private Task process(int mode, string regex, string path, ListViewItem[] items, Action <ListViewItem> startItem, Func <ListViewItem, bool> completedItem) { var guiSettings = new { Regex = txtSettingsRegex.Text, SystemOnly = chkSettingsSystemFiles.Checked }; return(Task.Run(() => { foreach (ListViewItem item in items) { ProcessFile pf = (ProcessFile)item.Tag; SourceFile src = pf.SourceFile; Converter nkitConvert = new Converter(src, false); startItem(item); try { nkitConvert.LogMessage += NkitConvert_LogMessage; int fileTotalLen = src.TotalFiles.ToString().Length; using (NDisc dx = new NDisc(nkitConvert, src.Name)) { if (dx != null) { try { switch (mode) { case 1: pf.Results = dx.ExtractRecoveryFiles(); break; case 2: Regex rx = new Regex(guiSettings.Regex, RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); pf.Results = dx.ExtractFiles( /*test*/ f => (guiSettings.SystemOnly && (f.Type == ExtractedFileType.System || f.Type == ExtractedFileType.WiiDiscItem)) || (!guiSettings.SystemOnly && rx.IsMatch(string.Format("{0}/{1}", f.Path, f.Name))), /*extract*/ (s, f) => saveFile(path, pf.SourceFile.Name, f, s)); break; case 3: pf.Results = dx.ExtractBasicInfo(); break; } } catch (Exception ex) { this.Invoke((MethodInvoker) delegate { addToLog(ex.Message); }); } finally { } } } } finally { nkitConvert.LogMessage -= NkitConvert_LogMessage; } if (!completedItem(item)) { break; } } })); }
public void Read(Context ctx, NStream inStream, Stream outStream, Coordinator pc) { NCrc crc = new NCrc(); try { CryptoStream target = new CryptoStream(outStream, crc, CryptoStreamMode.Write); uint outputCrc = 0; if (inStream.IsNkit || inStream.IsGameCube || !EncryptWiiPartitions) { pc.ReaderCheckPoint1PreWrite(null, 0); //size that we will output from this read if (inStream.HeaderRead) { target.Write(inStream.DiscHeader.Data, 0, (int)inStream.DiscHeader.Size); //write the header inStream.Copy(target, inStream.Length - inStream.DiscHeader.Size); } else { inStream.Copy(target, inStream.Length); } } else { WiiDiscHeaderSection hdr = null; using (NDisc disc = new NDisc(_log, inStream)) { foreach (IWiiDiscSection s in disc.EnumerateSections(inStream.Length)) //ctx.ImageLength { if (s is WiiDiscHeaderSection) { hdr = (WiiDiscHeaderSection)s; target.Write(hdr.Data, 0, hdr.Data.Length); //write the header pc.ReaderCheckPoint1PreWrite(null, 0); //size that we will output from this read //ctx.ImageLength } else if (s is WiiPartitionSection) { WiiPartitionSection ps = (WiiPartitionSection)s; //bool lengthChanged = inStream.CheckLength(ps.DiscOffset, ps.Header.PartitionSize); target.Write(ps.Header.Data, 0, (int)ps.Header.Size); foreach (WiiPartitionGroupSection pg in ps.Sections) { target.Write(pg.Encrypted, 0, (int)pg.Size); } } else if (s is WiiFillerSection) { WiiFillerSection fs = (WiiFillerSection)s; if (fs.Size != 0) { foreach (WiiFillerSectionItem item in ((WiiFillerSection)s).Sections) { target.Write(item.Data, 0, (int)item.Size); } } } } } } crc.Snapshot("iso"); if (inStream.IsNkit) { outputCrc = inStream.DiscHeader.ReadUInt32B(0x208); //assume source nkit crc is correct } else { outputCrc = crc.FullCrc(true); } pc.ReaderCheckPoint2Complete(crc, false, outputCrc, outputCrc, this.VerifyIsWrite, null, null); pc.ReaderCheckPoint3Complete(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw pc.SetReaderException(ex, "IsoReader.Read - Read Image"); //don't let the writer lock } }
public void Read(Context ctx, NStream inStream, Stream outStream, Coordinator pc) { if (!Settings.ConfigFileFound) { _log?.Log("!! No config file found - This is required to restore and validate images"); } bool truncatedRvtr = false; bool write = !(outStream is ByteStream || outStream == Stream.Null); //ProgressResult result = ctx.Result; byte[] origHeader = null; byte[] dataHeader = new byte[256]; uint headerCrc = 0; uint dataHeaderCrc = 0; //bool fstMissingWithH3Error = false; NCrc crc = new NCrc(); CryptoStream target = null; int h3Errors = 0; List <string> requiredUpdateFiles = new List <string>(); try { //long progress = 0; string lastPartitionId = ""; bool generateUpdateFiller = false; bool generateOtherFiller = true; bool forceFillerJunk = false; NDisc disc = new NDisc(_log, inStream); foreach (IWiiDiscSection s in disc.EnumerateSectionsFix(generateUpdateFiller, generateOtherFiller, forceFillerJunk)) { if (s is WiiDiscHeaderSection) { _hdr = (WiiDiscHeaderSection)s; origHeader = (byte[])_hdr.Data.Clone(); target = new CryptoStream(outStream, crc, CryptoStreamMode.Write); target.Write(_hdr.Data, 0, _hdr.Data.Length); //write the header applyPartitionTableFixes(inStream, requiredUpdateFiles, ctx.Settings, ctx.Recovery); headerCrc = Crc.Compute(_hdr.Data); crc.Snapshot("Header"); pc.ReaderCheckPoint1PreWrite(null, 0); //size that we will output from this read } else if (s is WiiPartitionSection) { WiiPartitionSection ps = (WiiPartitionSection)s; if (!truncatedRvtr && ps.Header.IsRvtR && inStream.RecoverySize == NStream.FullSizeWii5) { _log.LogDetail(string.Format("Truncated RVT-R image detected. Pad it with 00 to {0} bytes for NKit to handle it properly", NStream.FullSizeWiiRvtr.ToString())); truncatedRvtr = true; } if (applyFixes(ps.Header, inStream)) { _hdr.UpdateRepair(); headerCrc = Crc.Compute(_hdr.Data); //recalculate } if (ps.Header.Type == PartitionType.Data) { if (applyDataPartitionFixes(ps.Header)) { headerCrc = Crc.Compute(_hdr.Data); //recalculate } Array.Copy(ps.Header.Data, dataHeader, dataHeader.Length); } target.Write(ps.Header.Data, 0, (int)ps.Header.Size); foreach (WiiPartitionGroupSection pg in ps.Sections) { if (ps.Header.Type == PartitionType.Data && pg.DiscOffset == ps.Header.DiscOffset + ps.Header.Size) { Array.Copy(pg.Decrypted, 0x400, dataHeader, 0, dataHeader.Length); //copy out datapartition header (256 bytes) } pg.Unscrub(ctx.Recovery.JunkPatches); h3Errors += pg.H3Errors; target.Write(pg.Encrypted, 0, (int)pg.Size); } if (h3Errors != 0) { _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("{0} unrecoverable group errors, this image will now be corrupted due to failed unscrubbing attempts!", h3Errors.ToString())); } lastPartitionId = ps.Id; } else if (s is WiiFillerSection) { WiiFillerSection fs = (WiiFillerSection)s; if (fs.Size != 0) { foreach (WiiFillerSectionItem item in ((WiiFillerSection)s).Sections) { target.Write(item.Data, 0, (int)item.Size); } } crc.Snapshot(((WiiFillerSection)s).DiscOffset == 0x50000 ? "[Update Filler]" : lastPartitionId); } } } catch (Exception ex) { throw pc.SetReaderException(ex, "RestoreReaderWii.Restore - Read and repair"); } try { Tuple <string, string, string, uint>[] allParts = ctx.Recovery.WiiUPartsData.Union(ctx.Recovery.WiiUOtherPartsData).ToArray(); uint[] uniqueCrcs = allParts.Select(a => a.Item4).Union(ctx.Settings.RedumpUpdateCrcs.Where(a => !allParts.Any(b => a == b.Item4))).ToArray(); //create a data header based on the modified header byte[] dataHdr = dataHeader; dataHeader = (byte[])_hdr.Data.Clone(); Array.Copy(dataHdr, dataHeader, dataHdr.Length); Array.Clear(dataHeader, 0x60, 2); dataHeaderCrc = Crc.Compute(dataHeader); bool isCustom = false; bool updatePartitionMissing = false; SortedList <uint, bool> checkCrcs = new SortedList <uint, bool>(); foreach (RedumpEntry r in ctx.Dats.RedumpData) { checkCrcs.Add(r.Crc, true); } foreach (RedumpEntry r in ctx.Dats.CustomData.Where(a => !checkCrcs.ContainsKey(a.Crc))) { checkCrcs.Add(r.Crc, false); } HeaderBruteForcer crcMtch = new HeaderBruteForcer(uniqueCrcs, checkCrcs, ctx.Settings.RedumpRegionData, _hdr.Data, dataHeader); BruteForceCrcResult bfMatch = crcMtch.Match(crc.Crcs); string updateFilename = allParts?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Item4 == (bfMatch.UpdateChanged ? bfMatch.UpdateCrc : crc.Crcs[1].Value))?.Item1; updatePartitionMissing = bfMatch.UpdateChanged && !allParts.Any(a => a.Item4 == bfMatch.UpdateCrc); //matched, but update crc not an update partition if (bfMatch.HeaderChanged) { crc.Crcs[0].PatchCrc = bfMatch.HeaderCrc; crc.Crcs[0].PatchData = bfMatch.Header; if (bfMatch.RegionChanged) { _log.LogDetail(bfMatch.Region != bfMatch.OriginalRegion ? string.Format("Region changed from {0} to {1}", ((Region)bfMatch.OriginalRegion).ToString(), ((Region)bfMatch.Region).ToString()) : string.Format("Region age ratings changed for {0} region", ((Region)bfMatch.Region).ToString())); } } bool isRecoverable = false; if (bfMatch.UpdateChanged) { if (!updatePartitionMissing) { _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Matched recovery update partition: {0}", updateFilename ?? "")); crc.Crcs[1].Name = updateFilename ?? string.Format("[UNKNOWN {0}]", bfMatch.UpdateCrc.ToString("X8")); crc.Crcs[1].PatchCrc = bfMatch.UpdateCrc; crc.Crcs[1].PatchFile = Path.Combine(ctx.Recovery.WiiUPartsData.Any(a => a.Item4 == bfMatch.UpdateCrc) ? ctx.Settings.RecoveryFilesPath : ctx.Settings.OtherRecoveryFilesPath, updateFilename); } else { _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Missing update recovery partition file *_{0}", bfMatch.UpdateCrc.ToString("X8"))); crc.Crcs[1].Name = "Missing Recovery Partition File"; crc.Crcs[1].PatchCrc = bfMatch.UpdateCrc; crc.Crcs[1].PatchFile = null; isRecoverable = true; } } else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(updateFilename)) { crc.Crcs[1].Name += string.Format(" [Matches {0}{1}]", updateFilename, isRecoverable ? " (Recoverable)" : ""); } string resultMsg = "MatchFail"; if (bfMatch.MatchedCrc != 0) { if (updatePartitionMissing) { resultMsg = string.Format("Match {0} (Recoverable: missing update partition {1})", isCustom ? "Custom" : "Redump", bfMatch.UpdateCrc.ToString("X8")); } else { resultMsg = string.Format("Match {0}", isCustom ? "Custom" : "Redump"); } } pc.ReaderCheckPoint2Complete(crc, isRecoverable, crc.FullCrc(true), crc.FullCrc(true), VerifyIsWrite, bfMatch?.Header ?? _hdr.Data, resultMsg); pc.ReaderCheckPoint3Complete(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw pc.SetReaderException(ex, "RestoreReaderWii.Read - Read and repair"); //don't let the writer lock } }
public void Write(Context ctx, Stream inStream, Stream outStream, Coordinator pc) { try { WiiDiscHeaderSection hdr = null; WiiPartitionHeaderSection pHdr = null; string lastPartitionId = null; PartitionType lastPartitionType = PartitionType.Other; NCrc crc = new NCrc(); Crc updateCrc = new Crc(); bool updateRemoved = false; string updateTmpFileName = null; string updateFileName = null; bool extractingUpdate = false; CryptoStream updateCrcStream = null; NStream updateTarget = null; CryptoStream target = null; MemorySection removedUpdateFiller = null; int preservedHashCount = 0; NkitInfo nkitDiscInfo = new NkitInfo(); long fstFileAlignment = -1; WiiPartitionSection lastPart = null; long dstPos = 0; long imageSize = pc.OutputSize; //for Wii: pHdr.PartitionDataLength string ignoreJunkId; pc.WriterCheckPoint1WriteReady(out ignoreJunkId); //wait until read has written the header and set the length NDisc disc = new NDisc(_log, inStream); foreach (IWiiDiscSection s in disc.EnumerateSections(imageSize)) //no fixing, image should be good //ctx.ImageLength { if (s is WiiDiscHeaderSection) { hdr = (WiiDiscHeaderSection)s; hdr.Write8(0x60, 1); hdr.Write8(0x61, 1); fstFileAlignment = ctx?.Settings?.PreserveFstFileAlignment?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Item1 == hdr.Id8)?.Item2 ?? -1; target = new CryptoStream(outStream, crc, CryptoStreamMode.Write); target.Write(hdr.Data, 0, hdr.Data.Length); //write the header nkitDiscInfo.BytesData += hdr.Size; dstPos += hdr.Size; crc.Snapshot("Disc Header"); } else if (s is WiiPartitionSection) { WiiPartitionSection ps = (WiiPartitionSection)s; WiiHashStore hashes = new WiiHashStore(ps.PartitionDataLength); ScrubManager scrub = ps.Header.ScrubManager; NkitInfo nkitPartInfo = new NkitInfo(); if (ps.Header.Type == PartitionType.Update && ctx.Settings.NkitUpdatePartitionRemoval && hdr.Partitions.Count() > 1) //only remove update if there's more partitions { updateRemoved = true; extractingUpdate = true; pHdr = ps.Header; extractingUpdate = true; updateCrcStream = new CryptoStream(ByteStream.Zeros, updateCrc, CryptoStreamMode.Write); crc.Initialize(); nkitPartInfo.BytesData += disc.WriteRecoveryPartitionData(updateCrcStream, false, ps, 0, out updateTmpFileName, out updateFileName, out updateTarget); _log?.LogDetail(string.Format("Extracted and Removed {0} Recovery Partition: [{1}]", ps.Header.Type.ToString(), SourceFiles.CleanseFileName(ps.Header.Id).PadRight(4))); removedUpdateFiller = new MemorySection(new byte[0x8000]); removedUpdateFiller.Write(0, hdr.Read(0x40000, 0x100)); //backup the original partition table in case it's non standard in some way } else { target.Write(ps.Header.Data, 0, (int)ps.Header.Size); nkitDiscInfo.BytesData += ps.Header.Size; crc.Snapshot(ps.Id + " Hdr"); crc.Crcs.Last().PatchData = ps.Header.Data; dstPos += ps.Header.Size; ps.NewDiscOffset = dstPos; //long written = 0; using (StreamCircularBuffer decrypted = new StreamCircularBuffer(ps.PartitionDataLength, null, null, output => { //read decrypted partition foreach (WiiPartitionGroupSection pg in ps.Sections) { nkitPartInfo.BytesHashesData += (pg.Size / 0x8000 * 0x400); //size of input hashes if (pg.PreserveHashes()) { nkitPartInfo.BytesHashesPreservation += hashes.Preserve(pg.Offset, pg.Decrypted, pg.Size); if (++preservedHashCount >= 1500) //too many will bomb the patch caching when converting back. Something is wrong { throw pc.SetWriterException(new HandledException("Over 1500 hashes preserved, aborting as image is corrupt or poorly scrubbed.")); } } #if !DECRYPT for (int i = 0; i < pg.Size / 0x8000; i++) { output.Write(pg.Decrypted, (i * 0x8000) + 0x400, 0x7c00); } #else output.Write(pg.Decrypted, 0, (int)pg.Size); #endif } })) { long len = partitionWrite(decrypted, crc, target, ps, ctx, pc, nkitPartInfo, scrub, hashes, fstFileAlignment); ps.NewPartitionDataLength = len; dstPos += len; lastPart = ps; } } NkitFormat.LogNkitInfo(nkitPartInfo, _log, ps.Id, false); lastPartitionId = ps.Id; lastPartitionType = ps.Header.Type; } else if (s is WiiFillerSection) { WiiFillerSection fs = (WiiFillerSection)s; ScrubManager scrub = new ScrubManager(null); JunkStream junk = new JunkStream(lastPartitionType != PartitionType.Data ? hdr.ReadString(0, 4) : lastPartitionId, hdr.Read8(6), lastPartitionType == PartitionType.Update ? 0 : imageSize); if (lastPartitionType == PartitionType.Update && updateRemoved) { //preserve the original partition table and update filename target.Write(removedUpdateFiller.Data, 0, (int)removedUpdateFiller.Size); //remove update partition by adding a 32k placeholder. Avoid having a non update partition at 0x50000 nkitDiscInfo.BytesPreservationDiscPadding += removedUpdateFiller.Size; nkitDiscInfo.BytesGaps += fs.Size; dstPos += removedUpdateFiller.Size; crc.Snapshot(string.Format("{0}Replacement Filler", string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastPartitionId) ? "" : (" " + SourceFiles.CleanseFileName(lastPartitionId).PadRight(4)))); if (extractingUpdate) { int storeType; if ((storeType = disc.WriteRecoveryPartitionFiller(updateCrcStream, junk, fs.DiscOffset, true, true, fs, updateTarget, updateTmpFileName, ref updateFileName, updateCrc, true)) != 0) { _log.LogDetail(string.Format("{0}Update recovery partition stored: {1}", storeType == 2 ? "Other " : "", updateFileName)); } extractingUpdate = false; } } else { if (fs.Size != 0) { using (StreamCircularBuffer filler = new StreamCircularBuffer(fs.Size, null, null, output => { foreach (WiiFillerSectionItem item in ((WiiFillerSection)s).Sections) { output.Write(item.Data, 0, (int)item.Size); } })) { Gap gap = new Gap(fs.Size, false); long srcPos = fs.DiscOffset; long gapLen = gap.Encode(filler, ref srcPos, lastPartitionType == PartitionType.Update ? fs.Size : 0x1cL, fs.Size, junk, scrub, target, _log); nkitDiscInfo.BytesPreservationData += gapLen; nkitDiscInfo.BytesGaps += fs.Size; dstPos += gapLen; if (lastPart != null) { lastPart.NewPartitionDataLength += gapLen; } } } //pad partition to 32k int gapLen2 = (int)(dstPos % 0x8000 == 0 ? 0 : 0x8000 - (dstPos % 0x8000)); ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(target, gapLen2); nkitDiscInfo.BytesPreservationDiscPadding += gapLen2; dstPos += gapLen2; if (lastPart != null) { lastPart.NewPartitionDataLength += gapLen2; } if (lastPart != null) { lastPart.Header.WriteUInt32B(0x2bc, (uint)(lastPart.NewPartitionDataLength / 4)); //updates the array in the crc data hdr.Partitions.First(a => a.DiscOffset == lastPart.DiscOffset).DiscOffset = (lastPart.NewDiscOffset - 0x20000); } crc.Snapshot(string.Format("{0}{1}Files+Filler", lastPartitionId ?? "", string.IsNullOrEmpty(lastPartitionId) ? "" : " ")); } } } NkitFormat.LogNkitInfo(nkitDiscInfo, _log, hdr.Id, true); foreach (CrcItem ci in crc.Crcs.Where(a => a.PatchData != null)) { ci.PatchCrc = Crc.Compute(ci.PatchData); } NCrc readerCrcs; uint validationCrc; pc.WriterCheckPoint2Complete(out readerCrcs, out validationCrc, hdr.Data, dstPos); //wait until reader has completed and get crc patches. if (updateRemoved && crc.Crcs.Length > 2) //freeloader wii only has update partition { hdr.RemoveUpdatePartition(crc.Crcs[2].Offset); } hdr.UpdateOffsets(); hdr.WriteString(0x200, 8, "NKIT v01"); //header and version hdr.Write8(0x60, 1); hdr.Write8(0x61, 1); hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x208, readerCrcs.FullCrc(true)); //original crc hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x210, (uint)(imageSize / 4L)); //ctx.ImageLength hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x218, updateCrc.Value); //Update crc - Only if removed crc.Crcs[0].PatchCrc = Crc.Compute(hdr.Data); crc.Crcs[0].PatchData = hdr.Data; hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x20C, CrcForce.Calculate(crc.FullCrc(true), dstPos, readerCrcs.FullCrc(true), 0x20C, 0)); //magic to force crc crc.Crcs[0].PatchCrc = Crc.Compute(hdr.Data); //update with magic applied pc.WriterCheckPoint3ApplyPatches(crc, false, crc.FullCrc(true), crc.FullCrc(true), this.VerifyIsWrite, "NKit Written"); } catch (Exception ex) { throw pc.SetWriterException(ex, "NkitWriterWii.Write - Convert"); } }
public void Read(Context ctx, NStream inStream, Stream outStream, Coordinator pc) { try { WiiDiscHeaderSection hdr = (WiiDiscHeaderSection)inStream.DiscHeader; string idVer = hdr.ReadString(0x200, 8); if (idVer != "NKIT v01") { throw new Exception(string.Format("{0} not supported by this version", idVer)); } bool isNkit = idVer.StartsWith("NKIT"); uint nkitCrc = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x208); long imageSize = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x210) * 4L; string junkId = hdr.ReadString(0x214, 4); uint updatePartitionCrc = hdr.ReadUInt32B(0x218); MemorySection updateRemovedFiller = null; long discOffset = 0; List <NkitPartitionPatchInfo> patchInfos = new List <NkitPartitionPatchInfo>(); discOffset += hdr.Size; string lastPartitionId = null; PartitionType lastPartitionType = PartitionType.Other; NCrc crc = new NCrc(); long dstPos = 0; long srcPos = hdr.Size; ScrubManager scrubFiller = new ScrubManager(null); bool isRecoverable = false; using (NDisc disc = new NDisc(_log, inStream)) { hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x200, 0); hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x204, 0); hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x208, 0); hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x20C, 0); hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x210, 0); hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x214, 0); hdr.WriteUInt32B(0x218, 0); hdr.Write8(0x60, 0); hdr.Write8(0x61, 0); CryptoStream crcStream = new CryptoStream(outStream, crc, CryptoStreamMode.Write); //wrap to calculate crc crcStream.Write(hdr.Data, 0, hdr.Data.Length); //write the header pc.ReaderCheckPoint1PreWrite(null, nkitCrc); //size that will be output from this read dstPos += hdr.Size; crc.Snapshot("Disc Header"); foreach (WiiPartitionInfo part in hdr.Partitions) //already sorted { if (updatePartitionCrc != 0 && srcPos == hdr.Size) //write update partition out { updateRemovedFiller = MemorySection.Read(inStream, hdr.Partitions.First().DiscOffset - srcPos); srcPos += updateRemovedFiller.Size; WiiPartitionInfo firstPart = WiiDiscHeaderSection.CreatePartitionInfos(updateRemovedFiller, 0)?.FirstOrDefault(a => a.Type != PartitionType.Update); string updateFileName = RecoveryData.GetUpdatePartition(ctx.Settings, updatePartitionCrc); if (updateFileName != null) { using (FileStream pf = File.OpenRead(updateFileName)) { pf.Copy(crcStream, pf.Length); dstPos += pf.Length; } } else { string msg = string.Format("!! Update partition *_{0} missing - Adding filler. It may be Recoverable", updatePartitionCrc.ToString("X8")); isRecoverable = true; _log?.LogDetail(msg); //throw pc.SetReaderException(new HandledException("Failed to convert: " + msg)); } ByteStream.Zeros.Copy(crcStream, firstPart.DiscOffset - dstPos); //fill full gap dstPos += firstPart.DiscOffset - dstPos; } NkitPartitionPatchInfo patchInfo = new NkitPartitionPatchInfo() { HashGroups = new Dictionary <long, MemorySection>() }; patchInfos.Add(patchInfo); if (part.DiscOffset > srcPos) { dstPos += writeFiller(ref srcPos, dstPos, dstPos + 0x1cL, inStream, crcStream, new JunkStream(lastPartitionType != PartitionType.Data ? hdr.ReadString(0, 4) : lastPartitionId, hdr.Read8(6), lastPartitionType == PartitionType.Update ? 0 : imageSize), scrubFiller); inStream.Copy(ByteStream.Zeros, part.DiscOffset - srcPos); //padded to 0x8000 srcPos += part.DiscOffset - srcPos; } part.DiscOffset = dstPos; //restore the original position patchInfo.DiscOffset = dstPos; patchInfo.PartitionHeader = MemorySection.Read(inStream, 0x20000); srcPos += patchInfo.PartitionHeader.Size; long size = patchInfo.PartitionHeader.ReadUInt32B(0x2bc) * 4L; LongRef origSize = new LongRef() { Value = 0 }; WiiPartitionGroupSection wp = null; WiiPartitionHeaderSection wh = new WiiPartitionHeaderSection(hdr, null, part.DiscOffset, patchInfo.PartitionHeader.Data, patchInfo.PartitionHeader.Data.Length); MemorySection ph = new MemorySection(new byte[0x8000 * 64]); long remaining = long.MaxValue;//set after first block read int groupIndex = 0; WiiHashStore hashes = new WiiHashStore(); patchInfo.ScrubManager = wh.ScrubManager; bool patchBlock = false; StreamCircularBuffer prtStream = null; try { using (prtStream = new StreamCircularBuffer(0, null, null, output => srcPos += partitionStreamWrite(origSize, inStream, output, size, ctx.Dats, patchInfo, hashes, pc))) { int gs = 0; int ge = 0; int i = 0; MemoryStream patchBlocks = null; while (remaining > 0) { int blocks = (int)Math.Min(64L, remaining / 0x7c00); for (int b = 0; b < blocks; b++) { prtStream.Read(ph.Data, (b * 0x8000) + 0x400, 0x7c00); //load aligned with no hashes if (remaining == long.MaxValue) //first loop { remaining = origSize.Value; if (ph.ReadString(0x400 + 0, 4) == "\0\0\0\0") { gs = -1; ge = -1; blocks = (int)Math.Min(64L, remaining / 0x7c00); lastPartitionId = ph.ReadString(0x400 + 0, 4); patchInfo.PartitionHeader.WriteUInt32B(0x2bc, (uint)(NStream.DataToHashedLen(origSize.Value) / 4)); //restore real size crcStream.Write(patchInfo.PartitionHeader.Data, 0, patchInfo.PartitionHeader.Data.Length); dstPos += patchInfo.PartitionHeader.Size; } else { gs = (int)((ph.ReadUInt32B(0x400 + 0x424) * 4L) / (0x7c00L * 64)); ge = (int)(((ph.ReadUInt32B(0x400 + 0x424) * 4L) + (ph.ReadUInt32B(0x400 + 0x428) * 4L)) / (0x7c00L * 64)); if ((int)((part.DiscOffset + (ph.ReadUInt32B(0x400 + 0x428) * 4L)) % (0x7c00L * 64)) == 0) { ge--; //don't load the next group if the data will end on the last byte } blocks = (int)Math.Min(64L, remaining / 0x7c00); lastPartitionId = ph.ReadString(0x400 + 0, 4); patchInfo.PartitionHeader.WriteUInt32B(0x2bc, ph.ReadUInt32B(0x400 + 0x210)); //restore real size crcStream.Write(patchInfo.PartitionHeader.Data, 0, patchInfo.PartitionHeader.Data.Length); dstPos += patchInfo.PartitionHeader.Size; ph.WriteUInt32B(0x400 + 0x200, 0); ph.WriteUInt32B(0x400 + 0x204, 0); ph.WriteUInt32B(0x400 + 0x208, 0); ph.WriteUInt32B(0x400 + 0x20C, 0); ph.WriteUInt32B(0x400 + 0x210, 0); ph.WriteUInt32B(0x400 + 0x214, 0); ph.WriteUInt32B(0x400 + 0x218, 0); } wp = new WiiPartitionGroupSection(hdr, wh, ph.Data, part.DiscOffset, blocks * 0x8000, false); wh.Initialise(wp, origSize.Value); } } if (blocks < 64) { Array.Clear(ph.Data, blocks * 0x8000, ph.Data.Length - (blocks * 0x8000)); //clear remaining blocks } wp.Populate(groupIndex, ph.Data, dstPos, blocks * 0x8000); int scrubbed = 0; for (int bi = 0; bi < blocks; bi++) { wp.MarkBlockDirty(bi); byte byt; if (patchInfo.ScrubManager.IsBlockScrubbedScanMode(wp.Offset + (bi * 0x8000), out byt)) { wp.SetScrubbed(bi, byt); scrubbed++; } } bool isFstBlocks = i >= gs && i <= ge; bool reqHashes = hashes.IsPreserved(wp.Offset); //test with 0 partition based offset repairBlocks(wp, scrubbed, blocks, false, isFstBlocks); //only test if the hashes aren't preserved (only preserved for scrubbed/customs) if (reqHashes) //store with disc based offset { patchInfo.HashGroups.Add(wp.Offset + part.DiscOffset + patchInfo.PartitionHeader.Size, new MemorySection((byte[])wp.Decrypted.Clone())); //fetch the stored hashed that couldn't be recreated } groupIndex++; bool inFstArea = i >= gs && i <= ge; if (!patchBlock && (gs == i || reqHashes)) { patchBlocks = new MemoryStream(); crc.Snapshot(lastPartitionId + " Data"); patchBlock = true; } else if (patchBlock && !inFstArea && !reqHashes) { crc.Snapshot(lastPartitionId + " Patch"); crc.Crcs.Last().PatchData = patchBlocks.ToArray(); patchBlocks.Dispose(); patchBlock = false; } #if DECRYPT outStream.Write(wp.Decrypted, 0, blocks * 0x8000); if (i >= gs && i <= ge) { fstBlocks.Write(wp.Decrypted, 0, blocks * 0x8000); } #else crcStream.Write(wp.Encrypted, 0, blocks * 0x8000); if (patchBlock) { patchBlocks.Write(wp.Encrypted, 0, blocks * 0x8000); } #endif remaining -= (blocks * 0x7c00); dstPos += (blocks * 0x8000); i++; } if (patchBlock) { crc.Snapshot(lastPartitionId + " Patch"); crc.Crcs.Last().PatchData = patchBlocks.ToArray(); patchBlocks.Dispose(); } } if (origSize.Value != prtStream.WriterPosition) { throw pc.SetReaderException(new HandledException("Partition read did not write the full amount to the circular buffer before completing")); } } catch (Exception ex) { if (prtStream?.WriterException != null) { throw pc.SetReaderException(prtStream.WriterException, "Failed reading filesystem"); } throw pc.SetReaderException(ex, "Failed converting the filesystem");; //writer exception } srcPos += hashes.ReadPatchData(part.DiscOffset + patchInfo.PartitionHeader.Size, patchInfo.HashGroups, inStream); //read hash patches lastPartitionType = part.Type; } if (srcPos < inStream.Length) { JunkStream partJunk = new JunkStream(lastPartitionType != PartitionType.Data ? hdr.ReadString(0, 4) : lastPartitionId, hdr.Read8(6), lastPartitionType == PartitionType.Update ? 0 : imageSize); dstPos += writeFiller(ref srcPos, dstPos, lastPartitionType == PartitionType.Update ? imageSize : dstPos + 0x1cL, inStream, crcStream, partJunk, scrubFiller); } } crc.Snapshot("End"); if (updatePartitionCrc != 0) { hdr.Write((int)WiiDiscHeaderSection.PartitionTableOffset, updateRemovedFiller.Data, 0, (int)WiiDiscHeaderSection.PartitionTableLength); //restore the exact partition table if update was removed } else { hdr.UpdateOffsets(); //just update the table with the new offsets } crc.Crcs[0].PatchData = hdr.Data; foreach (CrcItem ci in crc.Crcs.Where(a => a.PatchData != null)) { NkitPartitionPatchInfo patchInfo = patchInfos.FirstOrDefault(a => ci.Offset >= a.DiscOffset + a.PartitionHeader.Size && ci.Offset < a.DiscOffset + a.PartitionHeader.Size + a.Size); if (patchInfo != null) { patchGroups(patchInfo, hdr, ci.Offset, ci.PatchData); } ci.PatchCrc = Crc.Compute(ci.PatchData); } if (imageSize != dstPos) { throw pc.SetReaderException(new HandledException("Nkit image read output {0} bytes not the expected {1}!", dstPos.ToString(), imageSize.ToString())); } pc.ReaderCheckPoint2Complete(crc, isRecoverable, nkitCrc, crc.FullCrc(true), this.VerifyIsWrite, hdr.Data, nkitCrc == crc.FullCrc(true) ? "NKit Valid" : "NKit Invalid"); pc.ReaderCheckPoint3Complete(); } catch (Exception ex) { throw pc.SetReaderException(ex, "NkitReaderWii.Read - Read and convert"); } }