コード例 #1
ファイル: RazorRunnerException.cs プロジェクト: jmclain/Nmp

		public static string HandleError( RazorRunnerException ex )
			// ******
			string preMsg = string.Empty;

			switch( ex.RunContext ) {
				case RunHow.Run:
					preMsg = "While running a razor instance:";
				case RunHow.RunOnly:
					preMsg = "While running razor on only the input text (no Nmp):";
				case RunHow.RunBefore:
					preMsg = "While running razor on the input text before invoking Nmp:";
				case RunHow.RunAfter:
					preMsg = "While running razor on the output produced by Nmp:";

			/// stack dump

			// ******
			//ThreadContext.WriteMessage( preMsg );
			//ThreadContext.WriteMessage( ex.Message + " Session output is the Razor source\n" );

			ThreadContext.WriteMessage( "{0}\n{1} Session output is the Razor source", preMsg, ex.Message );

			//ThreadContext.WriteMessage( ex.RazorError );
			string [] errs = ex.RazorError.Split( new string [] { "\r\n" }, StringSplitOptions.None );
			foreach( string err in errs ) {
				string text = err.Trim();
				if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( text ) ) {
					ThreadContext.WriteMessage( text );

			// ******
			return AddLineNumbers( ex.Code );
コード例 #2
ファイル: RazorRunner.cs プロジェクト: jmclain/Nmp

		private string Runner( string text, bool returnSource, RazorRunnerException.RunHow runContext )
			// ******
			//dynamic context = new ExpandoObject();
			//context.Version = 2.0;

			// ******
			var asmId = string.Empty;
			var result = string.Empty;
			var reader = new StringReader( text );

			// ******

//	as arguments to ctor pass the PrePostHandler() and a method to customize
//	the host and whatever else
//	 for the host we set the names for section, etc

			var razor = new RazorEngine<NmpRazorTemplateBase>( DefaultNamespaces, PrePostRenderHandler, CreateHostHandler );

			try {
				asmId = razor.ParseAndCompileTemplate( assemblyPaths, reader );
			catch ( Exception ex ) {
				ThreadContext.MacroError( "error Parsing and Compiling Razor template: {0}", ex.Message );
			if( null == asmId ) {
				// error 
				const string ErrMsg = "Razor failed to compile the generated source.";
				throw new RazorRunnerException( runContext, ErrMsg, razor.ErrorMessage, razor.LastGeneratedCode );

			// ******
			try {
				result = razor.RenderTemplateFromAssembly( asmId, null );
			catch ( Exception ex ) {
				ThreadContext.MacroError( "error Rendering Razor Template from Assembly template: {0}", ex.Message );
			if( null == result ) {
				const string ErrMsg = "Razor failed to execute the template.";
				throw new RazorRunnerException( runContext, ErrMsg, razor.ErrorMessage, razor.LastGeneratedCode );

			// ******
			if( RazorRunnerException.RunHow.Run == runContext ) {
				// (#block `razor'
			// ******
			return FileReader.FixText( returnSource ? RazorRunnerException.AddLineNumbers(razor.LastGeneratedCode) : result );