bool NnMainNonSCExecute(CancellationToken ct, ImmutableDictionary <string, string> options) { options.TryGetValue("x0", out string?x0s); options.TryGetValue("x1", out string?x1s); options.TryGetValue("y0", out string?y0s); options.TryGetValue("y1", out string?y1s); options.TryGetValue("z0", out string?z0s); options.TryGetValue("z1", out string?z1s); double?x0 = x0s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(x0s) : (double?)null; double?x1 = x1s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(x1s) : (double?)null; double?y0 = y0s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(y0s) : (double?)null; double?y1 = y1s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(y1s) : (double?)null; double?z0 = z0s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(z0s) : (double?)null; double?z1 = z1s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(z1s) : (double?)null; // Extract potential and bound charge from NnMain. var potentialFile = NnAgent.GetCoordAndDat( FSPath, NnAgent.NnPotentialFileEntry()); var potential = ScalarField.FromNnDatAndCoord(, potentialFile.coord.Content ); // Unit: eV var densityFile = NnAgent.GetCoordAndDat( FSPath, NnAgent.NnDensityFileEntry()); var density = ScalarField.FromNnDatAndCoord(, densityFile.coord.Content ); // Unit: 1E18/cm3 = 1E-3/nm3 var boundChargeDensity = 0.001 * density.TruncateAndKeep((x0, y0, z0), (x1, y1, z1)); // Evalute corrected potential. var boundChargePotential = ScalarField.CoulombPotential_ByConvolutionWithKernel( boundChargeDensity, NnAgent.CoulombKernel(boundChargeDensity) ); var correctedPotential = potential + boundChargePotential; // Copy correceted potential to NonSC folder foreach ((RPath src, string extName) in new [] {
bool NnDQDReportExecute(CancellationToken ct, ImmutableDictionary <string, string> options) { options.TryGetValue("non_SC", out string?non_SC); RPath?NNPath; if (non_SC == "yes") { NNPath = NnMainNonSCPath; File.Create(NnMainNonSCToken); } else { NNPath = FSPath; if (File.Exists(NnMainNonSCToken)) { File.Delete(NnMainNonSCToken); } } //==========Clearing old outputs========== if (NnDQDReportPath.Exists()) { foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(NnDQDReportPath)) { File.Delete(file); } } //==========Remove data of other bands========== // FIXME: What would happen if there's multiple quantum region ? options.TryGetValue("band", out string?band); if (band == "X1") { foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(NNPath, "*_X2*")) { File.Delete(file); } foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(NNPath, "*_X3*")) { File.Delete(file); } } else { // FIXME: Bands other than X1 is not implemented yet! return(false); } //==========Categorize 1d & 2d data (1d & 2d are not needed)========== string[] subDirs = { "1d", "2d" }; foreach (string subDir in subDirs) { var path = NNPath.SubPath(subDir); if (!Directory.Exists(path)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(path); } foreach (var file in Directory.GetFiles(NNPath, $"*_{subDir}_*")) { var dest = path.SubPath(Path.GetFileName(file), false); if (dest.Exists()) { File.Delete(dest); } File.Move(file, dest); } } //==========Read energy & occupation from spectrum========== // TODO: Bands other than X1 is not implemented yet! RPath?spectrumFile = NNPath.SubPath("wf_spectrum_quantum_region_X1.dat"); if (spectrumFile?.Content == null) { return(false); } Dictionary <int, double>?energy = NnAgent.ReadNXY(spectrumFile.Content, 0).ToDictionary( p => int.Parse(p.Item1), p => Double.Parse(p.Item2, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float) ); if (energy == null) { return(false); } Dictionary <int, double>?occup = NnAgent.ReadNXY(spectrumFile.Content, 1).ToDictionary( p => int.Parse(p.Item1), p => Double.Parse(p.Item2, System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Float) ); if (occup == null) { return(false); } options.TryGetValue("portion", out string?portions); options.TryGetValue("L_x0", out string?L_x0s); options.TryGetValue("L_x1", out string?L_x1s); options.TryGetValue("L_y0", out string?L_y0s); options.TryGetValue("L_y1", out string?L_y1s); options.TryGetValue("L_z0", out string?L_z0s); options.TryGetValue("L_z1", out string?L_z1s); options.TryGetValue("R_x0", out string?R_x0s); options.TryGetValue("R_x1", out string?R_x1s); options.TryGetValue("R_y0", out string?R_y0s); options.TryGetValue("R_y1", out string?R_y1s); options.TryGetValue("R_z0", out string?R_z0s); options.TryGetValue("R_z1", out string?R_z1s); double?portion = portions != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(portions) : (double?)null; double?L_x0 = L_x0s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(L_x0s) : (double?)null; double?L_x1 = L_x1s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(L_x1s) : (double?)null; double?L_y0 = L_y0s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(L_y0s) : (double?)null; double?L_y1 = L_y1s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(L_y1s) : (double?)null; double?L_z0 = L_z0s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(L_z0s) : (double?)null; double?L_z1 = L_z1s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(L_z1s) : (double?)null; double?R_x0 = R_x0s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(R_x0s) : (double?)null; double?R_x1 = R_x1s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(R_x1s) : (double?)null; double?R_y0 = R_y0s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(R_y0s) : (double?)null; double?R_y1 = R_y1s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(R_y1s) : (double?)null; double?R_z0 = R_z0s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(R_z0s) : (double?)null; double?R_z1 = R_z1s != "-" ? Convert.ToDouble(R_z1s) : (double?)null; //==========Calculate dot-region occupation from e- density========== (var eDData, var eDCoord, _, _) = NnAgent.GetCoordAndDat( NNPath, "density_electron"); if ((eDData?.Content == null) || (eDCoord?.Content == null)) { return(false); } ScalarField eD = ScalarField.FromNnDatAndCoord(eDData.Content, eDCoord.Content); var occupL = 0.001 * eD.IntegrateInRange((L_x0, L_y0, L_z0), (L_x1, L_y1, L_z1)).Real; var occupR = 0.001 * eD.IntegrateInRange((R_x0, R_y0, R_z0), (R_x1, R_y1, R_z1)).Real; //==========Calculate dot-region occupation from wave function (probabilities)========== var portionSpin = CalculateSpinPortion(NNPath); var portionL = CalculatePortions((L_x0, L_y0, L_z0), (L_x1, L_y1, L_z1), NNPath); var portionR = CalculatePortions((R_x0, R_y0, R_z0), (R_x1, R_y1, R_z1), NNPath); if (occup.Keys.Except(portionL.Keys).Count() != 0) { return(false); } if (occup.Keys.Except(portionR.Keys).Count() != 0) { return(false); } //==========Identify bound states and write spectrum reports========== string reportAll = ""; reportAll += "no. occupation[electrons] portion-left portion-right energy(eV)\n"; var specLU = new List <(int Id, double Energy)>(); var specRU = new List <(int Id, double Energy)>(); var specLD = new List <(int Id, double Energy)>(); var specRD = new List <(int Id, double Energy)>(); int lUSpecCount = 0, rUSpecCount = 0, lDSpecCount = 0, rDSpecCount = 0; foreach (var id in occup.Keys.OrderBy(k => k)) { reportAll += $"{id} {occup[id]} {portionL[id]} {portionR[id]} {energy[id]}\n"; // Move bound state prob.s to output directory for reference. (RPath? data, RPath? coord, RPath? fld, RPath? v) = NnAgent.GetCoordAndDat(NNPath, NnAgent.NnProbFileEntry(NnAgent.BandType.X1, id)); (RPath? dataNew, RPath? coordNew, _, RPath? vNew) = NnAgent.GetCoordAndDat(NnDQDReportPath, NnAgent.NnProbFileEntry(NnAgent.BandType.X1, id), true); (_, _, RPath? fldLUNew, _) = NnAgent.GetCoordAndDat(NnDQDReportPath, $"LU_" + NnAgent.NnProbFileEntry(NnAgent.BandType.X1, lUSpecCount), true); (_, _, RPath? fldRUNew, _) = NnAgent.GetCoordAndDat(NnDQDReportPath, $"RU_" + NnAgent.NnProbFileEntry(NnAgent.BandType.X1, rUSpecCount), true); (_, _, RPath? fldLDNew, _) = NnAgent.GetCoordAndDat(NnDQDReportPath, $"LD_" + NnAgent.NnProbFileEntry(NnAgent.BandType.X1, lDSpecCount), true); (_, _, RPath? fldRDNew, _) = NnAgent.GetCoordAndDat(NnDQDReportPath, $"RD_" + NnAgent.NnProbFileEntry(NnAgent.BandType.X1, rDSpecCount), true); if (data == null || coord == null || fld == null || v == null || dataNew == null || coordNew == null || vNew == null || fldLUNew == null || fldRUNew == null || fldLDNew == null || fldRDNew == null) { continue; } // Categorize bound states according to their side and spin if (portionL[id] > portion) { File.Copy(data, dataNew); File.Copy(coord, coordNew); File.Copy(v, vNew); if (portionSpin[id] > 0.5) { specLU.Add((id, energy[id]));