/// <summary> /// 生成代码 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string BuildCode() { CodeBuilder builder = new CodeBuilder(); string basePath = GetBasePath(); StreamWriter sw = null; TemplateDTO.Solution solution = new TemplateDTO.Solution(); #region 生成 Deploy 部分代码 #region 生成生成Deploy代码过程中可能用到的文件夹 string projPath = basePath + @"\Deploy\"; string assemblyPath = projPath + @"Properties\"; string codePath = projPath + @"Entity\"; string extendCodePath = projPath + @"Extend\"; if (!Directory.Exists(projPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(projPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(assemblyPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(assemblyPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(codePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(codePath); } if (!Directory.Exists(extendCodePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(extendCodePath); } #endregion #region 生成csproj项目文件 string projGuid = string.Empty; string projName = projPath + _proj.Namespace + "." + DTOEntity.AssemblyEndTag + ".csproj"; if (File.Exists(projName)) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(projName); XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable); nsMgr.AddNamespace("ns", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"); XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ns:Project/ns:PropertyGroup/ns:ProjectGuid", nsMgr); projGuid = node.InnerText; projGuid = projGuid.Substring(1, projGuid.Length - 2); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projGuid)) { projGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper(); } TemplateDTO.Project TProj = new TemplateDTO.Project(this._proj, TemplateDTO.ProjType.Deploy); TProj.Guid = projGuid; solution.AddProj(TProj); if (!File.Exists(projName)) { string csprojString = builder.BuildCode("Project", TProj);//CodeBuilder.CreateProjBuider(TProj); sw = new StreamWriter(projName); sw.Write(csprojString); sw.Close(); } //生成targets文件 string targetsString = builder.BuildCode("ProjectTargets", TProj);//CodeBuilder.CreateProjTargetsBuider(TProj); sw = new StreamWriter(projPath + "csproj.targets"); sw.Write(targetsString); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成assembly信息 string assemblyString = builder.BuildCode("ProjectAssembly", TProj);//CodeBuilder.CreateProjectAssemblyBuilder(TProj); sw = new StreamWriter(assemblyPath + "AssemblyInfo.cs", false); sw.Write(assemblyString); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 针对每个实体生成实体代码 foreach (BEEntity entity in _proj.EntityList) { TemplateDTO.BEEntityDTO tEntity = new TemplateDTO.BEEntityDTO(entity); OutPut.OutPutMsg("生成实体【" + entity.Code + "】Deploy代码……"); #region 生成实体代码 string entityCode = builder.BuildCode("EntityDTO", tEntity);//CodeBuilder.CreateEntityDTOBuilder(tEntity); sw = new StreamWriter(codePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + ".cs", false); sw.Write(entityCode); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成实体扩展 if (!File.Exists(extendCodePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + "Extend.cs")) { string entityExtendCode = builder.BuildCode("EntityDTOExtend", tEntity); sw = new StreamWriter(extendCodePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + "Extend.cs", false); sw.Write(entityExtendCode); sw.Close(); } #endregion OutPut.OutPutMsg("实体【" + entity.Code + "】Deploy代码生成成功……"); } #endregion #region 针对每个DTO生成代码 foreach (DTOEntity entity in _proj.DTOList) { TemplateDTO.BEEntityDTO tEntity = new TemplateDTO.BEEntityDTO(entity); OutPut.OutPutMsg("生成实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码……"); #region 生成实体代码 string entityCode = builder.BuildCode("EntityDTO", tEntity); sw = new StreamWriter(codePath + entity.Code + ".cs", false); sw.Write(entityCode); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成实体扩展 if (!File.Exists(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs")) { string entityExtendCode = builder.BuildCode("EntityDTOExtend", tEntity); sw = new StreamWriter(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs", false); sw.Write(entityExtendCode); sw.Close(); } #endregion OutPut.OutPutMsg("实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码生成成功……"); } #endregion #region 针对每个枚举生成代码 foreach (EnumEntity entity in _proj.EnumList) { Builder.Build.TemplateDTO.Enum tEntity = new TemplateDTO.Enum(entity, true); OutPut.OutPutMsg("生成枚举【" + entity.Code + "】代码……"); #region 生成实体代码 string entityCode = builder.BuildCode("EnumDTO", tEntity); sw = new StreamWriter(codePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + ".cs", false); sw.Write(entityCode); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成实体扩展 if (!File.Exists(extendCodePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + "Extend.cs")) { string entityExtendCode = builder.BuildCode("EnumDTOExtend", tEntity); sw = new StreamWriter(extendCodePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + "Extend.cs", false); sw.Write(entityExtendCode); sw.Close(); } #endregion OutPut.OutPutMsg("枚举【" + entity.Code + "】代码生成成功……"); } #endregion #endregion #region 生成 BE 部分代码 #region 生成生成BE代码过程中可能用到的文件夹 projPath = basePath + @"\BE\"; assemblyPath = projPath + @"Properties\"; codePath = projPath + @"Entity\"; extendCodePath = projPath + @"Extend\"; if (!Directory.Exists(projPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(projPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(assemblyPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(assemblyPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(codePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(codePath); } if (!Directory.Exists(extendCodePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(extendCodePath); } #endregion #region 生成csproj项目文件 projGuid = string.Empty; projName = projPath + _proj.Namespace + ".csproj"; if (File.Exists(projName)) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(projName); XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable); nsMgr.AddNamespace("ns", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"); XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ns:Project/ns:PropertyGroup/ns:ProjectGuid", nsMgr); projGuid = node.InnerText; projGuid = projGuid.Substring(1, projGuid.Length - 2); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projGuid)) { projGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper(); } TProj = new TemplateDTO.Project(this._proj, TemplateDTO.ProjType.BE); TProj.Guid = projGuid; solution.AddProj(TProj); //不存在项目文件的时候才生成项目文件 if (!File.Exists(projName)) { string csprojString = builder.BuildCode("Project", TProj); //将生成的资源文件嵌入到程序中去 sw = new StreamWriter(projName); sw.Write(csprojString); sw.Close(); } //生成targets文件,每次必须生成 targetsString = builder.BuildCode("ProjectTargets", TProj); sw = new StreamWriter(projPath + "csproj.targets"); sw.Write(targetsString); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成assembly信息 assemblyString = builder.BuildCode("ProjectAssembly", TProj); sw = new StreamWriter(assemblyPath + "AssemblyInfo.cs", false); sw.Write(assemblyString); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 针对每个实体生成实体代码 foreach (BEEntity entity in _proj.EntityList) { OutPut.OutPutMsg("生成实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码……"); TemplateDTO.BEEntity tEntity = new TemplateDTO.BEEntity(entity); #region 生成实体代码 string entityCode = assemblyString = builder.BuildCode("Entity", tEntity); sw = new StreamWriter(codePath + entity.Code + ".cs", false); sw.Write(entityCode); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成实体扩展 if (!File.Exists(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs")) { string entityExtendCode = builder.BuildCode("EntityExtend", tEntity); sw = new StreamWriter(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs", false); sw.Write(entityExtendCode); sw.Close(); } #endregion OutPut.OutPutMsg("实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码生成成功……"); } #endregion #region 针对每个枚举生成实体代码 foreach (EnumEntity entity in _proj.EnumList) { OutPut.OutPutMsg("生成实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码……"); TemplateDTO.Enum tEntity = new TemplateDTO.Enum(entity, false); #region 生成实体代码 string entityCode = builder.BuildCode("Enum", tEntity); sw = new StreamWriter(codePath + entity.Code + ".cs", false); BuildEnumEntity bc = new BuildEnumEntity(entity); sw.Write(entityCode); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成实体扩展 if (!File.Exists(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs")) { string entityExtendCode = builder.BuildCode("EnumExtend", tEntity); sw = new StreamWriter(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs", false); sw.Write(entityExtendCode); sw.Close(); } #endregion OutPut.OutPutMsg("实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码生成成功……"); } #endregion #region 生成实体对应的NH配置文件代码 this.BuildCfgXML(null); #endregion #endregion #region 生成solution文件 string slnName = basePath + "\\" + _proj.Namespace + ".sln"; if (!File.Exists(slnName)) { string solutionString = builder.BuildCode("Solution", solution); sw = new StreamWriter(slnName); sw.Write(solutionString); sw.Close(); } #endregion return string.Empty; }
public string BuildMetaData() { string basePath = this.GetBasePath(); string scriptPath = basePath + @"\..\..\Script\"; if (!Directory.Exists(scriptPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(scriptPath); } string buildSql = string.Empty; buildSql += "--实体项目元数据sql" + Environment.NewLine; buildSql += "DELETE FROM T_METADATA_PROJECT_COMPONENT WHERE F_GUID='" + this._proj.Guid + "'" + Environment.NewLine; buildSql += "INSERT INTO T_METADATA_PROJECT_COMPONENT VALUES((SELECT ISNULL(MAX(F_ID),0)+1 FROM T_METADATA_PROJECT_COMPONENT),0,'" + this._proj.Guid + "','" + this._proj.ProjName + "','" + this._proj.Namespace + "',0,'" + this._proj.Namespace + ".dll" + "')" + Environment.NewLine; buildSql += "--生成单个实体的元数据sql" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (BEEntity entity in this._proj.EntityList) { BuildEntity be = new BuildEntity(entity); buildSql += be.BuildMetaData(); } foreach (EnumEntity entity in this._proj.EnumList) { BuildEnumEntity bee = new BuildEnumEntity(entity); buildSql += bee.BuildMetaData(); } StreamWriter sw = new StreamWriter(scriptPath + this._proj.ProjName + "MetaData.sql", false, Encoding.Unicode); sw.Write(buildSql); sw.Close(); return string.Empty; }
/// <summary> /// 生成代码 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public string BuildCode() { string beProjectRefrence = string.Empty; string deployProjectRefrence = string.Empty; string beProjectSelection = string.Empty; string deployProjectSelection = string.Empty; string afterBuildEvent = "copy /y \"$(TargetDir){0}.dll\" \"$(SolutionDir)..\\..\\ApplicationLib\\\"" + Environment.NewLine; afterBuildEvent += "copy /y \"$(TargetDir){0}.pdb\" \"$(SolutionDir)..\\..\\ApplicationLib\\\"" + Environment.NewLine; string basePath = GetBasePath(); StreamWriter sw = null; #region 生成 Deploy 部分代码 #region 生成生成Deploy代码过程中可能用到的文件夹 string projPath = basePath + @"\Deploy\"; string assemblyPath = projPath + @"Properties\"; string codePath = projPath + @"Entity\"; string extendCodePath = projPath + @"Extend\"; if (!Directory.Exists(projPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(projPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(assemblyPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(assemblyPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(codePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(codePath); } if (!Directory.Exists(extendCodePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(extendCodePath); } #endregion #region 生成csproj项目文件 string projGuid = string.Empty; string projName = projPath + _proj.Namespace + "." + DTOEntity.AssemblyEndTag + ".csproj"; if (File.Exists(projName)) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(projName); XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable); nsMgr.AddNamespace("ns", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"); XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ns:Project/ns:PropertyGroup/ns:ProjectGuid", nsMgr); projGuid = node.InnerText; projGuid = projGuid.Substring(1, projGuid.Length - 2); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projGuid)) { projGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper(); } deployProjectRefrence += "Project(\"{" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "}\") = \"" + _proj.Namespace + "." + DTOEntity.AssemblyEndTag + "\", \"Deploy\\" + _proj.Namespace + "." + DTOEntity.AssemblyEndTag + ".csproj \", \"{" + projGuid + "}\"" + Environment.NewLine; deployProjectRefrence += "EndProject"; deployProjectSelection += "{" + projGuid + "}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU" + Environment.NewLine; deployProjectSelection += "{" + projGuid + "}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU" + Environment.NewLine; deployProjectSelection += "{" + projGuid + "}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU" + Environment.NewLine; deployProjectSelection += "{" + projGuid + "}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU"; string targetFiles = string.Empty; string extendFiles = string.Empty; foreach (BEEntity entity in _proj.EntityList) { if (entity.DataState != DataState.Delete) { targetFiles += "<Compile Include=\"Entity\\" + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + ".cs\" />" + Environment.NewLine; extendFiles += "<Compile Include=\"Extend\\" + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + "Extend.cs\" />" + Environment.NewLine; } } foreach (DTOEntity entity in _proj.DTOList) { if (entity.DataState != DataState.Delete) { targetFiles += "<Compile Include=\"Entity\\" + entity.Code + ".cs\" />" + Environment.NewLine; extendFiles += "<Compile Include=\"Extend\\" + entity.Code + "Extend.cs\" />" + Environment.NewLine; } } foreach (EnumEntity entity in _proj.EnumList) { if (entity.DataState != DataState.Delete) { targetFiles += "<Compile Include=\"Entity\\" + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + ".cs\" />" + Environment.NewLine; extendFiles += "<Compile Include=\"Extend\\" + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + "Extend.cs\" />" + Environment.NewLine; } } //实体引用dll string compileDlls = "<Reference Include=\"NHExt.Runtime\">" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "<HintPath>..\\..\\..\\Runtime\\NHExt.Runtime.dll</HintPath>" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "</Reference>" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (ProjectRefrence pr in _proj.RefrenceList) { if (pr.RefrenceType == RefType.BEEntity) continue; //if (pr.RefProjName == _proj.ProjName + ".be") if (pr.RefProjName == _proj.FileName) { continue; } compileDlls += "<Reference Include=\"" + pr.AssemblyName + "\">" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "<HintPath>..\\..\\..\\Runtime\\" + System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pr.RefFilePath) + "\\..\\ApplicationLib\\" + pr.Name + "</HintPath>" + Environment.NewLine; //compileDlls += "<Private>True</Private>" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "</Reference>" + Environment.NewLine; } if (!File.Exists(projName)) { string csprojString = global::Net.Code.Builder.Properties.Resources.csproj; csprojString = csprojString.Replace(Attributes.Guid, projGuid); csprojString = csprojString.Replace(Attributes.NameSpace, _proj.Namespace + "." + DTOEntity.AssemblyEndTag); csprojString = csprojString.Replace(Attributes.Assembly, _proj.Namespace + "." + DTOEntity.AssemblyEndTag); //导入生成的代码文件 csprojString = csprojString.Replace(Attributes.CompileFile, extendFiles); //生成后时间拷贝dll到上层目录 csprojString = csprojString.Replace(Attributes.PostBuild, string.Format(afterBuildEvent, _proj.Namespace + "." + DTOEntity.AssemblyEndTag)); sw = new StreamWriter(projName); sw.Write(csprojString); sw.Close(); } //生成targets文件 string targetsString = global::Net.Code.Builder.Properties.Resources.csprojtargets; targetsString = targetsString.Replace(Attributes.CompileFile, targetFiles); //将生成的资源文件嵌入到程序中去 targetsString = targetsString.Replace(Attributes.EmbeddedResource, string.Empty); targetsString = targetsString.Replace(Attributes.RefrenceDll, compileDlls); sw = new StreamWriter(projPath + "csproj.targets"); sw.Write(targetsString); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成assembly信息 string assemblyString = global::Net.Code.Builder.Properties.Resources.AssemblyInfo; assemblyString = assemblyString.Replace(Attributes.Guid, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); assemblyString = assemblyString.Replace(Attributes.Assembly, _proj.Namespace + "." + DTOEntity.AssemblyEndTag); assemblyString = assemblyString.Replace(Attributes.ProjCode, _proj.Namespace + "." + DTOEntity.AssemblyEndTag); sw = new StreamWriter(assemblyPath + "AssemblyInfo.cs", false); sw.Write(assemblyString); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 针对每个实体生成实体代码 foreach (BEEntity entity in _proj.EntityList) { OutPut.OutPutMsg("生成实体【" + entity.Code + "】Deploy代码……"); #region 生成实体代码 sw = new StreamWriter(codePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + ".cs", false); DTOEntity dto = new DTOEntity(entity); BuildDTO bc = new BuildDTO(dto); sw.Write(bc.BuildCode()); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成实体扩展 if (!File.Exists(extendCodePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + "Extend.cs")) { sw = new StreamWriter(extendCodePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + "Extend.cs", false); sw.Write(bc.BuildExtendCode()); sw.Close(); } #endregion OutPut.OutPutMsg("实体【" + entity.Code + "】Deploy代码生成成功……"); } #endregion #region 针对每个DTO生成代码 foreach (DTOEntity entity in _proj.DTOList) { OutPut.OutPutMsg("生成实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码……"); #region 生成实体代码 sw = new StreamWriter(codePath + entity.Code + ".cs", false); BuildDTO bc = new BuildDTO(entity); sw.Write(bc.BuildCode()); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成实体扩展 if (!File.Exists(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs")) { sw = new StreamWriter(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs", false); sw.Write(bc.BuildExtendCode()); sw.Close(); } #endregion OutPut.OutPutMsg("实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码生成成功……"); } #endregion #region 针对每个枚举生成代码 foreach (EnumEntity entity in _proj.EnumList) { OutPut.OutPutMsg("生成实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码……"); #region 生成实体代码 sw = new StreamWriter(codePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + ".cs", false); BuildEnumDTOEntity bc = new BuildEnumDTOEntity(entity); sw.Write(bc.BuildCode()); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成实体扩展 if (!File.Exists(extendCodePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + "Extend.cs")) { sw = new StreamWriter(extendCodePath + entity.Code + DTOEntity.AttrEndTag + "Extend.cs", false); sw.Write(bc.BuildExtendCode()); sw.Close(); } #endregion OutPut.OutPutMsg("实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码生成成功……"); } #endregion #endregion #region 生成 BE 部分代码 #region 生成生成BE代码过程中可能用到的文件夹 projPath = basePath + @"\BE\"; assemblyPath = projPath + @"Properties\"; codePath = projPath + @"Entity\"; extendCodePath = projPath + @"Extend\"; if (!Directory.Exists(projPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(projPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(assemblyPath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(assemblyPath); } if (!Directory.Exists(codePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(codePath); } if (!Directory.Exists(extendCodePath)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(extendCodePath); } #endregion #region 生成csproj项目文件 projGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper(); projName = projPath + _proj.Namespace + ".csproj"; if (File.Exists(projName)) { XmlDocument xmlDoc = new XmlDocument(); xmlDoc.Load(projName); XmlNamespaceManager nsMgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(xmlDoc.NameTable); nsMgr.AddNamespace("ns", "http://schemas.microsoft.com/developer/msbuild/2003"); XmlNode node = xmlDoc.SelectSingleNode("/ns:Project/ns:PropertyGroup/ns:ProjectGuid", nsMgr); projGuid = node.InnerText; projGuid = projGuid.Substring(1, projGuid.Length - 2); } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(projGuid)) { projGuid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString().ToUpper(); } beProjectRefrence += "Project(\"{" + Guid.NewGuid().ToString() + "}\") = \"" + _proj.Namespace + "\", \"BE\\" + _proj.Namespace + ".csproj \", \"{" + projGuid + "}\"" + Environment.NewLine; beProjectRefrence += "EndProject"; beProjectSelection += "{" + projGuid + "}.Debug|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU" + Environment.NewLine; beProjectSelection += "{" + projGuid + "}.Debug|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU" + Environment.NewLine; beProjectSelection += "{" + projGuid + "}.Release|Any CPU.ActiveCfg = Debug|Any CPU" + Environment.NewLine; beProjectSelection += "{" + projGuid + "}.Release|Any CPU.Build.0 = Debug|Any CPU"; targetFiles = string.Empty; extendFiles = string.Empty; string embeddedResourceFiles = string.Empty; foreach (BEEntity entity in _proj.EntityList) { if (entity.DataState != DataState.Delete) { targetFiles += "<Compile Include=\"Entity\\" + entity.Code + ".cs\" />" + Environment.NewLine; extendFiles += "<Compile Include=\"Extend\\" + entity.Code + "Extend.cs\" />" + Environment.NewLine; embeddedResourceFiles += "<EmbeddedResource Include=\"ConfigFiles\\" + entity.Code + ".hbm.xml\"><SubType>Designer</SubType></EmbeddedResource>" + Environment.NewLine; } } foreach (EnumEntity entity in _proj.EnumList) { if (entity.DataState != DataState.Delete) { targetFiles += "<Compile Include=\"Entity\\" + entity.Code + ".cs\" />" + Environment.NewLine; extendFiles += "<Compile Include=\"Extend\\" + entity.Code + "Extend.cs\" />" + Environment.NewLine; } } //实体引用dll compileDlls = "<Reference Include=\"NHExt.Runtime\">" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "<HintPath>..\\..\\..\\Runtime\\NHExt.Runtime.dll</HintPath>" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "</Reference>" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "<Reference Include=\"log4net\">" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "<HintPath>..\\..\\..\\Runtime\\log4net.dll</HintPath>" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "</Reference>" + Environment.NewLine; //比较奇怪是为什么需要引用nh的dll compileDlls += "<Reference Include=\"NHibernate\">" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "<HintPath>..\\..\\..\\Runtime\\NHibernate.dll</HintPath>" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "</Reference>" + Environment.NewLine; foreach (ProjectRefrence pr in _proj.RefrenceList) { // if (pr.RefProjName == _proj.ProjName + ".be") if (pr.RefProjName == _proj.FileName) { if (pr.RefrenceType == RefType.BEEntity) continue; } compileDlls += "<Reference Include=\"" + pr.AssemblyName + "\">" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "<HintPath>..\\..\\..\\Runtime\\" + System.IO.Path.GetDirectoryName(pr.RefFilePath) + "\\..\\ApplicationLib\\" + pr.Name + "</HintPath>" + Environment.NewLine; //compileDlls += "<Private>True</Private>" + Environment.NewLine; compileDlls += "</Reference>" + Environment.NewLine; } //不存在项目文件的时候才生成项目文件 if (!File.Exists(projName)) { string csprojString = global::Net.Code.Builder.Properties.Resources.csproj; csprojString = csprojString.Replace(Attributes.Guid, projGuid); csprojString = csprojString.Replace(Attributes.NameSpace, _proj.Namespace); csprojString = csprojString.Replace(Attributes.Assembly, _proj.Namespace); //导入生成的代码文件 csprojString = csprojString.Replace(Attributes.CompileFile, extendFiles); //生成后时间拷贝dll到上层目录 csprojString = csprojString.Replace(Attributes.PostBuild, string.Format(afterBuildEvent, _proj.Namespace)); //将生成的资源文件嵌入到程序中去 sw = new StreamWriter(projName); sw.Write(csprojString); sw.Close(); } //生成targets文件,每次必须生成 targetsString = global::Net.Code.Builder.Properties.Resources.csprojtargets; targetsString = targetsString.Replace(Attributes.CompileFile, targetFiles); //将生成的资源文件嵌入到程序中去 targetsString = targetsString.Replace(Attributes.EmbeddedResource, embeddedResourceFiles); targetsString = targetsString.Replace(Attributes.RefrenceDll, compileDlls); sw = new StreamWriter(projPath + "csproj.targets"); sw.Write(targetsString); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成assembly信息 assemblyString = global::Net.Code.Builder.Properties.Resources.AssemblyInfo; assemblyString = assemblyString.Replace(Attributes.Guid, Guid.NewGuid().ToString()); assemblyString = assemblyString.Replace(Attributes.Assembly, _proj.Namespace + "." + DTOEntity.AssemblyEndTag); assemblyString = assemblyString.Replace(Attributes.ProjCode, _proj.Namespace + "." + DTOEntity.AssemblyEndTag); sw = new StreamWriter(assemblyPath + "AssemblyInfo.cs", false); sw.Write(assemblyString); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 针对每个实体生成实体代码 foreach (BEEntity entity in _proj.EntityList) { OutPut.OutPutMsg("生成实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码……"); #region 生成实体代码 sw = new StreamWriter(codePath + entity.Code + ".cs", false); BuildEntity bc = new BuildEntity(entity); sw.Write(bc.BuildCode()); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成实体扩展 if (!File.Exists(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs")) { sw = new StreamWriter(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs", false); sw.Write(bc.BuildExtendCode()); sw.Close(); } #endregion OutPut.OutPutMsg("实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码生成成功……"); } #endregion #region 针对每个枚举生成实体代码 foreach (EnumEntity entity in _proj.EnumList) { OutPut.OutPutMsg("生成实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码……"); #region 生成实体代码 sw = new StreamWriter(codePath + entity.Code + ".cs", false); BuildEnumEntity bc = new BuildEnumEntity(entity); sw.Write(bc.BuildCode()); sw.Close(); #endregion #region 生成实体扩展 if (!File.Exists(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs")) { sw = new StreamWriter(extendCodePath + entity.Code + "Extend.cs", false); sw.Write(bc.BuildExtendCode()); sw.Close(); } #endregion OutPut.OutPutMsg("实体【" + entity.Code + "】代码生成成功……"); } #endregion #region 生成实体对应的NH配置文件代码 this.BuildCfgXML(null); #endregion #endregion #region 生成solution文件 string slnName = basePath + "\\" + _proj.Namespace + ".sln"; if (!File.Exists(slnName)) { string solutionString = global::Net.Code.Builder.Properties.Resources.solution; solutionString = solutionString.Replace(Attributes.ProjectRefrence, deployProjectRefrence + Environment.NewLine + beProjectRefrence); solutionString = solutionString.Replace(Attributes.ProjectSelection, deployProjectSelection + Environment.NewLine + beProjectSelection); sw = new StreamWriter(slnName); sw.Write(solutionString); sw.Close(); } //slnName = basePath + "\\" + _proj.Namespace + ".Deploy.sln"; //if (File.Exists(slnName)) //{ // File.Delete(slnName); //} //if (!File.Exists(slnName)) //{ // string solutionString = global::Net.Code.Builder.Properties.Resources.solution; // solutionString = solutionString.Replace(Attributes.ProjectRefrence, deployProjectRefrence); // solutionString = solutionString.Replace(Attributes.ProjectSelection, deployProjectSelection); // sw = new StreamWriter(slnName); // sw.Write(solutionString); // sw.Close(); //} //slnName = basePath + "\\" + _proj.Namespace + ".BE.sln"; //if (File.Exists(slnName)) //{ // File.Delete(slnName); //} //if (!File.Exists(slnName)) //{ // string solutionString = global::Net.Code.Builder.Properties.Resources.solution; // solutionString = solutionString.Replace(Attributes.ProjectRefrence, beProjectRefrence); // solutionString = solutionString.Replace(Attributes.ProjectSelection, beProjectSelection); // sw = new StreamWriter(slnName); // sw.Write(solutionString); // sw.Close(); //} #endregion return string.Empty; }