private void SetTemplate() { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" ); MessageBus.OnDelivery += MessageBus_OnDelivery; }
private void ContentDialog_PrimaryButtonClick( ContentDialog sender, ContentDialogButtonClickEventArgs args ) { args.Cancel = true; if ( Keys.SelectedItem == null ) { StringResources stx = new StringResources(); ServerMessage.Text = "Please Select a key"; return; } string PubKey = RSA.SelectedItem.GenPublicKey(); string Remarks = RemarksInput.Text.Trim(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Remarks ) ) { Remarks = RemarksPlaceholder; } RCache.POST( Shared.ShRequest.Server , Shared.ShRequest.PlaceRequest( Target, PubKey, BindItem.Id, Remarks ) , PlaceSuccess , ( c, Id, ex ) => { Error( ex.Message ); } , false ); }
private EBDictSearch() { this.InitializeComponent(); StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" ); }
public Register() { this.InitializeComponent(); StringResources stx = new StringResources( "AppResources", "ContextMenu" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Text( "Register", "ContextMenu" ); SecondaryButtonText = stx.Text( "Button_Back"); }
public ReviewsInput( BookItem B ) :this() { IsReview = false; StringResources stx = new StringResources( "AppBar" ); Title.Text = stx.Str( "AddComment" ); }
public ChangePassword() { this.InitializeComponent(); StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" ); SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" ); }
private void SetTemplate() { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "LoadingMessage" ); CoverSize.Text = stx.Str( "Calculating" ); CalculateCoverSize(); TextContentSize.Text = stx.Str( "Calculating" ); CalculateTextSize(); }
private Rename() { this.InitializeComponent(); StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message", "ContextMenu" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" ); SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" ); TitleBlock.Text = stx.Text( "Rename", "ContextMenu" ); }
private void SetTemplate() { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "/libtaotu/Message" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" ); SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" ); InputTitle.Text = Param.Caption; LayoutRoot.DataContext = Param; }
public ReviewsInput( Review R ) :this() { IsReview = true; StringResources stx = new StringResources( "AppBar" ); Title.Text = stx.Text( "Reply" ); TitleSection.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed; }
private void DetectInputLogin() { string Name = Account.Text.Trim(); string Passwd = Password.Password; string PasswdV = PasswordV.Password; string Email = EmailInput.Text.Trim(); if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Name ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( Passwd ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( PasswdV ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( Email ) ) { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Name ) ) { Account.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard ); } else if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Passwd ) ) { Password.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard ); } else if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( PasswdV ) ) { PasswordV.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard ); } else if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( Email ) ) { EmailInput.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard ); } } else if( Passwd != PasswdV ) { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Error" ); ServerMessage.Text = stx.Str( "PasswordMismatch" ); Password.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard ); } else { ServerMessage.Text = ""; IsPrimaryButtonEnabled = IsSecondaryButtonEnabled = Account.IsEnabled = Password.IsEnabled = PasswordV.IsEnabled = EmailInput.IsEnabled = false ; this.Focus( FocusState.Pointer ); IndicateLoad(); RuntimeCache RCache = new RuntimeCache() { EN_UI_Thead = true }; RCache.POST( Shared.ShRequest.Server , Shared.ShRequest.Register( Name, Passwd, Email ) , RequestComplete, RequestFailed, false ); } }
private void SetTemplate( ColorItem BindColor ) { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" ); SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" ); // PresetColors PresetColors.ItemsSource = global::wenku8.System.ThemeManager.PresetColors(); UpdateColor( BindColor ); }
public Announcements() { this.InitializeComponent(); StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "AllRead" ); SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" ); FullVersion.Text = global::wenku8.Config.AppSettings.Version; version.Text = global::wenku8.System.Bootstrap.Version; SetTemplate(); }
private ReviewsInput() { this.InitializeComponent(); STopicType.SelectedIndex = 0; if( global::wenku8.Config.Properties.REVIEWS_SIGN == null ) { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Settings" ); global::wenku8.Config.Properties.REVIEWS_SIGN = stx.Text( "Account_Reviews_Post_Sign_Default" ); } Sign.Text = global::wenku8.Config.Properties.REVIEWS_SIGN; }
public async Task<bool> Validate() { global::wenku8.SelfCencorship SS = new global::wenku8.SelfCencorship(); string Cont = ""; Editor.Document.GetText( Windows.UI.Text.TextGetOptions.None, out Cont ); Cont = Cont.Trim(); if ( !await SS.Passed( Cont ) ) return false; string Title = BTitle.Text.Trim(); if ( !await SS.Passed( Title ) ) return false; string Msg; StringResources stx = new StringResources(); if( !IsReview && Title.Length < MinTitleLimit ) { Msg = stx.Text( "Reviews_MinLimit" ) + stx.Text( "Desc_Reviews_Title_A" ) + MinTitleLimit.ToString() + stx.Text( "Desc_Reviews_Title_B" ) ; await Popups.ShowDialog( new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog( Msg ) ); return false; } if( Cont.Length < MinContentLimit ) { Msg = stx.Text( "Reviews_MinLimit" ) + stx.Text( "Desc_Reviews_Title_A" ) + MinContentLimit.ToString() + stx.Text( "Desc_Reviews_Content_B" ) ; await Popups.ShowDialog( new Windows.UI.Popups.MessageDialog( Msg ) ); return false; } RTitle = GetPrefix() + Title; RContent = Cont + GetSuffix(); return true; }
private void DetectInputLogin() { string CurrPasswd = CurrentPassword.Password; string NewPasswd = Password.Password; string PasswdV = PasswordV.Password; if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( CurrPasswd ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( NewPasswd ) || string.IsNullOrEmpty( PasswdV ) ) { if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( CurrPasswd ) ) { CurrentPassword.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard ); } else if ( string.IsNullOrEmpty( NewPasswd ) ) { Password.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard ); } else if( string.IsNullOrEmpty( PasswdV ) ) { PasswordV.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard ); } } else if( NewPasswd != PasswdV ) { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Error" ); ServerMessage.Text = stx.Str( "PasswordMismatch" ); Password.Focus( FocusState.Keyboard ); } else { ServerMessage.Text = ""; IsPrimaryButtonEnabled = IsSecondaryButtonEnabled = CurrentPassword.IsEnabled = Password.IsEnabled = PasswordV.IsEnabled = false ; this.Focus( FocusState.Pointer ); IndicateLoad(); RuntimeCache RCache = new RuntimeCache() { EN_UI_Thead = true }; RCache.POST( Shared.ShRequest.Server , Shared.ShRequest.ChangePassword( CurrPasswd, NewPasswd ) , RequestComplete, RequestFailed, false ); } }
private void SetTemplate() { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" ); SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" ); stx = new StringResources( "AppBar" ); Title = stx.Text( "Bookmark" ); stx = new StringResources( "AppResources" ); BookmarkName.PlaceholderText = stx.Text( "DefaultToParagraph" ); ColorGrid.ItemsSource = PresetColors; }
public AssignAuth( StringAuthManager Mgr, string Title ) { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Title = Title; Canceled = true; AuthMgr = Mgr; StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" ); SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" ); SetTemplate(); }
public PlaceRequest( SHTarget Target, HubScriptItem HSI, string Placeholder ) { this.InitializeComponent(); StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" ); SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( "Cancel" ); this.Target = Target; Canceled = true; BindItem = HSI; RemarksPlaceholder = Placeholder; SetTemplate(); }
public NameValueInput( NameValue<string> Item , string Title , string NameLabel, string ValueLabel , string BtnLeft = "OK", string BtnRight = "Cancel" ) { this.InitializeComponent(); Canceled = true; Target = Item; StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Message" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( BtnLeft ); SecondaryButtonText = stx.Str( BtnRight ); TitleText.Text = Title; NameLbl.Text = NameLabel; ValueLbl.Text = ValueLabel; }
/// <summary> /// An alias ProcPanel.RSTR /// </summary> public static string RSTR( string key, params object[] args ) { if ( stp == null ) { stp = new StringResources( "/libtaotu/PanelMessage" ); } try { string s = string.Format( stp.Str( key ), args ); return s; } catch ( Exception ex ) { Logger.Log( "RSTR", ex.Message, LogType.WARNING ); } return key; }
public Login( IMember Member ) { this.InitializeComponent(); this.Member = Member; StringResources stx = new StringResources(); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Text( "Login" ); SecondaryButtonText = stx.Text( "Button_Back" ); if ( Member.Status == MemberStatus.RE_LOGIN_NEEDED ) { ShowMessage( stx.Text( "Login_Expired" ) ); } Member.OnStatusChanged += Member_StatusUpdate; if( Member.CanRegister ) { RegisterBtn.Visibility = Visibility.Visible; } }
private void SetTemplate() { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "/libtaotu/Message" ); PrimaryButtonText = stx.Str( "OK" ); }
private async void ShowCommand( Hyperlink sender, HyperlinkClickEventArgs args ) { Logger.Log( ID, AppSettings.FamilyName, LogType.DEBUG ); StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Settings" ); await Popups.ShowDialog( new Dialogs.Rename( new CommandCopy() { Name = "CheckNetIsolation LoopbackExempt -a -n=" + AppSettings.FamilyName } , stx.Text( "Advanced_Server_Exempt_Command" ) , true ) ); }
private void NewComment( string Label ) { TransitionDisplay.SetState( CommentEditor, TransitionState.Active ); CommentModeLabel.Text = Label; if( BindItem.ForceEncryption && Crypt == null ) { CommentInput.IsEnabled = false; StringResources stx = new StringResources(); CommentError.Text = stx.Text( "CommentsEncrypted" ); DisplayControls( "Discard" ); } else { CommentInput.IsEnabled = true; DisplayControls( "Submit", "Discard" ); CommentError.Text = ""; } }
private void SetTemplate() { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Settings" ); CacheLimit.Text = stx.Text( "Data_CacheUsed" ) + " " + global::wenku8.System.Utils.AutoByteUnit( Shared.Storage.CacheSize() ); }
private async void CalculateTextSize() { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Settings" ); TextContentSize.Text = stx.Text( "Data_CacheUsed" ) + ": " + await Task.Run( () => global::wenku8.System.Utils.AutoByteUnit( Shared.Storage.GetStaticContentsUsage() ) ); }
public void DefineSettings() { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Settings" ); string CurrentLang = Properties.LANGUAGE; SettingsSection LangSection = new SettingsSection() { Title = stx.Text( "Language" ) , Data = new ActiveItem[] { new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Language_E") , CurrentLang == "en-US" ? stx.Text( "Desc_Language_C" ) : stx.Text( "Desc_Language_AE" ) , "en-US" ) , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Language_T") , CurrentLang == "zh-TW" ? stx.Text( "Desc_Language_C" ) : stx.Text( "Desc_Language_AT" ) , "zh-TW" ) , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Language_S") , CurrentLang == "zh-CN" ? stx.Text( "Desc_Language_C" ) : stx.Text( "Desc_Language_AS" ) , "zh-CN" ) , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Language_J") , CurrentLang == "ja" ? stx.Text( "Desc_Language_C" ) : stx.Text( "Desc_Language_AJ" ) , "ja" ) } , ItemAction = ChangeLanguage , IsEnabled = true }; if ( MainStage.Instance.IsPhone ) { if ( CurrentLang != "en-US" ) LangSection.Data.ElementAt( 0 ).Desc = "Mobile user may not be able change the language here, please visit the wiki for help"; if ( CurrentLang != "zh-TW" ) LangSection.Data.ElementAt( 1 ).Desc = "\u624B\u6A5F\u7528\u6236\u53EF\u80FD\u7121\u6CD5\u8B8A\u66F4\u8A9E\u8A00\uFF0C\u8A73\u60C5\u8ACB\u53C3\u770B\u5E6B\u52A9"; if ( CurrentLang != "zh-CN" ) LangSection.Data.ElementAt( 2 ).Desc = "\u624B\u673A\u7528\u6237\u53EF\u80FD\u65E0\u6CD5\u53D8\u66F4\u8BED\u8A00\uFF0C\u8BE6\u60C5\u8BF7\u53C2\u770B\u5E2E\u52A9"; if ( CurrentLang != "ja" ) LangSection.Data.ElementAt( 3 ).Desc = "\u643A\u5E2F\u96FB\u8A71\u30E6\u30FC\u30B6\u30FC\u306F\u3001\u8A00\u8A9E\u3092\u5909\u66F4\u3067\u304D\u306A\u3044\u5834\u5408\u304C\u3042\u308A\u307E\u3059\u3002\u8A73\u7D30\u306B\u3064\u3044\u3066\u306F\u3001\u30D8\u30EB\u30D7\u3092\u53C2\u7167\u3057\u3066\u304F\u3060\u3055\u3044\u3002"; } MainView.ItemsSource = new SettingsSection[] { new SettingsSection() { Title = stx.Text( "Storage" ) , Data = new ActiveItem[] { new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Data_Cache"), stx.Text( "Desc_Data_Cache" ), typeof( Data.Cache ) ) , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Data_Illustration"), stx.Text( "Desc_Data_Illustration" ), typeof( Data.Illustration ) ) , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Data_Preload"), stx.Text( "Desc_Data_Preload" ), typeof( Data.Preload ) ) , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "EBWin"), stx.Text( "Desc_EBWin_Short" ), typeof( Data.EBWin ) ) , OneDriveButton = new ActionItem( "OneDrive", Properties.ENABLE_ONEDRIVE ? stx.Text( "Enabled" ) : stx.Text( "Disabled" ), false ) // , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Data_Connection"), stx.Text( "Desc_Data_Connection" ), typeof( Data.Cache ) ) } , ItemAction = PopupSettings , IsEnabled = true } , new SettingsSection() { Title = stx.Text( "Appearance" ) , Data = new ActiveItem[] { new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Appearance_ContentReader"), stx.Text( "Desc_Appearance_ContentReader" ), typeof( Themes.ContentReader ) ) , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Appearance_Theme"), stx.Text( "Desc_Appearance_Backgrounds" ), typeof( Themes.ThemeColors ) ) , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Appearance_Layout"), stx.Text( "Desc_Appearance_Layout" ), typeof( Themes.Layout ) ) } , ItemAction = PopupSettings , IsEnabled = true } , LangSection , new SettingsSection() { Title = stx.Text( "Advanced" ) , Data = new ActiveItem[] { new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Advanced_Server"), stx.Text( "Desc_Advanced_Server" ), typeof( Advanced.ServerSelector ) ) , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Advanced_Misc"), stx.Text( "Desc_Advanced_Misc" ), typeof( Advanced.Misc ) ) #if DEBUG || TESTING , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Advanced_Debug"), stx.Text( "Desc_Advanced_Debug" ), typeof( Advanced.Debug ) ) #endif } , ItemAction = PopupSettings , IsEnabled = true } , new SettingsSection() { Title = stx.Text( "Help" ) , Data = new ActiveItem[] { new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Help_Wiki"), stx.Text( "Desc_Help_Wiki" ), "" ) , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Help_Slack"), stx.Text( "Desc_Help_Slack" ), "" ) , new ActionItem( stx.Text( "Help_BugFeature"), stx.Text( "Desc_Help_BugFeature" ), "" ) } , ItemAction = HelpAction , IsEnabled = true } }; }
private async void PopupSettings( object P ) { if( P.GetType() == typeof( bool ) ) { StringResources sts = new StringResources( "Settings" ); if ( !Properties.ENABLE_ONEDRIVE ) { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "InitQuestions" ); StringResources stm = new StringResources( "Message" ); MessageDialog Msg = new MessageDialog( stx.Text( "EnableOneDrive" ), "OneDrive" ); Msg.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stm.Str( "Yes" ), ( x ) => Properties.ENABLE_ONEDRIVE = true ) ); Msg.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stm.Str( "No" ), ( x ) => Properties.ENABLE_ONEDRIVE = false ) ); await Popups.ShowDialog( Msg ); if ( Properties.ENABLE_ONEDRIVE ) { if ( global::wenku8.Storage.OneDriveSync.Instance == null ) { global::wenku8.Storage.OneDriveSync.Instance = new global::wenku8.Storage.OneDriveSync(); } await global::wenku8.Storage.OneDriveSync.Instance.Authenticate(); } OneDriveButton.Desc = sts.Text( "Enabled" ); } else { Properties.ENABLE_ONEDRIVE = false; await global::wenku8.Storage.OneDriveSync.Instance.UnAuthenticate(); OneDriveButton.Desc = sts.Text( "Disabled" ); } return; } PopupFrame.Navigate( ( Type ) P ); PopupPage.State = ControlState.Reovia; }
public async Task<bool> ConfirmRestart( string CaptionRes ) { StringResources stx = new StringResources( "Settings" ); StringResources stm = new StringResources( "Message" ); // Ask for confirmatiosn MessageDialog Confirm = new MessageDialog( stm.Str( "NeedRestart" ), stx.Text( CaptionRes ) ); bool Restart = false; Confirm.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stm.Str( "Yes" ) , ( e ) => { Restart = true; } ) ); Confirm.Commands.Add( new UICommand( stm.Str( "No" ) ) ); await Popups.ShowDialog( Confirm ); if( Restart ) { Frame.BackStack.Clear(); NavigationHandler.InsertHandlerOnNavigatedBack( Exit ); RestartMask.State = ControlState.Reovia; PopupPage.State = ControlState.Foreatii; } return Restart; }