コード例 #1
ファイル: Styles.cs プロジェクト: kenlen/npoi
 public void SetFamilyArray(int index, CT_IntProperty value)
コード例 #2
ファイル: Styles.cs プロジェクト: kenlen/npoi
 public void SetCharsetArray(int index, CT_IntProperty value)
     this.charsetField[index]= value;
コード例 #3
ファイル: Styles.cs プロジェクト: kenlen/npoi
 public CT_IntProperty AddNewFamily()
     CT_IntProperty newfamily = new CT_IntProperty();
     return newfamily;
コード例 #4
ファイル: Styles.cs プロジェクト: JnS-Software-LLC/npoi
 public static CT_IntProperty Parse(XmlNode node, XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager)
     if (node == null)
         return null;
     CT_IntProperty ctObj = new CT_IntProperty();
     ctObj.val = XmlHelper.ReadInt(node.Attributes["val"]);
     return ctObj;
コード例 #5
ファイル: Styles.cs プロジェクト: kenlen/npoi
 public CT_IntProperty AddNewCharset()
     CT_IntProperty prop = new CT_IntProperty();
     return prop;
コード例 #6
ファイル: CT_RPrElt.cs プロジェクト: JustinChangTW/npoi
 public CT_IntProperty AddNewCharset()
     this.charsetField = new CT_IntProperty();
     return this.charsetField;
コード例 #7
ファイル: CT_RPrElt.cs プロジェクト: JustinChangTW/npoi
 public CT_IntProperty AddNewFamily()
     this.familyField = new CT_IntProperty();
     return this.familyField;
コード例 #8
ファイル: CT_Font.cs プロジェクト: hjlfmy/npoi
 public CT_IntProperty AddNewCharset()
     if (this.charsetField == null)
         this.charsetField = new List<CT_IntProperty>();
     CT_IntProperty prop = new CT_IntProperty();
     return prop;
コード例 #9
ファイル: CT_Font.cs プロジェクト: hjlfmy/npoi
 public CT_IntProperty AddNewFamily()
     if (this.familyField == null)
         this.familyField = new List<CT_IntProperty>();
     CT_IntProperty newfamily = new CT_IntProperty();
     return newfamily;
コード例 #10
        public static CT_Font Parse(XmlNode node, XmlNamespaceManager namespaceManager)
            if (node == null)
            CT_Font ctObj = new CT_Font();

            ctObj.charset   = new List <CT_IntProperty>();
            ctObj.family    = new List <CT_IntProperty>();
            ctObj.b         = new List <CT_BooleanProperty>();
            ctObj.i         = new List <CT_BooleanProperty>();
            ctObj.strike    = new List <CT_BooleanProperty>();
            ctObj.color     = new List <CT_Color>();
            ctObj.sz        = new List <CT_FontSize>();
            ctObj.u         = new List <CT_UnderlineProperty>();
            ctObj.vertAlign = new List <CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty>();
            ctObj.scheme    = new List <CT_FontScheme>();
            foreach (XmlNode childNode in node.ChildNodes)
                if (childNode.LocalName == "outline")
                    ctObj.outline = CT_BooleanProperty.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager);
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "shadow")
                    ctObj.shadow = CT_BooleanProperty.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager);
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "condense")
                    ctObj.condense = CT_BooleanProperty.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager);
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "extend")
                    ctObj.extend = CT_BooleanProperty.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager);
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "name")
                    ctObj.name = CT_FontName.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager);
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "charset")
                    ctObj.charset.Add(CT_IntProperty.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager));
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "family")
                    ctObj.family.Add(CT_IntProperty.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager));
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "b")
                    ctObj.b.Add(CT_BooleanProperty.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager));
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "i")
                    ctObj.i.Add(CT_BooleanProperty.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager));
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "strike")
                    ctObj.strike.Add(CT_BooleanProperty.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager));
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "color")
                    ctObj.color.Add(CT_Color.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager));
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "sz")
                    ctObj.sz.Add(CT_FontSize.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager));
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "u")
                    ctObj.u.Add(CT_UnderlineProperty.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager));
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "vertAlign")
                    ctObj.vertAlign.Add(CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager));
                else if (childNode.LocalName == "scheme")
                    ctObj.scheme.Add(CT_FontScheme.Parse(childNode, namespaceManager));
コード例 #11
        public CT_Font Clone()
            CT_Font ctFont = new CT_Font();

            if (this.name != null)
                CT_FontName newName = ctFont.AddNewName();
                newName.val = this.name.val;
            if (this.charset != null)
                foreach (CT_IntProperty ctCharset in this.charset)
                    CT_IntProperty newCharset = ctFont.AddNewCharset();
                    newCharset.val = ctCharset.val;
            if (this.family != null)
                foreach (CT_IntProperty ctFamily in this.family)
                    CT_IntProperty newFamily = ctFont.AddNewFamily();
                    newFamily.val = ctFamily.val;
            if (this.b != null)
                foreach (CT_BooleanProperty ctB in this.b)
                    CT_BooleanProperty newB = ctFont.AddNewB();
                    newB.val = ctB.val;
            if (this.i != null)
                foreach (CT_BooleanProperty ctI in this.i)
                    CT_BooleanProperty newI = ctFont.AddNewB();
                    newI.val = ctI.val;
            if (this.strike != null)
                foreach (CT_BooleanProperty ctStrike in this.strike)
                    CT_BooleanProperty newstrike = ctFont.AddNewStrike();
                    newstrike.val = ctStrike.val;
            if (this.outline != null)
                ctFont.outline     = new CT_BooleanProperty();
                ctFont.outline.val = this.outline.val;
            if (this.shadow != null)
                ctFont.shadow     = new CT_BooleanProperty();
                ctFont.shadow.val = this.shadow.val;
            if (this.condense != null)
                ctFont.condense     = new CT_BooleanProperty();
                ctFont.condense.val = this.condense.val;
            if (this.extend != null)
                ctFont.extend     = new CT_BooleanProperty();
                ctFont.extend.val = this.extend.val;
            if (this.color != null)
                foreach (CT_Color ctColor in this.color)
                    CT_Color newColor = ctFont.AddNewColor();
                    newColor.theme = ctColor.theme;
            if (this.sz != null)
                foreach (CT_FontSize ctSz in this.sz)
                    CT_FontSize newSz = ctFont.AddNewSz();
                    newSz.val = ctSz.val;
            if (this.u != null)
                foreach (CT_UnderlineProperty ctU in this.u)
                    CT_UnderlineProperty newU = ctFont.AddNewU();
                    newU.val = ctU.val;
            if (this.vertAlign != null)
                foreach (CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty ctVertAlign in this.vertAlign)
                    CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty newVertAlign = ctFont.AddNewVertAlign();
                    newVertAlign.val = ctVertAlign.val;
            if (this.scheme != null)
                foreach (CT_FontScheme ctScheme in this.scheme)
                    CT_FontScheme newScheme = ctFont.AddNewScheme();
                    newScheme.val = ctScheme.val;
コード例 #12
 public void SetFamilyArray(int index, CT_IntProperty value)
     this.familyField[index] = value;
コード例 #13
 public void SetCharsetArray(int index, CT_IntProperty value)
     this.charsetField[index] = value;
コード例 #14
 public CT_IntProperty AddNewFamily()
     this.familyField = new CT_IntProperty();
コード例 #15
 public CT_IntProperty AddNewCharset()
     this.charsetField = new CT_IntProperty();
コード例 #16
ファイル: CT_Font.cs プロジェクト: zzy092/npoi
        public CT_Font Clone()
            CT_Font ctFont = new CT_Font();

            if (this.name != null)
                CT_FontName newName = ctFont.AddNewName();
                newName.val = this.name.val;
            if (this.charset != null)
                foreach (CT_IntProperty ctCharset in this.charset)
                    CT_IntProperty newCharset = ctFont.AddNewCharset();
                    newCharset.val = ctCharset.val;
            if (this.family != null)
                foreach (CT_IntProperty ctFamily in this.family)
                    CT_IntProperty newFamily = ctFont.AddNewFamily();
                    newFamily.val = ctFamily.val;
            if (this.b != null)
                foreach (CT_BooleanProperty ctB in this.b)
                    CT_BooleanProperty newB = ctFont.AddNewB();
                    newB.val = ctB.val;
            if (this.i != null)
                foreach (CT_BooleanProperty ctI in this.i)
                    CT_BooleanProperty newI = ctFont.AddNewI();
                    newI.val = ctI.val;
            if (this.strike != null)
                foreach (CT_BooleanProperty ctStrike in this.strike)
                    CT_BooleanProperty newstrike = ctFont.AddNewStrike();
                    newstrike.val = ctStrike.val;
            if (this.outline != null)
                ctFont.outline     = new CT_BooleanProperty();
                ctFont.outline.val = this.outline.val;
            if (this.shadow != null)
                ctFont.shadow     = new CT_BooleanProperty();
                ctFont.shadow.val = this.shadow.val;
            if (this.condense != null)
                ctFont.condense     = new CT_BooleanProperty();
                ctFont.condense.val = this.condense.val;
            if (this.extend != null)
                ctFont.extend     = new CT_BooleanProperty();
                ctFont.extend.val = this.extend.val;
            if (this.color != null)
                foreach (CT_Color ctColor in this.color)
                    CT_Color newColor = ctFont.AddNewColor();
                    newColor.theme          = ctColor.theme; //Forces themeSpecified to true even if a theme wasn't specified.
                    newColor.themeSpecified = ctColor.themeSpecified;
                    newColor.rgb            = ctColor.rgb;
                    newColor.rgbSpecified   = ctColor.rgbSpecified;
                    newColor.tint           = ctColor.tint;
                    newColor.tintSpecified  = ctColor.tintSpecified;
                    newColor.auto           = ctColor.auto;
                    newColor.autoSpecified  = ctColor.autoSpecified;
                    //Does not copy indexed color field because we don't support indexed colors for XSSF.
                    //If copying indexed colors between two documents you need to account for the color palettes
                    //potentially being different between two documents. (MSSQL Reporting Services did this in HSSF)
            if (this.sz != null)
                foreach (CT_FontSize ctSz in this.sz)
                    CT_FontSize newSz = ctFont.AddNewSz();
                    newSz.val = ctSz.val;
            if (this.u != null)
                foreach (CT_UnderlineProperty ctU in this.u)
                    CT_UnderlineProperty newU = ctFont.AddNewU();
                    newU.val = ctU.val;
            if (this.vertAlign != null)
                foreach (CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty ctVertAlign in this.vertAlign)
                    CT_VerticalAlignFontProperty newVertAlign = ctFont.AddNewVertAlign();
                    newVertAlign.val = ctVertAlign.val;
            if (this.scheme != null)
                foreach (CT_FontScheme ctScheme in this.scheme)
                    CT_FontScheme newScheme = ctFont.AddNewScheme();
                    newScheme.val = ctScheme.val;