public ExpectedExceptionProcessor(TestMethod testMethod, object source) { this.testMethod = testMethod; this.expectedExceptionType = GetExceptionType(source); this.expectedExceptionName = GetExceptionName(source); this.expectedMessage = GetExpectedMessage(source); this.matchType = GetMatchType(source); this.userMessage = GetUserMessage(source); string handlerName = GetHandler(source); if (handlerName == null) this.exceptionHandler = GetDefaultExceptionHandler(testMethod.FixtureType); else { MethodInfo handler = GetExceptionHandler(testMethod.FixtureType, handlerName); if (handler != null) this.exceptionHandler = handler; else { testMethod.RunState = RunState.NotRunnable; testMethod.IgnoreReason = string.Format( "The specified exception handler {0} was not found", handlerName); } } }
public void setup() { decorateTestSpecification = Substitute.For<DecorateTestSpecification>(); nspecTestMethodBuilder = new NSpecTestMethodBuilder(); decorator = new NSpecTestDecorator(decorateTestSpecification, nspecTestMethodBuilder); test = NUnitSubstitute.ForTestMethod(); }
private UnitTestResult CreateNewTestResult ( TestMethod test, string currentAssemblyPath ) { return new UnitTestResult () { Message = "", StackTrace = "", Duration = 0, Test = CreateUnitTestInfo(test), AssemblyPath = currentAssemblyPath }; }
public UnitTestInfo ( TestMethod testMethod ) { if (testMethod == null) throw new ArgumentException(); MethodName = testMethod.MethodName; FullMethodName = testMethod.Method.ToString (); ClassName = testMethod.FixtureType.Name; FullClassName = testMethod.ClassName; Namespace = testMethod.Method.ReflectedType.Namespace; FullName = testMethod.TestName.FullName; ParamName = ExtractMethodCallParametersString (FullName); }
private string GetAssemblyPath(TestMethod testMethod) { var parent = testMethod as Test; var assemblyPath = ""; while (parent != null) { parent = parent.Parent; if (!(parent is TestAssembly)) continue; var path = (parent as TestAssembly).TestName.FullName; if (!File.Exists(path)) continue; assemblyPath = path; break; } return assemblyPath; }
public virtual NSpecTestMethod Build(TestMethod test) { return new NSpecTestMethod(test.Method) { BuilderException = test.BuilderException, Categories = test.Categories, Description = test.Description, ExceptionProcessor = test.ExceptionProcessor, Fixture = test.Fixture, IgnoreReason = test.IgnoreReason, Parent = test.Parent, Properties = test.Properties, RunState = test.RunState }; }
public void setup() { builder = new NSpecTestMethodBuilder(); test = NUnitSubstitute.ForTestMethod(); test.BuilderException = new Exception(); test.Categories = new ArrayList(); test.Description = "description"; test.ExceptionProcessor = Substitute.For<ExpectedExceptionProcessor>(test); test.Fixture = this; test.IgnoreReason = "ignoreReason"; test.Parent = NUnitSubstitute.ForTest(); test.Properties = new Hashtable(); test.RunState = RunState.Runnable; }
public TestDecorator( TestMethod test ) //: base( (TestName)test.TestName.Clone() ) : base( test.Method ) { this.test = test; this.RunState = test.RunState; this.IgnoreReason = test.IgnoreReason; this.Description = test.Description; this.Categories = new System.Collections.ArrayList( test.Categories ); if ( test.Properties != null ) { this.Properties = new ListDictionary(); foreach (DictionaryEntry entry in test.Properties) this.Properties.Add(entry.Key, entry.Value); } }
public UnitTestInfo(TestMethod testMethod) { if (testMethod == null) { throw new ArgumentException(); } MethodName = testMethod.MethodName; FullMethodName = testMethod.Method.ToString(); ClassName = testMethod.FixtureType.Name; FullClassName = testMethod.ClassName; Namespace = testMethod.Method.ReflectedType.Namespace; FullName = testMethod.TestName.FullName; ParamName = ExtractMethodCallParametersString(FullName); Id = testMethod.TestName.TestID.ToString(); Categories = testMethod.Categories.Cast<string>().ToArray(); AssemblyPath = GetAssemblyPath(testMethod); }
private string GetAssemblyPath(TestMethod testMethod) { Test test = testMethod; while (test != null) { test = test.get_Parent(); if (test is TestAssembly) { string path = (test as TestAssembly).get_TestName().get_FullName(); if (File.Exists(path)) { return path; } } } return ""; }
public EditorTestInfo(TestMethod testMethod) { this.methodName = testMethod.get_MethodName(); this.fullMethodName = testMethod.get_Method().ToString(); this.className = testMethod.get_FixtureType().Name; this.fullClassName = testMethod.get_ClassName(); this.Namespace = testMethod.get_Method().ReflectedType.Namespace; this.fullName = testMethod.get_TestName().get_FullName(); this.paramName = ExtractMethodCallParametersString(this.fullName); = testMethod.get_TestName().get_TestID().GetHashCode().ToString(); List<string> list = Enumerable.ToList<string>(Enumerable.Cast<string>(testMethod.get_Categories())); if (testMethod.get_Parent().get_Categories().Count > 0) { list.AddRange(Enumerable.Cast<string>(testMethod.get_Parent().get_Categories())); } if (testMethod.get_Parent() is ParameterizedMethodSuite) { list.AddRange(Enumerable.Cast<string>(testMethod.get_Parent().get_Parent().get_Categories())); } this.categories = list.ToArray(); this.assemblyPath = this.GetAssemblyPath(testMethod); this.isIgnored = testMethod.get_RunState() == 4; }
/// <summary> /// Modify a newly constructed test by checking for ExpectedExceptionAttribute /// and setting properties on the test accordingly. /// </summary> /// <param name="attributes">An array of attributes possibly including NUnit attributes /// <param name="test">The test to which the attributes apply</param> public static void ApplyExpectedExceptionAttribute(MethodInfo method, TestMethod testMethod) { Attribute attribute = Reflect.GetAttribute( method, NUnitFramework.ExpectedExceptionAttribute, false); if (attribute != null) testMethod.ExceptionProcessor = new ExpectedExceptionProcessor(testMethod, attribute); }
public DirectTestMethod(TestMethod other) : base(other.Method) { foreach (var fld in typeof(TestMethod).GetAllFields()) fld.SetValue(this, fld.GetValue(other)); if (Tests != null) foreach (Test child in Tests) child.Parent = this; }
public TestLineTreeViewItem(TestMethod test, int depth, TreeViewItem parent) : base(test, depth, parent) { }
private testcaseType RunTest(TestMethod t) { TestFilter filter = new NameFilter(t.TestName); var result = (t as TestMethod).Run(new TestListener(), filter); //result types //Ignored, Failure, NotRunnable, Error, Success var testCase = new testcaseType { name = t.TestName.Name, executed = result.Executed.ToString(), success = result.IsSuccess.ToString(), asserts = result.AssertCount.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), time = result.Time.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) }; switch (result.ResultState) { case ResultState.Cancelled: testCase.result = "Cancelled"; break; case ResultState.Error: var f = new failureType {message = result.Message, stacktrace = result.StackTrace}; testCase.Item = f; testCase.result = "Error"; break; case ResultState.Failure: var fail = new failureType {message = result.Message, stacktrace = result.StackTrace}; testCase.Item = fail; testCase.result = "Failure"; break; case ResultState.Ignored: testCase.result = "Ignored"; break; case ResultState.Inconclusive: testCase.result = "Inconclusive"; break; case ResultState.NotRunnable: testCase.result = "NotRunnable"; break; case ResultState.Skipped: testCase.result = "Skipped"; break; case ResultState.Success: testCase.result = "Success"; break; } return testCase; }
public TestMethodThread(TestMethod testMethod) : base(testMethod) { this.testMethod = testMethod; }
public DynamoRevitTest(TestMethod test) { _test = test; _listener = new RevitTestEventListener(this); RunCommand = new DelegateCommand(Run, CanRun); _resultType = DynamoRevitTestResultType.Unknown; _testName = _test.TestName.Name; }
public ExpectedExceptionProcessor( TestMethod testMethod ) { this.testMethod = testMethod; }
// TODO: Handle this with a separate ExceptionProcessor object public static void ApplyExpectedExceptionAttribute(MethodInfo method, TestMethod testMethod) { Attribute attribute = Reflect.GetAttribute( method, NUnitFramework.ExpectedExceptionAttribute, false ); if (attribute != null) { testMethod.ExceptionExpected = true; Type expectedExceptionType = GetExceptionType( attribute ); string expectedExceptionName = GetExceptionName( attribute ); if ( expectedExceptionType != null ) testMethod.ExpectedExceptionType = expectedExceptionType; else if ( expectedExceptionName != null ) testMethod.ExpectedExceptionName = expectedExceptionName; testMethod.ExpectedMessage = GetExpectedMessage( attribute ); testMethod.MatchType = GetMatchType( attribute ); testMethod.UserMessage = GetUserMessage( attribute ); string handlerName = GetHandler( attribute ); if ( handlerName == null ) testMethod.ExceptionHandler = GetDefaultExceptionHandler( testMethod.FixtureType ); else { MethodInfo handler = GetExceptionHandler( testMethod.FixtureType, handlerName ); if ( handler != null ) testMethod.ExceptionHandler = handler; else { testMethod.RunState = RunState.NotRunnable; testMethod.IgnoreReason = string.Format( "The specified exception handler {0} was not found", handlerName ); } } } }
/// <summary> /// The constructor method for the class. Sets the local member variables with the passed in values /// </summary> /// <param name="testMethod">The NUnit Test Method</param> /// <param name="testCaseId">The ID of the matching SpiraTeam test case</param> public ExtendedNUnitTestCase(TestMethod testMethod, int testCaseId) : base(testMethod.Method) { this.testMethod = testMethod; this.testCaseId = testCaseId; }
public ExpectedExceptionProcessor(TestMethod testMethod) { this.testMethod = testMethod; }
public void TestStarted(TestMethod testCase) { currentTestName = testCase.TestName.FullName; }
public void SetTestMethod(TestMethod testMethod) { this.m_Test.testMethod = testMethod; }
private UnitTestInfo CreateUnitTestInfo (TestMethod test) { //this shouldn't be initialize by constructor //return test.UnitTestInfo (); return new UnitTestInfo (test); }
private static bool MarkAsNotRunnable(TestMethod testMethod, string reason) { testMethod.RunState = RunState.NotRunnable; testMethod.IgnoreReason = reason; return false; }