public void TestGetBulk() { int maxIterations = 10000; ObixResult <XElement> xmlResult = null; Uri signupUri = client.LobbyUri.Concat("signUp"); progressWnd = new CProgressWnd("Invoking obix reads"); wndThread = new Thread(() => { progressWnd.ShowDialog(); }); wndThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); wndThread.Start(); progressWnd.ProgressMaximumValue = maxIterations; TestConnect(); Assert.IsNotNull(client, "Client is not initialized."); Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "Client is not connected."); Uri u = client.LobbyUri.Concat("about/"); for (int i = 0; i <= maxIterations; i++) { xmlResult = client.ReadUriXml(u); progressWnd.Increment(); } // Assert.IsTrue(xmlResult.ResultSucceeded, "Could not get lobby contract for iteration " + i); progressWnd.RunOnUIThread(() => { progressWnd.Hide(); }); }
public void TestWatchBulk() { int maxIterations = 10000; List <string> watchUriList = new List <string>(maxIterations); ObixResult <XElement> xmlResult = null; progressWnd = new CProgressWnd("Creating watch objects"); wndThread = new Thread(() => { progressWnd.ShowDialog(); }); wndThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); wndThread.Start(); progressWnd.ProgressMaximumValue = maxIterations; TestConnect(); Assert.IsNotNull(client, "Client is not initialized."); Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "Client is not connected."); Uri u = client.LobbyUri.Concat("about/"); for (int i = 0; i <= maxIterations; i++) { xmlResult = client.InvokeUriXml(client.LobbyUri.Concat("watchService/make/"), null); Assert.IsTrue(xmlResult.ResultSucceeded, "Could not add watch for iteration " + i); watchUriList.Add(xmlResult.Result.ObixHref()); progressWnd.Increment(); } progressWnd.Hide(); progressWnd = new CProgressWnd("Deleting watch objects"); wndThread = new Thread(() => { progressWnd.ShowDialog(); }); wndThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); wndThread.Start(); progressWnd.ProgressMaximumValue = watchUriList.Count; for (int i = 0; i < watchUriList.Count; i++) { string watchUri = watchUriList[i]; Uri deleteUri = client.LobbyUri.Concat(watchUri).Concat("delete/"); xmlResult = client.InvokeUriXml(deleteUri, null); progressWnd.Increment(); Assert.IsTrue(xmlResult.ResultSucceeded, "Could not add watch for URI " + deleteUri.ToString()); } progressWnd.RunOnUIThread(() => { progressWnd.Hide(); }); }
public void TestDeviceBulk() { int maxDevices = 10000; ObixResult <XElement> xmlResult = null; XElement sampleDevice = null; Uri signupUri = client.LobbyUri.Concat("signUp"); progressWnd = new CProgressWnd("Posting oBIX devices"); wndThread = new Thread(() => { progressWnd.ShowDialog(); }); wndThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); wndThread.Start(); progressWnd.ProgressMaximumValue = maxDevices; TestConnect(); Assert.IsNotNull(client, "Client is not initialized."); Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "Client is not connected."); for (int i = 0; i <= maxDevices; i++) { sampleDevice = CreateTestDevice(); Assert.IsNotNull(sampleDevice, "TestDeviceWrite failed to create a sample device oBIX object."); xmlResult = client.InvokeUriXml(signupUri, sampleDevice); Assert.IsTrue(xmlResult.ResultSucceeded, string.Format("Device signup to href {0} failed with result {1}.", signupUri, xmlResult)); progressWnd.Increment(); } progressWnd.RunOnUIThread(() => { progressWnd.Hide(); }); wndThread.Join(); }
public void TestGetBulk() { int maxIterations = 10000; ObixResult<XElement> xmlResult = null; Uri signupUri = client.LobbyUri.Concat("signUp"); progressWnd = new CProgressWnd("Invoking obix reads"); wndThread = new Thread(() => { progressWnd.ShowDialog(); }); wndThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); wndThread.Start(); progressWnd.ProgressMaximumValue = maxIterations; TestConnect(); Assert.IsNotNull(client, "Client is not initialized."); Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "Client is not connected."); Uri u = client.LobbyUri.Concat("about/"); for (int i = 0; i <= maxIterations; i++) { xmlResult = client.ReadUriXml(u); progressWnd.Increment(); } // Assert.IsTrue(xmlResult.ResultSucceeded, "Could not get lobby contract for iteration " + i); progressWnd.RunOnUIThread(() => { progressWnd.Hide(); }); }
public void TestWatchBulk() { int maxIterations = 10000; List<string> watchUriList = new List<string>(maxIterations); ObixResult<XElement> xmlResult = null; progressWnd = new CProgressWnd("Creating watch objects"); wndThread = new Thread(() => { progressWnd.ShowDialog(); }); wndThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); wndThread.Start(); progressWnd.ProgressMaximumValue = maxIterations; TestConnect(); Assert.IsNotNull(client, "Client is not initialized."); Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "Client is not connected."); Uri u = client.LobbyUri.Concat("about/"); for (int i = 0; i <= maxIterations; i++) { xmlResult = client.InvokeUriXml(client.LobbyUri.Concat("watchService/make/"), null); Assert.IsTrue(xmlResult.ResultSucceeded, "Could not add watch for iteration " + i); watchUriList.Add(xmlResult.Result.ObixHref()); progressWnd.Increment(); } progressWnd.Hide(); progressWnd = new CProgressWnd("Deleting watch objects"); wndThread = new Thread(() => { progressWnd.ShowDialog(); }); wndThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); wndThread.Start(); progressWnd.ProgressMaximumValue = watchUriList.Count; for (int i = 0; i < watchUriList.Count; i++) { string watchUri = watchUriList[i]; Uri deleteUri = client.LobbyUri.Concat(watchUri).Concat("delete/"); xmlResult = client.InvokeUriXml(deleteUri, null); progressWnd.Increment(); Assert.IsTrue(xmlResult.ResultSucceeded, "Could not add watch for URI " + deleteUri.ToString()); } progressWnd.RunOnUIThread(() => { progressWnd.Hide(); }); }
public void TestDeviceBulk() { int maxDevices = 10000; ObixResult<XElement> xmlResult = null; XElement sampleDevice = null; Uri signupUri = client.LobbyUri.Concat("signUp"); progressWnd = new CProgressWnd("Posting oBIX devices"); wndThread = new Thread(() => { progressWnd.ShowDialog(); }); wndThread.SetApartmentState(ApartmentState.STA); wndThread.Start(); progressWnd.ProgressMaximumValue = maxDevices; TestConnect(); Assert.IsNotNull(client, "Client is not initialized."); Assert.IsTrue(client.IsConnected, "Client is not connected."); for (int i = 0; i <= maxDevices; i++) { sampleDevice = CreateTestDevice(); Assert.IsNotNull(sampleDevice, "TestDeviceWrite failed to create a sample device oBIX object."); xmlResult = client.InvokeUriXml(signupUri, sampleDevice); Assert.IsTrue(xmlResult.ResultSucceeded, string.Format("Device signup to href {0} failed with result {1}.", signupUri, xmlResult)); progressWnd.Increment(); } progressWnd.RunOnUIThread(() => { progressWnd.Hide(); }); wndThread.Join(); }