public SketchWindow(int width, int height) :base() { InitializeComponent(); fBlackPen = new GDIPen(RGBColor.Black); this.Size = new System.Drawing.Size(width, height); this.Text = "Sketcher"; this.AllowDrop = true; fPointList = new List<Point>(); // Create the backing buffer to retain the image // Make it bigger than any likely displays backingBuffer = GDIDIBSection.Create(1600, 1200); GDIContext bufferContext = GDIContext.CreateForBitmap(backingBuffer); bufferContext.ClearToWhite(); fBackingGraphPort = new GDIRenderer(bufferContext); fRetainedGraphPort = new GraphPortDelegate(); fRetainedGraphPort.AddGraphPort(fBackingGraphPort); fRetainedGraphPort.AddGraphPort(GraphPort); CreateSession(); }
public PassiveSpace(string title, RECT aframe) : base(title, aframe) { fBackingBuffer = new PixelBuffer(Frame.Width, aframe.Height); fWrappedGraphPort = new GraphPortDelegate(); fWrappedGraphPort.AddGraphPort(fBackingBuffer.GraphPort); fWrappedGraphPort.AddGraphPort(base.GraphPort); // Add the channel for commands fSessionManager = new SessionManager(); fControlChannel = new SpaceControlChannel(fSessionManager, fSessionManager.UniqueSessionName, this); }
protected UISurface(string title, int x, int y, int width, int height, Guid uniqueID) { fTitle = title; fFrame = new RECT(x, y, width, height); fBackingBuffer = new PixelBuffer(width, height); fGraphDelegate = new GraphPortDelegate(); fGraphDelegate.AddGraphPort(fBackingBuffer.GraphPort); fUniqueID = uniqueID; UISurface.gSurfaces.Add(uniqueID, this); }
protected virtual void OnSurfaceCreated(Guid uniqueID) { fSurface = MetaSpace.GetSurface(uniqueID); fGraphDelegate = new GraphPortDelegate(); fGraphDelegate.AddGraphPort(fSurface.GraphPort); AttachToUISurface(); if (fIsVisible) fSurface.Show(); }