static DocumentWindow CreateWindowImpl(DocumentInstance document, object obj, bool openAsSettings) { Type type; if (openAsSettings) { type = typeof(ObjectSettingsWindow); } else if (document.SpecialMode == "TextEditor") { type = EditorAssemblyInterface.Instance.GetTypeByName("NeoAxis.Editor.TextEditorDocumentWindow"); // typeof( TextEditorDocumentWindow ); } else { type = GetDocumentWindowClass(obj) ?? GetWindowClassFromFileName(document.RealFileName) ?? typeof(DocumentWindow); } DocumentWindow window; if (typeof(CanvasBasedEditor).IsAssignableFrom(type)) { var editor = (CanvasBasedEditor)Activator.CreateInstance(type); var window2 = new DocumentWindowWithViewport_CanvasBasedEditor(editor); editor.owner = window2; window = window2; } else { window = (DocumentWindow)Activator.CreateInstance(type); } window.InitDocumentWindow(document, obj, openAsSettings, null); return(window); }
// window config support. internal static DockWindow CreateWindow(DocumentInstance document) { DockWindow window = null; if (document.IsEditorDocumentConfigurationExist) { try { window = new WorkspaceWindow(EditorForm.Instance); ((WorkspaceWindow)window).InitFromConfig(document); //Log.Info( $"Layout for '{document.Name}' restored from config!" ); } catch (Exception exc) //TODO: use more specific exc type. { //!!!! Log.Info($"Warning: Layout for '{document.Name}' doesnt restored."); Log.Info(exc.Message); if (window != null) { window.Dispose(); } // just create window without workspace. window = CreateWindowImpl(document, document.ResultObject, false); } } else { //create document window window = CreateWindowImpl(document, document.ResultObject, false); } return(window); }
public static DocumentInstance OpenStore(bool openBasicContent = false) { //select already opened var w = FindWindow <StoreDocumentWindow>(); if (w != null) { SelectDockWindow(w); if (openBasicContent) { w.LoadURL(StoreDocumentWindow.homeURLBasicContent); } return(w.Document); } var document = new DocumentInstance("", null, ""); Documents.Add(document); var window = new StoreDocumentWindow(); window.InitDocumentWindow(document, null, false, null); if (openBasicContent) { window.StartURL = StoreDocumentWindow.homeURLBasicContent; } EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.AddDockWindow(window, false, true); return(document); }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="text"></param> /// <param name="title"></param> /// <param name="select"></param> /// <param name="readOnly"></param> /// <param name="highlightingScheme">This is the prefix for file path. Specify \'CSharp\'. 'Base\Tools\Highlighting\{CSharp}Dark.xshd'</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DocumentInstance OpenTextAsDocument(string text, string title, bool select, bool readOnly = false, string highlightingScheme = "", int selectLine = 0) //RangeFrom = 0, int selectRangeTo = 0 ) { //!!!!TODO: check for already opened var document = new DocumentInstance("", null, ""); Documents.Add(document); var type = EditorAssemblyInterface.Instance.GetTypeByName("NeoAxis.Editor.TextEditorDocumentWindow"); var window = (DocumentWindow)Activator.CreateInstance(type); //TextEditorDocumentWindow window = new TextEditorDocumentWindow(); var windowTypeSpecificOptions = new Dictionary <string, object>(); windowTypeSpecificOptions["ReadOnly"] = readOnly; windowTypeSpecificOptions["HighlightingScheme"] = highlightingScheme; windowTypeSpecificOptions["SelectLine"] = selectLine; //windowTypeSpecificOptions[ "SelectRange" ] = new RangeI( selectRangeFrom, selectRangeTo ); window.InitDocumentWindow(document, null, false, windowTypeSpecificOptions); window.PropertySet("Data", text); //window.Data = text; window.WindowTitle = title; EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.AddDockWindow(window, false, select); return(document); }
bool ContainsNotFloatingWindows(DocumentInstance document) { foreach (var documentWindow in EditorAPI.GetAllDocumentWindowsOfDocument(document)) { bool foundFloating = false; Control c = documentWindow; while (c != null) { if (c is KryptonFloatingWindow) { foundFloating = true; break; } c = c.Parent; } if (!foundFloating) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public static DocumentInstance OpenPackages(string selectPackage) { //select already opened var w = FindWindow <PackagesWindow>(); if (w != null) { SelectDockWindow(w); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectPackage)) { w.NeedSelectPackage(selectPackage); } return(w.Document); } var document = new DocumentInstance("", null, ""); Documents.Add(document); var window = new PackagesWindow(); window.InitDocumentWindow(document, null, false, null); EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.AddDockWindow(window, false, true); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(selectPackage)) { window.NeedSelectPackage(selectPackage); } return(document); }
////!!!! rename: OpenSetResourceWindow //public void ShowSetResourceWindow( DocumentWindow documentWindow, object[] selectedObjects, Metadata.Property property, object[] propertyIndexes, bool readOnly ) ////, Metadata.TypeInfo demandedType, bool allowNull ) //{ // var window = new SetResourceWindow(); // window.documentWindow = documentWindow; // window.initData = new SetResourceWindow.InitDataClass(); // window.initData.selectedObjects = selectedObjects; // = property; // window.initData.propertyIndexes = propertyIndexes; // window.initData.readOnly = readOnly; // //!!!!начальное положение, настройки. везде так // workspaceController.AddDockWindow( window, true, true ); //} //!!!!надо закрывать все окна, когда документ закрывается. или как-то так //!!!! rename: OpenObjectSettingsWindow public static DocumentWindow ShowObjectSettingsWindow(DocumentInstance document, object obj, bool canUseAlreadyOpened) { //!!!!если ссылка настроена, то нельзя редактировать //check already opened if (canUseAlreadyOpened) { var openedWindow = EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.FindWindowRecursive(document, obj, typeof(ObjectSettingsWindow)); if (openedWindow != null) { EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.SelectDockWindow(openedWindow); return(openedWindow); } } //!!!!указывать OK, Cancel или просто Close var window = new ObjectSettingsWindow(); window.InitDocumentWindow(document, obj, true, null); //!!!! EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.AddDockWindow(window, true, true); return(window); }
//!!!!если надо, то как EditorAction //public static void ShowObjectDetailsAsDocument( object obj ) //{ // List<string> lines = new List<string>( 256 ); // lines.Add( obj.ToString() ); // lines.Add( "" ); // lines.Add( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); // lines.Add( "Inheritance Hierarchy" ); // lines.Add( "" ); // var type = MetadataManager.MetadataGetType( obj ); // int step = 0; // do // { // lines.Add( new string( ' ', step * 3 ) + type.ToString() ); // step++; // type = type.BaseType; // } while( type != null ); // //lines.Add( "Type \'" + MetadataManager.MetadataGetType( obj ).ToString() + "\'" ); // //lines.Add( ".NET type \'" + obj.GetType().ToString() + "\'" ); // lines.Add( "" ); // lines.Add( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); // lines.Add( "" ); // foreach( var member in MetadataManager.MetadataGetMembers( obj ) ) // { // Metadata.Method method = member as Metadata.Method; // if( method != null ) // { // lines.Add( method.Signature ); // lines.Add( " " + method.ToString() ); // lines.Add( "" ); // } // } // lines.Add( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); // lines.Add( "" ); // foreach( var member in MetadataManager.MetadataGetMembers( obj ) ) // { // Metadata.Event evt = member as Metadata.Event; // if( evt != null ) // { // lines.Add( evt.Signature ); // lines.Add( " " + evt.ToString() ); // lines.Add( "" ); // } // } // lines.Add( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); // lines.Add( "" ); // foreach( var member in MetadataManager.MetadataGetMembers( obj ) ) // { // Metadata.Property prop = member as Metadata.Property; // if( prop != null ) // { // lines.Add( prop.Signature ); // lines.Add( " " + prop.ToString() ); // lines.Add( "" ); // } // } // //lines.Add( "Type: " + MetadataManager.MetadataGetType( obj ).ToString() ); // //lines.Add( "Net type: " + obj.GetType().ToString() ); // //lines.Add( "" ); // //lines.Add( "ToString(): " + obj.ToString() ); // //lines.Add( "" ); // //lines.Add( "----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------" ); // //lines.Add( "Metadata:" ); // //!!!!!! // //if( component != null ) // //{ // // List<string> list = new List<string>(); // // var members = component.MetadataGetMembers( true ); // // list.Add( component.ToString() ); // // list.Add( "" ); // // list.Add( "Events:" ); // // foreach( var m in members ) // // { // // var evn = m as Metadata.Event; // // if( evn != null ) // // list.Add( evn.ToString() + " - " + evn.Signature ); // // } // // list.Add( "" ); // // list.Add( "Properties:" ); // // foreach( var m in members ) // // { // // var p = m as Metadata.Property; // // if( p != null ) // // list.Add( p.ToString() + " - " + p.Signature ); // // } // // list.Add( "" ); // // list.Add( "Methods:" ); // // foreach( var m in members ) // // { // // var method = m as Metadata.Method; // // if( method != null ) // // list.Add( method.ToString() + " - " + method.Signature ); // // } // // //!!!!!!log out // // { // // Log.Info( "" ); // // Log.Info( "" ); // // Log.Info( "---------------------------------- START -------------------------------------" ); // // foreach( var t in list ) // // Log.Info( t ); // // Log.Info( "----------------------------------- END --------------------------------------" ); // // } // // viewport.GuiRenderer.AddTextLines( list, new Vec2( .03, .1 ), EHorizontalAlign.Left, EVerticalAlign.Top, 0, // // new ColorValue( 1, 1, 0 ) ); // //} // StringBuilder text = new StringBuilder(); // foreach( var line in lines ) // text.Append( line + "\r\n" ); // EditorForm.Instance.OpenTextAsDocument( text.ToString(), MetadataManager.MetadataGetType( obj ).ToString(), true ); //} public static void SetPropertyReference(DocumentInstance document, object /* Component*/[] objects, Metadata.Property property, object[] indexers, string[] referenceValues) { var netType = property.Type.GetNetType(); var underlyingType = ReferenceUtility.GetUnderlyingType(netType); var undoItems = new List <UndoActionPropertiesChange.Item>(); //!!!!try, catch? где еще for (int n = 0; n < objects.Length; n++) { var obj = objects[n]; var value = ReferenceUtility.MakeReference(underlyingType, null, referenceValues[n]); var oldValue = (IReference)property.GetValue(obj, indexers); //bool change = true; //if( /*skipSame && */oldValue != null && value.GetByReference == oldValue.GetByReference ) // change = false; if (!value.Equals(oldValue)) { property.SetValue(obj, value, indexers); undoItems.Add(new UndoActionPropertiesChange.Item(obj, property, oldValue, indexers)); } } //undo if (undoItems.Count != 0) { var action = new UndoActionPropertiesChange(undoItems.ToArray()); document.UndoSystem.CommitAction(action); document.Modified = true; } }
public override void InitDocumentWindow(DocumentInstance document, object objectOfWindow, bool openAsSettings, Dictionary <string, object> windowTypeSpecificOptions) { base.InitDocumentWindow(document, objectOfWindow, openAsSettings, windowTypeSpecificOptions); if (objectsBrowser1 != null) { objectsBrowser1.Init(this, objectOfWindow, /*null, */ null); } //!!!! //special for Project Settings if (document.SpecialMode == "ProjectSettingsUserMode") { ReadOnlyHierarchy = true; } if (document.SpecialMode != "ProjectSettingsUserMode") { kryptonButtonApply.Enabled = false; kryptonButtonApply.Visible = false; } if (document.SpecialMode == "ProjectSettingsUserMode") { objectsBrowser1.OverrideItemText += ObjectsBrowser1_OverrideItemText; } }
// public UndoActionComponentMove(DocumentInstance document, Component obj, Component oldParent, int oldIndex) { this.document = document; this.obj = obj; dataToRestore.parent = oldParent; dataToRestore.insertIndex = oldIndex; }
public void InitFromConfig(DocumentInstance document) { Init(document); var config = document.ResultComponent.EditorDocumentConfiguration; workspaceController.LoadLayoutFromString(config); }
public virtual void InitDocumentWindow(DocumentInstance document, object objectOfWindow, bool openAsSettings, Dictionary <string, object> windowTypeSpecificOptions) { this.document = document; this.objectOfWindow = objectOfWindow; this.openAsSettings = openAsSettings; if (windowTypeSpecificOptions != null) { this.windowTypeSpecificOptions = windowTypeSpecificOptions; } }
public void Init(DocumentInstance document) { if (document == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(document)); } Document = document; UpdateWindowTitle(); }
static internal DocumentInstance CreateDocument(string realFileName, string specialMode = "") { if (specialMode == "TextEditor") { var document = new DocumentInstance(realFileName, null, specialMode); Documents.Add(document); return(document); } string virtualFileName = VirtualPathUtility.GetVirtualPathByReal(realFileName); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(virtualFileName) && IsDocumentFileSupport(virtualFileName)) { Resource.Instance resourceIns = null; var ext = Path.GetExtension(virtualFileName).ToLower(); if (ext != "" && ext[0] == '.') { ext = ext.Substring(1); } if (ResourceManager.GetTypeByFileExtension(ext) != null) { //unload resource if it file was deleted { var res = ResourceManager.GetByName(virtualFileName); if (res != null && res.FileWasDeleted) { res.Dispose(); } } //!!!!!good? //!!!!wait resourceIns = ResourceManager.LoadSeparateInstance(virtualFileName, true, true, null); //resourceIns = ResourceManager.LoadResource( virtualFileName, true ); if (resourceIns == null) { return(null); } } var document = new DocumentInstance(realFileName, resourceIns, specialMode); Documents.Add(document); return(document); } return(null); }
public static List <DocumentWindow> GetAllDocumentWindowsOfDocument(DocumentInstance document) { var result = new List <DocumentWindow>(); foreach (var dockWindow in EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.GetDockWindowsRecursive()) { var window = dockWindow as DocumentWindow; if (window != null && window.Document == document) { result.Add(window); } } return(result); }
public override void InitDocumentWindow(DocumentInstance document, object objectOfWindow, bool openAsSettings, Dictionary <string, object> windowTypeSpecificOptions) { base.InitDocumentWindow(document, objectOfWindow, openAsSettings, windowTypeSpecificOptions); document.SaveEvent += Document_SaveEvent; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(HighlightingScheme)) { UpdateHighlightingScheme(); } if (ReadOnly) { avalonTextEditor.Editor.IsReadOnly = ReadOnly; } }
private void Document_SaveEvent(DocumentInstance document, string saveAsFileName, ref bool handled, ref bool result) { if (Destroyed) { return; } if (!scriptEditorControl.GetCode(out var text)) { Log.Warning("Unable to get code from control."); result = false; handled = true; return; } try { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(saveAsFileName)) { File.WriteAllText(saveAsFileName, text); } else { File.WriteAllText(document.RealFileName, text); } //using( var writer = File.CreateText( saveAsFileName ) ) //{ // for( int lineIndex = 0; lineIndex < text.Lines.Count - 1; ++lineIndex ) // writer.WriteLine( text.Lines[ lineIndex ].ToString() ); // writer.Write( text.Lines[ text.Lines.Count - 1 ].ToString() ); //} result = true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Warning(e.Message); result = false; } //var saveResult = scriptEditorControl.SaveScript(); handled = true; //result = saveResult; }
public static void CloseAllDocumentWindowsOnSecondLevelWithDeletedObjects(DocumentInstance document) { var toClose = new List <DocumentWindow>(); foreach (var dockWindow in EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.GetDockWindowsRecursive()) { var window = dockWindow as DocumentWindow; if (window != null && window.Document == document && window.IsWindowInWorkspace && window.ObjectOfWindow != document.ResultObject && window.ObjectOfWindowIsDeleted) { toClose.Add(window); } } foreach (var window in toClose) { window.Close(); } }
///////////////////////////////////// public ComponentTypeSettingsForm(DocumentInstance document, Component component) { this.document = document; this.component = component; InitializeComponent(); if (EditorUtility.IsDesignerHosted(this)) { return; } hierarchicalContainer1.OverrideGroupDisplayName += HierarchicalContainer1_OverrideGroupDisplayName; DarkThemeUtility.ApplyToForm(this); Text = EditorLocalization.Translate("TypeSettingsForm", Text); EditorLocalization.TranslateForm("TypeSettingsForm", this); }
static internal DocumentWindow CreateWindowImpl(DocumentInstance document, string objectPath, bool openAsSettings) { object obj = null; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(objectPath)) { obj = document.ResultComponent; // root component } else { obj = document.ResultComponent.Components.GetByPath(objectPath); if (obj == null) { throw new Exception($"Object with path '{objectPath}' for window '{document.Name}' not found."); } } return(CreateWindowImpl(document, obj, openAsSettings)); }
public static void ShowTips() { var wc = EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController; var tipsWindow = wc.FindWindow <TipsWindow>(); if (tipsWindow != null) { wc.SelectDockWindow(tipsWindow); } else { var document = new DocumentInstance("", null, ""); Documents.Add(document); var window = new TipsWindow(); window.InitDocumentWindow(document, null, false, null); wc.AddDockWindow(window, true, true); } }
static DocumentWindow CreateWindowImpl(DocumentInstance document, object obj, bool openAsSettings) { Type type = null; if (openAsSettings) { type = typeof(ObjectSettingsWindow); } else if (document.SpecialMode == "TextEditor") { type = EditorAssemblyInterface.Instance.GetTypeByName("NeoAxis.Editor.TextEditorDocumentWindow"); // typeof( TextEditorDocumentWindow ); } else { type = GetDocumentWindowClass(obj) ?? GetWindowClassFromFileName(document.RealFileName) ?? typeof(DocumentWindow); } var window = (DocumentWindow)Activator.CreateInstance(type); window.InitDocumentWindow(document, obj, openAsSettings, null); return(window); }
public static DocumentInstance OpenStartPage() { //select already opened var w = FindWindow <StartPageWindow>(); if (w != null) { SelectDockWindow(w); return(w.Document); } var document = new DocumentInstance("", null, ""); Documents.Add(document); var window = new StartPageWindow(); window.InitDocumentWindow(document, null, false, null); EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.AddDockWindow(window, false, true); return(document); }
private void Document_SaveEvent(DocumentInstance document, string saveAsFileName, ref bool handled, ref bool result) { if (Destroyed) { return; } var realFileName = Document.RealFileName; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(realFileName)) { handled = true; try { File.WriteAllText(realFileName, Data); result = true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.Error($"Unable to write file \'{realFileName}\'. " + e.Message); result = false; } } }
// public UndoActionComponentCreateDelete(DocumentInstance document, ICollection <Component> objects, bool create) //, bool callDeleteObjects ) { this.document = document; this.objects = new List <Component>(objects); this.create = create; //sort objects by parent index if (!create) { CollectionUtility.InsertionSort(this.objects, delegate(Component c1, Component c2) { if (c1.Parent != null && c1.Parent == c2.Parent) { return(c1.Parent.Components.IndexOf(c1) - c2.Parent.Components.IndexOf(c2)); } return(0); }); } if (!create) //&& callDeleteObjects ) { DeleteObjects(); } }
public ScriptDocumentForCSharpFile(DocumentInstance document) { this.document = document; }
public static DocumentWindow OpenDocumentWindowForObject(DocumentInstance document, object obj) //, bool canUseAlreadyOpened ) { if (!IsDocumentObjectSupport(obj)) { return(null); } //another document or no document { var objectToDocument = GetDocumentByObject(obj); if (objectToDocument == null || objectToDocument != document) { var component = obj as Component; if (component != null) { var fileName = ComponentUtility.GetOwnedFileNameOfComponent(component); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(fileName)) { var realFileName = VirtualPathUtility.GetRealPathByVirtual(fileName); if (IsDocumentFileSupport(realFileName)) { var documentWindow = OpenFileAsDocument(realFileName, true, true) as DocumentWindow; if (documentWindow != null) { var newDocument = documentWindow.Document; var newObject = newDocument.ResultComponent.Components[component.GetPathFromRoot()]; if (newObject != null) { return(OpenDocumentWindowForObject(newDocument, newObject)); } } return(null); } } } return(null); } } //check for already opened var canUseAlreadyOpened = !EditorForm.ModifierKeys.HasFlag(Keys.Shift); if (canUseAlreadyOpened) { var openedWindow = EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.FindWindowRecursive(document, obj); if (openedWindow != null) { EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.SelectDockWindow(openedWindow); return(openedWindow); } } //create document window var window = CreateWindowImpl(document, obj, false); //!!!! bool floatingWindow = false; bool select = true; EditorForm.Instance.WorkspaceController.AddDockWindow(window, floatingWindow, select); return(window); }
public IDocumentWindow FindWindow(DocumentInstance doc) { return(FindWindow <IDocumentWindow>(w => w.Document == doc)); }
public static void PerformOverridePropertySetValue(HCItemProperty.PropertySetValueData data) { OverridePropertySetValue?.Invoke(data); var property = data.itemProperty.Property; //Transform: Position, Rotation, Scale if (data.parentItemProperty != null && ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedType(data.parentItemProperty.Property.Type.GetNetType()) == typeof(Transform)) { for (int n = 0; n < data.itemProperty.ControlledObjects.Length; n++) { var old = data.itemProperty.ControlledObjects[n]; if (property.Name == "Position") { data.itemProperty.ControlledObjects[n] = old.GetType().GetMethod("UpdatePosition").Invoke(old, new object[] { data.value }); } else if (property.Name == "Rotation") { data.itemProperty.ControlledObjects[n] = old.GetType().GetMethod("UpdateRotation").Invoke(old, new object[] { data.value }); } else if (property.Name == "Scale") { data.itemProperty.ControlledObjects[n] = old.GetType().GetMethod("UpdateScale").Invoke(old, new object[] { data.value }); } } data.setValueHandled = true; } //array: Length if (property.Name == "Length") { var ownerType = property.Owner as Metadata.TypeInfo; if (ownerType != null && ownerType.GetNetType() == typeof(Array)) // HCItemProperty.IsOneDimensionArray( ownerType.GetNetType() ) ) { int newLength = (int)data.unrefValue; for (int nCollectedObject = 0; nCollectedObject < data.parentItemProperty.ControlledObjects.Length; nCollectedObject++) { var array = (IList)ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(data.itemProperty.ControlledObjects[nCollectedObject]); if (array != null && array.Count != newLength) { var newArray = Array.CreateInstance(array.GetType().GetElementType(), newLength); Array.Copy((Array)array, newArray, Math.Min(newLength, array.Count)); //!!!!multiselection. вместе undo все data.parentItemProperty.SetValue(newArray, data.addUndo); } } data.setValueHandled = true; data.addUndoHandled = true; data.updateParentPropertyHandled = true; } } //List: Count if (property.Name == "Count") { var ownerType = property.Owner as Metadata.TypeInfo; if (ownerType != null && HCItemProperty.IsListType(ownerType.GetNetType())) { int newCount = (int)data.unrefValue; for (int nCollectedObject = 0; nCollectedObject < data.parentItemProperty.ControlledObjects.Length; nCollectedObject++) { var list = (IList)ReferenceUtility.GetUnreferencedValue(data.itemProperty.ControlledObjects[nCollectedObject]); if (list != null) { if (newCount < list.Count) { //remove items if (!data.addUndoHandled && data.addUndo && data.itemProperty.Owner.DocumentWindow?.Document != null) { //remove with undo var indexes = new List <int>(); for (int n = newCount; n < list.Count; n++) { indexes.Add(n); } var undoAction = new UndoActionListAddRemove(list, indexes, false); DocumentInstance document = data.itemProperty.Owner.DocumentWindow.Document; document.UndoSystem.CommitAction(undoAction); document.Modified = true; } else { //remove without undo while (list.Count > newCount) { list.RemoveAt(list.Count - 1); } } } else if (newCount > list.Count) { //add items var indexes = new List <int>(); for (int n = list.Count; n < newCount; n++) { indexes.Add(n); } var elementType = list.GetType().GetGenericArguments()[0]; while (list.Count < newCount) { object itemValue = null; var referenceList = list as IReferenceList; if (referenceList != null) { itemValue = Activator.CreateInstance(referenceList.GetItemType()); // referenceList.CreateItemValue(); } else if (elementType.IsValueType) { itemValue = Activator.CreateInstance(elementType); } list.Add(itemValue); } //undo if (!data.addUndoHandled && data.addUndo && data.itemProperty.Owner.DocumentWindow?.Document != null) { var undoAction = new UndoActionListAddRemove(list, indexes, true); DocumentInstance document = data.itemProperty.Owner.DocumentWindow.Document; document.UndoSystem.CommitAction(undoAction); document.Modified = true; } } } } data.setValueHandled = true; data.addUndoHandled = true; data.updateParentPropertyHandled = true; } } }
public override void InitDocumentWindow(DocumentInstance document, object objectOfWindow, bool openAsSettings, Dictionary <string, object> windowTypeSpecificOptions) { base.InitDocumentWindow(document, objectOfWindow, openAsSettings, windowTypeSpecificOptions); }