コード例 #1
ファイル: webpenc.cs プロジェクト: soywiz/nwebp
        // Memory scaling with dimensions:
        //  memory (bytes) ~= 2.25 * w + 0.0625 * w * h
        // Typical memory footprint (768x510 picture)
        // Memory used:
        //              encoder: 33919
        //          block cache: 2880
        //                 info: 3072
        //                preds: 24897
        //          top samples: 1623
        //             non-zero: 196
        //             lf-stats: 2048
        //                total: 68635
        // Transcient object sizes:
        //       VP8EncIterator: 352
        //         VP8ModeScore: 912
        //       VP8SegmentInfo: 532
        //             VP8Proba: 31032
        //              LFStats: 2048
        // Picture size (yuv): 589824
        static VP8Encoder* InitEncoder(WebPConfig* config,
									   WebPPicture* picture)
            int use_filter =
              (config.filter_strength > 0) || (config.autofilter > 0);
              int mb_w = (picture.width + 15) >> 4;
              int mb_h = (picture.height + 15) >> 4;
              int preds_w = 4 * mb_w + 1;
              int preds_h = 4 * mb_h + 1;
              uint preds_size = preds_w * preds_h * sizeof(byte);
              int top_stride = mb_w * 16;
              uint nz_size = (mb_w + 1) * sizeof(uint);
              uint cache_size = (3 * YUV_SIZE + PRED_SIZE) * sizeof(byte);
              uint info_size = mb_w * mb_h * sizeof(VP8MBInfo);
              uint samples_size = (2 * top_stride +         // top-luma/u/v
                                       16 + 16 + 16 + 8 + 1 +   // left y/u/v
                                       2 * ALIGN_CST)           // align all
                                       * sizeof(byte);
              uint lf_stats_size =
              config.autofilter ? sizeof(LFStats) + ALIGN_CST : 0;
              VP8Encoder* enc;
              byte* mem;
              uint size = sizeof(VP8Encoder) + ALIGN_CST  // main struct
                      + cache_size                      // working caches
                      + info_size                       // modes info
                      + preds_size                      // prediction modes
                      + samples_size                    // top/left samples
                      + nz_size                         // coeff context bits
                      + lf_stats_size;                  // autofilter stats

            #if PRINT_MEMORY_INFO
              printf("Memory used:\n"
                 "             encoder: %ld\n"
                 "         block cache: %ld\n"
                 "                info: %ld\n"
                 "               preds: %ld\n"
                 "         top samples: %ld\n"
                 "            non-zero: %ld\n"
                 "            lf-stats: %ld\n"
                 "               total: %ld\n",
                 sizeof(VP8Encoder) + ALIGN_CST, cache_size, info_size,
                 preds_size, samples_size, nz_size, lf_stats_size, size);
              printf("Transcient object sizes:\n"
                 "      VP8EncIterator: %ld\n"
                 "        VP8ModeScore: %ld\n"
                 "      VP8SegmentInfo: %ld\n"
                 "            VP8Proba: %ld\n"
                 "             LFStats: %ld\n",
                 sizeof(VP8EncIterator), sizeof(VP8ModeScore),
                 sizeof(VP8SegmentInfo), sizeof(VP8Proba),
              printf("Picture size (yuv): %ld\n",
                 mb_w * mb_h * 384 * sizeof(byte));
              mem = (byte*)malloc(size);
              if (mem == null) {
            WebPEncodingSetError(picture, VP8_ENC_ERROR_OUT_OF_MEMORY);
            return null;
              enc = (VP8Encoder*)mem;
              mem = (byte*)DO_ALIGN(mem + sizeof(*enc));
              memset(enc, 0, sizeof(*enc));
              enc.num_parts_ = 1 << config.partitions;
              enc.mb_w_ = mb_w;
              enc.mb_h_ = mb_h;
              enc.preds_w_ = preds_w;
              enc.yuv_in_ = (byte*)mem;
              mem += YUV_SIZE;
              enc.yuv_out_ = (byte*)mem;
              mem += YUV_SIZE;
              enc.yuv_out2_ = (byte*)mem;
              mem += YUV_SIZE;
              enc.yuv_p_ = (byte*)mem;
              mem += PRED_SIZE;
              enc.mb_info_ = (VP8MBInfo*)mem;
              mem += info_size;
              enc.preds_ = ((byte*)mem) + 1 + enc.preds_w_;
              mem += preds_w * preds_h * sizeof(byte);
              enc.nz_ = 1 + (uint*)mem;
              mem += nz_size;
              enc.lf_stats_ = lf_stats_size ? (LFStats*)DO_ALIGN(mem) : null;
              mem += lf_stats_size;

              // top samples (all 16-aligned)
              mem = (byte*)DO_ALIGN(mem);
              enc.y_top_ = (byte*)mem;
              enc.uv_top_ = enc.y_top_ + top_stride;
              mem += 2 * top_stride;
              mem = (byte*)DO_ALIGN(mem + 1);
              enc.y_left_ = (byte*)mem;
              mem += 16 + 16;
              enc.u_left_ = (byte*)mem;
              mem += 16;
              enc.v_left_ = (byte*)mem;
              mem += 8;

              enc.config_ = config;
              enc.profile_ = use_filter ? ((config.filter_type == 1) ? 0 : 1) : 2;
              enc.pic_ = picture;
              enc.percent_ = 0;



              return enc;
コード例 #2
ファイル: webpenc.cs プロジェクト: soywiz/nwebp
        int WebPEncode(WebPConfig* config, WebPPicture* pic)
            VP8Encoder* enc;
              int ok;

              if (pic == null)
            return 0;
              WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_OK);  // all ok so far
              if (config == null)  // bad params
            return WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER);
              if (!WebPValidateConfig(config))
            return WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_ERROR_INVALID_CONFIGURATION);
              if (pic.width <= 0 || pic.height <= 0)
            return WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_ERROR_BAD_DIMENSION);
              if (pic.y == null || pic.u == null || pic.v == null)
            return WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_ERROR_NULL_PARAMETER);
              if (pic.width > WEBP_MAX_DIMENSION || pic.height > WEBP_MAX_DIMENSION)
            return WebPEncodingSetError(pic, VP8_ENC_ERROR_BAD_DIMENSION);

              enc = InitEncoder(config, pic);
              if (enc == null) return 0;  // pic.error is already set.
              // Note: each of the tasks below account for 20% in the progress report.
              ok = VP8EncAnalyze(enc)
            && VP8StatLoop(enc)
            && VP8EncLoop(enc)
            && VP8EncFinishAlpha(enc)
            && VP8EncFinishLayer(enc)
            && VP8EncWrite(enc);
              if (!ok) {

              return ok;