/// <summary> /// Calculate the Sums of the summary columns /// </summary> private void calcSummaries() { foreach (ReadOnlyTextBox roTextBox in sumBoxHash.Values) { if (roTextBox.IsSummary) { roTextBox.Tag = 0; roTextBox.Text = "0"; roTextBox.Invalidate(); } } if (dgv.SummaryColumns != null && dgv.SummaryColumns.Length > 0 && sumBoxHash.Count > 0) { foreach (DataGridViewRow dgvRow in dgv.Rows) { foreach (DataGridViewCell dgvCell in dgvRow.Cells) { foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgvColumn in sumBoxHash.Keys) { if (dgvCell.OwningColumn.Equals(dgvColumn)) { ReadOnlyTextBox sumBox = (ReadOnlyTextBox)sumBoxHash[dgvColumn]; if (sumBox != null && sumBox.IsSummary) { if (dgvCell.Value != null && !(dgvCell.Value is DBNull)) { if (IsInteger(dgvCell.Value)) { sumBox.Tag = Convert.ToInt64(sumBox.Tag) + Convert.ToInt64(dgvCell.Value); } else if (IsDecimal(dgvCell.Value)) { sumBox.Tag = Convert.ToDecimal(sumBox.Tag) + Convert.ToDecimal(dgvCell.Value); } sumBox.Text = string.Format("{0}", sumBox.Tag); sumBox.Invalidate(); } } } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// Resize the summary Boxes depending on the /// width of the Columns of the DataGridView /// </summary> private void resizeSumBoxes() { this.SuspendLayout(); if (sumBoxHash.Count > 0) { try { int rowHeaderWidth = dgv.RowHeadersVisible ? dgv.RowHeadersWidth - 1 : 0; int sumLabelWidth = dgv.RowHeadersVisible ? dgv.RowHeadersWidth - 1 : 0; int curPos = rowHeaderWidth; if (dgv.DisplaySumRowHeader && sumLabelWidth > 0) { if (dgv.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) { if (sumRowHeaderLabel.Dock != DockStyle.Right) { sumRowHeaderLabel.Dock = DockStyle.Right; } } else { if (sumRowHeaderLabel.Dock != DockStyle.Left) { sumRowHeaderLabel.Dock = DockStyle.Left; } } } else { if (sumRowHeaderLabel.Visible) { sumRowHeaderLabel.Visible = false; } } int iCnt = 0; Rectangle oldBounds; foreach (DataGridViewColumn dgvColumn in SortedColumns) //dgv.Columns) { ReadOnlyTextBox sumBox = (ReadOnlyTextBox)sumBoxHash[dgvColumn]; if (sumBox != null) { oldBounds = sumBox.Bounds; if (!dgvColumn.Visible) { sumBox.Visible = false; continue; } int from = curPos - dgv.HorizontalScrollingOffset; int width = dgvColumn.Width + (iCnt == 0 ? 0 : 0); if (from < rowHeaderWidth) { width -= rowHeaderWidth - from; from = rowHeaderWidth; } if (from + width > this.Width) { width = this.Width - from; } if (width < 4) { if (sumBox.Visible) { sumBox.Visible = false; } } else { if (this.RightToLeft == RightToLeft.Yes) { from = this.Width - from - width; } if (sumBox.Left != from || sumBox.Width != width) { sumBox.SetBounds(from, 0, width, 0, BoundsSpecified.X | BoundsSpecified.Width); } if (!sumBox.Visible) { sumBox.Visible = true; } } curPos += dgvColumn.Width + (iCnt == 0 ? 0 : 0); if (oldBounds != sumBox.Bounds) { sumBox.Invalidate(); } } iCnt++; } } finally { this.ResumeLayout(); } } }