コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// The WriteConfig method is used to update or create a device configuration.  If the name of the configuration exists
        /// on the device, then the configuration is updated.  Otherwise, a new configuration is added.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="configName">Unique case-sensitive name of the configuration</param>
        /// <param name="data">Data to be written for the given name (not including the header)</param>
        public void WriteConfig(string configName, byte[] data)
            uint             hal_config_block_size = 0;
            HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK header = new HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK();

            // Create a header for the configuration data
                hal_config_block_size = (uint)sizeof(HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK);

                header.DriverNameString = configName;
            header.HeaderCRC = 0;
            header.DataCRC   = CRC.ComputeCRC(data, 0, data.Length, 0);;
            header.Size      = (uint)data.Length;
            header.Signature = version_V2;

            // Calculate CRC information for header and data
            header.DataCRC = CRC.ComputeCRC(data, 0, (int)data.Length, 0);

            byte[] headerBytes = MarshalData(header);
            header.HeaderCRC = CRC.ComputeCRC(headerBytes, (2 * sizeof(UInt32)), (int)hal_config_block_size - (2 * sizeof(UInt32)), seed);
            headerBytes      = MarshalData(header);

            // Concatonate the header and data
            byte[] allData = new byte[hal_config_block_size + data.Length];

            Array.Copy(headerBytes, allData, hal_config_block_size);
            Array.Copy(data, 0, allData, hal_config_block_size, data.Length);

            WriteConfig(configName, allData, false, true);
コード例 #2
        public void WriteConfig(string configName, IHAL_CONFIG_BASE config, bool updateConfigSector)
            uint hal_config_block_size = 0;

            HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK header = config.ConfigHeader;

                hal_config_block_size = (uint)sizeof(HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK);

                header.DriverNameString = configName;

            // set up the configuration data
            header.HeaderCRC = 0;
            header.DataCRC   = 0;
            header.Size      = (uint)config.Size - hal_config_block_size;
            header.Signature = version_V2;

            config.ConfigHeader = header;

            // calculate the data crc
            byte[] data = MarshalData(config);
            header.DataCRC = CRC.ComputeCRC(data, (int)hal_config_block_size, (int)(header.Size /* - hal_config_block_size*/), 0);
            // this enables the data type to update itself with the crc (required because there is no class inheritence in structs and therefore no polymorphism)
            config.ConfigHeader = header;

            // calculate the header crc
            data             = MarshalData(config);
            header.HeaderCRC = CRC.ComputeCRC(data, 2 * sizeof(UInt32), (int)hal_config_block_size - (2 * sizeof(UInt32)), seed);
            // this enables the data type to update itself with the crc (required because there is no class inheritence in structs and therefore no polymorphism)
            config.ConfigHeader = header;

            data = MarshalData(config);

            WriteConfig(configName, data, true, updateConfigSector);
コード例 #3
        // Initialize the internal structures.
        public void InitializeConfigData()
            uint hal_config_block_size  = 0;
            uint hal_config_static_size = 0;
            int  index = 0;

                hal_config_block_size  = (uint)sizeof(HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK);
                hal_config_static_size = (uint)sizeof(HAL_CONFIGURATION_SECTOR) - hal_config_block_size;

            // read in the configuration data if the config sector was found
            if ((uint)configAddress != uint.MaxValue)
                int hal_static_cfg_size = 0;
                    hal_static_cfg_size = sizeof(HAL_CONFIGURATION_SECTOR);

                var devices = DfuContext.Current.GetDevices();
                var device  = devices[0];

                all_cfg_data = new byte[hal_static_cfg_size];

                device.Download(all_cfg_data, configAddress);

                staticConfig = (HAL_CONFIGURATION_SECTOR)UnmarshalData(all_cfg_data, typeof(HAL_CONFIGURATION_SECTOR));

                // uninitialized config sector, lets try to fix it
                if (staticConfig.ConfigurationLength == 0xFFFFFFFF)
                    staticConfig.ConfigurationLength = (uint)hal_static_cfg_size;
                    staticConfig.Version.Major       = 3;
                    staticConfig.Version.Minor       = 0;
                    staticConfig.Version.Extra       = 0;
                    staticConfig.Version.TinyBooter  = 4;

                // move to the dynamic configuration section
                index = (int)staticConfig.ConfigurationLength;

                lastCfgIndex = index;

                while (true)
                    byte[] data = new byte[hal_config_block_size];

                    // read the next configuration block
                    device.Download(data, configAddress + index);

                    HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK cfg_header = (HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK)UnmarshalData(data, typeof(HAL_CONFIG_BLOCK));

                    // out of memory or last record
                    if (cfg_header.Size > configSize)
                        // last record or bogus entry
                        lastCfgIndex = index;

                        // save the configuration data for later use
                        all_cfg_data = new byte[lastCfgIndex];

                        int    idx = 0;
                        byte[] tmp = null;

                        while (idx < index)
                            int size = 512;

                            if ((index - idx) < size)
                                size = index - idx;
                            tmp = new byte[size];

                            device.Download(tmp, configAddress + idx);
                            Array.Copy(tmp, 0, all_cfg_data, idx, tmp.Length);

                            idx += size;
                        break;                         // no more configs

                    // move to the next configuration block
                    if (cfg_header.Size + hal_config_block_size + index > configSize)
                        // end of config sector

                    cfgHash[cfg_header.DriverNameString] = new ConfigIndexData(index, (int)(cfg_header.Size + hal_config_block_size));

                    index += (int)(cfg_header.Size + hal_config_block_size);

                    while (0 != (index % 4))
            isInitialized = true;