コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the information that should be displayed by the chart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="histogramInfo">The histogram info.</param>
        public void SetHistogramInfo(HistogramInfo histogramInfo)
            // Fill configuration information
            labelFileName.Text    = histogramInfo.FileName;
            labelSignalLabel.Text = histogramInfo.SignalLabel;
            labelF0.Text          = histogramInfo.F0 + @" Hz";
            labelFC.Text          = histogramInfo.FC + @" Hz";
            labelB.Text           = histogramInfo.B + @" Hz";
            labelSmoothRate.Text  = histogramInfo.SmoothRate.ToString();
            labelSmoothTime.Text  = histogramInfo.SmoothTime + @" s";
            if (histogramInfo.UnderSampling != 1)
                labelUndersample.Text = histogramInfo.UnderSampling.ToString();

            // Filling the histogram for SS_SU
            double ymax = double.MinValue;
            double ymin = double.MaxValue;

            for (int k = 0; k < histogramInfo.SU_SS.Length; k++)
                chartHistogram.Series.ElementAt(0).Points.AddXY(k + histogramInfo.SS_SUmin, histogramInfo.SU_SS.ElementAt(k));
                chartHistogram.Series.ElementAt(1).Points.AddXY(k + histogramInfo.SS_SUmin, histogramInfo.SU_SSsmoothed.ElementAt(k));
                double tmp = Math.Max(histogramInfo.SU_SS.ElementAt(k), histogramInfo.SU_SSsmoothed.ElementAt(k));
                if (ymax < tmp)
                    ymax = tmp;
                tmp = Math.Min(histogramInfo.SU_SS.ElementAt(k), histogramInfo.SU_SSsmoothed.ElementAt(k));
                if (ymin > tmp)
                    ymin = tmp;

            // Representing correlation
            double scaleFactor = ymax / histogramInfo.SU_SSmatch.ElementAt(histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog - histogramInfo.SS_SUmin);

            for (int k = 0; k < histogramInfo.SU_SS.Length; k++)
                chartHistogram.Series.ElementAt(2).Points.AddXY(k + histogramInfo.SS_SUmin, histogramInfo.SU_SSmatch.ElementAt(k) * scaleFactor);

            // Representing PiB value
            chartHistogram.Series.ElementAt(3).Points.AddXY(histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog, 0);
            chartHistogram.Series.ElementAt(3).Points.AddXY(histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog, histogramInfo.SU_SS.ElementAt(histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog - histogramInfo.SS_SUmin));

            chartHistogram.Titles.Add("PiB value title");
            //chartHistogram.Titles.ElementAt(1).Text = String.Format("PiB value = {0} (Log-converted) / {1} (Digital) / {2} (Physical)", histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog, histogramInfo.PiBvalueDigi, histogramInfo.PiBvaluePhysi);
            chartHistogram.Titles.ElementAt(1).Text = String.Format("PiB value = {0} (Log-converted) / {1:#.00} (Physical)", histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog, histogramInfo.PiBvaluePhysi);

            chartHistogram.ChartAreas.ElementAt(0).AxisY.Minimum = ymin - 1;
            chartHistogram.ChartAreas.ElementAt(0).AxisY.Maximum = ymax + 1;
コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Sets the information that should be displayed by the chart.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="histogramInfo">The histogram info.</param>
        public void SetHistogramInfo(HistogramInfo histogramInfo)
            // Fill configuration information
              labelFileName.Text = histogramInfo.FileName;
              labelSignalLabel.Text = histogramInfo.SignalLabel;
              labelF0.Text = histogramInfo.F0 + @" Hz";
              labelFC.Text = histogramInfo.FC + @" Hz";
              labelB.Text = histogramInfo.B + @" Hz";
              labelSmoothRate.Text = histogramInfo.SmoothRate.ToString();
              labelSmoothTime.Text = histogramInfo.SmoothTime + @" s";
              if (histogramInfo.UnderSampling != 1)
            labelUndersample.Text = histogramInfo.UnderSampling.ToString();

              // Filling the histogram for SS_SU
              double ymax = double.MinValue;
              double ymin = double.MaxValue;
              for (int k = 0; k < histogramInfo.SU_SS.Length; k++)
            chartHistogram.Series.ElementAt(0).Points.AddXY(k + histogramInfo.SS_SUmin, histogramInfo.SU_SS.ElementAt(k));
            chartHistogram.Series.ElementAt(1).Points.AddXY(k + histogramInfo.SS_SUmin, histogramInfo.SU_SSsmoothed.ElementAt(k));
            double tmp = Math.Max(histogramInfo.SU_SS.ElementAt(k), histogramInfo.SU_SSsmoothed.ElementAt(k));
            if (ymax < tmp)
              ymax = tmp;
            tmp = Math.Min(histogramInfo.SU_SS.ElementAt(k), histogramInfo.SU_SSsmoothed.ElementAt(k));
            if (ymin > tmp)
              ymin = tmp;

              // Representing correlation
              double scaleFactor = ymax / histogramInfo.SU_SSmatch.ElementAt(histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog - histogramInfo.SS_SUmin);
              for (int k = 0; k < histogramInfo.SU_SS.Length; k++)
            chartHistogram.Series.ElementAt(2).Points.AddXY(k + histogramInfo.SS_SUmin, histogramInfo.SU_SSmatch.ElementAt(k) * scaleFactor);

              // Representing PiB value
              chartHistogram.Series.ElementAt(3).Points.AddXY(histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog, 0);
              chartHistogram.Series.ElementAt(3).Points.AddXY(histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog, histogramInfo.SU_SS.ElementAt(histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog - histogramInfo.SS_SUmin));

              chartHistogram.Titles.Add("PiB value title");
              //chartHistogram.Titles.ElementAt(1).Text = String.Format("PiB value = {0} (Log-converted) / {1} (Digital) / {2} (Physical)", histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog, histogramInfo.PiBvalueDigi, histogramInfo.PiBvaluePhysi);
              chartHistogram.Titles.ElementAt(1).Text = String.Format("PiB value = {0} (Log-converted) / {1:#.00} (Physical)", histogramInfo.PiBvalueLog, histogramInfo.PiBvaluePhysi);

              chartHistogram.ChartAreas.ElementAt(0).AxisY.Minimum = ymin - 1;
              chartHistogram.ChartAreas.ElementAt(0).AxisY.Maximum = ymax + 1;
コード例 #3
ファイル: NeuroLoopGain.cs プロジェクト: rsilvetz/rubyflashes
        /// <summary>
        /// Detects the piB value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns><c>true</c> if successful</returns>
        private bool DoDetectPiB()
            short[] sssu = new short[AppConf.SS_SUmax - AppConf.SS_SUmin + 1];
              double[] sssuSmoothed = new double[AppConf.SS_SUmax - AppConf.SS_SUmin + 1];
              double[] sssuTemplate = new double[AppConf.piBCorrelationFunctionBufferSize];
              double[] sssuMatch = new double[AppConf.SS_SUmax - AppConf.SS_SUmin + 1];
              double x;
              double value;


              int dataBlockSamples = OutputEDFFile.SignalInfo[1].NrSamples;

              for (int k = 0; k < OutputEDFFile.FileInfo.NrDataRecords; k++)

            for (int k1 = 0; k1 < dataBlockSamples; k1++)
              double su = MathEx.ExpInteger(OutputEDFFile.DataBuffer[OutputBufferOffsets[1] + k1], AppConf.LogFloatY0, AppConf.LogFloatA);
              double ss = MathEx.ExpInteger(OutputEDFFile.DataBuffer[OutputBufferOffsets[2] + k1], AppConf.LogFloatY0, AppConf.LogFloatA);

              // Do not add zeros from unrecorded end of file
              if ((Math.Abs(su) >= AppConf.LogFloatY0) || (Math.Abs(ss) >= AppConf.LogFloatY0))
            short j = MathEx.LogFloat(ss - su, AppConf.LogFloatY0, AppConf.LogFloatA);
            //Watch it! SS_SUmin and SS_SUmax now refer to log-transformed values
            if (Range.InRange(j, AppConf.SS_SUmin, AppConf.SS_SUmax) && (sssu[j - AppConf.SS_SUmin] < short.MaxValue) && (j != 0))
              sssu[j - AppConf.SS_SUmin]++;

               * 2*SS_SUsmoother applied to the logarithmic converted values in the histogram
               * corresponds to the original values of piBPeakWidth
              int sssuSmootherWidth = (int)Range.EnsureRange(Math.Truncate(Math.Log(1.0 + AppConf.piBPeakWidth) / AppConf.LogFloatA / 2), -int.MaxValue, int.MaxValue);

              // Apply the smoothing (mean filter) to the histogram
              for (int k = sssuSmootherWidth; k <= AppConf.SS_SUmax - AppConf.SS_SUmin - sssuSmootherWidth; k++)
            for (int k1 = k - sssuSmootherWidth; k1 <= k + sssuSmootherWidth; k1++)
              sssuSmoothed[k] += sssu[k1];
            sssuSmoothed[k] = sssuSmoothed[k] / (2 * sssuSmootherWidth + 1);

              // Construct the template to detect desired piB value peak in the smoothed histogram
              for (int k = 1; k < sssuTemplate.Length - 1; k++)
            x = ((double)k / (sssuTemplate.Length - 1)) * 3 * Math.PI - 2 * Math.PI;
            value = 2.0 / 3 * (-0.5894) * (MathEx.Heav(x + 2 * Math.PI) - MathEx.Heav(x + (Math.PI / 2))) +
            (MathEx.Heav(x + (Math.PI / 2)) - MathEx.Heav(x)) * (Math.Sin(2 * x) / (2 * x)) +
            (MathEx.Heav(x) - MathEx.Heav(x - Math.PI / 2)) * (Math.Sin(2 * x) / (2 * x));
            sssuTemplate[k] = value;
              // Calculate and substract template mean value and calculate resulting template's peak index
              x = MathEx.Average(sssuTemplate);
              value = 0;
              int templatePeakIdx = 0;
              for (int k = 0; k < sssuTemplate.Length - 1; k++)
            sssuTemplate[k] -= x;
            if (sssuTemplate[k] > value)
              templatePeakIdx = k;
              value = sssuTemplate[k];

              // Calculate correlation coefficients by shifting the template over the histogram
              for (int k = 0; k < (sssuSmoothed.Length - sssuTemplate.Length); k++)
            value = 0;
            for (int k1 = 0; k1 < sssuTemplate.Length; k1++)
              value += sssuTemplate[k1] * sssuSmoothed[k + k1];
            sssuMatch[k + templatePeakIdx] = value;

              piB = 0;
              double peak = 0;
              // We'll take Pi*B as the x-value for the maximum correlation point
              for (int k = 0; k < sssuMatch.Length; k++)
            if (sssuMatch[k] > peak)
              peak = sssuMatch[k];
              //piB = (short)Range.EnsureRange(k + appConf.SS_SUmin, -short.MaxValue, short.MaxValue);
              piB = (short)(k + AppConf.SS_SUmin);

              // Show histogram
              if (AppConf.ShowPiBHistogram)
            HistogramInfo histogramInfo = new HistogramInfo
                                          FileName = InputEDFFileName,
                                          SignalLabel = InputEDFFile.SignalInfo[InputSignalSelected].SignalLabel,
                                          SS_SUmax = AppConf.SS_SUmax,
                                          SS_SUmin = AppConf.SS_SUmin,
                                          SU_SS = sssu,
                                          SU_SSsmoothed = sssuSmoothed,
                                          UnderSampling = AppConf.IIRUnderSampler,
                                          SU_SSmatch = sssuMatch,
                                          F0 = AppConf.F0,
                                          FC = AppConf.FC,
                                          B = AppConf.BandWidth,
                                          PiBvalueLog = piB,
                                          PiBvaluePhysi = PiBExpInt,
                                          SmoothRate = AppConf.SmoothRate,
                                          SmoothTime = AppConf.SmoothTime
            //histogramInfo.PiBvalueDigi = (short)PiBExpInt;
            //histogramInfo.PiBvalueDigi = PiBExpInt;
            //histogramInfo.PiBvaluePhysi = PiBExpInt / PowGain;

            FormPiBHistogram formHistogram = new FormPiBHistogram();

              return !AppError.Signaled;