コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Stages the files required to create the ardb and run the merger to produce the ardb.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packagesToInclude">The list of packages to include in the ardb.</param>
        /// <param name="indexerVersion">The version of the indexer used to create the idx file.</param>
        /// <param name="mergerVersion">The version of the merger to create the ardb file.</param>
        /// <param name="outputDirectory">The working directory.</param>
        void CreateArdbFile(IList<Tuple<RegistrationIndexPackage, long>> packagesToInclude, Version indexerVersion, Version mergerVersion, string outputDirectory)
            using (ActivityTimer timer = new ActivityTimer("CreateArdbFile"))
                    // Set up the directory structure.
                    string idxDirectory = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "idx");
                    string logsDirectory = Path.Combine(outputDirectory, "logs");

                    // Stage the files and run the merger.
                    IEnumerable<string> idxList = StageIdxFiles(packagesToInclude, this._storage, indexerVersion, idxDirectory);
                    string ardbTextFile = RunArdbMerger(mergerVersion, idxDirectory, outputDirectory);

                    // Save the ardb/txt file.
                    string version = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
                    Uri ardbResourceUri = this._storage.ComposeArdbResourceUrl(mergerVersion, $"{version}\\{version}.ardb.txt");
                    this._storage.SaveFileContents(ardbTextFile, ardbResourceUri);

                    SarifTraceListener.TraceInformation($"Saved ardb/txt file to {ardbResourceUri}.");

                    // Save the ardb/txt file to latest.txt. This is the file consumed by the publisher.  
                    Uri latestResourceUri = this._storage.ComposeArdbResourceUrl(mergerVersion, $"latest\\latest.txt");
                    this._storage.SaveFileContents(ardbTextFile, latestResourceUri);

                    SarifTraceListener.TraceInformation($"Saved ardb/txt file to {latestResourceUri}.");
                        Directory.Delete(outputDirectory, true);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        SarifTraceListener.TraceWarning("NG009", $"Could not delete the temp directory {outputDirectory}.", e);
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters the package list to only the latest stable version of the packages
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packageDownloadCounts"></param>
        /// <param name="downloadCountThreshold"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        IList<Tuple<RegistrationIndexPackage, long>> FilterPackagesToInclude(Dictionary<string, long> packageDownloadCounts, long downloadCountThreshold)
            using (ActivityTimer timer = new ActivityTimer("FilterPackagesToInclude"))
                // In general, here's how the filtering works.
                //   1. Calcuate the total download count for all the NuGet packages. (this is done before calling this method.)
                //   2. Calculate how many downloads we want to include in the ardb. (this is done before calling this method.)
                //   3. Exclude any packages which do not have a latest stable version.
                //   4. Sort the packages based on download count.
                //   5. Include the most popular packages until the target download count is reached.
                //   6. Sort the included packages, first by log2(downloadcount), then by package name.
                //      This sort order ensures the most popular packages are recommended first, while
                //      minimizing the day-to-day differences.

                // The runninng count of the downloads included in the ardb.
                long includedDownloadCount = 0;

                // A flag to signal that the download threshold was reached.
                bool thresholdReached = false;
                List<Tuple<RegistrationIndexPackage, long>> includedPackagesWithCounts = new List<Tuple<RegistrationIndexPackage, long>>();

                // We need to determine the latest stable version for each package. But this is a fairly expensive operation since
                // it makes a network call. We'll process the packages in chuncks so we can get the latest stable version of
                // the packages using multiple threads.
                int batchSize = Catalog2ElfieOptions.FilterPackagesToIncludeBatchSize;
                int currentPosition = 0;

                // We need to process the packages in order from most popular to least popular. (item.Value is the download count for the package)
                var orderedDownloadCounts = packageDownloadCounts.OrderByDescending(item => item.Value);
                IEnumerable<string> batch = null;

                    // Get the next chunk of packages to process.
                    batch = orderedDownloadCounts.Skip(currentPosition).Take(batchSize).Select(item => item.Key);

                    // Get the latest versions of the packages.
                    Dictionary<string, RegistrationIndexPackage> latestVersions = GetLatestVersion(batch);

                    foreach (string packageId in batch)
                        long downloadCount = packageDownloadCounts[packageId];
                        RegistrationIndexPackage latestStableVersion;

                        // If there's a latest stable version for the package, we want to include it.
                        if (latestVersions.TryGetValue(packageId, out latestStableVersion))
                            Trace.TraceInformation($"Included package: {packageId} - {downloadCount.ToString("#,####")}");
                            includedDownloadCount += downloadCount;

                            includedPackagesWithCounts.Add(Tuple.Create((RegistrationIndexPackage)latestStableVersion, downloadCount));
                            // There wasn't a latest stable version of this package. 
                            // Reduce the threshold by this package's download count since it shouldn't be counted.
                            downloadCountThreshold -= (long)(downloadCount * this._downloadPercentage);

                        // Stop if we've reached the download threhold.
                        Trace.TraceInformation($"Download count {includedDownloadCount.ToString("#,####")} / {downloadCountThreshold.ToString("#,####")}");
                        thresholdReached = (includedDownloadCount >= downloadCountThreshold);

                        if (thresholdReached)

                    Trace.TraceInformation($"Current package count {includedPackagesWithCounts.Count.ToString("#,###")}.");

                    currentPosition += batchSize;
                } while (!thresholdReached && batch != null && batch.Count() > 0);

                SarifTraceListener.TraceInformation($"Including {includedPackagesWithCounts.Count.ToString("#,###")} packages.");
                SarifTraceListener.TraceInformation("NG911", includedPackagesWithCounts.Count.ToString());

                // Basic validation, just check that the package counts are about the right number.
                int minimumPackageCount = Catalog2ElfieOptions.MinimumPackageCountAfterFiltering;

                Trace.TraceInformation($"Verify filtered package count {includedPackagesWithCounts.Count} > {minimumPackageCount}.");
                if (includedPackagesWithCounts.Count < minimumPackageCount)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"The filtered package count is less than the minimum set of filtered packages. {includedPackagesWithCounts.Count} < {minimumPackageCount}");

                return includedPackagesWithCounts;
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads the json file which contains the package download counts.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="downloadJsonUri">The url to the file which contains the download counts.</param>
        /// <returns>A JArray representing the downloaded file.</returns>
        /// <remarks>The file downloaded is a json array, not a json file. i.e. it is not enclosed in { }.</remarks>
        JArray FetchDownloadCounts(Uri downloadJsonUri)
            using (ActivityTimer timer = new ActivityTimer("FetchDownloadCounts"))
                JArray downloadJson;
                using (WebClient webClient = new WebClient())
                    string downloadText = webClient.DownloadString(downloadJsonUri);
                    downloadJson = JArray.Parse(downloadText);

                SarifTraceListener.TraceInformation($"Total packages in download json: {downloadJson.Count.ToString("#,###")}");
                SarifTraceListener.TraceInformation("NG910", downloadJson.Count.ToString());

                // Basic validation, just check that the package counts are about the right number.
                int minimumPackageCount = Catalog2ElfieOptions.MinimumPackageCountFromDownloadUrl;

                Trace.TraceInformation($"Verify download json file package count {downloadJson.Count} > {minimumPackageCount}.");
                if (downloadJson.Count < minimumPackageCount)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"The download count json file which was downloaded did not contain the minimum set of download data. {downloadJson.Count} < {minimumPackageCount}");

                return downloadJson;
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates Elfie index, Idx and Ardb, files for NuGet packages.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>True if the the indexes are created. False if the indexes
        /// are not created, but the error is transient. If a unrecoverable error 
        /// is encountered an exception is thrown.</returns>
        public async Task<bool> Run(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            using (ActivityTimer timer = new ActivityTimer("Run"))
                    // Load the download counts  
                    JArray downloadJson = FetchDownloadCounts(this._downloadCountsUri);

                    // We need to get the list of packages from two different sources. The first source is NuGet
                    // and the second source is from text files in the AssemblyPackages subdirectory.
                    // NuGet
                    //   The NuGet packages are filtered so only the latest stable versions are included.
                    //   The NuGet packages are filtered so only the top XX% of downloads are included.
                    //   The NuGet packages are placed into groups based on their log2(downloadcount). Note: This is done in the elfie merger.
                    // Local Packages
                    //   A fake package is created for each text file in the AssemblyPackages folder. These
                    //     fake packages allow us to include the .NET Framework assemblies in the index.
                    //   The fake packages are placed in the highest grouping.

                    // Get the NuGet packages to include in the ardb index
                    IList<Tuple<RegistrationIndexPackage, long>> packagesToInclude = GetPackagesToInclude(downloadJson, this._downloadPercentage);
                    SarifTraceListener.TraceInformation($"Including {packagesToInclude.Count} potential NuGet packages.");

                    // Get the list of local (framework) assembly packages to include in the ardb index.
                    IList<Tuple<RegistrationIndexPackage, long>> localPackagesToInclude = GetLocalAssemblyPackages(Catalog2ElfieOptions.AssemblyPackagesDirectory);
                    SarifTraceListener.TraceInformation($"Including {localPackagesToInclude.Count} potential local packages.");

                    // Merge the two package lists.
                    foreach (var assemblyPackage in localPackagesToInclude)

                    SarifTraceListener.TraceInformation($"Including {packagesToInclude.Count} total potential packages.");

                    // Create the idx index for each package
                    await CreateIdxIndexesAsync(packagesToInclude.Select(item => item.Item1), cancellationToken);

                    // Create the ardb index
                    string outputDirectory = Path.Combine(this._tempPath, Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
                    CreateArdbFile(packagesToInclude, this._indexerVersion, this._mergerVersion, outputDirectory);
                catch (System.Net.WebException e)
                    System.Net.HttpWebResponse response = e.Response as System.Net.HttpWebResponse;
                    if (response != null && response.StatusCode == System.Net.HttpStatusCode.BadGateway)
                        // If the response is a bad gateway, it's likely a transient error. Return false so we'll
                        // sleep in Catalog2Elfie and try again after the interval elapses.
                        return false;
                        // If it's any other error, rethrow the exception. This will stop the application so
                        // the issue can be addressed.

                return true;
コード例 #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates an idx file for each package.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="packages">The list of packages to process.</param>
        /// <remarks>If the package's idx file is already in storage, e.g. it was created in
        /// a previous run, we use the stored package. A new idx file is only created for new packages.</remarks>
        async Task CreateIdxIndexesAsync(IEnumerable<RegistrationIndexPackage> packages, CancellationToken cancellationToken)
            using (ActivityTimer timer = new ActivityTimer("ProcessCatalogItems"))
                ParallelOptions options = new ParallelOptions()
                    MaxDegreeOfParallelism = this._maxThreads,

                Parallel.ForEach(packages, options, package =>
                    Trace.TraceInformation("Processing package {0}", package.CatalogEntry.PackageId);

                    // Get the storage url for the idx file. We'll use this to check if the 
                    // idx file already exists before going through the effort of creating one.
                    Uri idxResourceUri = this._storage.ComposeIdxResourceUrl(this._indexerVersion, package.CatalogEntry.PackageId, package.CatalogEntry.PackageVersion);
                    StorageContent idxStorageItem = this._storage.Load(idxResourceUri, new CancellationToken()).Result;

                    if (idxStorageItem == null)
                        // We didn't have the idx file in storage, so go through the process of downloading,
                        // decompressing and creating the idx file.
                        ProcessPackageDetailsAsync(package, cancellationToken).Wait();
                        SarifTraceListener.TraceInformation($"Idx already exists in storage for package {package.CatalogEntry.PackageId}.");