1714) { StartValue = 1715 }); de.AddEntry(1730, "'Toccata Fugue' Bach(~1730s)"); de.AddEntry(1754, 1763, "Seven's Year War"); var aus = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Austrian Empire" }; aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Leopold I", new int?[, ] { { 1640, 1705 } }) { StartValue = 1701 }); aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Joseph I", new int?[, ] { { 1705, 1711 } })); aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Charles III", new int?[, ] { { 1711, 1740 } })); aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Maria Theresa", new int?[, ] { { 1740, 1780 } }) { StartValue = 1739 }); aus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Joseph II", new int?[, ] { { 1780, 1790 } })); aus.AddEntry(1783, "Mozart in Vienna", PrintLocation.Right); aus.AddEntry(1741, 1748, "War of Austrian Succ.(1740-1748)"); var ott = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Ottoman Empire" }; ott.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Ahmed III", new int?[, ] { { 1703, 1730 } }) { StartValue = 1710 }); ott.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Mahmud I", new int?[, ] { { 1730, 1754 } })); ott.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Osman III", new int?[, ] { { 1754, 1757 } })); ott.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Mustafa III", new int?[, ] { { 1757, 1774 } })); ott.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Abdulhamid I", new int?[, ] { { 1774, 1789 } })); ott.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Selim III", new int?[, ] { { 1789, 1807 } })); var rus = new Block { Ruler = rule, Title = "Imperial Russia", StartValue = 1721 }; rus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("Peter the Great", new int?[, ] { { 1695, 1725 } }) { StartValue = 1725 }); rus.AddEntry(1727, 1760, "[internal intrigue]"); rus.AddEntry(new LeaderEntry("[Catherine the Great", new int?[, ] { { 1762, 1796 } })); rus.AddEntry(new TerritoryEntry("Crimea") { StartValue = 1783 }); rus.AddEntry(1768, 1774, "1st Russio-Turkish War", PrintLocation.Right); amer.AddInnerBlock(col); amer.AddInnerBlock(usa); amer.AddInnerBlock(que); amer.AddArrow(new Arrow(que, col) { StartValue = 1706, ArrowTail = ".." }); amer.AddArrow(new Arrow(col, que) { StartValue = 1755, Text = "B. of the Monongahela", ArrowTail = ".." }); amer.AddArrow(new Arrow(que, col) { StartValue = 1757, Text = "massacre @ F.William Henry", ArrowTail = ".." }); var plate = new Plate { Ruler = rule, Name = "Early Modern Age" }; plate.AddBlock(amer); plate.AddBlock(engd); plate.AddBlock(fr); plate.AddBlock(de); plate.AddBlock(aus); plate.AddBlock(ott); plate.AddBlock(rus); plate.FileName = "16_CE1700_1788"; plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(aus, fr) { StartValue = 1704, Text = "B. of Blenheim(1704)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, de) { StartValue = 1706, Text = "B. of Ramilies(1706)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(fr, de) { StartValue = 1708, Text = "B. of Oudenarde(1708)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, fr) { StartValue = 1709, Text = "B. of Malpaquet(1709)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(aus, ott) { StartValue = 1717, Text = "B. of Belgrad(1717)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(de, aus) { StartValue = 1740, Text = "invasion of Silesia(1740)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, fr) { StartValue = 1743, Text = "B. of Dettingen(1743)(e.)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(de, aus) { StartValue = 1757, Text = "B. of Prague(1757)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(rus, ott) { StartValue = 1770, Text = "B.of Chesma & Kagus(1770)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, aus) { StartValue = 1714, Text = "Peace of Ulrecht(1714)(a.)", ArrowTail = "[..", FromLeftToRightArrowHead = "..]", }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(aus, de) { StartValue = 1748, Text = "Treaty of Aix-la-Chapelle(1748)", ArrowTail = "..]", FromRightToLeftArrowHead = "[..", }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, fr) { StartValue = 1763, Text = "Treaty of Paris(1763)(b.)", ArrowTail = "[..", FromLeftToRightArrowHead = "..]", }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(de, aus) { StartValue = 1788, Text = "War of Bavarian Succ.(1778\\79)", ArrowTail = "[..", FromLeftToRightArrowHead = "..]", }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, usa) { StartValue = 1771, Text = "B. of the Alamance(1771)" }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, usa) { StartValue = 1775, Text = "B. of Lexington(1775)", }); plate.AddArrow(new Arrow(engd, usa) { StartValue = 1777, Text = "B. at Trenton(1777)", }); plate.Notes.Add("(a.)marks the end of Wars of Spanish Succession"); plate.Notes.Add("(b.)British supremacy in Canada and India"); plate.Notes.Add("(c.)England allies with Prussia - Austria with France."); plate.Notes.Add("(d.)start of Wars of Austrian Succ."); plate.Notes.Add("(e.)fought on German soil"); return(plate); }