public void Write(Context ctx, Stream inStream, Stream outStream, Coordinator pc) { try { long mlt = 1L; //for Wii: 4L long imageSize = pc.OutputSize; //for Wii: pHdr.PartitionDataLength pc.WriterCheckPoint1WriteReady(out string junkId); //wait until read has written the header and set the length List <string> addedFiles = new List <string>(); NCrc crc = new NCrc(); long srcPos; long dstPos = 0; MemorySection hdr = MemorySection.Read(inStream, 0x440); string id8 = string.Concat(hdr.ReadString(0, 6), hdr.Data[6].ToString("X2"), hdr.Data[7].ToString("X2")); if (junkId == null) { junkId = ctx.Settings.JunkIdSubstitutions.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Id8 == id8)?.JunkId; if (junkId != null) { _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Using ID {0} for junk not image ID {1}", junkId, id8.Substring(0, 4))); } } if (junkId == null) { junkId = hdr.ReadString(0, 4); } MemorySection fst; List <JunkDiff> junkDiffs = new List <JunkDiff>(); long mainDolAddr = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420) * mlt; long fstFileAlignment = ctx?.Settings?.PreserveFstFileAlignment?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Item1 == id8)?.Item2 ?? -1; CryptoStream target = new CryptoStream(outStream, crc, CryptoStreamMode.Write); //############################################################################ //# READ DISC START target.Write(hdr.Data, 0, (int)hdr.Size); crc.Snapshot("hdr.bin"); inStream.Copy(target, (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) * mlt) - hdr.Size); crc.Snapshot("bi2.bin, appldr.bin, main.dol"); //read fst with 4 byte boundary fst = MemorySection.Read(inStream, (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428) * mlt) + (((hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428) * mlt) % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - ((hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428) * mlt) % 4)))); target.Write(fst.Data, 0, (int)fst.Size); crc.Snapshot("fst.bin"); srcPos = (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) * mlt) + fst.Size; long nullsPos = srcPos + 0x1c; dstPos = srcPos; //create as late as possible in case id is swaped - Dairantou Smash Brothers DX (Japan) (Taikenban), Star Wars - Rogue Squadron II (Japan) (Jitsuen-you Sample) JunkStream js = new JunkStream(junkId, hdr.Read8(6), NStream.FullSizeGameCube); List <ConvertFile> conFiles = NkitFormat.GetConvertFstFiles(inStream, imageSize, hdr, fst, true, fstFileAlignment, out string error); //Size isn't important for writing //result.ImageInfo.IsoSize NkitInfo nkitInfo = new NkitInfo { BytesData = srcPos, BytesGaps = 0, BytesJunkFiles = 0, BytesPreservationData = 0, BytesPreservationDiscPadding = 0 }; ScrubManager scrub = new ScrubManager(); if (conFiles == null) { if (error != null) { _log?.LogDetail(error); } ConvertFile cf = new ConvertFile(imageSize - srcPos, true) //Size isn't important for writing //result.ImageInfo.IsoSize { FstFile = new FstFile(null) { DataOffset = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424), Offset = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424), Length = (int)fst.Size }, }; NkitFormat.ProcessGap(ref nullsPos, cf, ref srcPos, inStream, js, true, scrub, target, _log); } else { //############################################################################ //# WRITE THE FILESYSTEM NkitFormat.NkitWriteFileSystem(ctx, nkitInfo, mlt, inStream, ref srcPos, ref dstPos, hdr, fst, ref mainDolAddr, target, nullsPos, js, conFiles, out List <ConvertFile> missing, scrub, imageSize, _log); if (missing.Count != 0) { _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("{0} Junk File{1} Removed (Files listed in the FST, but not in the image)", missing.Count.ToString(), missing.Count == 1 ? "" : "s")); foreach (ConvertFile cf in missing) { _log?.LogDebug(string.Format("File content is Junk {0}: {1} - Size: {2}", cf.FstFile.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), cf.FstFile.Name, cf.FstFile.Length)); } } } if (dstPos % 0x800 != 0) { long l = 0x800 - (dstPos % 0x800); ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, l); dstPos += l; nkitInfo.BytesPreservationDiscPadding += l; } crc.Snapshot("files"); NkitFormat.LogNkitInfo(nkitInfo, _log, hdr.ReadString(0, 4), true); pc.WriterCheckPoint2Complete(out NCrc readerCrcs, out uint validationCrc, hdr.Data, dstPos); //wait until reader has completed and get crc patches. hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x420, (uint)mainDolAddr); hdr.WriteString(0x200, 8, "NKIT v01"); //header and version hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x208, readerCrcs.FullCrc(true)); //original crc hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x210, (uint)imageSize); //result.ImageInfo.IsoSize); hdr.WriteString(0x214, 4, hdr.ReadString(0, 4) != junkId ? junkId : "\0\0\0\0"); crc.Crcs[0].PatchCrc = Crc.Compute(hdr.Data); crc.Crcs[0].PatchData = hdr.Data; crc.Crcs[2].PatchCrc = Crc.Compute(fst.Data); crc.Crcs[2].PatchData = fst.Data; hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x20C, CrcForce.Calculate(crc.FullCrc(true), dstPos, readerCrcs.FullCrc(true), 0x20C, 0)); //magic to force crc crc.Crcs[0].PatchCrc = Crc.Compute(hdr.Data); pc.WriterCheckPoint3ApplyPatches(crc, false, crc.FullCrc(true), crc.FullCrc(true), VerifyIsWrite, "NKit Written"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw pc.SetWriterException(ex, "NkitWriterGc.Write - Convert"); } }
private long partitionWrite(Stream inStream, NCrc crc, Stream target, WiiPartitionSection pHdr, Context ctx, Coordinator pc, NkitInfo imageInfo, ScrubManager scrub, WiiHashStore hashes, long fstFileAlignment) { #if DEHASH return(pHdr.NewPartitionDataLength = inStream.Copy(target, pHdr.PartitionDataLength, null)); #elif DECRYPT inStream.Copy(target, pHdr.PartitionLength, null); return(pHdr.NewPartitionDataLength = pHdr.PartitionDataLength); #endif MemorySection hdr = MemorySection.Read(inStream, 0x440); //ProgressResult result = ctx.Result; long mlt = 4L; //GC 1L long logicalSize = pHdr.PartitionDataLength; //GC: ctx.ImageLength; long physicalSize = pHdr.PartitionDataLength; //GC: result.ImageInfo.IsoSize; string junkId = hdr.ReadString(0, 4); //bool write = true; List <string> addedFiles = new List <string>(); long srcPos; long dstPos = 0; JunkStream js = new JunkStream(junkId, hdr.Read8(6), logicalSize); try { if (junkId == "\0\0\0\0") { srcPos = hdr.Size; imageInfo.BytesData = srcPos; _log?.LogDetail("Null Partition ID, preserving partition as raw"); ConvertFile cf = new ConvertFile(logicalSize - hdr.Size, true) //Size isn't important for writing //result.ImageInfo.IsoSize { FstFile = new FstFile(null) { DataOffset = hdr.Size, Offset = hdr.Size, Length = 0 }, }; long nullsPos = 0; target.Write(hdr.Data, 0, (int)hdr.Size); //0x400 target.Write(pHdr.Header.Data, 0x2bc, 4); //copy the original partition length dstPos += 0x440 + 4 + NkitFormat.ProcessGap(ref nullsPos, cf, ref srcPos, inStream, js, true, scrub, target, _log); } else { hdr.WriteString(0x200, 8, "NKIT v01"); hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x210, (uint)(pHdr.PartitionLength / mlt)); MemorySection fst; List <JunkDiff> junkDiffs = new List <JunkDiff>(); long mainDolAddr = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420) * mlt; //############################################################################ //# READ DISC START target.Write(hdr.Data, 0, (int)hdr.Size); inStream.Copy(target, (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) * mlt) - hdr.Size); //read fst with 4 byte boundary fst = MemorySection.Read(inStream, (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428) * mlt) + (((hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428) * mlt) % 4 == 0 ? 0 : 4 - ((hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x428) * mlt) % 4)))); crc.Snapshot(junkId + " PrtHdr"); target.Write(fst.Data, 0, (int)fst.Size); crc.Snapshot(junkId + " Fst"); target.Write(hashes.FlagsToByteArray(), 0, (int)hashes.FlagsLength); crc.Snapshot(junkId + " HashFlags"); srcPos = (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424) * mlt) + fst.Size; long nullsPos = srcPos + 0x1c; dstPos = srcPos + hashes.FlagsLength; //create as late as possible in case id is swaped - Dairantou Smash Brothers DX (Japan) (Taikenban), Star Wars - Rogue Squadron II (Japan) (Jitsuen-you Sample) string error; List <ConvertFile> conFiles = NkitFormat.GetConvertFstFiles(inStream, physicalSize, hdr, fst, false, fstFileAlignment, out error); imageInfo.BytesData = srcPos; if (conFiles == null) { if (error != null) { _log?.LogDetail(error); } ConvertFile cf = new ConvertFile(pHdr.PartitionDataLength - srcPos, true) //Size isn't important for writing //result.ImageInfo.IsoSize { FstFile = new FstFile(null) { DataOffset = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424), Offset = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x424), Length = (int)fst.Size }, }; dstPos += NkitFormat.ProcessGap(ref nullsPos, cf, ref srcPos, inStream, js, true, scrub, target, _log); } else { //############################################################################ //# WRITE THE FILESYSTEM List <ConvertFile> missing; NkitFormat.NkitWriteFileSystem(ctx, imageInfo, mlt, inStream, ref srcPos, ref dstPos, hdr, fst, ref mainDolAddr, target, nullsPos, js, conFiles, out missing, scrub, pHdr.PartitionDataLength, _log); dstPos += hashes.HashesToStream(target); if (missing.Count != 0) { _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("{0} Junk File{1} Removed (Files listed in the FST, but not in the image)", missing.Count.ToString(), missing.Count == 1 ? "" : "s")); foreach (ConvertFile cf in missing) { _log?.LogDebug(string.Format("File content is Junk {0}: {1} - Size: {2}", cf.FstFile.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), cf.FstFile.Name, cf.FstFile.Length)); } } crc.Crcs[crc.Crcs.Length - 1].PatchData = hashes.FlagsToByteArray(); crc.Crcs[crc.Crcs.Length - 1].PatchCrc = Crc.Compute(crc.Crcs[crc.Crcs.Length - 2].PatchData); crc.Crcs[crc.Crcs.Length - 2].PatchData = fst.Data; crc.Crcs[crc.Crcs.Length - 2].PatchCrc = Crc.Compute(fst.Data); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw new HandledException(ex, "NkitWriterGc.Write - Convert"); } return(dstPos); }
internal static void NkitWriteFileSystem(Context ctx, NkitInfo imageInfo, long mlt, Stream inStream, ref long srcPos, ref long dstPos, MemorySection hdr, MemorySection fst, ref long mainDolAddr, Stream target, long nullsPos, JunkStream js, List <ConvertFile> conFiles, out List <ConvertFile> missingFiles, ScrubManager scrub, long imageSize, ILog log) { FstFile ff; //########### FILES bool firstFile = true; ConvertFile lastf = conFiles.Last(); ConvertFile prevf = null; missingFiles = new List <ConvertFile>(); foreach (ConvertFile f in conFiles) //read the files and write them out as goodFiles (possible order difference { ff = f.FstFile; if (!firstFile) { if (srcPos == mainDolAddr && mainDolAddr == (hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x420) * mlt)) { mainDolAddr = dstPos; //main/default.dol is moving } //Debug.WriteLine(string.Format(@"{5} : {0} : {1} : {2} : {3}/{4}", ff.DataOffset.ToString("X8"), (ff.DataOffset + ff.Length).ToString("X8"), /*(nextFile.DataOffset - lastEnd).ToString("X8"),*/ ff.Length.ToString("X8"), ff.Path, ff.Name, ff.OffsetInFstFile.ToString("X8"))); //srcPos aligned at 32k and the length is 32k (audio file) ensure new dest is also aligned if (f.Alignment == 0 || (f.Alignment != -1 && dstPos % f.Alignment != 0)) //XGIII audio in race, Zelda collection games for TGC { long pad; if (f.Alignment == 0) //no shrinking { pad = Math.Max(0, ff.DataOffset - dstPos); } else //align { pad = (int)(dstPos % f.Alignment == 0 ? 0 : f.Alignment - (dstPos % f.Alignment)); } imageInfo.FilesAligned += 1; ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, pad); imageInfo.BytesPreservationDiscPadding += pad; dstPos += pad; } fst.WriteUInt32B(ff.OffsetInFstFile, (uint)(dstPos / mlt)); //replace copy with junk test - adjust fst length to %4 long l = srcPos; imageInfo.FilesTotal += 1; long written = NkitFormat.CopyFile(ref nullsPos, f, prevf?.FstFile, target, ref srcPos, dstPos, inStream, js, imageSize, out bool missing); if (missing) { missingFiles.Add(f); } dstPos += written; imageInfo.BytesData += srcPos - l; //read if (f.Gap.JunkFile != 0) //encode the gap and write - pad to %4 { imageInfo.BytesJunkFiles += f.Gap.JunkFile + (f.Gap.JunkFile % 4 == 0 ? 0 : (4 - (f.Gap.JunkFile % 4))); fst.WriteUInt32B(ff.OffsetInFstFile + 4, 0); //modify size to be remainder of 4 } } if (f.GapLength != 0 || f.Gap.JunkFile != 0) { long l = NkitFormat.ProcessGap(ref nullsPos, f, ref srcPos, inStream, js, firstFile || f == lastf, scrub, target, log); imageInfo.BytesGaps += f.GapLength; imageInfo.BytesPreservationData += l; dstPos += l; } firstFile = false; prevf = f; } }