コード例 #1
        protected override NWidget CreateExampleContent()
            // create a view and get its grid
            NTableGridView view = new NTableGridView();
            NTableGrid     grid = view.Grid;

            // bind to sales data source
            NDataSource dataSource = NDummyDataSource.CreateCompanySalesDataSource();

            grid.DataSource = dataSource;

            // create an expression filter rule that matches records for which Company is equal to Leka
            string companyFxName = dataSource.CreateFormulaFieldName("Company");
            string expression1   = companyFxName + "==\"" + NDummyDataSource.RandomCompanyName() + "\"";

            grid.FilteringRules.Add(new NFilteringRule(new NFormulaRowCondition(expression1)));

            // create an expression filter rule that matches records for which Sales is larger than 1000
            string salesFxName = dataSource.CreateFormulaFieldName("Sales");
            string expression2 = salesFxName + ">1000";

            grid.FilteringRules.Add(new NFilteringRule(new NFormulaRowCondition(expression2)));

            grid.AllowSortColumns   = true;
            grid.AlternatingRows    = true;
            grid.RowHeaders.Visible = true;

コード例 #2
        protected override NWidget CreateExampleContent()
            NMemoryDataTable dataTable = new NMemoryDataTable(
                new NFieldInfo("Company", typeof(String)),
                new NFieldInfo("RegionSales", typeof(Double[])));

            Random rnd = new Random();

            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
                Double[] arr = new Double[10];
                for (int j = 0; j < 10; j++)
                    arr[j] = rnd.Next(100);

                dataTable.AddRow(NDummyDataSource.RandomCompanyName(), arr);

            // create a view and get its grid
            NTableGridView view = new NTableGridView();
            NTableGrid     grid = view.Grid;

            grid.AutoCreateColumn += delegate(NAutoCreateColumnEventArgs arg)
                if (arg.DataColumn.FieldName == "RegionSales")
                    NCustomColumnFormat pieColumnFormat = new NCustomColumnFormat();
                    pieColumnFormat.FormatDefaultDataCellDelegate = delegate(NDataCell theDataCell)
                        NWidget widget = new NWidget();
                        widget.PreferredSize = new NSize(400, 300);

                    pieColumnFormat.CreateValueDataCellViewDelegate = delegate(NDataCell theDataCell, object value)
                        double[] values = (double[])value;

                        NChartView chartView = new NChartView();
                        chartView.PreferredSize = new NSize(300, 60);

                        NCartesianChart cartesianChart = new NCartesianChart();

                        NDockLayout.SetDockArea(cartesianChart, ENDockArea.Center);
                        chartView.Surface.Content = cartesianChart;

                        cartesianChart.Legend = null;

                        cartesianChart.Axes[ENCartesianAxis.PrimaryX].Visible = false;
                        NCartesianAxis yAxis = cartesianChart.Axes[ENCartesianAxis.PrimaryY];

                        NValueScaleLabelStyle labelStyle = new NValueScaleLabelStyle();
                        labelStyle.TextStyle.Font = new NFont("Arimo", 8);
                        ((NLinearScale)yAxis.Scale).Labels.Style = labelStyle;

                        NBarSeries barSeries = new NBarSeries();
                        barSeries.DataLabelStyle = new NDataLabelStyle(false);
                        barSeries.InflateMargins = false;

                        int count = values.Length;
                        for (int i = 0; i < count; i++)
                            barSeries.DataPoints.Add(new NBarDataPoint(values[i]));


                    arg.DataColumn.Format = pieColumnFormat;

            grid.DataSource = new NDataSource(dataTable);