コード例 #1

            public Component_Scene CreateScene(bool enable)

                scene = ComponentUtility.CreateComponent <Component_Scene>(null, true, enable);

                //!!!!что еще отключать?
                scene.OctreeEnabled = false;

                //rendering pipeline
                    var pipeline = (Component_RenderingPipeline)scene.CreateComponent(RenderingSystem.RenderingPipelineDefault, -1, false);
                    scene.RenderingPipeline = pipeline;

                    //!!!!что еще отключать?
                    pipeline.DeferredShading = AutoTrueFalse.False;
                    pipeline.LODRange        = new RangeI(0, 0);
                    //pipeline.UseRenderTargets = false;

                    scene.BackgroundColor = new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                    //scene.BackgroundColor = new ColorValue( 0, 0, 0, 0 );

                    scene.BackgroundColorAffectLighting      = 1;
                    scene.BackgroundColorEnvironmentOverride = new ColorValue(0.8, 0.8, 0.8);

                    pipeline.Enabled = true;

                //ambient light
                    var light = scene.CreateComponent <Component_Light>();
                    light.Type       = Component_Light.TypeEnum.Ambient;
                    light.Brightness = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference("Base\\ProjectSettings.component|PreviewAmbientLightBrightness");
                    //light.Brightness = ProjectSettings.Get.PreviewAmbientLightBrightness.Value;

                //directional light
                    var light = scene.CreateComponent <Component_Light>();
                    light.Type       = Component_Light.TypeEnum.Directional;
                    light.Transform  = new Transform(new Vector3(0, 0, 0), Quaternion.FromDirectionZAxisUp(new Vector3(0, 0, -1)), Vector3.One);
                    light.Brightness = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference("Base\\ProjectSettings.component|PreviewDirectionalLightBrightness");
                    //light.Brightness = ProjectSettings.Get.PreviewDirectionalLightBrightness.Value;
                    light.Shadows = false;
                    //light.Type = Component_Light.TypeEnum.Point;
                    //light.Transform = new Transform( new Vec3( 0, 0, 2 ), Quat.Identity, Vec3.One );

                scene.ViewportUpdateGetCameraSettings += Scene_ViewportUpdateGetCameraSettings;

                //connect scene to viewport
                if (viewport != null)
                    viewport.AttachedScene = scene;

コード例 #2
        public static T GetVariableFromCurrentFlow_Generic <T>(string name)
            object value = null;

            if (CurrentFlow != null)
                CurrentFlow.variables.TryGetValue(name, out value);

            var expectedType = typeof(T);

            //auto convert types
            if (value != null && !expectedType.IsAssignableFrom(value.GetType()))
                var newValue = MetadataManager.AutoConvertValue(value, expectedType);
                if (newValue == null)
                    newValue = MetadataManager.AutoConvertValue(ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(value), expectedType);
                value = newValue;
            //default for value types
            if (value == null && expectedType.IsValueType)
                value = Activator.CreateInstance(expectedType);

コード例 #3
        public override void NewObjectSetDefaultConfiguration(bool createdFromNewObjectWindow = false)

            Transform = new Transform(TransformV.Position, Quaternion.LookAt(new Vector3(0, 0, -1), new Vector3(0, 1, 0)));
            Material  = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference(@"Base\Components\Decal default.material");
コード例 #4
        public override void NewObjectSetDefaultConfiguration(bool createdFromNewObjectWindow = false)

            //create surface

            var meshInSpace = CreateComponent <Component_MeshInSpace>(enabled: false);

            meshInSpace.Name          = "Surface";
            meshInSpace.CanBeSelected = false;

            var mesh = meshInSpace.CreateComponent <Component_Mesh>();

            mesh.Name        = "Mesh";
            meshInSpace.Mesh = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(meshInSpace, mesh);

            var geometry = mesh.CreateComponent <Component_MeshGeometry_Plane>();

            geometry.Name     = "Mesh Geometry";
            geometry.Material = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(geometry, this, "MaterialSurface");

            var transformOffset = meshInSpace.CreateComponent <Component_TransformOffset>();

            transformOffset.Name           = "Attach Transform Offset";
            transformOffset.PositionOffset = new Vector3(0, 0, 0.5);
            transformOffset.Source         = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(transformOffset, this, "Transform");

            meshInSpace.Transform = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(meshInSpace, transformOffset, "Result");

            meshInSpace.Enabled = true;

コード例 #5
        void Update()
            if (needUpdate)

                var demandedReturnType = GetDemandedReturnType();
                if (demandedReturnType != createdPropertyReturnType || property == null)

                    if (Enabled)                     //!!!!?
                        needUpdate = false;

                        if (demandedReturnType != null)
                            Type unrefNetType = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedType(demandedReturnType.GetNetType());
                            var  type         = MetadataManager.GetTypeOfNetType(unrefNetType);

                            var typeUnreferenced = type;

                            var p = new PropertyImpl(this, "Output", false, type, typeUnreferenced, new Metadata.Parameter[0], true, "Parameter", false);
                            p.Description = "";

                            property = p;
                            createdPropertyReturnType = demandedReturnType;
コード例 #6
        static void FixRootReferences(Component_Import3D import3D)
            bool Fix(IReference reference, out string newReference)
                if (reference.ReferenceSpecified)
                    var referenceValue = reference.GetByReference;
                    if (referenceValue.Length >= "root:".Length && referenceValue.Substring(0, 5) == "root:")
                        newReference = referenceValue.Insert(5, "$Import3D\\");
                newReference = null;

            foreach (var meshGeometry in import3D.GetComponents <Component_MeshGeometry>(false, true))
                if (Fix(meshGeometry.Material, out var newReference))
                    meshGeometry.Material = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference <Component_Material>(null, newReference);

            foreach (var meshInSpace in import3D.GetComponents <Component_MeshInSpace>(false, true))
                if (Fix(meshInSpace.Mesh, out var newReference))
                    meshInSpace.Mesh = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference <Component_Mesh>(null, newReference);
コード例 #7
            public override object GetValue(object obj, object[] index)
                object result = null;

                //always obj == Owner
                Component_InvokeMember c = (Component_InvokeMember)obj;

                if (invoke && !c.FlowSupport)

                object value;

                if (c.propertyValues.TryGetValue(Signature, out value))
                    //update value for Reference type
                    if (referenceSupport)
                        //convert from ReferenceNoValue
                        if (value != null && value is ReferenceNoValue)
                            value = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference(ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedType(Type.GetNetType()), ((ReferenceNoValue)value).GetByReference);

                        IReference iReference = value as IReference;
                        if (iReference != null)
                            //!!!!try catch? где еще так

                            //get value by reference
                            value = iReference.GetValue(obj);
                            //value = iReference.GetValue( Owner );

                            if (!ReadOnly)                             //!!!!new
                                SetValue(obj, value, Indexers);
                                //SetValue( Owner, value, Indexers );
                    result = value;

                //check the type. result can contains value with another type after change the type of property.
                if (result != null && !Type.IsAssignableFrom(MetadataManager.MetadataGetType(result)))
                    result = null;
                if (result == null && Type.GetNetType().IsValueType)
                    result = Type.InvokeInstance(null);

コード例 #8
            public override object GetValue(object obj, object[] index)
                //always obj == Owner
                var c = (Component_ConvertTo)obj;

                object result = c.Source.Value;

                //!!!!Metadata.TypeInfo support

                //auto convert types
                if (result != null && !Type.GetNetType().IsAssignableFrom(result.GetType()))
                    var newValue = MetadataManager.AutoConvertValue(result, Type.GetNetType());
                    if (newValue == null)
                        newValue = MetadataManager.AutoConvertValue(ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(result), Type.GetNetType());
                    result = newValue;

                //check the type. result can contains value with another type after change the type of property.
                if (result != null && !Type.IsAssignableFrom(MetadataManager.MetadataGetType(result)))
                    result = null;
                if (result == null && Type.GetNetType().IsValueType)
                    result = Type.InvokeInstance(null);

コード例 #9
            public void Init()
                var sample = CreateComponent <Component_ShaderTextureSample>();

                sample.TextureType = Component_ShaderTextureSample.TextureTypeEnum.Mask;

                Opacity = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(this, sample, "R");
コード例 #10
        public object Invoke(object obj, object[] parameters)
            object returnValue = null;

            var invokeItem = new InvokeStackItem();

            invokeItem.obj        = obj;
            invokeItem.parameters = parameters;

            if (invokeStack == null)
                invokeStack = new Stack <InvokeStackItem>();

            //execute flow
            Flow flow = null;

            if (Flow.Value != null)
                flow = NeoAxis.Flow.ExecuteWithoutRemoveFromStack(Flow, null);

            //get ref, out, return value parameters
            var bodyEnd = BodyEnd.Value;

            if (bodyEnd != null)
                foreach (var p in bodyEnd.properties)
                    switch (p.parameterType)
                    case Component_MethodBodyEnd.PropertyImpl.ParameterType.Parameter:
                        if (p.invokeParameterIndex < parameters.Length)
                            parameters[p.invokeParameterIndex] = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(p.GetValue(bodyEnd, null));

                    case Component_MethodBodyEnd.PropertyImpl.ParameterType.ReturnValue:
                        returnValue = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(p.GetValue(bodyEnd, null));

            if (flow != null)


            //returnValue = EngineApp.EngineTime % 4.0 > 2.0;

コード例 #11
            public override void Finish(bool cancel)

                if (!cancel)
                    CreatingObject.Surface = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference(@"Base\Surfaces\Default.surface");
コード例 #12
            public override void SetValue(object obj, object value, object[] index)
                var c = (Component_DeclareVariable)obj;

                c.valuePropertyValue = value;

                //set variable to current flow
                var currentFlow = Flow.CurrentFlow;

                currentFlow?.SetVariable(c.GetVariableName(), ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(value));
コード例 #13
        public void AddBaseObject(Component_ObjectInSpace obj)
            var groupOfObjects = GetOrCreateGroupOfObjects();

            if (groupOfObjects != null)
                if (!groupOfObjects.BaseObjects.Contains((Component)obj))
                    groupOfObjects.BaseObjects.Add(ReferenceUtility.MakeRootReference <Component>(obj));
コード例 #14
        public override void NewObjectSetDefaultConfiguration(bool createdFromNewObjectWindow = false)
            if (Components.Count == 0)
                var controller = CreateComponent <Component_SpriteAnimationController>();
                controller.Name = "Sprite Animation Controller";

                Animate       = true;
                IdleAnimation = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference(@"Base\Sprites\Weapon\Animation Idle.component");
                //FireAnimation = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference( @"Base\Sprites\Penguin\Animation Fire.component" );
コード例 #15
        void UpdateDefaultValue(PropertyImpl property)
            property.DefaultValueSpecified = DefaultValueSpecified.Value;
            if (property.DefaultValueSpecified && defaultValueProperty != null)
                //!!!!need check type?

                property.DefaultValue = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(defaultValueProperty.GetValue(this, null));
                property.DefaultValue = null;
コード例 #16
            public override object GetValue(object obj, object[] index)
                var c = (Component_DeclareVariable)obj;

                object result = null;

                object value            = null;
                bool   valueGotFromFlow = false;

                //get value from current flow
                var currentFlow = Flow.CurrentFlow;

                if (currentFlow != null)
                    if (currentFlow.GetVariable(c.GetVariableName(), out object unrefValue))
                        value            = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference(TypeUnreferenced.GetNetType(), unrefValue, "");
                        valueGotFromFlow = true;

                //get init value
                if (!valueGotFromFlow)
                    value = c.valuePropertyValue;

                    //update value for Reference type
                    IReference iReference = value as IReference;
                    if (iReference != null)
                        //get value by reference
                        value = iReference.GetValue(obj);
                        SetValue(obj, value, Indexers);

                result = value;

                //check the type. result can contains value with another type after change the type of property.
                if (result != null && !Type.IsAssignableFrom(MetadataManager.MetadataGetType(result)))
                    result = null;
                if (result == null && Type.GetNetType().IsValueType)
                    result = Type.InvokeInstance(null);

コード例 #17

        public override void DragDropObjectCreateInitNode(Component_FlowGraphNode node, DragDropObjectCreateInitNodeContext context, ref bool handled)
            if (context.createComponentType != null &&
                var obj = node.CreateComponent <Component_ShaderTextureSample>();
                obj.Name = "Texture Sample";

                //!!!!если не из ресурса
                obj.Texture = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference <Component_Image>(null, context.createComponentType.Name);

                context.controlledObject = obj;
                handled = true;
コード例 #18
        public void UpdateOutput()
            var groupOfObjects = GetOrCreateGroupOfObjects();

            if (groupOfObjects != null)
                var wasEnabled = groupOfObjects.Enabled;
                if (wasEnabled)
                    groupOfObjects.Enabled = false;

                Component_GroupOfObjects.Object[] objects;

                var surface = Surface.Value;
                if (surface != null)
                    var element = groupOfObjects.GetComponent <Component_GroupOfObjectsElement_Surface>();
                    if (element == null)
                        element      = groupOfObjects.CreateComponent <Component_GroupOfObjectsElement_Surface>();
                        element.Name = "Surface";
                        element.AutoAlign = false;
                        element.Surface   = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(element, this, "Surface");

                    objects = UpdateOutputDefault(surface, groupOfObjects);
                    objects = new Component_GroupOfObjects.Object[0];

                OnUpdateOutput(ref objects);
                UpdateOutputEvent?.Invoke(this, ref objects);


                updatedForPointPositions = GetPointPositions();

                if (wasEnabled)
                    groupOfObjects.Enabled = true;
コード例 #19
        public override void NewObjectSetDefaultConfiguration(bool createdFromNewObjectWindow = false)
            if (Components.Count == 0)
                    var mesh = CreateComponent <Component_Mesh>();
                    mesh.Name = "Mesh";
                    Mesh      = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(this, mesh);

                    var geometry = mesh.CreateComponent <Component_MeshGeometry_Box>();
                    geometry.Name       = "Mesh Geometry";
                    geometry.Dimensions = new Vector3(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
                    geometry.Material   = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference("Base\\Materials\\White.material");
コード例 #20
        void IFlowExecutionComponent.FlowExecution(Flow flow, Flow.ExecutionStackItem entryItem)
            var variable = Variable.Value;

            if (variable != null && valueProperty != null)
                var value = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(valueProperty.GetValue(this, null));
                flow.SetVariable(variable.GetVariableName(), value);

            FlowInput next = Exit;

            if (next != null)
                flow.ExecutionStack.Push(new Flow.ExecutionStackItem(next));
コード例 #21
        public override void NewObjectSetDefaultConfiguration(bool createdFromNewObjectWindow = false)
            if (Components.Count == 0)
                    var mesh = CreateComponent <Component_Mesh>();
                    mesh.Name = "Mesh";
                    Mesh      = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(this, mesh);

                    var geometry = mesh.CreateComponent <Component_MeshGeometry_Pipe>();
                    geometry.Name      = "Mesh Geometry";
                    geometry.Axis      = 0;
                    geometry.Radius    = 0.04;
                    geometry.Thickness = 0.01;
                    geometry.Material  = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference("Base\\Materials\\White.material");

                    var meshInSpace = CreateComponent <Component_MeshInSpace>();
                    meshInSpace.Name = "Stock";

                    var mesh = meshInSpace.CreateComponent <Component_Mesh>();
                    mesh.Name        = "Mesh";
                    meshInSpace.Mesh = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(this, mesh);

                    var geometry = mesh.CreateComponent <Component_MeshGeometry_Box>();
                    geometry.Name       = "Mesh Geometry";
                    geometry.Dimensions = new Vector3(0.4, 0.05, 0.15);
                    geometry.Material   = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference("Base\\Materials\\White.material");

                    meshInSpace.Mesh = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(meshInSpace, mesh);

                    var transformOffset = meshInSpace.CreateComponent <Component_TransformOffset>();
                    transformOffset.Name           = "Attach Transform Offset";
                    transformOffset.PositionOffset = new Vector3(-0.22, 0, -0.1);
                    transformOffset.Source         = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(transformOffset, this, "Transform");

                    meshInSpace.Transform = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(meshInSpace, transformOffset, "Result");
コード例 #22
        void NewObjectCreateShaderGraph()
            var graph = CreateComponent <Component_FlowGraph>();

            graph.Name           = "Shader graph";
            graph.Specialization = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference(
                MetadataManager.GetTypeOfNetType(typeof(Component_FlowGraphSpecialization_Shader)).Name + "|Instance");

            var node = graph.CreateComponent <Component_FlowGraphNode>();

            node.Name             = "Node " + Name;
            node.Position         = new Vector2I(10, -7);
            node.ControlledObject = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(node, this);

            if (Parent == null)
                var toSelect = new Component[] { this, graph };
                EditorDocumentConfiguration = KryptonConfigGenerator.CreateEditorDocumentXmlConfiguration(toSelect, graph);
コード例 #23
ファイル: UIEdit.cs プロジェクト: zwiglm/NeoAxisEngine
        //protected virtual bool OnTextTypingFilter( EKeys key, char character, string newText )
        //	if( TextTypingFilter != null )
        //	{
        //		if( !TextTypingFilter( this, key, character, newText ) )
        //			return false;
        //	}
        //	return true;

        public override void NewObjectSetDefaultConfiguration(bool createdFromNewObjectWindow = false)

            var obj = CreateComponent <UIText>();

            obj.Name = "Text";
            obj.Text = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(obj, this, "DisplayText");              //"Text" );
            obj.TextHorizontalAlignment = EHorizontalAlignment.Left;
            //obj.TextHorizontalAlignment = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference( obj, this, "TextHorizontalAlignment" );
            obj.Size                = new UIMeasureValueVector2(UIMeasure.Parent, 1, 1);
            obj.CanBeSelected       = false;
            obj.HorizontalAlignment = EHorizontalAlignment.Stretch;
            obj.VerticalAlignment   = EVerticalAlignment.Stretch;
            //obj.Offset = new UIMeasureValueVector2( UIMeasure.Units, 4, 0 );
            obj.ClipRectangle = true;

            obj.Margin = new UIMeasureValueRectangle(UIMeasure.Units, 4, 2, 4, 2);
            //obj.Margin = new UIMeasureValueRectangle( UIMeasure.Units, 2, 2, 2, 2 );
コード例 #24
        void IFlowExecutionComponent.FlowExecution(Flow flow, Flow.ExecutionStackItem entryItem)
            var selection = Selection.Value;

            if (selection != null)
                //!!!!always compare via strings?
                var selectionStr = selection.ToString();

                for (int nCase = 0; nCase < Cases.Count; nCase++)
                    if (selectionStr == Cases[nCase])
                        var p = GetProperty(nCase);
                        if (p != null)
                            var v = (FlowInput)ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(p.GetValue(this, null));
                            if (v != null)
                                flow.ExecutionStack.Push(new Flow.ExecutionStackItem(v));

                var p = GetProperty(-1);
                if (p != null)
                    var v = (FlowInput)ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(p.GetValue(this, null));
                    if (v != null)
                        flow.ExecutionStack.Push(new Flow.ExecutionStackItem(v));
コード例 #25
        void IFlowExecutionComponent.FlowExecution(Flow flow, Flow.ExecutionStackItem entryItem)
            bool isEntry = entryItem.FlowInput != null && entryItem.FlowInput.PropertyName == nameof(Entry);

            int number = -1;

            if (!isEntry)
                if (flow.InternalVariables.TryGetValue(this, out var value))
                    number = (int)value;


            var p = GetProperty(number);

            if (p != null)
                flow.InternalVariables[this] = number;

                //reply after Body
                flow.ExecutionStack.Push(new Flow.ExecutionStackItem(this));

                //go to Body
                var v = (FlowInput)ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(p.GetValue(this, null));
                if (v != null)
                    flow.ExecutionStack.Push(new Flow.ExecutionStackItem(v.Owner));
コード例 #26
        //public override void UpdateParentVirtualMembers( ref List<Metadata.Member> members, ref Dictionary<string, Metadata.Member> memberBySignature )
        //	base.UpdateParentVirtualMembers( ref members, ref memberBySignature );

        //	xx xx;
        //	//create
        //	if( createdMethod == null && Parent != null )
        //	{
        //		createdMethod = CreateMethod();

        //		xx xx;
        //		//!!!!
        //		//Body.Value?.NeedUpdate();
        //	}

        //	xx xx;
        //	//add to parent
        //	if( createdMethod != null )
        //	{
        //		if( members == null )
        //		{
        //			members = new List<Metadata.Member>();
        //			memberBySignature = new Dictionary<string, Metadata.Member>();
        //		}
        //		members.Add( createdMethod );
        //		memberBySignature[ createdMethod.Signature ] = createdMethod;
        //	}

        //public override Metadata.Member CreatedMember
        //	get
        //	{
        //		xx xx;

        //		return createdMethod;
        //	}

        void NewObjectCreateFlowGraph()
            var graph = CreateComponent <Component_FlowGraph>();

            graph.Name = "Flow Graph";

            Component_MethodBody body;
                var node = graph.CreateComponent <Component_FlowGraphNode>();

                body      = node.CreateComponent <Component_MethodBody>();
                body.Name = body.BaseType.GetUserFriendlyNameForInstance();

                node.Name             = "Node " + body.Name;
                node.Position         = new Vector2I(-25, -7);
                node.ControlledObject = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(node, body);

            Component_MethodBodyEnd bodyEnd;

                var node = graph.CreateComponent <Component_FlowGraphNode>();

                bodyEnd      = node.CreateComponent <Component_MethodBodyEnd>();
                bodyEnd.Name = bodyEnd.BaseType.GetUserFriendlyNameForInstance();

                node.Name             = "Node " + bodyEnd.Name;
                node.Position         = new Vector2I(15, -7);
                node.ControlledObject = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(node, bodyEnd);

            Body            = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(this, body);
            body.Definition = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(body, this);
            body.BodyEnd    = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(body, bodyEnd);
            bodyEnd.Body    = ReferenceUtility.MakeThisReference(bodyEnd, body);

            //!!!!выделять, открывать созданные
コード例 #27
        public override void NewObjectSetDefaultConfiguration(bool createdFromNewObjectWindow = false)
            var emitter = CreateComponent <Component_ParticleEmitter>();

            emitter.Name            = "Emitter";
            emitter.Material        = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference(@"Base\Components\Particle system default.material");
            emitter.DispersionAngle = new Component_ParticleEmitter.SingleProperty(10);

            var shape = emitter.CreateComponent <Component_ParticleEmitterShape_Point>();

            shape.Name      = "Point Shape";
            shape.Transform = new Transform(Vector3.Zero, new Angles(0, 90, 0).ToQuaternion());

            var colorMultiplier = emitter.CreateComponent <Component_ParticleColorMultiplierByTime>();

            colorMultiplier.Name     = "Color Multiplier By Time";
            colorMultiplier.Channels = Component_ParticleColorMultiplierByTime.ChannelsEnum.Alpha;
            colorMultiplier.Type     = Component_ParticleColorMultiplierByTime.TypeEnum.Curve;
            colorMultiplier.Curve.Add(new CurvePoint(0, 0));
            colorMultiplier.Curve.Add(new CurvePoint(1, 1));
            colorMultiplier.Curve.Add(new CurvePoint(2, 1));
            colorMultiplier.Curve.Add(new CurvePoint(3, 0));
コード例 #28
        public static Component_TransformOffset Attach(Component_ObjectInSpace attachTo, Component_ObjectInSpace objectToAttach, DocumentInstance documentforUndoRedo = null, UndoMultiAction undoMultiAction = null)
            var objectToTransform = CalculateObjectToTransform(objectToAttach);

            if (objectToTransform != null)
                objectToAttach = objectToTransform;

            //create _TransformOffset
            Component_TransformOffset transformOffset;

                const string transformOffsetName = "Attach Transform Offset";

                transformOffset        = objectToAttach.CreateComponent <Component_TransformOffset>(enabled: false);
                transformOffset.Name   = transformOffsetName;
                transformOffset.Source = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference <Transform>(null, ReferenceUtility.CalculateThisReference(transformOffset, attachTo, "Transform"));

                    var f      = attachTo.Transform.Value;
                    var s      = objectToAttach.Transform.Value;
                    var offset = f.ToMatrix4().GetInverse() * s.ToMatrix4();
                    offset.Decompose(out Vector3 pos, out Quaternion rot, out Vector3 scl);

                    transformOffset.PositionOffset = pos;
                    transformOffset.RotationOffset = rot;
                    transformOffset.ScaleOffset    = scl;
                    //transformOffset.Matrix = offset;

                    //var offset = new Mat4( s.Rotation.ToMat3(), s.Position ) * new Mat4( f.Rotation.ToMat3(), f.Position ).GetInverse();
                    //var f = first.Transform.Value;
                    //var s = second.Transform.Value;
                    //var offset = new Mat4( s.Rotation.ToMat3(), s.Position ) * new Mat4( f.Rotation.ToMat3(), f.Position ).GetInverse();
                    ////var offset = second.Transform.Value.ToMat4() * first.Transform.Value.ToMat4().GetInverse();
                    //offset.Decompose( out Vec3 pos, out Quat rot, out Vec3 scl );

                    //transformOffset.PositionOffset = pos / f.Scale;// / s.Scale;
                    //transformOffset.RotationOffset = rot;

                    //transformOffset.ScaleOffset = s.Scale / f.Scale;
                    ////transformOffset.ScaleOffset = scl;
                catch { }

                transformOffset.Enabled = true;

                if (undoMultiAction != null)
                    undoMultiAction.AddAction(new UndoActionComponentCreateDelete(documentforUndoRedo, new Component[] { transformOffset }, true));

            //change Transform
                //undo action
                if (undoMultiAction != null)
                    var property = (Metadata.Property)objectToAttach.MetadataGetMemberBySignature("property:Transform");
                    var undoItem = new UndoActionPropertiesChange.Item(objectToAttach, property, objectToAttach.Transform, new object[0]);
                    undoMultiAction.AddAction(new UndoActionPropertiesChange(new UndoActionPropertiesChange.Item[] { undoItem }));

                //configure reference
                objectToAttach.Transform = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference <Transform>(null, ReferenceUtility.CalculateThisReference(objectToAttach, transformOffset, "Result"));

コード例 #29
        public override void RenderNodeReferences(Component_FlowGraph_DocumentWindow window, Component_FlowGraphNode node,
                                                  Dictionary <Component, List <Component_FlowGraphNode> > objectToNodes,
                                                  Dictionary <Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.Item, EditorRenderSelectionState> referenceSelectionStates,
                                                  out Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.Item outMouseOverReference)
            outMouseOverReference = null;

            var representation = node.GetRepresentation();
            var renderer       = window.ViewportControl.Viewport.CanvasRenderer;

            for (int nItem = 0; nItem < representation.Items.Count; nItem++)
                var item = representation.Items[nItem];

                //references from input
                if (item.Input != null)
                    var itemProperty = item as Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.ItemProperty;
                    if (itemProperty != null && ReferenceUtility.IsReferenceType(itemProperty.Property.Type.GetNetType()) &&
                        Component obj = itemProperty.Owner.Owner.ControlledObject;
                        if (obj != null)
                            var        v          = itemProperty.Property.GetValue(obj, null);
                            IReference iReference = v as IReference;
                            if (iReference != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(iReference.GetByReference))
                                iReference.GetMember(obj, out object destObject, out Metadata.Member destMember);
                                var destProperty = destMember as Metadata.Property;
                                if (destProperty != null)
                                    //reference to property

                                    //!!!!только компоненты? статичные свойства тоже нельзя?
                                    var destComponent = destObject as Component;
                                    if (destComponent != null && objectToNodes.TryGetValue(destComponent, out List <Component_FlowGraphNode> destNodes))
                                        foreach (var destNode in destNodes)
                                            var destRep = destNode.GetRepresentation();
                                            Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.ItemProperty destSocket;
                                            if (destRep.ItemByProperty.TryGetValue(destProperty, out destSocket))
                                                if (destSocket.Output != null)
                                                    var from = GetSocketPositionInUnits(item, true);
                                                    var to   = GetSocketPositionInUnits(destSocket, false);

                                                    if (!referenceSelectionStates.TryGetValue(item, out EditorRenderSelectionState state))
                                                        state = EditorRenderSelectionState.None;

                                                    ColorValue color;
                                                    if (state != EditorRenderSelectionState.None)
                                                        color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState(state);
                                                        color = new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                                                    //ColorValue color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState( state );

                                                    window.GetFlowGraphStyle().RenderReference(window, from, true, to, color, out bool mouseOver);

                                                    if (mouseOver && outMouseOverReference == null)
                                                        outMouseOverReference = item;
                                    //reference to Component

                                    var unrefValue    = ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(iReference.GetValue(obj));
                                    var destComponent = unrefValue as Component;
                                    if (destComponent != null && objectToNodes.TryGetValue(destComponent, out List <Component_FlowGraphNode> destNodes))
                                        foreach (var destNode in destNodes)
                                            var destRep    = destNode.GetRepresentation();
                                            var destSocket = destRep.ItemObject;
                                            if (destSocket != null)
                                                var from = GetSocketPositionInUnits(item, true);
                                                var to   = GetSocketPositionInUnits(destSocket, false);

                                                if (!referenceSelectionStates.TryGetValue(item, out EditorRenderSelectionState state))
                                                    state = EditorRenderSelectionState.None;

                                                ColorValue color;
                                                if (state != EditorRenderSelectionState.None)
                                                    color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState(state);
                                                    color = new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5);
                                                //ColorValue color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState( state );

                                                window.GetFlowGraphStyle().RenderReference(window, from, true, to, color, out bool mouseOver);

                                                if (mouseOver && outMouseOverReference == null)
                                                    outMouseOverReference = item;

                                    //!!!!invalid reference

                //references from output (FlowInput)
                if (item.Output != null)
                    var itemProperty = item as Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.ItemProperty;
                    if (itemProperty != null && ReferenceUtility.IsReferenceType(itemProperty.Property.Type.GetNetType()) &&
                        Component obj = itemProperty.Owner.Owner.ControlledObject;
                        if (obj != null)
                            var        v          = itemProperty.Property.GetValue(obj, null);
                            IReference iReference = v as IReference;
                            if (iReference != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(iReference.GetByReference))
                                iReference.GetMember(obj, out object destObject, out Metadata.Member destMember);

                                var destProperty = destMember as Metadata.Property;
                                if (destProperty != null)
                                    //!!!!только компоненты? статичные свойства тоже нельзя?
                                    var destComponent = destObject as Component;
                                    if (destComponent != null && objectToNodes.TryGetValue(destComponent, out List <Component_FlowGraphNode> destNodes))
                                        foreach (var destNode in destNodes)
                                            var destRep = destNode.GetRepresentation();
                                            Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.ItemProperty destSocket;
                                            if (destRep.ItemByProperty.TryGetValue(destProperty, out destSocket))
                                                if (destSocket.Input != null)
                                                    var from = GetSocketPositionInUnits(item, false);
                                                    var to   = GetSocketPositionInUnits(destSocket, true);

                                                    if (!referenceSelectionStates.TryGetValue(item, out EditorRenderSelectionState state))
                                                        state = EditorRenderSelectionState.None;

                                                    ColorValue color;
                                                    if (state != EditorRenderSelectionState.None)
                                                        color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState(state);
                                                        color = new ColorValue(0.3, 0.3, 1);
                                                    //ColorValue color = GetColorMultiplierSelectionState( state );

                                                    window.GetFlowGraphStyle().RenderReference(window, from, false, to, color, out bool mouseOver);

                                                    if (mouseOver && outMouseOverReference == null)
                                                        outMouseOverReference = item;
                                    //!!!!invalid reference
コード例 #30
        public override void RenderNode(Component_FlowGraph_DocumentWindow window, Component_FlowGraphNode node,
                                        EditorRenderSelectionState selectionStateNode, EditorRenderSelectionState selectionStateControlledObject, object mouseOverObject,
                                        Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.Connector referenceCreationSocketFrom, DragDropSetReferenceData dragDropSetReferenceData)
            var representation = node.GetRepresentation();
            var viewport       = window.ViewportControl.Viewport;
            var mouse          = viewport.MousePosition;
            var renderer       = viewport.CanvasRenderer;

            FlowGraphRepresentationData representationData = new FlowGraphRepresentationData();
                var iRepresentationData = node.ControlledObject.Value as IFlowGraphRepresentationData;
                if (iRepresentationData != null)

            Vector2I   nodeSize = representation.Size;
            RectangleI nodeRectWithOneBorder = new RectangleI(node.Position - new Vector2I(1, 1), node.Position + nodeSize + new Vector2I(1, 1));

            var visibleCells = window.GetVisibleCells();

            if (!visibleCells.Intersects(nodeRectWithOneBorder))

            window.GetFontSizes(renderer, out var nodeFontSize, out var nodeFontSizeComment);

            Rectangle nodeRectInUnits = new RectangleI(node.Position, node.Position + nodeSize).ToRectangle();
            Rectangle nodeRect        = window.ConvertUnitToScreen(nodeRectInUnits);
            double    cellHeight      = window.ConvertUnitToScreenY(node.Position.Y + 1) - window.ConvertUnitToScreenY(node.Position.Y);

            //ColorValue totalNodeColorMultiplier = new ColorValue( 1, 1, 1 );
            //	//if( settings.Error != null )
            //	//	nodeColorMultiplier *= new ColorValue( 1, 0, 0 );

            //	//BlueprintGraphNodeObjectsEvent event_ = node as BlueprintGraphNodeObjectsEvent;
            //	//if( event_ != null && !event_.Enabled )
            //	//	nodeColorMultiplier = new ColorValue( .5f, .5f, .5f );

            ColorValue nodeColorMultiplierWithSelection = /*totalNodeColorMultiplier*/ GetColorMultiplierSelectionState(selectionStateNode);
            ColorValue objColorMultiplierWithSelection  = /*totalNodeColorMultiplier*/ GetColorMultiplierSelectionState(selectionStateControlledObject);

            //node selection
            if (selectionStateNode != EditorRenderSelectionState.None)
                //node selection rectangle
                Rectangle nodeSelectionRectInUnits = nodeRectInUnits;
                Rectangle nodeSelectionRect = window.ConvertUnitToScreen(nodeSelectionRectInUnits);

                renderer.AddQuad(nodeSelectionRect, new ColorValue(.3, .3, .3) * nodeColorMultiplierWithSelection);
                renderer.AddRectangle(nodeSelectionRect, new ColorValue(.6, .6, .6) * nodeColorMultiplierWithSelection);

                double titleHeight = cellHeight;
                //float titleHeight = ConvertUnitToScreenY( node.NodePosition.Y + 1 ) - ConvertUnitToScreenY( node.NodePosition.Y );
                Rectangle titleRect = new Rectangle(nodeRect.Left, nodeRect.Top, nodeRect.Right, nodeRect.Top + titleHeight);
                Rectangle bodyRect  = new Rectangle(nodeRect.Left, nodeRect.Top + titleHeight, nodeRect.Right, nodeRect.Bottom);

                ColorValue contentTypeColor;
                ColorValue?titleColor = null;
                switch (representationData.NodeContentType)
                case FlowGraphNodeContentType.Flow: contentTypeColor = new ColorValue(0.16 / 1.2, 0.34 / 1.2, 0.6 / 1.2); break;

                case FlowGraphNodeContentType.MethodBody: contentTypeColor = new ColorValue(0.45, 0.1, 0.1); break;

                case FlowGraphNodeContentType.FlowStart: contentTypeColor = new ColorValue(0.45, 0.1, 0.1); break;
                //case FlowchartNodeContentType.Flow: contentTypeColor = new ColorValue( 0.15, 0.15, 0.4 ); break;
                //case FlowchartNodeContentType.MethodBody: contentTypeColor = new ColorValue( 0.4, 0.1, 0.1 ); break;

                    //contentTypeColor = new ColorValue( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 );
                    //titleColor = new ColorValue( 0.36, 0.36, 0.36 );
                    contentTypeColor = new ColorValue(0.26, 0.26, 0.26);
                    //contentTypeColor = new ColorValue( 0.24, 0.24, 0.24 );
                    titleColor = new ColorValue(0.3, 0.3, 0.3);
                    //default: contentTypeColor = new ColorValue( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 ); break;

                if (titleColor == null)
                    titleColor = contentTypeColor;

                //object is disabled
                    var c = node.ControlledObject.Value;
                    if (c != null && !c.EnabledInHierarchy)
                        contentTypeColor *= new ColorValue(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1);

                if (selectionStateControlledObject != EditorRenderSelectionState.None)
                    titleColor = new ColorValue(0.3, 0.3, 0.3) * objColorMultiplierWithSelection;

                //ColorValue titleColor;
                //if( selectionStateControlledObject == EditorRenderSelectionState.None )
                //	titleColor = contentTypeColor;
                //	titleColor = new ColorValue( 0.3, 0.3, 0.3 ) * objColorMultiplierWithSelection;

                renderer.AddQuad(titleRect, titleColor.Value);
                //renderer.AddQuad( titleRect, new ColorValue( .3, .3, .3 ) * objColorMultiplierWithSelection );

                renderer.AddQuad(bodyRect, contentTypeColor /* totalNodeColorMultiplier*/);
                //renderer.AddQuad( bodyRect, new ColorValue( .3, .3, .3 ) * totalNodeColorMultiplier );

                //renderer.AddQuad( bodyRect, new ColorValue( 1, 1, 1 ) /*new ColorValue( .3, .3, .3 )*/ * nodeColorMultiplier );
                //renderer.AddQuad( bodyRect, settings.BodyColor /*new ColorValue( .3, .3, .3 )*/ * nodeColorMultiplier );

                //renderer.AddQuad( rect, new ColorValue( .3, .3, .3 ) * nodeColorMultiplierWithSelection );
                renderer.AddRectangle(nodeRect, new ColorValue(.6, .6, .6) * objColorMultiplierWithSelection);
                    window.ConvertUnitToScreen(node.Position.ToVector2() + new Vector2(0, 1)),
                    window.ConvertUnitToScreen(node.Position.ToVector2() + new Vector2(nodeSize.X, 1)),
                    new ColorValue(.6, .6, .6) * objColorMultiplierWithSelection);

                //if( titleRect.IsContainsPoint( mouse ) )
                //	mouseOverObjects.AddWithCheckAlreadyContained( node );

            ////BlueprintGraphNodeComment: draw comment
            //if( node is BlueprintGraphNodeComment && !string.IsNullOrEmpty( node.NodeComment ) )
            //	renderer.AddText( fontComment, node.NodeComment, rectNode.LeftTop, HorizontalAlign.Left, VerticalAlign.Bottom,
            //		settings.CommentColor );

            if (window.GetZoom() > .25f)
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(node.Comment))                   //!!!!было && !( node is BlueprintGraphNodeComment ) )
                    var color = new ColorValue(1, 1, 1);                      //settings.CommentColor
                    renderer.AddText(window.NodeFontComment, nodeFontSizeComment, node.Comment, nodeRect.LeftTop, EHorizontalAlignment.Left, EVerticalAlignment.Bottom,

                //title, texts

                        ColorValue titleColorMultiplier = new ColorValue(1, 1, 1);

                        //if( node.IsFlowEntry() && !IsObjectSelected( node ) )
                        //	titleColorMultiplier = new ColorValue( 1, 0, 0 );

                        Vector2 pos = window.ConvertUnitToScreen(node.Position.ToVector2() + new Vector2(.1f, 0));

                        renderer.AddText(window.NodeFont, nodeFontSize, representation.Title, pos, EHorizontalAlignment.Left, EVerticalAlignment.Top,
                                         titleColorMultiplier * objColorMultiplierWithSelection);

                    //if( settings.Texts != null )
                    //	for( int n = 0; n < settings.Texts.Length; n++ )
                    //	{
                    //		string text = settings.Texts[ n ];
                    //		Vec2 pos2 = ConvertUnitToScreen( node.NodePosition.ToVec2() + new Vec2( .3, (float)n + 1 ) );
                    //		renderer.AddText( fontValue, text, pos2 + new Vec2( 0, cellHeight * .05f ), EHorizontalAlign.Left,
                    //			EVerticalAlign.Top, new ColorValue( .7f, .7f, .7f ) * nodeColorMultiplierWithSelection );
                    //	}


                //client area

                    var texture = representationData.NodeImage;
                    if (texture != null)
                        Rectangle rect;
                        if (representationData.NodeImageView == FlowGraphRepresentationData.NodeImageViewEnum.WideScaled)
                            double size = 6;
                            rect = new Rectangle(
                                node.Position.ToVector2() + new Vector2(0, representation.Size.Y - size),
                                node.Position.ToVector2() + new Vector2(representation.Size.X, representation.Size.Y));

                            double border = 0.2;

                            Rectangle rectInScreen = window.ConvertUnitToScreen(rect);
                            var       texCoords    = new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1);

                            var textureSize = texture.Result.ResultSize;
                            var s           = textureSize.ToVector2() / viewport.SizeInPixels.ToVector2();
                            var rect2       = new Rectangle(rectInScreen.Left, rectInScreen.Top, rectInScreen.Left + s.X, rectInScreen.Top + s.Y);

                            renderer.AddQuad(rect2, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), texture);
                            double size = 5;
                            rect = new Rectangle(
                                node.Position.ToVector2() + new Vector2(0, representation.Size.Y - size),
                                node.Position.ToVector2() + new Vector2(size, representation.Size.Y));

                            double border = 0.2;

                            Rectangle rectInScreen = window.ConvertUnitToScreen(rect);
                            renderer.AddQuad(rectInScreen, new Rectangle(0, 0, 1, 1), texture);

                        //double size = 5;
                        //double border = 0.2;
                        //Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(
                        //	node.Position.ToVector2() + new Vector2( 0, representation.Size.Y - size ),
                        //	node.Position.ToVector2() + new Vector2( size, representation.Size.Y ) );
                        //rect.Expand( -border );
                        //Rectangle rectInScreen = window.ConvertUnitToScreen( rect );

                        //renderer.AddQuad( rectInScreen, new Rectangle( 0, 0, 1, 1 ), texture );

                var mouseOverSocket = mouseOverObject as Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.Connector;

                for (int nItem = 0; nItem < representation.Items.Count; nItem++)
                    var item = representation.Items[nItem];

                    ColorValue circleColorNotSpecified = new ColorValue(0.6, 0.6, 0.6);
                    ColorValue circleColorSpecified    = new ColorValue(1, 1, 1);
                    ColorValue circleColorMouseOver    = new ColorValue(1, 1, 0);
                    ColorValue circleColorCanConnect   = new ColorValue(1, 1, 0);

                    bool isFlow = false;
                        var item2 = item as Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.ItemProperty;
                        //!!!!может кешировать, часто бывает
                        if (item2 != null && MetadataManager.GetTypeOfNetType(typeof(FlowInput)).IsAssignableFrom(item2.Property.TypeUnreferenced))
                            isFlow = true;

                    //draw input circle
                    if (item.Input != null)
                        Vector2   center = GetSocketPositionInUnits(item, true);
                        Rectangle rect   = window.ConvertUnitToScreen(new Rectangle(center - new Vector2(.25, .25), center + new Vector2(.25, .25)));

                        ColorValue circleColor = circleColorNotSpecified;

                        //check reference specified
                        var itemProperty = item as Component_FlowGraphNode.Representation.ItemProperty;
                        if (itemProperty != null && ReferenceUtility.IsReferenceType(itemProperty.Property.Type.GetNetType()))
                            Component obj = itemProperty.Owner.Owner.ControlledObject;
                            if (obj != null)
                                var v          = itemProperty.Property.GetValue(obj, null);
                                var iReference = v as IReference;
                                if (iReference != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(iReference.GetByReference))
                                    //!!!!инвалидная может быть

                                    circleColor = circleColorSpecified;

                        if (mouseOverSocket != null && mouseOverSocket.item == item && mouseOverSocket.input && referenceCreationSocketFrom == null &&
                            dragDropSetReferenceData == null)
                            circleColor = circleColorMouseOver;
                        if (referenceCreationSocketFrom != null && window.CanCreateReference(item.Input, referenceCreationSocketFrom))
                            circleColor = circleColorCanConnect;
                        if (isFlow && dragDropSetReferenceData != null && window.CanCreateReferenceDragDropSetReference(dragDropSetReferenceData, item.Input, out string[] dummy))