コード例 #1
        public void ConsequtivePublishOnSameTopicGetsNextMessageId()
            var chMock = new Mock<IMqttConnectionHandler>();
            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny<MqttPublishMessage>()));

            // publish and save the first id
            var pm = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage dummyPubMsg) => { return true; });
            int firstMsgId = pm.Publish<AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");
            int secondMsgId = pm.Publish<AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");


            Assert.Equal<int>(firstMsgId + 1, secondMsgId);
コード例 #2
        public void ConsequtivePublishOnSameTopicGetsNextMessageId()
            var chMock = new Mock <IMqttConnectionHandler>();

            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny <MqttPublishMessage>()));

            // publish and save the first id
            var pm          = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage dummyPubMsg) => { return(true); });
            int firstMsgId  = pm.Publish <AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");
            int secondMsgId = pm.Publish <AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");


            Assert.Equal <int>(firstMsgId + 1, secondMsgId);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Publishes a message to the message broker.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TDataConverter">The type of the data converter to use for converting the data
        /// from the object to wire bytes.</typeparam>
        /// <param name="topic">The topic to publish the message to.</param>
        /// <param name="qualityOfService">The quality of service to attach to the message.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The message to publish.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// The message identiier assigned to the message.
        /// </returns>
        public short PublishMessage <TDataConverter>(string topic, MqttQos qualityOfService, object data)
            where TDataConverter : IPublishDataConverter
            if (connectionHandler.State != ConnectionState.Connected)
                throw new ConnectionException(connectionHandler.State);

            return(publishingManager.Publish <TDataConverter>(topic, qualityOfService, data));
コード例 #4
ファイル: MqttClient.cs プロジェクト: asherw/nmqtt
        /// <summary>
        ///     Publishes a message to the message broker.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TPayloadConverter">The type of the data converter to use.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The Type of the data being published</typeparam>
        /// <param name="topic">The topic to publish the message to.</param>
        /// <param name="qualityOfService">The quality of service to attach to the message.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The message to publish.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     The message identiier assigned to the message.
        /// </returns>
        public short PublishMessage <T, TPayloadConverter>(string topic, MqttQos qualityOfService, T data)
            where TPayloadConverter : IPayloadConverter <T>, new()
            if (connectionHandler.State != ConnectionState.Connected)
                throw new ConnectionException(connectionHandler.State);

            return(publishingManager.Publish <T, TPayloadConverter>(topic, qualityOfService, data));
コード例 #5
        public void PublishQos1Or2SavesMessageInStorage()
            var chMock = new Mock <IMqttConnectionHandler>();

            var pm    = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage pubMsg) => { return(true); });
            int msgId = pm.Publish <AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtLeastOnce, "test");

            var msgs = GetPublishedMessages(pm);

コード例 #6
        public void PublishSendsPublishMessageThroughConnectionHandler()
            var chMock = new Mock <IMqttConnectionHandler>();

            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny <MqttPublishMessage>()));

            var pm = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage pubMsg) => { return(true); });

            pm.Publish <AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");

コード例 #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Publishes a message to the message broker.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="TPayloadConverter">The type of the data converter to use.</typeparam>
        /// <typeparam name="T">The Type of the data being published</typeparam>
        /// <param name="topic">The topic to publish the message to.</param>
        /// <param name="qualityOfService">The quality of service to attach to the message.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The message to publish.</param>
        /// <returns>
        ///     The message identiier assigned to the message.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="InvalidTopicException">Thrown if the topic supplied violates the MQTT topic format rules.</exception>
        public short PublishMessage <T, TPayloadConverter>(string topic, MqttQos qualityOfService, T data)
            where TPayloadConverter : IPayloadConverter <T>, new()
            if (connectionHandler.State != ConnectionState.Connected)
                throw new ConnectionException(connectionHandler.State);

            try {
                var pubTopic = new PublicationTopic(topic);
                return(publishingManager.Publish <T, TPayloadConverter>(pubTopic, qualityOfService, data));
            } catch (ArgumentException ex) {
                throw new InvalidTopicException(ex.Message, topic, ex);
コード例 #8
        public void PublishReturnIdMatchesPublishedMessageId()
            MqttPublishMessage pubMsg = null;

            var chMock = new Mock <IMqttConnectionHandler>();

            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny <MqttPublishMessage>()))
            .Callback((MqttMessage msg) => pubMsg = (MqttPublishMessage)msg);

            var pm    = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage dummyPubMsg) => { return(true); });
            int retId = pm.Publish <AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");


            // check the message message ids match
            Assert.Equal <int>(pubMsg.VariableHeader.MessageIdentifier, retId);
コード例 #9
        public void PublishSendsPublishMessageCorrectPayload()
            MqttPublishMessage pubMsg = null;

            var chMock = new Mock <IMqttConnectionHandler>();

            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny <MqttPublishMessage>()))
            .Callback((MqttMessage msg) => pubMsg = (MqttPublishMessage)msg);

            var pm = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage dummyPubMsg) => { return(true); });

            pm.Publish <AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");


            // check the message payload was correct
            Assert.Equal <string>("test", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(pubMsg.Payload.Message.ToArray <byte>()));
コード例 #10
        public void PublishSendsPublishMessageWithCorrectTopic()
            MqttPublishMessage pubMsg = null;

            var chMock = new Mock <IMqttConnectionHandler>();

            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny <MqttPublishMessage>()))
            .Callback((MqttMessage msg) => pubMsg = (MqttPublishMessage)msg);

            var pm = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage dummyPubMsg) => { return(true); });

            pm.Publish <AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");


            // check the message topic was correct
            Assert.Equal <string>("A/Topic", pubMsg.VariableHeader.TopicName);
コード例 #11
        public void AcknowledgedQos1MessageRemovedFromStorage()
            Func<MqttMessage, bool> ackCallback = null;

            var chMock = new Mock<IMqttConnectionHandler>();
            chMock.Setup(x => x.RegisterForMessage(MqttMessageType.PublishAck, It.IsAny<Func<MqttMessage, bool>>()))
                .Callback((MqttMessageType msgtype, Func<MqttMessage, bool> cb) => { ackCallback = cb; });

            // send the message, verify we've stored it ok.
            var pm = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage pubMsg) => { return true; });
            var msgId = pm.Publish<AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtLeastOnce, "test");
            var msgs = GetPublishedMessages(pm);

            // now fake an acknowledgement of the message, and ensure it's been removed from storage.
            ackCallback(new MqttPublishAckMessage().WithMessageIdentifier(msgId));
コード例 #12
        public void AcknowledgedQos1MessageRemovedFromStorage()
            Func <MqttMessage, bool> ackCallback = null;

            var chMock = new Mock <IMqttConnectionHandler>();

            chMock.Setup(x => x.RegisterForMessage(MqttMessageType.PublishAck, It.IsAny <Func <MqttMessage, bool> >()))
            .Callback((MqttMessageType msgtype, Func <MqttMessage, bool> cb) => { ackCallback = cb; });

            // send the message, verify we've stored it ok.
            var pm    = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage pubMsg) => { return(true); });
            var msgId = pm.Publish <AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtLeastOnce, "test");
            var msgs  = GetPublishedMessages(pm);


            // now fake an acknowledgement of the message, and ensure it's been removed from storage.
            ackCallback(new MqttPublishAckMessage().WithMessageIdentifier(msgId));
コード例 #13
        public void ReleasedQos2MessageRemovedFromStorage()
            Func <MqttMessage, bool> rcvdCallback = null;
            Func <MqttMessage, bool> compCallback = null;

            var chMock = new Mock <IMqttConnectionHandler>();

            chMock.Setup(x => x.RegisterForMessage(MqttMessageType.PublishReceived, It.IsAny <Func <MqttMessage, bool> >()))
            .Callback((MqttMessageType msgtype, Func <MqttMessage, bool> cb) => { rcvdCallback = cb; });
            chMock.Setup(x => x.RegisterForMessage(MqttMessageType.PublishRelease, It.IsAny <Func <MqttMessage, bool> >()));
            chMock.Setup(x => x.RegisterForMessage(MqttMessageType.PublishComplete, It.IsAny <Func <MqttMessage, bool> >()))
            .Callback((MqttMessageType msgtype, Func <MqttMessage, bool> cb) => { compCallback = cb; });
            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny <MqttPublishMessage>()));
            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny <MqttPublishReleaseMessage>()));

            // send the message, verify we've stored it ok.
            var pm    = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage dummyPubMsg) => { return(true); });
            var msgId = pm.Publish <AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.ExactlyOnce, "test");
            var msgs  = GetPublishedMessages(pm);


            // verify the pub msg has send a publish message.
            chMock.Verify(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny <MqttPublishMessage>()));

            // fake a response from the other party saying Received, this should initiate a Release to the other party
            rcvdCallback(new MqttPublishReceivedMessage().WithMessageIdentifier(msgId));

            // verify the pub msg has sent a publish release message.
            chMock.Verify(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny <MqttPublishReleaseMessage>()));

            // fake a response from the other party saying "Complete", this should remove our copy of the message locally.
            compCallback(new MqttPublishCompleteMessage().WithMessageIdentifier(msgId));
コード例 #14
        public void PublishQos1Or2SavesMessageInStorage()
            var chMock = new Mock<IMqttConnectionHandler>();

            var pm = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage pubMsg) => { return true; });
            int msgId = pm.Publish<AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtLeastOnce, "test");

            var msgs = GetPublishedMessages(pm);

コード例 #15
        public void ReleasedQos2MessageRemovedFromStorage()
            Func<MqttMessage, bool> rcvdCallback = null;
            Func<MqttMessage, bool> compCallback = null;

            var chMock = new Mock<IMqttConnectionHandler>();
            chMock.Setup(x => x.RegisterForMessage(MqttMessageType.PublishReceived, It.IsAny<Func<MqttMessage, bool>>()))
                .Callback((MqttMessageType msgtype, Func<MqttMessage, bool> cb) => { rcvdCallback = cb; });
            chMock.Setup(x => x.RegisterForMessage(MqttMessageType.PublishRelease, It.IsAny<Func<MqttMessage, bool>>()));
            chMock.Setup(x => x.RegisterForMessage(MqttMessageType.PublishComplete, It.IsAny<Func<MqttMessage, bool>>()))
                .Callback((MqttMessageType msgtype, Func<MqttMessage, bool> cb) => { compCallback = cb; });
            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny<MqttPublishMessage>()));
            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny<MqttPublishReleaseMessage>()));

            // send the message, verify we've stored it ok.
            var pm = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage dummyPubMsg) => { return true; });
            var msgId = pm.Publish<AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.ExactlyOnce, "test");
            var msgs = GetPublishedMessages(pm);

            // verify the pub msg has send a publish message.
            chMock.Verify(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny<MqttPublishMessage>()));

            // fake a response from the other party saying Received, this should initiate a Release to the other party
            rcvdCallback(new MqttPublishReceivedMessage().WithMessageIdentifier(msgId));

            // verify the pub msg has sent a publish release message.
            chMock.Verify(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny<MqttPublishReleaseMessage>()));

            // fake a response from the other party saying "Complete", this should remove our copy of the message locally.
            compCallback(new MqttPublishCompleteMessage().WithMessageIdentifier(msgId));
コード例 #16
        public void PublishSendsPublishMessageWithCorrectTopic()
            MqttPublishMessage pubMsg = null;

            var chMock = new Mock<IMqttConnectionHandler>();
            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny<MqttPublishMessage>()))
                .Callback((MqttMessage msg) => pubMsg = (MqttPublishMessage)msg);

            var pm = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage dummyPubMsg) => { return true; });
            pm.Publish<AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");


            // check the message topic was correct
            Assert.Equal<string>("A/Topic", pubMsg.VariableHeader.TopicName);
コード例 #17
        public void PublishSendsPublishMessageThroughConnectionHandler()
            var chMock = new Mock<IMqttConnectionHandler>();
            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny<MqttPublishMessage>()));

            var pm = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage pubMsg) => { return true; });
            pm.Publish<AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");

コード例 #18
        public void PublishSendsPublishMessageCorrectPayload()
            MqttPublishMessage pubMsg = null;

            var chMock = new Mock<IMqttConnectionHandler>();
            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny<MqttPublishMessage>()))
                .Callback((MqttMessage msg) => pubMsg = (MqttPublishMessage)msg);

            var pm = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage dummyPubMsg) => { return true; });
            pm.Publish<AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");


            // check the message payload was correct
            Assert.Equal<string>("test", Encoding.ASCII.GetString(pubMsg.Payload.Message.ToArray<byte>()));
コード例 #19
        public void PublishReturnIdMatchesPublishedMessageId()
            MqttPublishMessage pubMsg = null;

            var chMock = new Mock<IMqttConnectionHandler>();
            chMock.Setup(x => x.SendMessage(It.IsAny<MqttPublishMessage>()))
                .Callback((MqttMessage msg) => pubMsg = (MqttPublishMessage)msg);

            var pm = new Nmqtt.PublishingManager(chMock.Object, (MqttPublishMessage dummyPubMsg) => { return true; });
            int retId = pm.Publish<AsciiPublishDataConverter>("A/Topic", MqttQos.AtMostOnce, "test");


            // check the message message ids match
            Assert.Equal<int>(pubMsg.VariableHeader.MessageIdentifier, retId);