public void Assert_json_correctly_generates_errors_for_arrays_of_objects_with_properties_of_different_types_or_names() { var actual = new { MyObjects = new[] { new { MyFirstArrayObjectProp = 1, MySecondArrayObjectProp = 2.0, MyThirdArrayObjectProp = "Hello!" } } }; var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedJsonHttpClient(actual)) .AssertJson(new { MyObjects = new[] { new { MyFirstArrayObjectProp = 1.0, MySecondArrayObjectProp1 = 2.0, MyThirdArrayObjectProp = 1 } } }) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyFirstArrayObjectProp' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'Double'. Actual type: 'Integer'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MySecondArrayObjectProp1' was not present in the response.")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyThirdArrayObjectProp' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'Int32'. Actual type: 'String'")); }
public void Test_Divide1_Exception() { uut.Clear(); uut.Add1(10); Assert.Catch <Exception>(() => uut.Divide1(0)); }
public void InvalidLicenseKeyPassedToInit() { var licenseKey = "07C54D83E0CC806F017B369D33E755E8253E8F95"; Assert.Catch <VideoPlayerLicenseException>(() => FormsVideoPlayer.Init(licenseKey), "FormsVideoPlayer.Init(licenseKey)"); Assert.IsFalse(FormsVideoPlayer.IsInitialized, "FormsVideoPlayer.IsInitialized"); Assert.AreEqual(VideoPlayerLicense.LicenseType, LicenseType.Trial, "License should be in trial mode."); }
public void Constructor_WhenViewModelIsNull_ExceptionExpected() { WindowTwoViewModel viewModel = null; // ReSharper disable once ExpressionIsAlwaysNull // ReSharper disable once ObjectCreationAsStatement Assert.Catch <ArgumentNullException>(() => new EnterCorrectTextInWindowTwoState(viewModel)); }
public void Handle_WhenContextIsNull_ExceptionExpected() { var viewModel = TestHelper.CreateWindowTwoViewModel(); var state = new EnterCorrectTextInWindowTwoState(viewModel); IContext context = null; // ReSharper disable once ExpressionIsAlwaysNull Assert.Catch <ArgumentNullException>(() => state.Go(context)); }
public void Assert_on_status_throws_an_excepetion_if_the_status_does_not_match() { var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedHttpClient(HttpStatusCode.BadGateway)) .AssertStatus(HttpStatusCode.OK) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.All(x => x.Status == ResultStatus.Failed && x.AssertType == typeof(StatusCodeAssert))); }
public void Assert_json_correctly_handles_empty_response_bodies() { var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedJsonHttpClient("")) .AssertJson(new {}) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("JsonAssert: Empty response body.")); }
public void Assert_contains_a_single_header_throws_an_excepetion_if_the_header_is_not_a_match() { var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedHttpClient(HttpStatusCode.OK)) .AssertContainsHeader("my_key", "my_value") .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.All(x => x.Status == ResultStatus.Failed && x.AssertType == typeof(ContainsHeaderAssert))); }
public void Assert_json_throws_a_correct_exception_for_a_property_name_case_mismatch() { var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedJsonHttpClient("{ \"myProperty\": 321 }")) .AssertJson(new { MyProperty = 123 }) .Execute(); }); Assert.AreEqual("The expected property 'MyProperty' was not present in the response.", exception.FailedResults.Single().Message); }
public void Assert_json_correctly_generates_multiple_level_nested_error_messages() { var actual = new { MyInt = 123, MyDouble = 123.123, MyString = "Hello!!!!????", MyFirstNestedObject = new { MyInt = 123, MyDouble = 123.123, MyString = "Hello!!!!????", MySecondNestedObject = new { MyInt = 123, MyDouble = 123.123, MyString = "Hello!!!!????" } } }; var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedJsonHttpClient(actual)) .AssertJson(new { MyInt = 1234, MyDouble = 123.123, MyString = "Hello!!!!????", MyFirstNestedObject = new { MyInt = 123, MyDouble = 123.123, MyString = "World...", MySecondNestedObject = new { MyInt = 1234, MyDouble = 123.123, MyString = ":(" } } }) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyInt' does not have the same value as the property in the response. Expected value: '1234'. Actual value: '123'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyFirstNestedObject.MyString' does not have the same value as the property in the response. Expected value: 'World...'. Actual value: 'Hello!!!!????'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyFirstNestedObject.MySecondNestedObject.MyInt' does not have the same value as the property in the response. Expected value: '1234'. Actual value: '123'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyFirstNestedObject.MySecondNestedObject.MyString' does not have the same value as the property in the response. Expected value: ':('. Actual value: 'Hello!!!!????'")); }
public void Assert_json_throws_a_correct_exception_for_a_value_mismatch() { var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedJsonHttpClient("{ \"Test\": 321 }")) .AssertJson(new { Test = 123 }) .Execute(); }); Assert.AreEqual("The expected property 'Test' does not have the same value as the property in the response. Expected value: '123'. Actual value: '321'", exception.FailedResults.Single().Message); }
public void Assert_json_throws_a_correct_exception_when_multiple_properties_of_different_types_are_not_present_in_the_response() { var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedJsonHttpClient(new { Test = 777 })) .AssertJson(new { MyInt = 123, MyDouble = 123.123, MyString = "Hello!!!!????" }) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyInt' was not present in the response.")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyDouble' was not present in the response.")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyString' was not present in the response.")); }
public void Assert_contains_multiple_headers_throws_an_excepetion_if_the_headers_are_not_a_match() { var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedHttpClient(HttpStatusCode.OK)) .AssertContainsHeader("my_key", new[] { "my_value1", "my_value2" }) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.All(x => x.Status == ResultStatus.Failed && x.AssertType == typeof(ContainsHeaderAssert))); exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedHttpClient(HttpStatusCode.OK, headers: new List <KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > > { new KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> >("my_key", new[] { "my_value11", "my_value22" }) })) .AssertContainsHeader("my_key", new[] { "my_value1", "my_value2" }) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.All(x => x.Status == ResultStatus.Failed && x.AssertType == typeof(ContainsHeaderAssert))); exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedHttpClient(HttpStatusCode.OK, headers: new List <KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > > { new KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> >("my_key", new[] { "my_value1", "my_value2" }) })) .AssertContainsHeader("my_key2", new[] { "my_value1", "my_value2" }) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.All(x => x.Status == ResultStatus.Failed && x.AssertType == typeof(ContainsHeaderAssert))); exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedHttpClient(HttpStatusCode.OK, headers: new List <KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> > > { new KeyValuePair <string, IEnumerable <string> >("my_key", new[] { "my_value1" }) })) .AssertContainsHeader("my_key", new[] { "my_value1", "my_value2" }) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.All(x => x.Status == ResultStatus.Failed && x.AssertType == typeof(ContainsHeaderAssert))); }
public void Assert_json_correctly_generates_a_length_mismatch_error_for_arrays_of_different_lenghts() { var actual = new { MyInts = new[] { 1, 2, 4 } }; var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedJsonHttpClient(actual)) .AssertJson(new { MyInts = new[] { 1, 2, 4, 5 } }) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected array property 'MyInts' is not of the same length as the array in the response. Expected length: '4'. Actual length: '3'")); }
public void Assert_json_correctly_generates_a_type_mismatch_error_for_arrays_of_different_types() { var actual = new { MyInts = new[] { 1, 2, 4 } }; var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedJsonHttpClient(actual)) .AssertJson(new { MyInts = new[] { "1", "2", "4" } }) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyInts[0]' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'String'. Actual type: 'Integer'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyInts[1]' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'String'. Actual type: 'Integer'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyInts[2]' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'String'. Actual type: 'Integer'")); }
public void ProcedureCallBooleanFalse() { Assert.Catch <TypeMismatchException>(() => Redirect(@"begin procedure hello(i:boolean);begin writeln(\""HelloWorld\"",i);end; hello(1); end.")); }
public void WhenExperienceIsZeroThrowsException() { var salaryStrategy = new SalaryStrategyForProgrammer(); Assert.Catch <NotSupportedException>(() => salaryStrategy.CalculateSalary(0)); }
public void Translate_HexValueNot3Or6Long_Throws() { Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ArgumentException), Assert.Catch(() => HTMLColorTranslator.Translate("#22"))); Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ArgumentException), Assert.Catch(() => HTMLColorTranslator.Translate("#F423"))); Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ArgumentException), Assert.Catch(() => HTMLColorTranslator.Translate("#F3A45DD"))); }
public void Translate_UnrecognisedInput_Throws() { Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(ArgumentException), Assert.Catch(() => HTMLColorTranslator.Translate("NOT A HTML COLOR"))); }
public void Translate_NullInput_Throws() { Assert.IsInstanceOf(typeof(NullReferenceException), Assert.Catch(() => HTMLColorTranslator.Translate(null))); }
public void Assert_json_correctly_generates_errors_for_nested_arrays_of_objects_with_properties_of_different_types_or_names() { var actual = new { MyObjects = new[] { new { MyFirstArrayObjectProp = 1, MySecondArrayObjectProp = 2.0, MyNestedObjects = new[] { new { MyFirstArrayObjectProp = 1, MySecondArrayObjectProp = 2, MySecondLevelNestedObjects = new [] { "123" }, MyWrongValueProperty = 12 }, new { MyFirstArrayObjectProp = 1, MySecondArrayObjectProp = 2, MySecondLevelNestedObjects = new [] { "123" }, MyWrongValueProperty = 12 }, new { MyFirstArrayObjectProp = 1, MySecondArrayObjectProp = 2, MySecondLevelNestedObjects = new [] { "123" }, MyWrongValueProperty = 12 } } } } }; var exception = Assert.Catch <AssertFailedException>(() => { Claims.Get("", () => CreateMockedJsonHttpClient(actual)) .AssertJson(new { MyObjects = new[] { new { MyFirstArrayObjectProp = "1", // Wrong Type MySecondArrayObjectProp = 2, // Wrong Type MyNestedObjects = new[] { new { MyFirstArrayObjectProp1 = 1, // Wrong Name MySecondArrayObjectProp = 2.0, // Wrong Type MySecondLevelNestedObjects = new[] { 123 }, // Wrong Type MyWrongValueProperty = 13 // Wrong Value }, new { MyFirstArrayObjectProp1 = 1, // Wrong Name MySecondArrayObjectProp = 2.0, // Wrong Type MySecondLevelNestedObjects = new[] { 123 }, // Wrong Type MyWrongValueProperty = 13 // Wrong Value }, new { MyFirstArrayObjectProp1 = 1, // Wrong Name MySecondArrayObjectProp = 2.0, // Wrong Type MySecondLevelNestedObjects = new[] { 123 }, // Wrong Type MyWrongValueProperty = 13 // Wrong Value } } } } }) .Execute(); }); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyFirstArrayObjectProp' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'String'. Actual type: 'Integer'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MySecondArrayObjectProp' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'Int32'. Actual type: 'Float'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[0].MyFirstArrayObjectProp1' was not present in the response.")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[0].MySecondArrayObjectProp' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'Double'. Actual type: 'Integer'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[0].MySecondLevelNestedObjects[0]' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'Int32'. Actual type: 'String'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[0].MyWrongValueProperty' does not have the same value as the property in the response. Expected value: '13'. Actual value: '12'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[1].MyFirstArrayObjectProp1' was not present in the response.")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[1].MySecondArrayObjectProp' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'Double'. Actual type: 'Integer'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[1].MySecondLevelNestedObjects[0]' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'Int32'. Actual type: 'String'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[1].MyWrongValueProperty' does not have the same value as the property in the response. Expected value: '13'. Actual value: '12'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[2].MyFirstArrayObjectProp1' was not present in the response.")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[2].MySecondArrayObjectProp' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'Double'. Actual type: 'Integer'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[2].MySecondLevelNestedObjects[0]' is not of the same type as the property in the response. Expected type: 'Int32'. Actual type: 'String'")); Assert.IsTrue(exception.FailedResults.Single().Message.Contains("The expected property 'MyObjects[0].MyNestedObjects[2].MyWrongValueProperty' does not have the same value as the property in the response. Expected value: '13'. Actual value: '12'")); }