public void ReseedKey() { string sql = "DECLARE @@MaxId int; "; sql += "SELECT @@MaxId = MAX(Id) FROM IdentityObjects; "; sql += "DBCC CHECKIDENT ('IdentityObjects', RESEED, @@MaxId) WITH NO_INFOMSGS;"; db.Execute(sql); }
public static void RecreateData(NPoco.Database db) { InMemoryCompositeKeyObjects = new List <CompositeKeyObject>(); InMemoryIdentityObjects = new List <IdentityObject>(); InMemoryKeyedGuidObjects = new List <KeyedGuidObject>(); InMemoryKeyedIntObjects = new List <KeyedIntObject>(); InMemoryListObjects = new List <ListObject>(); InMemoryNoKeyNonDistinctObjects = new List <NoKeyNonDistinctObject>(); InMemoryObjectsWithCustomType = new List <ObjectsWithCustomType>(); // Clear out any old items db.Execute("TRUNCATE TABLE CompositeKeyObjects;"); db.Execute("TRUNCATE TABLE IdentityObjects;"); db.Execute("TRUNCATE TABLE KeyedGuidObjects;"); db.Execute("TRUNCATE TABLE KeyedIntObjects;"); db.Execute("TRUNCATE TABLE ListObjects;"); db.Execute("TRUNCATE TABLE NoKeyNonDistinctObjects;"); db.Execute("DBCC CHECKIDENT ('IdentityObjects', RESEED, 0) WITH NO_INFOMSGS;"); int pos; for (var i = 0; i < 15; i += 1) { pos = i + 1; var cko = new CompositeKeyObject { Key1ID = (pos / 5) + 1, Key2ID = (pos / 3) + 1, Key3ID = (pos % 5), TextData = "Text" + pos, DateEntered = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddYears(pos), DateUpdated = DateTime.Now }; db.Insert(cko); InMemoryCompositeKeyObjects.Add(cko); var io = new IdentityObject { Name = "Name " + pos, Age = (pos % 2 == 0) ? (int?)pos * 3 : null, DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddYears(pos), Savings = (pos * 100000) / 13, DependentCount = (pos % 2 == 1) ? (byte?)pos : null, Gender = (pos % 2 == 0) ? "M" : "F", IsActive = (pos % 2 == 1) }; db.Insert(io); InMemoryIdentityObjects.Add(io); var kgo = new KeyedGuidObject { Id = System.Guid.NewGuid(), Name = "Name " + pos, Age = (pos % 2 == 0) ? (int?)pos * 3 : null, DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddYears(pos), Savings = (pos * 100000) / 13, DependentCount = (pos % 2 == 1) ? (byte?)pos : null, Gender = (pos % 2 == 0) ? "M" : "F", IsActive = (pos % 2 == 1) }; db.Insert(kgo); InMemoryKeyedGuidObjects.Add(kgo); var kio = new KeyedIntObject { Id = pos, Name = "Name " + pos, Age = (pos % 2 == 0) ? (int?)pos * 3 : null, DateOfBirth = new DateTime(1970, 1, 1).AddYears(pos), Savings = (pos * 100000) / 13, DependentCount = (pos % 2 == 1) ? (byte?)pos : null, Gender = (pos % 2 == 0) ? "M" : "F", IsActive = (pos % 2 == 1) }; db.Insert(kio); InMemoryKeyedIntObjects.Add(kio); var nkndo = new NoKeyNonDistinctObject { FullName = "Name " + pos % 2, ItemInt = pos % 2, OptionalInt = (pos % 2 == 0) ? (int?)42 : null, Color = (pos % 2 == 0) ? "Red" : "Blue" }; db.Insert(nkndo); InMemoryNoKeyNonDistinctObjects.Add(nkndo); var owct = new ObjectsWithCustomType { Id = "StringId_" + pos.ToString(), Name = "Blah", MySpecialTypeField = new DateTime(1925 + pos, 2, 15) }; db.Insert(owct); InMemoryObjectsWithCustomType.Add(owct); } InMemoryListObjects.Add(new ListObject { Id = 1, ShortName = "LiveLetter", Description = "Live with Letter of Intent Only", StatusKey = "A", SortOrder = 1 }); InMemoryListObjects.Add(new ListObject { Id = 2, ShortName = "TakesPatients", Description = "Will Accept Most Patients", StatusKey = "P", SortOrder = 10 }); InMemoryListObjects.Add(new ListObject { Id = 3, ShortName = "Active", Description = "Active", StatusKey = "I", SortOrder = 20 }); InMemoryListObjects.Add(new ListObject { Id = 4, ShortName = "Prospect", Description = "Prospect", StatusKey = "I", SortOrder = 30 }); InMemoryListObjects.Add(new ListObject { Id = 5, ShortName = "OnHold", Description = "Tracked but not expected to participate", StatusKey = "I", SortOrder = 90 }); foreach (var lo in InMemoryListObjects) { db.Insert(lo); } }