コード例 #1

        /// <summary>
        /// Loads an image file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="virtualFileName">The virtual file name.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The image data.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The image size.</param>
        /// <param name="depth">The image depth (in 3d images, numbers of layers, otherwhise 1).</param>
        /// <param name="format">Pixel format.</param>
        /// <param name="numFaces">The number of faces the image data has inside (6 for cubemaps, 1 otherwise).</param>
        /// <param name="numMipmaps">The number of mipmaps the image data has inside.</param>
        /// <param name="error">Output error string.</param>
        /// <returns><b>true</b> if image is loaded; otherwise, <b>false</b>.</returns>
        public static bool LoadFromVirtualFile(string virtualFileName, out byte[] data, out Vector2I size, out int depth,
                                               out PixelFormat format, out int numFaces, out int numMipmaps, out string error)
                IntPtr pData;
                int    dataSize;
                int    width;
                int    height;
                IntPtr errPointer;

                bool result = OgreImageManager.loadFromFile(RenderingSystem.realRoot, virtualFileName, out pData,
                                                            out dataSize, out width, out height, out depth, out format, out numFaces,
                                                            out numMipmaps, out errPointer);
                string err = OgreNativeWrapper.GetOutString(errPointer);

                error = null;
                data  = null;
                size  = new Vector2I(width, height);

                if (err != null)
                    error = string.Format("Loading file failed \"{0}\" ({1}).", virtualFileName, err);

                if (pData != IntPtr.Zero)
                    data = new byte[dataSize];
                    Marshal.Copy(pData, data, 0, data.Length);
                    OgreImageManager.freeData(RenderingSystem.realRoot, pData);

コード例 #2
        public static bool GetImageFlags(string realFileName, out ImageFlags flags, out string error)
            error = null;

                bool   result = OgreImageManager.getImageFlags(RenderingSystem.realRoot, realFileName, out uint uflags, out IntPtr errPointer);
                string err    = OgreNativeWrapper.GetOutString(errPointer);
                if (err != null)
                    error = string.Format("Error in file \"{0}\" ({1}).", realFileName, err); }

                flags = (ImageFlags)uflags;

コード例 #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Save the image as a file.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="realFileName">The real file name.</param>
        /// <param name="data">The image data.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The image size.</param>
        /// <param name="depth">The image depth (in 3d images, numbers of layers, otherwhise 1).</param>
        /// <param name="format">Pixel format.</param>
        /// <param name="numFaces">The number of faces the image data has inside (6 for cubemaps, 1 otherwise).</param>
        /// <param name="numMipmaps">The number of mipmaps the image data has inside.</param>
        /// <param name="error">Output error string.</param>
        /// <returns><b>true</b> if image is currently serialized; otherwise, <b>false</b>.</returns>
        public static bool Save(string realFileName, IntPtr data, Vector2I size, int depth, PixelFormat format,
                                int numFaces, int numMipmaps, out string error)
            error = null;

                IntPtr errPointer;
                bool   result = OgreImageManager.save(RenderingSystem.realRoot, realFileName, data,
                                                      size.X, size.Y, depth, format, numFaces, numMipmaps, out errPointer);
                string err = OgreNativeWrapper.GetOutString(errPointer);
                if (err != null)
                    error = string.Format("Saving file failed \"{0}\" ({1}).", realFileName, err);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Loads an image from buffer.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sourceBuffer">The source buffer.</param>
        /// <param name="fileType">The file type (file extension).</param>
        /// <param name="data">The image data.</param>
        /// <param name="size">The image size.</param>
        /// <param name="depth">The image depth (in 3d images, numbers of layers, otherwhise 1).</param>
        /// <param name="format">Pixel format.</param>
        /// <param name="numFaces">The number of faces the image data has inside (6 for cubemaps, 1 otherwise).</param>
        /// <param name="numMipmaps">The number of mipmaps the image data has inside.</param>
        /// <param name="error">Output error string.</param>
        /// <returns><b>true</b> if image is loaded; otherwise, <b>false</b>.</returns>
        public static bool LoadFromBuffer(byte[] sourceBuffer, string fileType, out byte[] data,
                                          out Vector2I size, out int depth, out PixelFormat format, out int numFaces,
                                          out int numMipmaps, out string error)
                IntPtr pData;
                int    dataSize;
                int    width;
                int    height;
                IntPtr errPointer;

                bool result;
                fixed(byte *pSourceBuffer = sourceBuffer)
                    result = OgreImageManager.loadFromBuffer(RenderingSystem.realRoot,
                                                             (IntPtr)pSourceBuffer, sourceBuffer.Length, fileType, out pData, out dataSize,
                                                             out width, out height, out depth, out format, out numFaces, out numMipmaps,
                                                             out errPointer);

                string err = OgreNativeWrapper.GetOutString(errPointer);

                error = null;
                data  = null;
                size  = new Vector2I(width, height);

                if (err != null)
                    error = string.Format("Loading file from buffer failed ({0}).", err);

                if (pData != IntPtr.Zero)
                    data = new byte[dataSize];
                    Marshal.Copy(pData, data, 0, data.Length);
                    OgreImageManager.freeData(RenderingSystem.realRoot, pData);

コード例 #5
        unsafe static bool InitInternal(bool startedAtFullScreen, bool multiMonitorMode, string fontManagerDefaultLanguage) //, bool isEditor )//, Vec2I mainRenderTargetSize )
            OgreNativeWrapper.CheckNativeBridge((int)ParameterType.TextureCube);                                            // GpuProgramParameters.GetAutoConstantTypeCount() );

            //!!!!new UWP
            var path = VirtualFileSystem.Directories.PlatformSpecific;

            if (SystemSettings.CurrentPlatform == SystemSettings.Platform.UWP)
                path = VirtualFileSystem.MakePathRelative(path);

            Vector2I initialWindowSize = new Vector2I(10, 10);

            if (SystemSettings.CurrentPlatform == SystemSettings.Platform.UWP)
                initialWindowSize = EngineApp.platform.CreatedWindow_GetClientRectangle().Size;

            //set backend for Android
            if (SystemSettings.CurrentPlatform == SystemSettings.Platform.Android)
                EngineSettings.Init.RendererBackend = RendererBackend.OpenGLES;
                //EngineSettings.Init.RendererBackend = RendererBackend.Vulkan;
                //EngineSettings.Init.RendererBackend = RendererBackend.Noop;

            //set platform data
            if (SystemSettings.CurrentPlatform == SystemSettings.Platform.Android && EngineSettings.Init.RendererBackend == RendererBackend.OpenGLES)
                //Android, OpenGLES
                Bgfx.SetPlatformData(new PlatformData {
                    Context = (IntPtr)1
                Bgfx.SetPlatformData(new PlatformData {
                    WindowHandle = EngineApp.ApplicationWindowHandle

            if (EngineApp.ApplicationType == EngineApp.ApplicationTypeEnum.Simulation && EngineSettings.Init.SimulationTripleBuffering)

            //Log.InvisibleInfo( "Renderer backend: " + EngineSettings.Init.RendererBackend.ToString() );

            var initSettings = new InitSettings
                Backend         = EngineSettings.Init.RendererBackend,
                CallbackHandler = new CallbackHandler(),

                ////!!!!в релизе можно включить. в NeoAxis.DefaultSettings.config
                //Debug = true
                //ResetFlags = ResetFlags.MSAA8x,


            Bgfx.Reset(initialWindowSize.X, initialWindowSize.Y, GetApplicationWindowResetFlags());

            realRoot = (OgreRoot *)OgreRoot.New(path);

            //profilingToolBeginOperationDelegate = profilingToolBeginOperation;
            //profilingToolEndOperationDelegate = profilingToolEndOperation;
            //OgreRoot.setCallbackDelegates( realRoot,
            //   profilingToolBeginOperationDelegate,
            //   profilingToolEndOperationDelegate );

            logListener_messageLoggedDelegate = logListener_messageLogged;
            logListener = (MyOgreLogListener *)MyOgreLogListener.New(
            OgreLogManager.getDefaultLog_addListener(realRoot, logListener);


            //TextBlock configBlock = null;
            //if( VirtualFile.Exists( "Base/Constants/RenderingSystem.config" ) )
            //	configBlock = TextBlockUtility.LoadFromVirtualFile( "Base/Constants/RenderingSystem.config" );

            //   irradianceVolumeLightPowerSpeed = 1;

            //   if( configBlock != null )
            //   {
            //      TextBlock staticLightingBlock = configBlock.FindChild( "staticLighting" );
            //      if( staticLightingBlock != null )
            //      {
            //         if( staticLightingBlock.IsAttributeExist( "irradianceVolumeLightPowerSpeed" ) )
            //         {
            //            irradianceVolumeLightPowerSpeed = float.Parse(
            //               staticLightingBlock.GetAttribute( "irradianceVolumeLightPowerSpeed" ) );
            //         }
            //      }
            //   }

            //if( !string.IsNullOrEmpty( EngineApp.InitSettings.RenderingDeviceName ) )
            //	OgreRoot.setRenderingDevice( realRoot, EngineApp.InitSettings.RenderingDeviceName,
            //		EngineApp.InitSettings.RenderingDeviceIndex );

            ////!!!!!!всё таки выключать можно для NULL рендеринга?
            ////renderSystem.MaxPixelShadersVersion = MaxPixelShadersVersions.PS30;
            ////renderSystem.MaxVertexShadersVersion = MaxVertexShadersVersions.VS30;
            //RenderingSystem.Direct3DFPUPreserve = EngineApp.InitSettings.RenderingDirect3DFPUPreserve;




            applicationRenderWindow = new RenderWindow(FrameBuffer.Invalid, initialWindowSize, EngineApp.ApplicationWindowHandle, true);
            //applicationRenderWindow.WindowMovedOrResized( xxx );
            //!!!!!?, mainRenderTargetSize );

            //Scene manager
            MyOgreSceneManager *realSceneManager = (MyOgreSceneManager *)OgreRoot.createSceneManager(realRoot, "NeoAxisSceneManager");

            sceneManager = new OgreSceneManager(realSceneManager);


            //Create viewport
            Viewport viewport = applicationRenderWindow.AddViewport(true, true);

            // RenderCamera.Purposes.UsualScene );// mainRenderTargetCamera );
            //viewport.Camera.AllowFrustumCullingTestMode = true;
            //mainRenderTargetViewport = mainRenderTarget.AddViewport( RenderCamera.Purposes.UsualScene );// mainRenderTargetCamera );
            //mainRenderTargetCamera = mainRenderTargetViewport.ViewportCamera;
            //mainRenderTargetCamera.AllowFrustumCullingTestMode = true;

                IntPtr errorPointer;
                OgreResourceGroupManager.initialiseAllResourceGroups(realRoot, out errorPointer);
                string error = OgreNativeWrapper.GetOutString(errorPointer);
                if (error != null)
                    Log.Error(string.Format("Renderer: {0}", error));

            //Ogre initialization errors
            if (resourceInitializationErrors.Count != 0)
                string text = "Renderer initialization errors:\n\n";
                foreach (string message in resourceInitializationErrors)
                    text += message + "\n";
            resourcesInitialized = true;


