コード例 #1
        // generator is the non-terminal placed at the end of the chunk
        // such non-terminal generates what can follow it, which can contain also non-terminal at the end
        // which generates...
        // ...until we get the length of required lookahead count
        public FollowSets <SYMBOL_ENUM> ComputeFollowSets()
            followSets = new FollowSets <SYMBOL_ENUM>(lookaheadWidth);

            // fill all symbols with initially empty follow set
            foreach (SYMBOL_ENUM symbol in nonTerminals.Concat(terminals))
                followSets.Add(symbol, new SymbolChunkSet <SYMBOL_ENUM>());

            followSets[startSymbol].Add(SymbolChunk.CreateRepeat(eofSymbol, lookaheadWidth));

            foreach (SYMBOL_ENUM symbol in nonTerminals.Concat(terminals))

            // each chunk can have only terminals, or terminals + 1 non terminal at the end (as FollowSet tail generator)

            // removal of follow sets "generators"
            foreach (SymbolChunkSet <SYMBOL_ENUM> fset in followSets.Values)
                fset.RemoveWhere(chunk => nonTerminals.Contains(chunk.Symbols.Last()));

コード例 #2
        public BuilderHorizonSets(Productions <SYMBOL_ENUM, TREE_NODE> productions, int lookaheadWidth,
                                  FirstSets <SYMBOL_ENUM> firstSets,
                                  CoverSets <SYMBOL_ENUM> coverSets,
                                  FollowSets <SYMBOL_ENUM> followSets)
            : base(productions, lookaheadWidth)
            this.firstSets  = firstSets;
            this.followSets = followSets;
            this.coverSets  = coverSets;

            if (!coverSets.HasNonTerminals || lookaheadWidth != coverSets.LookaheadWidth)
                throw new ArgumentException("Internal error.");