public Status GetStatus() { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); if (Key == null) { throw new Exception("Captcha.GetStatus: Key is null"); } if (CaptchaID == null) { throw new Exception("Captcha.GetStatus: CaptchaID is null"); } string resp = client.DownloadString("" + Key + "&action=get&id=" + CaptchaID.ToString()); if (resp.Contains("CAPCHA_NOT_READY")) { CaptchaStatus = Status.NotReady; return Status.NotReady; } if (resp.Substring(0, 2) == "OK") { CaptchaText = resp.Substring(3); CaptchaStatus = Status.Success; return Status.Success; } CaptchaStatus = Status.Error; return Status.Error; }
public string GenerateNick() { if (generatorType == GeneratorTypes.normalGenerator) { if (m_names == null) { m_names = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("data/dic_names.txt"); } if (m_surnames == null) { m_surnames = System.IO.File.ReadAllLines("data/dic_surnames.txt"); } int type = m_Random.Next(0, 5); string s = ""; int n; switch (type) { case 0: //тип: ник+цифры s = m_Dic[m_Random.Next(m_Dic.Length)].Trim(); //добавить циферок n = m_Random.Next(1, 4); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { s += m_Random.Next(10); } break; case 1: //тип: имя+фамилия case 2: s = m_names[m_Random.Next(m_names.Length)].Trim() + " " + m_surnames[m_Random.Next(m_surnames.Length)].Trim(); break; case 3: //тип ник+фамилия s = m_Dic[m_Random.Next(0, m_Dic.Length - 1)] + " " + m_surnames[m_Random.Next(m_surnames.Length)].Trim(); break; case 4: //старый метод ник+ник (не вызывается) for (int c = 0; c < 2; c++) { s = m_Dic[m_Random.Next(0, m_Dic.Length - 1)] + " " + s; s = Char.ToUpper(s[0]) + s.Substring(1); } s = s.Trim(); break; } return s; } if (generatorType == GeneratorTypes.webLoader) { if (httpClient == null) httpClient = new HttpClient(); if (webNames.Count == 0) { string response = httpClient.DownloadString(webSource); webNames.AddRange(response.Split(new char[] { '\x000D', '\x000A' })); } if (webNames.Count == 0) { throw new Exception("Unable to load webNames"); } string name = webNames[0]; webNames.RemoveAt(0); return name; } return null; }
public static string[] LoadHideMyAss(string proxyURL) { HttpClient loader = new HttpClient(); List<HideMyAssProxyStruct> proxies = new List<HideMyAssProxyStruct>(); string baseURL = ""; string portImg = "/proxy-list/img/port"; string localData; string proxyInfo; string response = ""; try { response = loader.DownloadString(proxyURL); } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("LoadHideMyAss: load 1 error. " + e.Message); } int page = 1; ConsoleLog.WriteLine(response, "ProxyLog1.txt"); while (response.Contains(portImg)) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine(proxyURL + '/' + page.ToString()); localData = CommonUtils.GetStringBetween(response, "Anonymity</td>", "pagination"); ConsoleLog.WriteLine(localData, "ProxyLog2.txt"); while (localData.Contains("<tr class=\"row")) { localData = localData.Substring(localData.IndexOf("<tr class=\"row") + 10); //proxyInfo = CommonUtils.GetStringBetween(localData, "<!--", "style=\"margin"); proxyInfo = CommonUtils.GetStringBetween(localData, "<!--", "</tr>"); ConsoleLog.WriteLine(proxyInfo, "ProxyLog3.txt"); if (proxyInfo.Contains("planetlab")) { string proxyIP = CommonUtils.GetStringBetween(proxyInfo, "gif\">", "</td>"); ConsoleLog.WriteLine(proxyIP + " - PlanetLab"); continue; } HideMyAssProxyStruct proxy = new HideMyAssProxyStruct(); proxy.IP = CommonUtils.GetStringBetween(proxyInfo, "<td>", "</td>"); if (proxyInfo.Contains("None")) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine(proxy.IP + " - not anonymous"); continue; } proxy.PortImgURL = baseURL + CommonUtils.GetStringBetween(proxyInfo, "<img src=\"", "\""); proxies.Add(proxy); } page++; //if (page > 3) break; // Debug try { response = loader.DownloadString(proxyURL + '/' + page.ToString()); ConsoleLog.WriteLine(response, "ProxyLog1.txt"); } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("LoadHideMyAss: load 2 error. " + e.Message); } } LoadHideMyAssCaptchaPreloader(); const int poolSize = 10; System.Threading.Thread[] pool = new System.Threading.Thread[poolSize]; int count = proxies.Count; int i; i = 0; while (i < count) { int freeThread = -1; for (int ft = 0; ft < poolSize; ft++) { if ((pool[ft] == null) || (!pool[ft].IsAlive)) { freeThread = ft; break; } } if (freeThread == -1) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(100); continue; } ConsoleLog.WriteLine( "Processing proxy " + (i + 1).ToString() + "/" + count.ToString() + ", thread " + (freeThread+1).ToString()); pool[freeThread] = new System.Threading.Thread(LoadHideMyAssCaptcha); pool[freeThread].Start(proxies[i]); i++; } i = 0; while (i < poolSize) { if ((pool[i % poolSize] != null) && (pool[i % poolSize].IsAlive)) { System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200); continue; } i++; } List<string> result = new List<string>(); foreach (HideMyAssProxyStruct proxy in proxies) { if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(proxy.Port)) result.Add(proxy.FullProxy); } if (result.Count > 0) { var streamWriter = new StreamWriter( storePath + "\\proxy.txt", false); foreach (string proxy in result) { streamWriter.WriteLine(proxy); } streamWriter.Close(); } return result.ToArray(); }
// update Port in proxy class private static void LoadHideMyAssCaptcha(HideMyAssProxyStruct proxy) { HttpClient connection = new HttpClient(); string num = ""; byte[] bitmapData = null; try { bitmapData = connection.DownloadData(proxy.PortImgURL); } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("LoadHideMyAss: load 3 error. " + e.Message); return; } //Bitmap source = new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(bitmapData)); //source.Save(@"C:\source" + count.ToString() + ".bmp"); Bitmap captcha = LoadHideMyAssCaptchaCutSource(new Bitmap(new MemoryStream(bitmapData)), 0); //Bitmap captcha = CaptchaCutSource(new Bitmap(@"C:\source.bmp")); //captcha.Save(@"C:\cut" + count.ToString() + ".bmp"); for (int captchaX = 0; captchaX < captcha.Width - hidemyassSamplesMaxWidth; captchaX++) { foreach (Bitmap trySample in hidemyassSamples) { Bitmap lSample; lock (locker) { lSample = new Bitmap(trySample); } if (LoadHideMyAssCaptchaCompareSamples(captcha, captchaX, lSample)) { num += hidemyassSamples.IndexOf(trySample).ToString(); break; } } } proxy.Port = num.ToString(); return; }
public static string[] LoadHideMyAssText(string proxyURL) { HttpClient loader = new HttpClient(); List<string> proxies = new List<string>(); string localData; string proxyInfo; string response = ""; try { response = loader.DownloadString(proxyURL); } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("LoadHideMyAss: load 1 error. " + e.Message); } int page = 1; //ConsoleLog.WriteLine(response, "ProxyLog1.txt"); while (response.Contains("leftborder timestamp")) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine(proxyURL + '/' + page.ToString()); localData = CommonUtils.GetStringBetween(response, "Anonymity</td>", "pagination"); //ConsoleLog.WriteLine(localData, "ProxyLog2.txt"); while (localData.Contains("<tr class=\"\" rel=\"") || localData.Contains("<tr class=\"altshade\" rel=\"")) { string proxyIP = ""; string proxyPort = ""; int index = 0, index1 = 0, index2 = 0; index1 = localData.IndexOf("<tr class=\"\" rel=\""); index2 = localData.IndexOf("<tr class=\"altshade\" rel=\""); if (index1 == -1) { index = index2 +18; } else if (index2 == -1) { index = index1 + 10; } else { index = Math.Min(index1 + 10, index2 + 18); } localData = localData.Substring(index); proxyInfo = CommonUtils.GetStringBetween(localData, "<!--", "</tr>"); //ConsoleLog.WriteLine(proxyInfo, "ProxyLog3.txt"); if (proxyInfo.Contains("planetlab")) { proxyIP = CommonUtils.GetStringBetween(proxyInfo, "title=\"Planet Lab proxy\">", "</span>"); ConsoleLog.WriteLine(proxyIP + " - PlanetLab"); continue; } proxyIP = CommonUtils.GetStringBetween(proxyInfo, "<td><span>", "</span></td>"); proxyPort = CommonUtils.GetStringBetween(proxyInfo, "<td>" + (char)10, "</td>"); if (proxyInfo.Contains("None")) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine(proxyIP + " - not anonymous"); continue; } proxies.Add(proxyIP + ":" + proxyPort); } ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Proxies loaded: " + proxies.Count.ToString()); page++; //if (page > 3) break; // Debug try { response = loader.DownloadString(proxyURL + '/' + page.ToString()); //ConsoleLog.WriteLine(response, "ProxyLog1.txt"); } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("LoadHideMyAss: load 2 error. " + e.Message); } } if (proxies.Count > 0) { var streamWriter = new StreamWriter( storePath + "\\proxy.txt", false); foreach (string proxy in proxies) { streamWriter.WriteLine(proxy); } streamWriter.Close(); } return proxies.ToArray(); }
public bool UploadCaptcha(byte[] jpeg) { HttpClient m_Client = new HttpClient(); string m_Response = ""; //Формируем тело POST-запроса string boundary = "----------" + DateTime.Now.Ticks.ToString("x"); string NameAffix = "--" + boundary + "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\""; string NameSuffix = "\"\r\n\r\n"; System.IO.MemoryStream postdata = new System.IO.MemoryStream(); //Данные формы string formdata = ""; formdata += NameAffix + "method" + NameSuffix + "post" + "\r\n"; formdata += NameAffix + "soft_id" + NameSuffix + "223\r\n"; formdata += NameAffix + "key" + NameSuffix + Key + "\r\n"; formdata += NameAffix + "phrase" + NameSuffix + phrase + "\r\n"; //Заголовок для файла formdata += NameAffix + "file\"; filename=\"captcha.jpg\"\r\n"; formdata += "Content-Type: image/jpeg\r\n\r\n"; //Пишемс postdata.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(formdata), 0, formdata.Length); postdata.Write(jpeg, 0, jpeg.Length); //Готовим окончание formdata = "\r\nContent-Disposition: form-data; name=\"commit\"\r\nMake changes\r\n"; formdata += "--" + boundary + "--"; //Пишемс postdata.Write(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(formdata), 0, formdata.Length); byte[] buffer = new byte[postdata.Length]; postdata.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin); postdata.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); //System.IO.File.WriteAllBytes("log.txt", buffer); //ConsoleLog.WriteLine(buffer, "CapchaLog.txt"); //m_Client.Timeout = m_Client.Timeout * 10; m_Response = m_Client.UploadMultipartData( "", buffer, boundary); if (m_Response.Substring(0, 2) == "OK") { CaptchaID = m_Response.Substring(3); return true; } return false; }
public Captcha(string Referer) { try { HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); client.Referer = Referer; //Вытаскиваем токен каптчи string CaptchaData = client.DownloadString(Captcha.CaptchaAPIURL); CaptchaData = CaptchaData.Remove(0, CaptchaData.IndexOf(Captcha.ChallengeScanString) + ChallengeScanString.Length); CaptchaData = CaptchaData.Remove(0, CaptchaData.IndexOf(Captcha.ChallengeScanString2) + ChallengeScanString2.Length); CaptchaData = CaptchaData.Trim(); if (CaptchaData[0] == '\'') CaptchaData = CaptchaData.Remove(0, 1); CaptchaData = CaptchaData.Remove(CaptchaData.IndexOf('\'')); /* client.Referer=Referer; string CaptchaImageURL=client.DownloadString(Captcha.CaptchaGAPIURL); CaptchaImageURL=CaptchaImageURL.Substring(CaptchaImageURL.IndexOf('\'')+1); CaptchaImageURL=CaptchaImageURL.Remove(CaptchaImageURL.IndexOf('\'')); */ string CaptchaImageURL = Captcha.CaptchaURLBase + CaptchaData; //Грузим картинку с каптчей client.Referer = null; Image = client.DownloadData(CaptchaImageURL); ChallengeID = CaptchaData; } catch (Exception e) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Unable to load captcha: " + e.Message); throw e; } }
private static RegResult RegisterBot( string NickName, string Password, int Nationality, string EMail, int BirthDay, int BirthMonth, int BirthYear, bool Female, out string Response) { string Referal = null; HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); string TokenScanString = "id=\"_token\" name=\"_token\" value=\""; string Token; //Грузим главную if (!Globals.BotConfig.useTOR) { client.SetProxy(Globals.BotConfig.ProxyList.GetRandomString(), Globals.BotConfig.proxyCredentials); } else { client.SetProxy("", null);//m_Config.ProxyList.GetString(0); if (!(new TorClient(client.GetProxy(), "")).GetNewIP()) throw new Exception("Error getting new TOR IP"); ConsoleLog.WriteLine("TOR new IP obtained!"); } client.UserAgent = Globals.BotConfig.UserAgentList.GetRandomString(); if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(Referal)) { Response = client.DownloadString("" + Referal); Response = client.DownloadString("" + Referal); } else { Response = client.DownloadString(""); Response = client.DownloadString(""); } //Выковыриваем токен Response = Response.Remove(0, Response.IndexOf(TokenScanString) + TokenScanString.Length); Token = Response.Substring(0, Response.IndexOf("\"")); //Строим запрос //Понеслася ICaptchaProvider CaptchaProvider; if (Globals.BotConfig.precaptchaBufferSize == 0) { if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(Globals.BotConfig.AntiGateKey)) { CaptchaProvider = new WinFormsCaptchaProvider(Globals.BotConfig.bBeep); } else { CaptchaProvider = new AntigateCaptchaProvider(Globals.BotConfig.AntiGateKey); } } else { CaptchaProvider = new PrecaptchaCaptchaProvider(Globals.BotConfig.AntiGateKey, Globals.BotConfig.precaptchaBufferSize, Globals.BotConfig.bBeep); } bool ok = false; string PostData; ResolvedCaptcha captcha = null; for (int attempt = 0; attempt < 3; attempt++) { captcha = CaptchaProvider.GetResolvedCaptcha(); PostData = "_token=" + Token + "&recaptcha_challenge_field=" + captcha.ChallengeID + "&recaptcha_response_field=" + captcha.CaptchaText; Response = client.UploadString("", PostData); if (Response.Contains("success")) { ok = true; break; } } if (!ok) { return RegResult.CaptchaFail; } PostData = "_token=" + Token + "&citizen_name=" + System.Web.HttpUtility.UrlEncode(NickName) + "&citizen_password="******"&country_selected_id=" + country.ToString() + "&country_list=" + country.ToString() + "®ion_list=" + region.ToString() + "®ion_selected_id=" + region.ToString() + "&nationality_list=" + Nationality + "&citizen_email=" + EMail.Replace("@", "%40") + "&recaptcha_challenge_field=" + captcha.ChallengeID + "&recaptcha_response_field=" + captcha.CaptchaText; Response = client.UploadString("", PostData); if (Response.Contains("Email validation")) return RegResult.Success; if (Response.Contains("Citizen name already exists")) return RegResult.NameExist; if (Response.Contains("There is already an account created on this email address")) return RegResult.EmailExist; return RegResult.UnknownFail; }
public static void Worker(string[] args) { if (args.Length != 3) { PrintUsage(); return; } int.TryParse(args[1], out delayMin); int.TryParse(args[2], out delayMax); Antigate.phrase = "0"; try { int voteCounter = 0; while (true) { try { voteCounter++; ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Vote, try " + voteCounter.ToString()); client = new HttpClient(); if (!Globals.BotConfig.useTOR) { client.SetProxy(Globals.BotConfig.ProxyList.GetRandomString(), Globals.BotConfig.proxyCredentials); } else { client.SetProxy("", null);//m_Config.ProxyList.GetString(0); if (!(new TorClient(client.GetProxy(), "")).GetNewIP()) throw new Exception("Error getting new TOR IP"); ConsoleLog.WriteLine("TOR new IP obtained!"); } client.UserAgent = Globals.BotConfig.UserAgentList.GetRandomString(); ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Proxy: " + client.GetProxy()); string lastURL = ""; if (rnd.Next(1, 3) == 1) { if (rnd.Next(1, 10) <= 5) lastURL = ""; else lastURL = ""; } else { lastURL = Visiting2(); } if (lastURL == baseURL) { throw new Exception("Visiting2 failed"); } if (!Visiting1(lastURL)) { throw new Exception("Visiting1 failed"); } ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Voting done."); DoSleep(rnd.Next(delayMin, delayMax)); //ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Press any key..."); //Console.ReadKey(); } catch (System.Exception e) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Local error: " + e.Message); } } } catch (System.Exception e) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Worker error: " + e.Message); } }
public bool SendLogInfo(string[] taskAndParams, int botCount) { return true; StringBuilder logCommand = new StringBuilder(); string ticks = System.DateTime.Today.Ticks.ToString(); logCommand.Append(logURL); logCommand.Append("HashKey=" + key); logCommand.Append("&task=" + taskAndParams[0]); //logCommand.Append("&taskParams=" + "here_will_be_params"); logCommand.Append("&nBot=" + botCount.ToString()); logCommand.Append("&nData=" + ticks); byte[] expectedReply = encodeMD5(ticks); string callURL = logCommand.ToString(); //ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Log URL: " + callURL); HttpClient client = new HttpClient(); string response = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= 20; i++) { try { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Authorising on NorthCitadel server, try " + i.ToString()); response = client.DownloadString(callURL); string[] respLines = response.Split('\n'); if ((client.Referer == callURL) && (respLines.Length >= 2)) { if (validateReply(respLines[0], expectedReply)) { if (respLines[1].Contains("ALLOWED")) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Authorisation successfull"); return true; } if (respLines[1].Contains("DENIED")) { ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Authorisation failed: " + respLines[1]); return false; } ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Authorisation error: " + respLines[1]); } else ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Authorisation error: signature validation failed."); } } catch (Exception e) { //ConsoleLog.WriteLine(response, "AuthorisationLog.txt"); ConsoleLog.WriteLine("Authorisation failed: " + e.Message); } Thread.Sleep(15 * 1000); } return false; }