コード例 #1
ファイル: Scheduler.cs プロジェクト: DNNMonster/NBrightBuy
        public override void DoWork()

                var portallist = DnnUtils.GetAllPortals();

                foreach (var portal in portallist)

                    // clear down NBStore temp folder
                    var storeSettings = new StoreSettings(portal.PortalID);
                    if (Directory.Exists(storeSettings.FolderTempMapPath))
                        string[] files = Directory.GetFiles(storeSettings.FolderTempMapPath);

                        foreach (string file in files)
                            FileInfo fi = new FileInfo(file);
                            if (fi.LastAccessTime < DateTime.Now.AddHours(-3)) fi.Delete();

                        // DO Scheduler Jobs
                        var pluginData = new PluginData(portal.PortalID);
                        var l = pluginData.GetSchedulerProviders();

                        foreach (var p in l)
                            var prov = p.Value;
                            ObjectHandle handle = null;
                            handle = Activator.CreateInstance(prov.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/assembly"), prov.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/namespaceclass"));
                            if (handle != null)
                                var objProvider = (SchedulerInterface)handle.Unwrap();
                                var strMsg = objProvider.DoWork(portal.PortalID);
                                if (strMsg != "")


                this.ScheduleHistoryItem.Succeeded = true;

            catch (Exception Ex)
                //--intimate the schedule mechanism to write log note in schedule history
                this.ScheduleHistoryItem.Succeeded = false;
                this.ScheduleHistoryItem.AddLogNote("NBS Service Start. Failed. " + Ex.ToString());
                this.Errored(ref Ex);
コード例 #2
ファイル: Plugins.ascx.cs プロジェクト: fujinguyen/NBrightBuy
        protected void CtrlItemCommand(object source, RepeaterCommandEventArgs e)
            var cArg = e.CommandArgument.ToString();
            var param = new string[3];
            var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalId);

            switch (e.CommandName.ToLower())
                case "entrydetail":
                    param[0] = "eid=" + cArg;
                    Response.Redirect(NBrightBuyUtils.AdminUrl(TabId, param), true);
                case "move":
                    Response.Redirect(NBrightBuyUtils.AdminUrl(TabId, param), true);
                case "save":
                    if (Utils.IsNumeric(cArg))
                    Response.Redirect(NBrightBuyUtils.AdminUrl(TabId, param), true);
                case "add":
                    param[0] = "";
                    Response.Redirect(NBrightBuyUtils.AdminUrl(TabId, param), true);
                case "delete":
                    // NOTE: The delete button cannot work at portal level.  Each plugin must be entered at system level, therefore deleting at portal level has no effect
                    // the plugin is re-entered back into the portal from the system level. (This is CORRECT, pluging needs to be uninstalled to be removed, at portal level we simply hide them)
                    if (Utils.IsNumeric(cArg))
                    param[0] = "";
                    Response.Redirect(NBrightBuyUtils.AdminUrl(TabId, param), true);
                case "resetportal":
                    param[0] = "";
                    Response.Redirect(NBrightBuyUtils.AdminUrl(TabId, param), true);
                case "reload":
                    param[0] = "";
                    Response.Redirect(NBrightBuyUtils.AdminUrl(TabId, param), true);
                case "return":
                    param[0] = "";
                    Response.Redirect(NBrightBuyUtils.AdminUrl(TabId, param), true);
コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="portalfinfo"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override string DoWork()
                var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();

                // the sceduler runs at host level, we therefore need to loop through ALL portals to process data at a portal level.
                var portalList = NBrightDNN.DnnUtils.GetAllPortals();
                foreach (var portal in portalList)
                    // check if we have NBS in this portal by looking for default settings.
                    var nbssetting = objCtrl.GetByGuidKey(portal.PortalID, -1, "SETTINGS", "NBrightBuySettings");
                    if (nbssetting != null)
                        var storeSettings = new StoreSettings(portal.PortalID);
                        var pluginData = new PluginData(portal.PortalID); // get plugin data to see if this scheduler is active on this portal
                        var plugin = pluginData.GetPluginByCtrl("dnnsearchindex");
                        if (plugin != null && plugin.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/active"))
                            // The NBS scheduler is normally set to run hourly, therefore if we only want a process to run daily we need the logic this function.
                            // To to this we keep a last run flag on the sceduler settings
                            var setting = objCtrl.GetByGuidKey(portal.PortalID, -1, "DNNIDXSCHEDULER", "DNNIDXSCHEDULER");
                            if (setting == null)
                                setting = new NBrightInfo(true);
                                setting.ItemID = -1;
                                setting.PortalId = portal.PortalID;
                                setting.TypeCode = "DNNIDXSCHEDULER";
                                setting.GUIDKey = "DNNIDXSCHEDULER";
                                setting.ModuleId = -1;
                                setting.XMLData = "<genxml></genxml>";

                            var lastrun = setting.GetXmlPropertyRaw("genxml/lastrun");
                            var lastrundate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-99);
                            if (Utils.IsDate(lastrun)) lastrundate = Convert.ToDateTime(lastrun);

                            var rtnmsg = DoProductIdx(portal, lastrundate, storeSettings.DebugMode);
                            setting.SetXmlProperty("genxml/lastrun", DateTime.Now.ToString("s"), TypeCode.DateTime);
                            if (rtnmsg != "") return rtnmsg;



                return " - NBS-DNNIDX scheduler OK ";
            catch (Exception ex)
                return " - NBS-DNNIDX scheduler FAIL: " + ex.ToString() + " : ";
コード例 #4
ファイル: Tools.ascx.cs プロジェクト: DNNMonster/NBrightBuy
        private void ResetPortalMenu()
            var pass = GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "txtclearpass");
            if (pass == StoreSettings.Current.Get("adminpin") && pass != "")

                var pi = new PluginData(PortalId);

                NBrightBuyUtils.SetNotfiyMessage(ModuleId, "completed", NotifyCode.ok);
                NBrightBuyUtils.SetNotfiyMessage(ModuleId, "nopin", NotifyCode.fail);
コード例 #5
        private String GetShippingProviderTemplates(HttpContext context)
            var ajaxInfo = GetAjaxInfo(context);
            var activeprovider = ajaxInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/shippingprovider");
            var currentcart = new CartData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);

            var shipoption = currentcart.GetShippingOption(); // we don't want to overwrite the selected shipping option.
            currentcart.PurchaseInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/currentcartstage", "cartsummary"); // (Legacy) we need to set this so the cart calcs shipping

            if (activeprovider == "") activeprovider = currentcart.PurchaseInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/radiobuttonlist/shippingprovider");

            var strRtn = "";
            var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
            var provList = pluginData.GetShippingProviders();
            if (provList != null && provList.Count > 0)
                if (activeprovider == "") activeprovider = provList.First().Key;
                foreach (var d in provList)
                    var p = d.Value;
                    var shippingkey = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/ctrl");
                    var shipprov = ShippingInterface.Instance(shippingkey);
                    if (shipprov != null)
                        if (activeprovider == d.Key)
                            var razorTempl = shipprov.GetTemplate(currentcart.PurchaseInfo);
                            var objList = new List<NBrightInfo>();
                            if (razorTempl.StartsWith("@"))
                                strRtn += NBrightBuyUtils.RazorRender(objList, razorTempl, shippingkey + "shippingtemplate", StoreSettings.Current.DebugMode);
                                strRtn += GenXmlFunctions.RenderRepeater(objList[0], razorTempl, "", "XMLData", "", StoreSettings.Current.Settings(), null);
            return strRtn;
コード例 #6
        public static NBrightInfo ProcessEventProvider(EventActions eventaction, NBrightInfo nbrightInfo, String eventinfo)
            var rtnInfo = nbrightInfo;
            var pluginData = new PluginData(nbrightInfo.PortalId);
            var provList = pluginData.GetEventsProviders();

            foreach (var d in provList)
                var prov = d.Value;
                ObjectHandle handle = null;
                var cachekey = prov.PortalId + "*" + prov.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/assembly") + "*" + prov.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/namespaceclass");
                handle = (ObjectHandle)Utils.GetCache(cachekey);
                if (handle == null) handle = Activator.CreateInstance(prov.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/assembly"), prov.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/namespaceclass"));
                if (handle != null)
                    var eventprov = (EventInterface) handle.Unwrap();
                    if (eventprov != null)
                        if (eventaction == EventActions.ValidateCartBefore)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.ValidateCartBefore(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.ValidateCartAfter)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.ValidateCartAfter(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.ValidateCartItemBefore)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.ValidateCartItemBefore(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.ValidateCartItemAfter)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.ValidateCartItemAfter(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.AfterCartSave)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.AfterCartSave(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.AfterCategorySave)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.AfterCategorySave(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.AfterProductSave)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.AfterProductSave(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.AfterSavePurchaseData)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.AfterSavePurchaseData(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.BeforeOrderStatusChange)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.BeforeOrderStatusChange(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.AfterOrderStatusChange)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.AfterOrderStatusChange(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.BeforePaymentOK)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.BeforePaymentOK(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.AfterPaymentOK)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.AfterPaymentOK(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.BeforePaymentFail)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.BeforePaymentFail(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.AfterPaymentFail)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.AfterPaymentFail(nbrightInfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.BeforeSendEmail)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.BeforeSendEmail(nbrightInfo,eventinfo);
                        else if (eventaction == EventActions.AfterSendEmail)
                            rtnInfo = eventprov.AfterSendEmail(nbrightInfo,eventinfo);

            return rtnInfo;
コード例 #7
ファイル: Export.ascx.cs プロジェクト: DNNMonster/NBrightBuy
        private void DoExport()
            var strXml = new StringBuilder("<root>");
            var objCtrlUser = new UserController();

            if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData,"exportproducts") == "True")

                // export any entitytype provider data
                // This is data created by plugins into the NBS data tables.
                var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                var provList = pluginData.GetEntityTypeProviders();
                foreach (var prov in provList)
                    var entityprov = EntityTypeInterface.Instance(prov.Key);
                    if (entityprov != null)
                        var provl = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, entityprov.GetEntityTypeCode());
                        foreach (var i in provl) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }

                        provl = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, entityprov.GetEntityTypeCodeLang());
                        foreach (var i in provl) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }

                var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "PRD");
                foreach (var i in l) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }

                l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "PRDLANG");
                foreach (var i in l) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }
                l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "PRDXREF");
                foreach (var i in l) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }

                l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "USERPRDXREF");
                foreach (var i in l)
                    var u = objCtrlUser.GetUser(i.PortalId, i.UserId);
                    if (u != null)
                        i.TextData = u.Username;

            if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "exportcategories") == "True")
                var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "CATEGORY");
                foreach (var i in l) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }

                l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "CATEGORYLANG");
                foreach (var i in l) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }

            if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "exportcategories") == "True" && GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "exportproducts") == "True")
                var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "CATCASCADE");
                foreach (var i in l) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }
                l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "CATXREF");
                foreach (var i in l) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }

            if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "exportproperties") == "True")
                var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "GROUP");
                foreach (var i in l) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }

                l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "GROUPLANG");
                foreach (var i in l) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }

            if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "exportsettings") == "True")
                var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, 0, "SETTINGS");
                foreach (var i in l) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }

            if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "exportorders") == "True")
                var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "ORDER");
                foreach (var i in l) { strXml.Append(i.ToXmlItem()); }


            var doc = new XmlDocument();
            doc.Save(StoreSettings.Current.FolderUploadsMapPath + "\\export.xml");

            Utils.ForceDocDownload(StoreSettings.Current.FolderUploadsMapPath + "\\export.xml", PortalSettings.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias + "_export.xml", Response);
コード例 #8
ファイル: Export.ascx.cs プロジェクト: DNNMonster/NBrightBuy
        private void DoExportDocs()
            var fileMapPathList = new List<string>();

            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "PRD");
            foreach (var i in l)
                var nodlist = i.XMLDoc.SelectNodes("genxml/docs/*");
                if (nodlist != null)
                    foreach (XmlNode nod in nodlist)
                        var fname = nod.SelectSingleNode("./hidden/docpath");
                        if (fname != null && fname.InnerText != "") fileMapPathList.Add(fname.InnerText);

            // export any entitytype provider data
            // This is data created by plugins into the NBS data tables.
            var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
            var provList = pluginData.GetEntityTypeProviders();
            foreach (var prov in provList)
                var entityprov = EntityTypeInterface.Instance(prov.Key);
                if (entityprov != null)
                    var provl = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, entityprov.GetEntityTypeCode());
                    foreach (var i in provl)
                        var nodlist = i.XMLDoc.SelectNodes("genxml/docs/*");
                        if (nodlist != null)
                            foreach (XmlNode nod in nodlist)
                                var fname = nod.SelectSingleNode("./hidden/docpath");
                                if (fname != null && fname.InnerText != "") fileMapPathList.Add(fname.InnerText);

            DnnUtils.Zip(StoreSettings.Current.FolderUploadsMapPath + "\\exportdocs.zip", fileMapPathList);

            Utils.ForceDocDownload(StoreSettings.Current.FolderUploadsMapPath + "\\exportdocs.zip", PortalSettings.PortalAlias.HTTPAlias + "_exportdocs.zip", Response);
コード例 #9
ファイル: Container.ascx.cs プロジェクト: Lewy-H/NBrightBuy
        private String GetControlPath(String ctrl)
            var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalId);

            var nod = pluginData.Info.XMLDoc.SelectSingleNode("genxml/plugin/genxml[textbox/ctrl='" + ctrl + "']/textbox/path");
            if (nod != null)
                return nod.InnerText;
            return "";
コード例 #10
ファイル: Import.ascx.cs プロジェクト: DNNMonster/NBrightBuy
        private void ImportRecord(XmlDocument xmlFile, String typeCode, Boolean updaterecordsbyref = true)
            var nodList = xmlFile.SelectNodes("root/item[./typecode='" + typeCode + "']");
            if (nodList != null)
                foreach (XmlNode nod in nodList)
                    var nbi = new NBrightInfo();
                    var olditemid = nbi.ItemID;

                    // check to see if we have a new record or updating a existing one, use the ref field to find out.
                    nbi.ItemID = -1;
                    nbi.PortalId = PortalId;

                    if (typeCode == "PRD" && updaterecordsbyref)
                        var itemref = nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtproductref");
                        if (itemref != "")
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "PRD", " and NB3.ProductRef = '" + itemref.Replace("'", "''") + "' ");
                            if (l.Count > 0) nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                    if (typeCode == "PRDLANG" && updaterecordsbyref)
                        if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId))
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "PRDLANG", " and NB1.parentitemid = '" + _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId].ToString("") + "' and NB1.Lang = '" + nbi.Lang + "'");
                            if (l.Count > 0) nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                            nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];

                    // import any entitytype provider data
                    // This is data created by plugins into the NBS data tables.
                    var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                    var provList = pluginData.GetEntityTypeProviders();
                    foreach (var prov in provList)
                        var entityprov = EntityTypeInterface.Instance(prov.Key);
                        if (entityprov != null)
                            if (typeCode == entityprov.GetEntityTypeCode() && updaterecordsbyref)
                                var itemref = nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtproductref");
                                if (itemref != "")
                                    var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, entityprov.GetEntityTypeCode(), " and NB3.ProductRef = '" + itemref.Replace("'", "''") + "' ");
                                    if (l.Count > 0) nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                            if (typeCode == entityprov.GetEntityTypeCodeLang() && updaterecordsbyref)
                                if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId))
                                    var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, entityprov.GetEntityTypeCodeLang(), " and NB1.parentitemid = '" + _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId].ToString("") + "' and NB1.Lang = '" + nbi.Lang + "'");
                                    if (l.Count > 0) nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                                    nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];


                    if (typeCode == "PRDXREF" && updaterecordsbyref)
                        if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.XrefItemId)) nbi.XrefItemId = _recordXref[nbi.XrefItemId];
                        if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId)) nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];

                    if (typeCode == "USERPRDXREF" && updaterecordsbyref)
                        var u = UserController.GetUserByName(PortalId, nbi.TextData);
                        if (u != null)
                            if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId)) nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];
                            if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.XrefItemId)) nbi.UserId = u.UserID;

                    if (typeCode == "CATEGORY" && updaterecordsbyref)
                        var itemref = nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref");
                        if (itemref != "")
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "CATEGORY", " and [XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/txtcategoryref)[1]','nvarchar(max)') = '" + itemref.Replace("'", "''") + "' ");
                            if (l.Count > 0) nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                    if (typeCode == "CATEGORYLANG" && updaterecordsbyref)
                        if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId))
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "CATEGORYLANG", " and NB1.parentitemid = '" + _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId].ToString("") + "' and NB1.Lang = '" + nbi.Lang + "'");
                            if (l.Count > 0) nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                            nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];
                    if (typeCode == "GROUP" && updaterecordsbyref)
                        var itemref = nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/groupref");
                        if (itemref != "")
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "GROUP", " and [XMLData].value('(genxml/textbox/groupref)[1]','nvarchar(max)') = '" + itemref.Replace("'", "''") + "' ");
                            if (l.Count > 0) nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                    if (typeCode == "GROUPLANG" && updaterecordsbyref)
                        if (_recordXref.ContainsKey(nbi.ParentItemId))
                            var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, -1, "GROUPLANG", " and NB1.parentitemid = '" + _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId].ToString("") + "' and NB1.Lang = '" + nbi.Lang + "'");
                            if (l.Count > 0) nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                            nbi.ParentItemId = _recordXref[nbi.ParentItemId];
                    if (typeCode == "SETTINGS") // the setting exported are only the portal settings, not module.  So always update and don;t create new.
                        var l = ModCtrl.GetList(PortalId, 0, "SETTINGS", " and NB1.GUIDKey = 'NBrightBuySettings' ");
                        if (l.Count > 0) nbi.ItemID = l[0].ItemID;
                    //NOTE: if ORDERS are imported, we expect those to ALWAYS be new records, we don't want to delete any validate orders in this import.

                    // NOTE: we expect the records to be done in typecode order so we know parent and xref itemids.

                    var newitemid = ModCtrl.Update(nbi);
                    if (newitemid > 0) _recordXref.Add(olditemid, newitemid);
                    if (typeCode == "PRD") _productList.Add(newitemid, typeCode);

                    // Add any provider data types
                    foreach (var prov in provList)
                        var entityprov = EntityTypeInterface.Instance(prov.Key);
                        if (entityprov != null)
                            if (typeCode == entityprov.GetEntityTypeCode()) _productList.Add(newitemid, typeCode);


コード例 #11
ファイル: Plugins.ascx.cs プロジェクト: fujinguyen/NBrightBuy
        private void PageLoad()
            #region "Data Repeater"
            if (UserId > 0) // only logged in users can see data on this module.

                if (_displayentrypage)
                    var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalId);
                    rpData.DataSource = pluginData.GetPluginList();

                    // display header (Do header after the data return so the productcount works)

                    // display footer


コード例 #12
ファイル: NBrightBuyBase.cs プロジェクト: Lewy-H/NBrightBuy
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            ModCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();
            DebugMode = StoreSettings.Current.DebugMode;


            #region "Get all Settings for module"
            //get Model Level Settings
            ModSettings = new ModSettings(ModuleId, Settings);
            ModuleKey = ModSettings.Get("modulekey");


            if (EnablePaging)
                CtrlPaging = new NBrightCore.controls.PagingCtrl();
                CtrlPaging.PageChanged += new RepeaterCommandEventHandler(PagingClick);

            //add template provider to NBright Templating

            // search for any other NBright Tenmplating providers that might have been added.
            var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
            var l = pluginData.GetTemplateExtProviders();
            foreach (var p in l)
                var prov = p.Value;
                NBrightCore.providers.GenXProviderManager.AddProvider(prov.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/assembly") + "," + prov.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/namespaceclass"));
コード例 #13
ファイル: Plugins.ascx.cs プロジェクト: fujinguyen/NBrightBuy
        private void DisplayDataEntryRepeater(String entryId)
            if (Utils.IsNumeric(entryId))
                var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalId);
                var pData = pluginData.GetPlugin(Convert.ToInt32(entryId));
                //render the detail page
                base.DoDetail(rpData, pData);

                base.DoDetail(rpDataH, pData);

                base.DoDetail(rpDataF, pData);
コード例 #14
ファイル: Plugins.ascx.cs プロジェクト: fujinguyen/NBrightBuy
 private void MoveRecord(String movectrl)
     var selectedctrl = GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpDataH, "selectedctrl");
     var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalId);
     pluginData.MovePlugin(selectedctrl, movectrl);
コード例 #15
ファイル: Plugins.ascx.cs プロジェクト: fujinguyen/NBrightBuy
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

                #region "set templates based on entry id (eid) from url"

                _entryid = Utils.RequestQueryStringParam(Context, "eid");

                var pluginTemplate = "";

                if (Utils.IsNumeric(_entryid))
                    _displayentrypage = true;
                    // check if we have bespoke setting that need adding to the template
                    var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalId);
                    var pData = pluginData.GetPlugin(Convert.ToInt32(_entryid));
                    var pluginTemplatePath = pData.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/plugintemplate");
                    if (pluginTemplatePath != "") pluginTemplate = Utils.ReadFile(MapPath(pluginTemplatePath));
                    // check for new plugins
                    var pi = new PluginData(PortalId, true);


                #region "load templates"

                var t1 = "pluginsheader.html";
                var t2 = "pluginsbody.html";
                var t3 = "pluginsfooter.html";

                if (Utils.IsNumeric(_entryid))
                    t1 = "pluginsdetailheader.html";
                    t2 = "pluginsdetail.html";
                    t3 = "pluginsdetailfooter.html";

                // Get Display Header
                var rpDataHTempl = ModCtrl.GetTemplateData(ModSettings, t1, Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), DebugMode);
                rpDataH.ItemTemplate = NBrightBuyUtils.GetGenXmlTemplate(rpDataHTempl, ModSettings.Settings(), PortalSettings.HomeDirectory);
                // Get Display Body
                var rpDataTempl = ModCtrl.GetTemplateData(ModSettings, t2, Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), DebugMode);
                rpDataTempl = rpDataTempl.Replace("[Template:PluginTemplate]", pluginTemplate); // replace special plugin settings
                rpData.ItemTemplate = NBrightBuyUtils.GetGenXmlTemplate(rpDataTempl, ModSettings.Settings(), PortalSettings.HomeDirectory);

                // Get Display Footer
                var rpDataFTempl = ModCtrl.GetTemplateData(ModSettings, t3, Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), DebugMode);
                rpDataF.ItemTemplate = NBrightBuyUtils.GetGenXmlTemplate(rpDataFTempl, ModSettings.Settings(), PortalSettings.HomeDirectory);


            catch (Exception exc)
                //display the error on the template (don't want to log it here, prefer to deal with errors directly.)
                var l = new Literal();
                l.Text = exc.ToString();
コード例 #16
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)


                // check for new plugins
                var pi = new PluginData(PortalId, true);

                #region "load templates"

                var t1 = "backoffice.html";

                // Get Display Body
                var dataTempl = ModCtrl.GetTemplateData(ModSettings, t1, Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), DebugMode);
                // insert page header text
                var headerTempl = NBrightBuyUtils.GetGenXmlTemplate(dataTempl, ModSettings.Settings(), PortalSettings.HomeDirectory);
                NBrightBuyUtils.IncludePageHeaders(ModCtrl, ModuleId, Page, headerTempl, ModSettings.Settings(), null, DebugMode);

                // remove any DNN modules from the BO page
                var tabInfo = PortalSettings.Current.ActiveTab;
                var modCount = tabInfo.Modules.Count;
                for (int i = 0; i < modCount; i++)

                var aryTempl = Utils.ParseTemplateText(dataTempl);

                foreach (var s in aryTempl)
                    var htmlDecode = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlDecode(s);
                    if (htmlDecode != null)
                        switch (htmlDecode.ToLower())
                            case "<tag:menu>":
                                var c1 = LoadControl(ControlPath + "/Menu.ascx");
                            case "<tag:container>":
                                var c2 = LoadControl(ControlPath +  "/Container.ascx");
                                var lc = new Literal {Text = s};


            catch (Exception exc)
                //display the error on the template (don;t want to log it here, prefer to deal with errors directly.)
                var l = new Literal();
                l.Text = exc.ToString();
コード例 #17
ファイル: Plugins.ascx.cs プロジェクト: Lewy-H/NBrightBuy
        protected override void OnLoad(EventArgs e)
                if (Page.IsPostBack == false)
                    #region "Check for plugins"

                    var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalId, true);
                    _systemPlugins = pluginData.GetPluginList();

                    pluginData = new PluginData(PortalId);
                    var portalPlugins = pluginData.GetPluginList();
                    Boolean upd = false;
                    foreach (var p in _systemPlugins)
                        var ctrllist = from i in portalPlugins where i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/ctrl") == p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/ctrl") select i;
                        var nBrightInfos = ctrllist as IList<NBrightInfo> ?? ctrllist.ToList();
                        if (!nBrightInfos.Any())
                            upd = true;
                    if (upd) pluginData.Save();


            catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load
                //display the error on the template (don;t want to log it here, prefer to deal with errors directly.)
                var l = new Literal();
                l.Text = exc.ToString();
コード例 #18
ファイル: CartView.ascx.cs プロジェクト: Lewy-H/NBrightBuy
 private String GetShippingProviderTemplates()
     var strRtn = "";
     var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
     var provList = pluginData.GetShippingProviders();
     foreach (var d in provList)
         var p = d.Value;
         var shippingkey = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/ctrl");
         var shipprov = ShippingInterface.Instance(shippingkey);
         if (shipprov != null)
             var activeprovider = _cartInfo.GetInfo().GetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/radiobuttonlist/shippingprovider");
             // no shipping provider selected, so get the default one.
             if (activeprovider == "") activeprovider = provList.First().Key;
             if (activeprovider == d.Key) strRtn += shipprov.GetTemplate(_cartInfo.PurchaseInfo);
     return strRtn;
コード例 #19
        private void ShippingProviderDataBind(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var rbl = (RadioButtonList)sender;
            var container = (IDataItemContainer)rbl.NamingContainer;
                rbl.Visible = visibleStatus.DefaultIfEmpty(true).First();
                if (rbl.Visible)
                    var strXML = Convert.ToString(DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, "XMLData"));
                    var nbInfo = new NBrightInfo();
                    nbInfo.XMLData = strXML;
                    var selectval = nbInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/radiobuttonlist/shippingprovider");

                    // get country code, to CheckBox if provider is valid.
                    var cartData = new CartData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);

                    var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                    var provList = pluginData.GetShippingProviders();
                        foreach (var d in provList)
                            var isValid = true;
                            var shipprov = ShippingInterface.Instance(d.Key);
                            if (shipprov != null) isValid = shipprov.IsValid(cartData.PurchaseInfo);
                            var p = d.Value;
                            if (isValid)
                                var li = new ListItem();
                                li.Text = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/name");
                                li.Value = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/ctrl");
                                if (li.Value == selectval) li.Selected = true;
                        if (rbl.SelectedValue == "" && rbl.Items.Count > 0) rbl.SelectedIndex = 0;


            catch (Exception)
                rbl.Visible = false;
コード例 #20
ファイル: CartData.cs プロジェクト: Lewy-H/NBrightBuy
        public void ValidateCart()
            PurchaseInfo = NBrightBuyUtils.ProcessEventProvider(EventActions.ValidateCartBefore, PurchaseInfo);

            var itemList = GetCartItemList();
            Double subtotalcost = 0;
            Double subtotaldealercost = 0;
            Double totaldealerbonus = 0;
            Double totaldiscount = 0;
            Double totaldealerdiscount = 0;
            Double totalqty = 0;
            Double totalweight = 0;
            Double totalunitcost = 0;

            var strXml = "<items>";
            foreach (var info in itemList)
                // check product still exists and remove if deleted, altered or disabled.

                var cartItem = ValidateCartItem(PortalId, UserId, info);
                if (cartItem != null)
                    strXml += cartItem.XMLData;
                    totalunitcost += info.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/unitcost");
                    subtotalcost += info.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totalcost");
                    subtotaldealercost += info.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totaldealercost");
                    totaldealerbonus += info.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totaldealerbonus");
                    totaldiscount += info.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totaldiscount");
                    totaldealerdiscount += info.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totaldealerdiscount");
                    totalqty += info.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/qty");
                    totalweight += info.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totalweight");
            strXml += "</items>";
            PurchaseInfo.AddXmlNode(strXml, "items", "genxml");

            // calculate totals
            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totalqty", totalqty);
            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totalweight", totalweight);
            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totalunitcost", totalunitcost);
            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/subtotalcost", subtotalcost);
            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/subtotaldealercost", subtotaldealercost);
            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedsubtotal", AppliedCost(PortalId, UserId, subtotalcost, subtotaldealercost));

            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totaldiscount", totaldiscount);
            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totaldealerdiscount", totaldealerdiscount);
            var applieddiscount = AppliedCost(PortalId, UserId, totaldiscount, totaldealerdiscount);
            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/applieddiscount", applieddiscount);

            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/totaldealerbonus", totaldealerbonus);

            //add shipping
            Double shippingcost = 0;
            Double shippingdealercost = 0;
            var shippingkey = PurchaseInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/radiobuttonlist/shippingprovider");
            var currentcartstage = PurchaseInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/currentcartstage");
            if (currentcartstage == "cartaddress" || currentcartstage == "cartsummary") // can only calc shipping on this stage.
                ShippingInterface shipprov = null;
                if (shippingkey == "")
                    var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                    var provList = pluginData.GetShippingProviders();
                    foreach (var d in provList)
                        var isValid = true;
                        var shipprov1 = ShippingInterface.Instance(d.Key);
                        if (shipprov1 != null) isValid = shipprov1.IsValid(PurchaseInfo);
                        if (isValid)
                            shipprov = shipprov1;
                            if (shipprov != null) PurchaseInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/radiobuttonlist/shippingprovider", shipprov.Shippingkey);
                    shipprov = ShippingInterface.Instance(shippingkey);

                if (shipprov != null && !shipprov.IsValid(PurchaseInfo)) // Check we have a valid one!! if not the get another!!
                    var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                    var provList = pluginData.GetShippingProviders();
                    foreach (var d in provList)
                        var isValid = true;
                        var shipprov1 = ShippingInterface.Instance(d.Key);
                        if (shipprov1 != null) isValid = shipprov1.IsValid(PurchaseInfo);
                        if (isValid)
                            shipprov = shipprov1;
                            if (shipprov != null) PurchaseInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/radiobuttonlist/shippingprovider", shipprov.Shippingkey);

                if (shipprov != null)
                    PurchaseInfo = shipprov.CalculateShipping(PurchaseInfo);
                    shippingcost = PurchaseInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/shippingcost");
                    shippingdealercost = PurchaseInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/shippingdealercost");
                PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedshipping", AppliedCost(PortalId, UserId, shippingcost, shippingdealercost));
                // clear the provider if not cartshipping stage
                PurchaseInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/radiobuttonlist/shippingprovider", "");

            //add tax
            Double appliedtax = 0;
            var taxproviderkey = PurchaseInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/extrainfo/genxml/hidden/taxproviderkey");
            var taxprov = TaxInterface.Instance(taxproviderkey);
            if (taxprov != null)
                PurchaseInfo = taxprov.Calculate(PurchaseInfo);
                appliedtax = PurchaseInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtax");

            //cart full total
            var dealertotal = (subtotaldealercost + shippingdealercost + appliedtax);
            var total = (subtotalcost + shippingcost + appliedtax);
            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/dealertotal", dealertotal);
            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/total", total);
            PurchaseInfo.SetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtotal", AppliedCost(PortalId, UserId, total, dealertotal));

            if (PurchaseInfo.GetXmlProperty("genxml/clientmode") == "True")
                // user not editor, so stop edit mode.
                if (!UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo().IsInRole("Administrators") && !UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo().IsInRole(StoreSettings.ManagerRole) && !UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo().IsInRole(StoreSettings.EditorRole)) PurchaseInfo.SetXmlProperty("genxml/clientmode", "False");

            PurchaseInfo = NBrightBuyUtils.ProcessEventProvider(EventActions.ValidateCartAfter, PurchaseInfo);

コード例 #21
        private String GetProductListData(Dictionary<String, String> settings,bool paging = true)
            var strOut = "";

            if (!settings.ContainsKey("header")) settings.Add("header", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("body")) settings.Add("body", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("footer")) settings.Add("footer", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("filter")) settings.Add("filter", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("orderby")) settings.Add("orderby", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("returnlimit")) settings.Add("returnlimit", "0");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("pagenumber")) settings.Add("pagenumber", "0");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("pagesize")) settings.Add("pagesize", "0");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("searchtext")) settings.Add("searchtext", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("searchcategory")) settings.Add("searchcategory", "");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("cascade")) settings.Add("cascade", "False");

            // select a specific entity data type for the product (used by plugins)
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("entitytypecode")) settings.Add("entitytypecode", "PRD");
            if (!settings.ContainsKey("entitytypecodelang")) settings.Add("entitytypecodelang", "PRDLANG");
            var entitytypecodelang = settings["entitytypecodelang"];
            var entitytypecode = settings["entitytypecode"];

            var header = settings["header"];
            var body = settings["body"];
            var footer = settings["footer"];
            var filter = settings["filter"];
            var orderby = settings["orderby"];
            var returnLimit = Convert.ToInt32(settings["returnlimit"]);
            var pageNumber = Convert.ToInt32(settings["pagenumber"]);
            var pageSize = Convert.ToInt32(settings["pagesize"]);
            var cascade = Convert.ToBoolean(settings["cascade"]);

            var searchText = settings["searchtext"];
            var searchCategory = settings["searchcategory"];

            if (searchText != "") filter += " and (NB3.[ProductName] like '%" + searchText + "%' or NB3.[ProductRef] like '%" + searchText + "%' or NB3.[Summary] like '%" + searchText + "%' ) ";

            if (Utils.IsNumeric(searchCategory))
                if (orderby == "{bycategoryproduct}") orderby += searchCategory;
                var objQual = DataProvider.Instance().ObjectQualifier;
                var dbOwner = DataProvider.Instance().DatabaseOwner;
                if (!cascade)
                    filter += " and NB1.[ItemId] in (select parentitemid from " + dbOwner + "[" + objQual + "NBrightBuy] where typecode = 'CATXREF' and XrefItemId = " + searchCategory + ") ";
                    filter += " and NB1.[ItemId] in (select parentitemid from " + dbOwner + "[" + objQual + "NBrightBuy] where (typecode = 'CATXREF' and XrefItemId = " + searchCategory + ") or (typecode = 'CATCASCADE' and XrefItemId = " + searchCategory + ")) ";
                if (orderby == "{bycategoryproduct}") orderby = " order by NB3.productname ";

            // logic for client list of products
            if (NBrightBuyUtils.IsClientOnly())
                filter += " and NB1.ItemId in (select ParentItemId from dbo.[NBrightBuy] as NBclient where NBclient.TypeCode = 'USERPRDXREF' and NBclient.UserId = " + UserController.Instance.GetCurrentUserInfo().UserID.ToString("") + ") ";

            var recordCount = 0;

            var themeFolder = StoreSettings.Current.ThemeFolder;
            if (settings.ContainsKey("themefolder")) themeFolder = settings["themefolder"];
            var templCtrl = NBrightBuyUtils.GetTemplateGetter(themeFolder);

            if (!settings.ContainsKey("portalid")) settings.Add("portalid", PortalSettings.Current.PortalId.ToString("")); // aways make sure we have portalid in settings

            var objCtrl = new NBrightBuyController();

            var headerTempl = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(header, _lang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());
            var bodyTempl = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(body, _lang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());
            var footerTempl = templCtrl.GetTemplateData(footer, _lang, true, true, true, StoreSettings.Current.Settings());

            // replace any settings tokens (This is used to place the form data into the SQL)
            headerTempl = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(headerTempl, settings);
            headerTempl = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(headerTempl);
            bodyTempl = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(bodyTempl, settings);
            bodyTempl = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(bodyTempl);
            footerTempl = Utils.ReplaceSettingTokens(footerTempl, settings);
            footerTempl = Utils.ReplaceUrlTokens(footerTempl);

            var obj = new NBrightInfo(true);
            strOut = GenXmlFunctions.RenderRepeater(obj, headerTempl);

            // This is data created by plugins into the NBS data tables.
            var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
            var provList = pluginData.GetEntityTypeProviders();

            if (paging) // get record count for paging
                if (pageNumber == 0) pageNumber = 1;
                if (pageSize == 0) pageSize = StoreSettings.Current.GetInt("pagesize");

                // get only entity type required
                recordCount = objCtrl.GetListCount(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, -1, entitytypecode, filter, entitytypecodelang, _lang);


            // get selected entitytypecode.
            var objList = objCtrl.GetDataList(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, -1, entitytypecode, entitytypecodelang, _lang, filter, orderby, StoreSettings.Current.DebugMode, "", returnLimit, pageNumber, pageSize, recordCount);

            strOut += GenXmlFunctions.RenderRepeater(objList, bodyTempl);

            strOut += GenXmlFunctions.RenderRepeater(obj, footerTempl);

            // add paging if needed
            if (paging)
                var pg = new NBrightCore.controls.PagingCtrl();
                strOut += pg.RenderPager(recordCount, pageSize, pageNumber);

            return strOut;
コード例 #22
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
            _pluginData = new PluginData(PortalId);

                if (UserId > 0) //do nothing if user not logged on

                    var ctrl = Utils.RequestQueryStringParam(Context, "ctrl");

                    // anyone only in the client role is only allowed in the products control
                    if (UserInfo.IsInRole(StoreSettings.ClientEditorRole) && (!UserInfo.IsInRole(StoreSettings.EditorRole) && !UserInfo.IsInRole(StoreSettings.ManagerRole) && !UserInfo.IsInRole("Administrators")))
                     //   ctrl = "products";

                    if (ctrl == "")
                        ctrl = (String) HttpContext.Current.Session["nbrightbackofficectrl"];
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["nbrightbackofficectrl"] = ctrl;

                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(ctrl))
                        var p = _pluginData.GetPlugin(0);
                        if (p != null) ctrl = p.GUIDKey;
                        if (ctrl=="") ctrl = "orders";
                        if (StoreSettings.Current.Settings().Count == 0) ctrl = "settings";
                        HttpContext.Current.Session["nbrightbackofficectrl"] = ctrl;

                    var ctlpath = GetControlPath(ctrl);
                    if (ctlpath == "")  // ctrl may not exist in system, so default to products
                        ctrl = "products";
                        ctlpath = GetControlPath(ctrl);

                    // check for group data, this MUST be there otherwise this is the first time into the BO, so redirect to Admin.
                    var l = NBrightBuyUtils.GetCategoryGroups(Utils.GetCurrentCulture(),true,""); // don't test for grouptype, on upgrade it might not be there!!
                    if (!l.Any())
                        // redisplay settings
                        ctrl = "settings";
                        ctlpath = GetControlPath(ctrl);
                        NBrightBuyUtils.SetNotfiyMessage(ModuleId, "settingssetup", NotifyCode.fail);

                    if (ctlpath != "" && CheckSecurity(ctrl))
                        // make compatible with running DNN in virtual directory
                        if (HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath != null && !ctlpath.StartsWith(HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath)) ctlpath = HttpContext.Current.Request.ApplicationPath + ctlpath;
                        var c1 = LoadControl(ctlpath);
                        var c1 = new Literal();
                        c1.Text = "INVALID CONTROL: " + ctrl;
            catch (Exception exc) //Module failed to load
                //display the error on the template (don;t want to log it here, prefer to deal with errors directly.)
                var l = new Literal();
                l.Text = exc.ToString();
コード例 #23
ファイル: Import.ascx.cs プロジェクト: DNNMonster/NBrightBuy
        private void DoImport(NBrightInfo nbi)
            var fname = StoreSettings.Current.FolderUploadsMapPath + "\\" + nbi.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/hiddatafile");
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(fname))

                var xmlFile = new XmlDocument();

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importproducts") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "PRDLANG");

                    // import any entitytype provider data
                    // This is data created by plugins into the NBS data tables.
                    var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                    var provList = pluginData.GetEntityTypeProviders();
                    foreach (var prov in provList)
                        var entityprov = EntityTypeInterface.Instance(prov.Key);
                        if (entityprov != null)
                            ImportRecord(xmlFile, entityprov.GetEntityTypeCode());
                            ImportRecord(xmlFile, entityprov.GetEntityTypeCodeLang());

                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "PRDXREF");
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "USERPRDXREF");

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importcategories") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "CATEGORY");
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "CATEGORYLANG");

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importcategories") == "True" && GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importproducts") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "CATCASCADE");
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "CATXREF");

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importproperties") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "GROUP");
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "GROUPLANG");

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importsettings") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "SETTINGS");

                if (GenXmlFunctions.GetField(rpData, "importorders") == "True")
                    ImportRecord(xmlFile, "ORDER");

コード例 #24
        public override TestOfData TestOfDataBinding(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var rtnData = new TestOfData();
            rtnData.DataValue = null;
            rtnData.TestValue = null;
            var lc = (Literal)sender;
            var container = (IDataItemContainer)lc.NamingContainer;
                NBrightInfo info;

                ProductData prodData;
                CatProdXref xrefData;

                var xmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
                CartData currentcart;

                xmlDoc.LoadXml("<root>" + lc.Text + "</root>");
                var xmlNod = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("root/tag");

                if (container.DataItem != null && xmlNod != null && (xmlNod.Attributes != null && xmlNod.Attributes["function"] != null))
                    rtnData.DataValue = "FALSE";

                    XmlNode nod;
                    var testValue = "";
                    if ((xmlNod.Attributes["testvalue"] != null)) testValue = xmlNod.Attributes["testvalue"].Value;

                    // check for setting key
                    var settingkey = "";
                    if ((xmlNod.Attributes["key"] != null)) settingkey = xmlNod.Attributes["key"].Value;

                    var role = "";
                    if ((xmlNod.Attributes["role"] != null)) role = xmlNod.Attributes["role"].Value;

                    var index = "";
                    if ((xmlNod.Attributes["index"] != null)) index = xmlNod.Attributes["index"].Value;

                    var modulekey = "";
                    if ((xmlNod.Attributes["modulekey"] != null)) modulekey = xmlNod.Attributes["modulekey"].Value;

                    var targetmodulekey = "";
                    if ((xmlNod.Attributes["targetmodulekey"] != null)) targetmodulekey = xmlNod.Attributes["targetmodulekey"].Value;

                    // do special tests for named fucntions
                    switch (xmlNod.Attributes["function"].Value.ToLower())
                        case "searchactive":
                            var navdata2 = new NavigationData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, targetmodulekey);
                            if (navdata2.Criteria == "") rtnData.DataValue = "FALSE";
                            else rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                        case "productcount":
                            var navdata = new NavigationData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId, modulekey);
                            rtnData.DataValue = navdata.RecordCount;
                        case "price":
                            rtnData.DataValue = GetFromPrice((NBrightInfo) container.DataItem);
                        case "dealerprice":
                            rtnData.DataValue = GetDealerPrice((NBrightInfo) container.DataItem);
                        case "saleprice":
                            rtnData.DataValue = GetSalePrice((NBrightInfo) container.DataItem);
                        case "imgexists":
                            rtnData.DataValue = testValue;
                            nod = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmLnode(DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, _databindColumn).ToString(), "genxml/imgs/genxml[" + rtnData.DataValue + "]");
                            if (nod == null) rtnData.DataValue = "FALSE";
                        case "modelexists":
                            rtnData.DataValue = testValue;
                            nod = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmLnode(DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, _databindColumn).ToString(), "genxml/models/genxml[" + rtnData.DataValue + "]");
                            if (nod == null) rtnData.DataValue = "FALSE";
                        case "optionexists":
                            rtnData.DataValue = testValue;
                            nod = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmLnode(DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, _databindColumn).ToString(), "genxml/options/genxml[" + rtnData.DataValue + "]");
                            if (nod == null) rtnData.DataValue = "FALSE";
                        case "isinstock":
                            if (IsInStock((NBrightInfo) container.DataItem))
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "ismodelinstock":
                            if (IsModelInStock((NBrightInfo) container.DataItem))
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "inwishlist":
                            var productid = DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, "ItemId").ToString();
                            if (Utils.IsNumeric(productid))
                                var listname = "ItemList";
                                if ((xmlNod.Attributes["listname"] != null)) listname = xmlNod.Attributes["listname"].Value;

                                var wl = new ItemListData(listname);
                                if (wl.IsInList(productid))
                                    rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                    rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "isonsale":
                            var saleprice = GetSalePriceDouble((NBrightInfo) container.DataItem);
                            if (saleprice > 0)
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "hasrelateditems":
                            info = (NBrightInfo) container.DataItem;
                            prodData = ProductUtils.GetProductData(info.ItemID, info.Lang);
                            if (prodData.GetRelatedProducts().Count > 0)
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "hasdocuments":
                            info = (NBrightInfo) container.DataItem;
                            prodData = ProductUtils.GetProductData(info.ItemID, info.Lang);
                            if (prodData.Docs.Count > 0)
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "haspurchasedocuments":
                            info = (NBrightInfo) container.DataItem;
                            prodData = ProductUtils.GetProductData(info.ItemID, info.Lang);
                            if (prodData.Docs.Select(i => i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/checkbox/chkpurchase") == "True").Any())
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "hasproperty":
                            info = (NBrightInfo) container.DataItem;
                            xrefData = new CatProdXref();
                            if (xrefData.IsProductInCategory(info.ItemID,testValue))
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "isincategory":
                            info = (NBrightInfo) container.DataItem;
                            xrefData = new CatProdXref();
                            if (xrefData.IsProductInCategory(info.ItemID,testValue))
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "isdocpurchasable":
                            nod = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmLnode(DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, _databindColumn).ToString(), "genxml/docs/genxml[" + index + "]/hidden/docid");
                            if (nod != null)
                                info = (NBrightInfo) container.DataItem;
                                prodData = ProductUtils.GetProductData(info.ItemID, info.Lang);
                                if (prodData.Docs.Select(i => i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/checkbox/chkpurchase") == "True" && i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/hidden/docid") == nod.InnerText).Any())
                                    rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                    rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "isdocpurchased":
                            nod = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmLnode(DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, _databindColumn).ToString(), "genxml/docs/genxml[" + index + "]/hidden/docid");
                            if (nod != null && Utils.IsNumeric(nod.InnerText))
                                var uInfo = UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo();
                                //[TODO: work out method of finding if user purchased document.]
                                //if (NBrightBuyV2Utils.DocHasBeenPurchasedByDocId(uInfo.UserID, Convert.ToInt32(nod.InnerText)))
                                //    rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                //    rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "hasmodelsoroptions":
                            nod = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmLnode(DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, _databindColumn).ToString(), "genxml/models/genxml[2]/hidden/modelid");
                            if (nod != null && nod.InnerText != "")
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                            if (rtnData.DataValue == "FALSE")
                                nod = GenXmlFunctions.GetGenXmLnode(DataBinder.Eval(container.DataItem, _databindColumn).ToString(), "genxml/options/genxml[1]/hidden/optionid");
                                if (nod != null && nod.InnerText != "")
                                    rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                    rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "isproductincart":
                            var cartData = new CartData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                            info = (NBrightInfo) container.DataItem;
                            if (cartData.GetCartItemList().Select(i => i.GetXmlProperty("genxml/productid") == info.ItemID.ToString("")).Any())
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "settings":
                            if (_settings != null && _settings.ContainsKey(settingkey) && _settings[settingkey] == testValue)
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "debugmode":
                            if (StoreSettings.Current.DebugMode)
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "isinrole":
                            if (CmsProviderManager.Default.IsInRole(role))
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "issuperuser":
                            if (UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo().IsSuperUser)
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "isuser":
                            if (UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo().UserID >= 0)
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "isclientordermode":
                            currentcart = new CartData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                            if (currentcart.IsClientOrderMode())
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "carteditmode":
                            currentcart = new CartData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                            var editmode = currentcart.GetInfo().GetXmlProperty("genxml/carteditmode");
                            if (editmode == testValue)
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "iscartempty":
                            currentcart = new CartData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                            var l = currentcart.GetCartItemList();
                            if (!l.Any())
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "hasshippingproviders":
                            var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                            var provList = pluginData.GetShippingProviders();
                            if (provList.Count > 1)
                                rtnData.DataValue = "TRUE";
                                rtnData.TestValue = "TRUE";
                        case "profile":
                            var userInfo = UserController.GetCurrentUserInfo();
                            if (userInfo.UserID >= 0) rtnData.DataValue = userInfo.Profile.GetPropertyValue(settingkey);
                        case "static":
                            rtnData.DataValue = null;
            catch (Exception)
                lc.Text = "";
            return rtnData;
コード例 #25
ファイル: Menu.ascx.cs プロジェクト: fujinguyen/NBrightBuy
        private String GetMenu()
            var strCacheKey = "bomenuhtml*" + Utils.GetCurrentCulture() + "*" + PortalId.ToString("") + "*" + UserId.ToString("");

            var strOut = "";
            var obj = Utils.GetCache(strCacheKey);
            if (obj != null) strOut = (String)obj;

            if (StoreSettings.Current.DebugMode || strOut == "")
                var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalId);

                var bomenuattributes = DnnUtils.GetLocalizedString("bomenuattributes", _resxpath, Utils.GetCurrentCulture());
                var bosubmenuattributes = DnnUtils.GetLocalizedString("bosubmenuattributes", _resxpath, Utils.GetCurrentCulture());

                //get group list (these are the sections/first level of the menu)
                var rootList = new Dictionary<String, String>();
                foreach (var p in pluginData.GetPluginList())
                    var grpname = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/group");
                    if (p.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/hidden") == false)
                        var rootname = grpname;
                        if (rootname == "") rootname = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/ctrl");
                        if (!rootList.ContainsKey(rootname))
                            var resxname = DnnUtils.GetLocalizedString(rootname.ToLower(), _resxpath, Utils.GetCurrentCulture());
                            if (resxname == "") resxname = rootname;
                            rootList.Add(rootname, resxname);

                strOut = "<ul " + bomenuattributes + ">";

                foreach (var rootname in rootList)
                    var rtnlist = pluginData.GetSubList(rootname.Key);
                    var sublist = new List<NBrightInfo>();
                    // check security
                    foreach (var p in rtnlist)
                        if (CheckSecurity(p)) sublist.Add(p);

                    var href = "#";
                    var ctrl = "";
                    var name = "unknown";
                    var icon = "";
                    var hrefclass = "";
                    var securityrootcheck = true;
                    if (sublist.Count > 0)
                        // has sub menus
                        ctrl = rootname.Key;
                        name = rootname.Value;
                        hrefclass = "class='dropdown-toggle'";
                        icon = DnnUtils.GetLocalizedString(ctrl.ToLower() + "_icon", _resxpath, Utils.GetCurrentCulture());
                        strOut += "<li class='dropdown'>";
                        // clickable root menu
                        var rootp = pluginData.GetPluginByCtrl(rootname.Key);
                        if (rootp != null)
                            ctrl = rootp.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/ctrl");
                            name = rootp.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/name");
                            icon = rootp.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/icon");

                            securityrootcheck = CheckSecurity(rootp);
                            if (securityrootcheck)
                                strOut += "<li>";
                                var param = new string[1];
                                param[0] = "ctrl=" + ctrl;
                                href = Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", param);
                            securityrootcheck = false;
                    if (securityrootcheck) strOut += GetRootLinkNode(name, ctrl, icon, href, hrefclass);

                    if (sublist.Count > 0)
                        strOut += "<ul " + bosubmenuattributes + ">";
                        foreach (var p in sublist)
                            if (p.GetXmlPropertyBool("genxml/checkbox/hidden") == false)

                                ctrl = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/ctrl");
                                name = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/name");
                                icon = p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/icon");
                                var param = new string[1];
                                param[0] = "ctrl=" + ctrl;
                                href = Globals.NavigateURL(TabId, "", param);
                                strOut += "<li>" + GetSubLinkNode(name, ctrl, icon, href) + "</li>";
                        strOut += "</ul>";
                    if (securityrootcheck) strOut += "</li>";

                // add exit button
                strOut += "<li>";
                var tabid = StoreSettings.Current.Get("exittab");
                var exithref = "/";
                if (Utils.IsNumeric(tabid)) exithref = Globals.NavigateURL(Convert.ToInt32(tabid));
                strOut += GetRootLinkNode("Exit", "exit", DnnUtils.GetLocalizedString("exit_icon", _resxpath, Utils.GetCurrentCulture()), exithref, "");
                strOut += "</li>";

                strOut += "</ul>";

                NBrightBuyUtils.SetModCache(0, strCacheKey, strOut);

                if (StoreSettings.Current.DebugModeFileOut) Utils.SaveFile(PortalSettings.HomeDirectoryMapPath + "\\debug_menu.html", strOut);

            return strOut;
コード例 #26
ファイル: Payment.ascx.cs プロジェクト: Lewy-H/NBrightBuy
        protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)

            if (ModSettings.Get("themefolder") == "")  // if we don't have module setting jump out
                rpPaymentGateways.ItemTemplate = new GenXmlTemplate("NO MODULE SETTINGS");


                var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalSettings.Current.PortalId);
                _provList = pluginData.GetPaymentProviders();
                _cartInfo = new CartData(PortalId);

                var orderid = Utils.RequestQueryStringParam(Context, "orderid");
                var templOk = ModSettings.Get("paymentoktemplate");
                var templFail = ModSettings.Get("paymentfailtemplate");
                var templHeader = "";
                var templFooter = "";
                var templText = "";

                if ((_provList.Count == 0 || _cartInfo.PurchaseInfo.GetXmlPropertyDouble("genxml/appliedtotal") <= 0) && orderid == "")
                    #region "No Payment providers, so process as a ordering system"

                    var displayTempl = templOk;
                    if (!_cartInfo.IsValidated()) displayTempl = templFail;

                    rpDetailDisplay.ItemTemplate = NBrightBuyUtils.GetGenXmlTemplate(ModCtrl.GetTemplateData(ModSettings, displayTempl, Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), DebugMode), ModSettings.Settings(), PortalSettings.HomeDirectory);
                    _templateHeader = (GenXmlTemplate) rpDetailDisplay.ItemTemplate;

                    #region "Payment Details"

                    // display the payment method by default
                    templHeader = ModSettings.Get("paymentordersummary");
                    templFooter = ModSettings.Get("paymentfooter");
                    var templPaymentText = "";
                    var msg = "";
                    if (Utils.IsNumeric(orderid))
                        // orderid exists, so must be return from bank; Process it!!
                        _orderData = new OrderData(PortalId, Convert.ToInt32(orderid));
                        _prov = PaymentsInterface.Instance(_orderData.PaymentProviderKey);

                        msg = _prov.ProcessPaymentReturn(Context);
                        if (msg == "") // no message so successful
                            _orderData = new OrderData(PortalId, Convert.ToInt32(orderid)); // get the updated order.
                            templText = templOk;
                            _orderData = new OrderData(PortalId, Convert.ToInt32(orderid)); // reload the order, becuase the status and typecode may have changed by the payment provider.
                            _orderData.AddAuditMessage(msg, "paymsg", "payment.ascx", "False");
                            templText = templFail;
                        templFooter = ""; // return from bank, hide footer
                        // not returning from bank, so display list of payment providers.
                        rpPaymentGateways.ItemTemplate = NBrightBuyUtils.GetGenXmlTemplate(GetPaymentProviderTemplates(), ModSettings.Settings(), PortalSettings.HomeDirectory);

                    if (templText == "") templText = templHeader; // if we are NOT returning from bank, then display normal header summary template
                    templPaymentText = ModCtrl.GetTemplateData(ModSettings, templText, Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), DebugMode);

                    rpDetailDisplay.ItemTemplate = NBrightBuyUtils.GetGenXmlTemplate(templPaymentText, ModSettings.Settings(), PortalSettings.HomeDirectory);
                    _templateHeader = (GenXmlTemplate) rpDetailDisplay.ItemTemplate;

                    if (templFooter != "")
                        var templPaymentFooterText = ModCtrl.GetTemplateData(ModSettings, templFooter, Utils.GetCurrentCulture(), DebugMode);
                        rpDetailFooter.ItemTemplate = NBrightBuyUtils.GetGenXmlTemplate(templPaymentFooterText, ModSettings.Settings(), PortalSettings.HomeDirectory);


                // insert page header text
                NBrightBuyUtils.IncludePageHeaders(ModCtrl, ModuleId, Page, _templateHeader, ModSettings.Settings(), null, DebugMode);

            catch (Exception exc)
                //display the error on the template (don;t want to log it here, prefer to deal with errors directly.)
                var l = new Literal();
                l.Text = exc.ToString();
コード例 #27
 private String GetControlPath(String ctrl)
     var pluginData = new PluginData(PortalId);
     var p = pluginData.GetPluginByCtrl(ctrl);
     return p.GetXmlProperty("genxml/textbox/path");