public Form1() { this.VERSION = 12; this.currentselected = ""; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB"); this.InitializeComponent(); this.mod = new CMod(); this.buildtree = new CBuildtree(this); this.mod.f = this; }
private void linkLabel1_LinkClicked(object sender, LinkLabelLinkClickedEventArgs e) { this.taskActionsGroupBox.Enabled = false; try { //fix for multiple load problem this.mod = new CMod(); this.buildtree = new CBuildtree(this); this.mod.f = this; this.universalkeywordsList.Items.Clear(); this.unitkeywords.Items.Clear(); this.Units.Items.Clear(); this.currentbuildqueue.Items.Clear(); string text1 = ""; this.openFileDialog.ShowDialog(); if (System.IO.File.Exists(this.openFileDialog.FileName)) { String[] path = openFileDialog.FileName.Split('\\'); configfile1 = path[path.Length-1];//this.openFileDialog.FileName; Stream stream1 = this.openFileDialog.OpenFile(); StreamReader reader1 = new StreamReader(stream1); text1 = reader1.ReadToEnd(); reader1.Close(); TdfParser parser1 = new TdfParser(text1); string[] textArray1 = this.openFileDialog.FileName.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); string text2 = ""; for (int num1 = 0; num1 < textArray1.Length; num1++) { if ((num1 + 1) >= textArray1.Length) { break; } text2 = text2 + textArray1[num1] + "/"; } String s = parser1.RootSection.GetStringValue("foobar", @"ntai\modconfig"); if(s.Equals("foobar")){ MessageBox.Show("If you're trying to open a config inside the /AI/NTai/configs/ folder then your choosing the wrong file. Please select the file in the /AI/NTai/ folder", "Access exception."); return; } if (this.buildtree.Load(text2 + parser1.RootSection.GetStringValue(@"ntai\modconfig"))) { configfile2 = parser1.RootSection.GetStringValue(@"ntai\modconfig"); this.mod.LoadMod(text2 + parser1.RootSection.GetStringValue(@"ntai\learndata")); configfile3 = parser1.RootSection.GetStringValue(@"ntai\learndata"); this.mod.modname = parser1.RootSection.GetStringValue(@"ntai\modname"); this.modlabel.Text = this.mod.modname + " is loaded"; ArrayList list1 = this.buildtree.keywords.GetUniversalKeywords(); foreach (string text3 in list1) { this.universalkeywordsList.Items.Add(text3); } ArrayList list2 = new ArrayList(); foreach (string text4 in this.mod.units) { list2.Add(text4 + " - " + this.mod.human_names[text4] + " " + this.mod.descriptions[text4]); } this.buildtree.keywords.AddCollection(this.mod.units, EWordType.e_unitname); foreach (string text5 in list2) { this.unitkeywords.Items.Add(text5); this.Units.Items.Add(text5); } this.currentbuildqueue.Items.Clear(); foreach (string text6 in this.buildtree.tasklists.Keys) { this.currentbuildqueue.Items.Add(text6); } } else { this.modlabel.Text = this.mod.modname + " FAILED to load"; } } } catch (UnauthorizedAccessException) { MessageBox.Show("If you're trying to open a config inside the /AI/NTai/configs/ folder then your choosing the wrong file. Please select the file in the /AI/NTai/ folder", "Access exception."); } }
public Form1() { this.VERSION = 12; this.currentselected = ""; Thread.CurrentThread.CurrentCulture = new CultureInfo("en-GB"); this.InitializeComponent(); Assembly _assembly = Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly(); StreamReader _textStreamReader = new StreamReader(_assembly.GetManifestResourceStream("NTaiToolkit.TextFile1.txt")); string helpText = _textStreamReader.ReadToEnd(); this.richTextBox1.Text = helpText; this.mod = new CMod(); this.buildtree = new CBuildtree(this); this.mod.f = this; }