private static bool addRecord(float data) { try { //close the FileStream before specifying any changes in the HSSFSheet object FileStream fs = new FileStream(pathExcel, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite); HSSFWorkbook templateWorkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)templateWorkbook.GetSheet("Arkusz1"); fs.Close(); DateTime current = DateTime.Now; DateTime thisDay = DateTime.Today; Row row = sheet.CreateRow(sheet.LastRowNum + 1); row.CreateCell(0).SetCellValue(data); row.CreateCell(1).SetCellValue(DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString()); row.CreateCell(2).SetCellValue(thisDay.ToString("d")); //reinitialize data before having the workbook object write to the Stream sheet.ForceFormulaRecalculation = true; fs = new FileStream(pathExcel, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite); templateWorkbook.Write(fs); fs.Close(); return true; } catch { return false; } }
static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths) { foreach (string asset in importedAssets) { if (!filePath.Equals(asset)) continue; using (FileStream stream = File.Open (filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { var book = new HSSFWorkbook(stream); foreach (string sheetName in sheetNames) { var exportPath = "Assets/Resources/Data/" + sheetName + ".asset"; // check scriptable object var data = (Entity_daimyo_mst)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(exportPath, typeof(Entity_daimyo_mst)); if (data == null) { data = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<Entity_daimyo_mst>(); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset((ScriptableObject)data, exportPath); data.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable; } data.param.Clear(); // check sheet var sheet = book.GetSheet(sheetName); if (sheet == null) { Debug.LogError("[QuestData] sheet not found:" + sheetName); continue; } // add infomation for (int i=1; i<= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i); ICell cell = null; var p = new Entity_daimyo_mst.Param(); cell = row.GetCell(0); p.daimyoId = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(1); p.daimyoName = (cell == null ? "" : cell.StringCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(2); p.colorR = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(3); p.colorG = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(4); p.colorB = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(5); p.busyoId = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(6); p.senryoku = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); data.param.Add(p); } // save scriptable object ScriptableObject obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath(exportPath, typeof(ScriptableObject)) as ScriptableObject; EditorUtility.SetDirty(obj); } } } }
static void Main(string[] args) { string strFilePath = string.Format("D:\\1.xls"); HSSFWorkbook wk; using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(strFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite)) { wk = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); } HSSFSheet hst; hst = (HSSFSheet)wk.GetSheet("執行情形統計表(里辦公處)"); HSSFRow hr; int dlastrow = 0; dlastrow = hst.LastRowNum; #region Get Sheet Name string strSheetname = hst.SheetName; #endregion Get Sheet Name hr = (HSSFRow)hst.GetRow(0); int dLastNum = hr.LastCellNum; for (int j = 1; j <= hst.LastRowNum; j++) { hr = (HSSFRow)hst.GetRow(j); for (int i = 0; i < dLastNum; i++)//Column { string strcell = hr.GetCell(i) == null ? "0" : hr.GetCell(i).ToString(); } } }
/// <summary> /// 读取文件获取合同信息 /// </summary> /// <param name="fileName"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static List<Contract> getContractsFromExcel(string fileName) { tFileName = fileName; List<Contract> list = new List<Contract>(); FileStream f = new FileStream(fileName,FileMode.OpenOrCreate); Workbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(f); Sheet sheet = workbook.GetSheet("合同信息表"); Row headerRow = sheet.GetRow(0); //判断是否是正确的协议存储文件 if (headerRow.GetCell(0).ToString() != "协议类型") { statusLab = "Excel文件:" + fileName + " 不是正确的合同信息数据文件。"; return null; } //读取协议内容 for (int i = 1; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { Row dataRow = sheet.GetRow(i); Contract con = getContractFromRow(dataRow); if (con != null) { list.Add(con); } } f.Close(); f.Dispose(); return list; }
public static DataTable RenderDataTableFromExcel(Stream ExcelFileStream, string SheetName, int HeaderRowIndex) { HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(ExcelFileStream); HSSFSheet sheet = workbook.GetSheet(SheetName); DataTable table = new DataTable(); HSSFRow headerRow = sheet.GetRow(HeaderRowIndex); int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum; for (int i = headerRow.FirstCellNum; i < cellCount; i++) { DataColumn column = new DataColumn(headerRow.GetCell(i).StringCellValue); table.Columns.Add(column); } int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum; for (int i = (sheet.FirstRowNum + 1); i < sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { HSSFRow row = sheet.GetRow(i); DataRow dataRow = table.NewRow(); for (int j = row.FirstCellNum; j < cellCount; j++) dataRow[j] = row.GetCell(j).ToString(); } ExcelFileStream.Close(); workbook = null; sheet = null; return table; }
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) { var fs = new FileStream(context.HttpContext.Server.MapPath( @"\Content\UpdatePeople.xls"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); var wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs, true); var sheet = wb.GetSheet("Sheet1"); var r = 1; foreach (var p in UpdatePeopleRows()) { var row = sheet.CreateRow(r++); var c = 0; row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.PeopleId); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Title); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.First); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.GoesBy); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Last); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Suffix); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Email1); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Email2); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Gender); if (p.BirthDate.HasValue) row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.BirthDate.Value); else row.CreateCell(c++, NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.Blank); if (p.Anniversary.HasValue) row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Anniversary.Value); else row.CreateCell(c++, NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.Blank); if (p.Joined.HasValue) row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Joined.Value); else row.CreateCell(c++, NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.Blank); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Cell); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Work); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Member); if (p.Grade.HasValue) row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Grade.Value); else row.CreateCell(c++, NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.Blank); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Marital); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.FamilyPos); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.AltName); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Campus); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.School); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Occupation); row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Employer); if (p.Deceased.HasValue) row.CreateCell(c++).SetCellValue(p.Deceased.Value); else row.CreateCell(c++, NPOI.SS.UserModel.CellType.Blank); } var Response = context.HttpContext.Response; Response.Buffer = true; Response.ContentType = "application/"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=UpdatePeople.xls"); Response.Charset = ""; wb.Write(Response.OutputStream); }
public static ISheet GetExcelSheetForXLS(string file, string sheetName) { using (FileStream fs = new FileStream(file, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { XLS.HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook = new XLS.HSSFWorkbook(fs); ISheet sheet = hssfworkbook.GetSheet(sheetName); return(sheet); } }
static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths) { foreach (string asset in importedAssets) { if (!filePath.Equals (asset)) continue; Entity_Job data = (Entity_Job)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (exportPath, typeof(Entity_Job)); if (data == null) { data = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<Entity_Job> (); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset ((ScriptableObject)data, exportPath); data.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable; } data.sheets.Clear (); using (FileStream stream = File.Open (filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { IWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook (stream); foreach(string sheetName in sheetNames) { ISheet sheet = book.GetSheet(sheetName); if( sheet == null ) { Debug.LogError("[QuestData] sheet not found:" + sheetName); continue; } Entity_Job.Sheet s = new Entity_Job.Sheet (); = sheetName; for (int i=1; i<= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { IRow row = sheet.GetRow (i); ICell cell = null; Entity_Job.Param p = new Entity_Job.Param (); cell = row.GetCell(0); = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(1); = (cell == null ? "" : cell.StringCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(2); = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(3); p.difficult = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(4); p.attack = (float)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(5); p.defens = (float)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(6); p.sp = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(7); p.cooltime = (float)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(8); p.casttime = (float)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(9); p.effect = (float)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(10); p.point = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(11); p.bonus = (float)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(12); p.type = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); s.list.Add (p); } data.sheets.Add(s); } } ScriptableObject obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (exportPath, typeof(ScriptableObject)) as ScriptableObject; EditorUtility.SetDirty (obj); } }
public string ReadExcle(string path = @"~/up/b.xls", int from = 1) { HSSFWorkbook _book = new HSSFWorkbook(); string xlsPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path); FileStream file = new FileStream(xlsPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); IWorkbook hssfworkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file); ISheet sheet = hssfworkbook.GetSheet("Sheet1"); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string saveFileName = xlsPath.Path(guid); StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(); string courty = ""; //获取sheet的首行 var headerRow = sheet.GetRow(0); //一行最后一个方格的编号 即总的列数 int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum; //for (int i = headerRow.FirstCellNum; i < cellCount; i++) //{ //} //最后一列的标号 即总的行数 int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum; for (int i = 0; i <= sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { var row = sheet.GetRow(i); if (row != null) { courty = row.GetCell(0).ToString(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(courty)) { courty = courty.Split(' ')[0]; sb2.Append(string.Format("'{0}',", courty)); } } } var da = sb2.ToString(); hssfworkbook = null; sheet = null; //一般只用写这一个就OK了,他会遍历并释放所有资源,但当前版本有问题所以只释放sheet return string.Format("../../up/{0}.xls", guid); //记录日志 }
public void AddExcelUserNPOI() { FileStream file = new FileStream(@"d:\temp\test.xls", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); HSSFWorkbook hssfWork = new HSSFWorkbook(file); ISheet iSheet = hssfWork.GetSheet("new sheet"); iSheet.CreateRow(iSheet.LastRowNum + 1).CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("uuuu"); FileStream fss = new FileStream(@"d:\temp\test.xls", FileMode.Create); hssfWork.Write(fss); file.Close(); }
/// <summary> /// Excel文档流转换成DataTable /// </summary> /// <param name="excelFileStream">Excel文档流</param> /// <param name="sheetName">表名称</param> /// <param name="headerRowIndex">标题行索引号,如第一行为0</param> /// <returns></returns> public static DataTable RenderFromExcel(Stream excelFileStream, string sheetName, int headerRowIndex) { DataTable table = null; using (excelFileStream) { IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(excelFileStream); ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheet(sheetName); table = RenderFromExcel(sheet, headerRowIndex); } return table; }
public static void Init() { try { File = new FileStream(dataFolder + @"\DataSpelers.xls", FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); Workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(File); Sheet = Workbook.GetSheet("Users"); } catch (IOException) { MessageBox.Show("DataSpelers.xls is open, gelieve deze te sluiten en het programma opnieuw op te starten.", "Excel lees fout"); Environment.Exit(0); } }
static void OnPostprocessAllAssets(string[] importedAssets, string[] deletedAssets, string[] movedAssets, string[] movedFromAssetPaths) { foreach (string asset in importedAssets) { if (!filePath.Equals (asset)) continue; QuestRarityData data = (QuestRarityData)AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (exportPath, typeof(QuestRarityData)); if (data == null) { data = ScriptableObject.CreateInstance<QuestRarityData> (); AssetDatabase.CreateAsset ((ScriptableObject)data, exportPath); data.hideFlags = HideFlags.NotEditable; } data.sheets.Clear (); using (FileStream stream = File.Open (filePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read)) { IWorkbook book = new HSSFWorkbook (stream); foreach(string sheetName in sheetNames) { ISheet sheet = book.GetSheet(sheetName); if( sheet == null ) { Debug.LogError("[QuestData] sheet not found:" + sheetName); continue; } QuestRarityData.Sheet s = new QuestRarityData.Sheet (); = sheetName; for (int i=1; i< sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { IRow row = sheet.GetRow (i); ICell cell = null; QuestRarityData.Param p = new QuestRarityData.Param (); cell = row.GetCell(0); p.kind = (cell == null ? "" : cell.StringCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(1); = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(2); = (cell == null ? "" : cell.StringCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(3); p.minStep = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(4); p.maxStep = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(5); p.rarity = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); cell = row.GetCell(6); p.rarityType = (int)(cell == null ? 0 : cell.NumericCellValue); s.list.Add (p); } data.sheets.Add(s); } } ScriptableObject obj = AssetDatabase.LoadAssetAtPath (exportPath, typeof(ScriptableObject)) as ScriptableObject; EditorUtility.SetDirty (obj); } }
public FileResult aj_excelEquipmentDown(q_Equipment_Chiller q) { HSSFWorkbook wbXLS; FileStream fileStream = null; MemoryStream outputStream = new MemoryStream(); try { db0 = getDB0(); fileStream = new FileStream(Server.MapPath("~/_Code/RPTExcel/Equipment.xls"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.ReadWrite); wbXLS = new HSSFWorkbook(fileStream); ISheet getSheet = wbXLS.GetSheet("設備表"); Apply_User getUserData = null; if (this.UserId != null) { getUserData = db0.Apply_User.Where(x => x.USERID == this.UserId).FirstOrDefault(); } SetCellValue(getSheet, "C3", getUserData.USERNAME); SetCellValue(getSheet, "E2", DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy/MM/dd")); SetCellValue(getSheet, "E3", getUserData.USERID); wbXLS.Write(outputStream); outputStream.Position = 0; string setFileName = this.UserId + "-01-設備-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ".xls"; if (Request.Browser.Browser == "IE" && Request.Browser.Version == "8.0") { byte[] bytes = outputStream.ToArray(); Response.Clear(); Response.ContentType = "application/xls"; Response.AddHeader("content-disposition", "attachment;filename=" + Server.UrlEncode(setFileName)); Response.BinaryWrite(bytes); Response.End(); } return File(outputStream, "application/", setFileName); } catch (Exception ex) { Log.Write(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace); return null; } finally { db0.Dispose(); } }
public static Sheet GetSheet(HSSFWorkbook workbook, string sheetName) { if (workbook != null) { var sheet = workbook.GetSheet(sheetName); if (sheet != null) { return sheet; } return workbook.CreateSheet(sheetName); } return null; }
public override void FillForm(NPOI.HSSF.UserModel.HSSFWorkbook workBook) { base.FillForm(workBook); HSSFSheet sheet = (HSSFSheet)workBook.GetSheet("台账字段"); int rowCount = HeadCount; IRow row; foreach (var item in FillData) { row = sheet.GetRow(rowCount); SetDataRowValue(workBook, row, item); rowCount++; } }
public string ReadExcle(string path = @"~/up/a.xls", int from = 1) { HSSFWorkbook _book = new HSSFWorkbook(); string xlsPath = System.Web.HttpContext.Current.Server.MapPath(path); FileStream file = new FileStream(xlsPath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); IWorkbook hssfworkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(file); ISheet sheet = hssfworkbook.GetSheet("Sheet1"); string guid = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); string saveFileName = xlsPath.Path(guid); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); string temp=""; //获取sheet的首行 var headerRow = sheet.GetRow(0); //一行最后一个方格的编号 即总的列数 int cellCount = headerRow.LastCellNum; for (int i = headerRow.FirstCellNum; i < cellCount; i++) { DataColumn column = new DataColumn(headerRow.GetCell(i).StringCellValue); } //最后一列的标号 即总的行数 int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum; for (int i = (sheet.FirstRowNum + 1); i < sheet.LastRowNum; i++) { var row = sheet.GetRow(i); for (int j = row.FirstCellNum; j < cellCount; j++) { if (row.GetCell(j) != null) sb.Append( row.GetCell(j).ToString()); } } hssfworkbook = null; sheet = null; //一般只用写这一个就OK了,他会遍历并释放所有资源,但当前版本有问题所以只释放sheet return string.Format("../../up/{0}.xls", guid); //记录日志 }
public void TestPLVRecord1() { Stream is1 = HSSFTestDataSamples.OpenSampleFileStream(XLS_FILENAME); HSSFWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(is1); CellRangeAddressList cellRange = new CellRangeAddressList(0, 0, 1, 1); IDataValidationConstraint constraint = DVConstraint.CreateFormulaListConstraint(DV_DEFINITION); HSSFDataValidation dataValidation = new HSSFDataValidation(cellRange, constraint); // This used to throw an error before try { workbook.GetSheet(SHEET_NAME).AddValidationData(dataValidation); } catch (InvalidOperationException) { Assert.Fail("Identified bug 53972, PLV record breaks addDataValidation()"); } }
public static void ImportExcel(string path) { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(new FileStream(path, FileMode.Open)); HSSFSheet sht = wb.GetSheet("Sheet1"); //取行Excel的最大行数 int rowsCount = sht.PhysicalNumberOfRows; //为保证Table布局与Excel一样,这里应该取所有行中的最大列数(需要遍历整个Sheet)。 //为少一交全Excel遍历,提高性能,我们可以人为把第0行的列数调整至所有行中的最大列数。 int colsCount = sht.GetRow(0).PhysicalNumberOfCells; StringBuilder table = new StringBuilder(rowsCount * 32); for (int rowIndex = 1; rowIndex < rowsCount; rowIndex++) { Guid id = new Guid(sht.GetRow(rowIndex).GetCell(0).StringCellValue); string logistics = sht.GetRow(rowIndex).GetCell(8).ToString(); WebBLL.UpdateLogistics(id, logistics); } }
public void TestBug43093() { HSSFWorkbook xlw = new HSSFWorkbook(); AddNewSheetWithCellsA1toD4(xlw, 1); AddNewSheetWithCellsA1toD4(xlw, 2); AddNewSheetWithCellsA1toD4(xlw, 3); AddNewSheetWithCellsA1toD4(xlw, 4); NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet s2 = xlw.GetSheet("s2"); IRow s2r3 = s2.GetRow(3); ICell s2E4 = s2r3.CreateCell(4); s2E4.CellFormula = ("SUM(s3!B2:C3)"); HSSFFormulaEvaluator eva = new HSSFFormulaEvaluator(xlw); double d = eva.Evaluate(s2E4).NumberValue; // internalEvaluate(...) Area3DEval.: 311+312+321+322 expected Assert.AreEqual(d, (311 + 312 + 321 + 322), 0.0000001); // System.out.println("Area3DEval ok.: 311+312+321+322=" + d); }
public void TestCaseInsensitiveNames() { HSSFWorkbook b = new HSSFWorkbook(); NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet originalSheet = b.CreateSheet("Sheet1"); NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet fetchedSheet = b.GetSheet("sheet1"); if (fetchedSheet == null) { throw new AssertionException("Identified bug 44892"); } Assert.AreEqual(originalSheet, fetchedSheet); try { b.CreateSheet("sHeeT1"); Assert.Fail("should have thrown exceptiuon due to duplicate sheet name"); } catch (ArgumentException e) { // expected during successful Test Assert.AreEqual("The workbook already contains a sheet of this name", e.Message); } }
private async void btnLoad_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { this.btnLoad.Enabled = false; Stream fs = new FileStream("G:\\JIRA.xls", FileMode.OpenOrCreate, FileAccess.ReadWrite); IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fs); ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheet("All Case"); if (sheet != null) { IRow firstRow = sheet.GetRow(0); int cellCount = firstRow.LastCellNum; // 一行最后一个cell的编号 即总的列数 int rowCount = sheet.LastRowNum; // 最后一列的标号 int startRow = 1; for (int i = startRow; i <= rowCount; ++i) { IRow row = sheet.GetRow(i); if (row == null) continue; //没有数据的行默认是null string casenum = row.GetCell(1).ToString(); List<string> cases = new List<string>(); cases.Add(casenum); var getCaselist = SalesforceProxy.GetCaseList(cases); var caseList = await getCaselist; foreach (var caseInfo in caseList) { if(caseInfo != null) { System.Console.WriteLine(casenum + "," + caseInfo.Origin); } } } } this.btnLoad.Enabled = true; }
public List<BetType> QueryBetTypes(params int[] betTypeIds) { ObjectCache cache = MemoryCache.Default; var betTypes = (List<BetType>)cache.Get("BetTypes"); if (betTypes == null || !betTypes.Any()) { betTypes = new List<BetType>(); using (var input = new StreamReader(BetTypeFilePath)) { IWorkbook workbook = new HSSFWorkbook(new POIFSFileSystem(input.BaseStream)); ISheet sheet = workbook.GetSheet("BetTypes"); int lastRowNumber = sheet.LastRowNum; for (int rowNum = 2; rowNum <= lastRowNumber; rowNum++) { var betType = CreateBetTypeFromExcelRow(sheet.GetRow(rowNum)); betTypes.Add(betType); } } CacheItemPolicy policy = new CacheItemPolicy(); policy.ChangeMonitors.Add(new HostFileChangeMonitor(new List<string> { BetTypeFilePath })); cache.Add("BetTypes", betTypes, policy); } if (betTypeIds.Length > 0) { return betTypes .Where(betType => betTypeIds.Contains(betType.Id)) .Select(betType => betType) .ToList(); } return betTypes; }
public override void ExecuteResult(ControllerContext context) { var fs = new FileStream(context.HttpContext.Server.MapPath( "/Content/MucketyTemplate.xls"), FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); var wb = new HSSFWorkbook(fs, true); var sheet = wb.GetSheet("Sheet1"); var r = 1; foreach (var p in FetchMucketyMapOrgs()) { ExecuteResultExtracted(sheet, r, p); r++; } foreach (var p in FetchMucketyMapFamily()) { ExecuteResultExtracted(sheet, r, p); r++; } var Response = context.HttpContext.Response; Response.Buffer = true; Response.ContentType = "application/"; Response.AddHeader("Content-Disposition", "attachment;filename=muckety.xls"); Response.Charset = ""; wb.Write(Response.OutputStream); }
private string ImportStudentPointExcel(HttpPostedFile postedFile, string schoolNo, string banjiName, string examTime, string examType, string examName, List<StudentPointModel> newstudentPoints) { try { var ext = Path.GetExtension(postedFile.FileName); ISheet sheet; if (ext == ".xls") { //office 97-2003 HSSFWorkbook wk = new HSSFWorkbook(postedFile.InputStream); sheet = wk.GetSheet(wk.GetSheetName(0)); } else if (ext == ".xlsx") { //office 2007-now XSSFWorkbook wk = new XSSFWorkbook(postedFile.InputStream); sheet = wk.GetSheet(wk.GetSheetName(0)); } else { return "请使用xls或xlsx格式"; } if (sheet.LastRowNum < 1) { return "表内容不能为空"; } Dictionary<string, int> rowName = new Dictionary<string, int>(); IList<QueryModel> qmList = new List<QueryModel>(); qmList.Add(MakeUtil.getQueryModel("SchoolNo", "'", SqlWhere.WhereOperator.Equal, schoolNo)); if (banjiName != "") { qmList.Add(MakeUtil.getQueryModel("D_Name", "'", SqlWhere.WhereOperator.Equal, banjiName)); } var students = _departStaffEbi.getModelList(qmList, -1); qmList.Clear(); qmList.Add(MakeUtil.getQueryModel("SchoolNo", "'", SqlWhere.WhereOperator.Equal, schoolNo)); if (banjiName != "") { qmList.Add(MakeUtil.getQueryModel("BanjiName", "'", SqlWhere.WhereOperator.Equal, banjiName)); } qmList.Add(MakeUtil.getQueryModel("ExamType", "'", SqlWhere.WhereOperator.Equal, examType)); qmList.Add(MakeUtil.getQueryModel("ExamName", "'", SqlWhere.WhereOperator.Equal, examName)); var studentpoints = _studentPointEbi.getModelList(qmList, -1); // if (sheet.LastRowNum > students.Count) // { // return "Excel的导入内容比学生人数多"; // } for (int j = 0; j <= sheet.LastRowNum; j++) //LastRowNum 是当前表的总行数 { IRow row = sheet.GetRow(j); //读取当前行数据 //先读取表头信息 if (j == 0) { if (row != null) { for (int k = 0; k <= row.LastCellNum; k++) //LastCellNum 是当前行的总列数 { ICell cell = row.GetCell(k); //当前表格 if (cell != null && cell.ToString() != "") { //获取表头信息 rowName.Add(cell.ToString(), k); } } } } else { if (row != null) { var banji = row.GetCell(rowName["班级名称"]).ToString(); var xinming = row.GetCell(rowName["姓名"]).ToString(); var bianhao = row.GetCell(rowName["编号"]).ToString(); if (banjiName != "" && banji != banjiName) { return string.Format("Excel中的班级名称有误,你选择了 {0} 这个班级,Excel中不应该再出现别的班级", banjiName); } //根据前四项找出学生的成绩资料 if (!students.Any(p => p.D_Name == banji && p.DS_Name == xinming && p.DS_JID == bianhao)) { return string.Format("在班级{2}中找不到姓名为{0}编号为{1}的学生", xinming, bianhao, banji); } //然后在excel表中如果有相关资料的话便导入 var studentpointList = studentpoints.Where(p => p.BanjiName == banji && p.XinMing == xinming && p.BianHao == bianhao); if (studentpointList.Any()) { var studentpoint = studentpointList.FirstOrDefault(); if (studentpoint.TempIsOld) { continue; } SetCellToStudentPoint(studentpoint, row, rowName); studentpoint.TempIsOld = true; newstudentPoints.Add(studentpoint); } else { var studentpoint = new StudentPointModel(); studentpoint.SchoolNo = schoolNo; studentpoint.BanjiName = banji; studentpoint.XinMing = xinming; studentpoint.BianHao = bianhao; studentpoint.ExamType = examType; studentpoint.ExamName = examName; studentpoint.ExamTime = Convert.ToDateTime(examTime); SetCellToStudentPoint(studentpoint, row, rowName); newstudentPoints.Add(studentpoint); } } } } if (newstudentPoints.Any()) { _studentPointEbi.add(newstudentPoints); } return "OK"; } catch (Exception ex) { return "Excel格式不正确," + ex.Message; } catch { return "Excel格式不正确"; } }
protected void ButtonImportSave_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string strFilePath = GetImpFileName(); if (strFilePath == string.Empty) { return; } this.dataSet = new DataSet(); this.dataSet.Clear(); this.dataSet.Tables.Add("WFM_Import"); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("ErrorMsg", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("orgcode", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("orgname", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("billtypename", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Overtimetype", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("LeaveDays", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Shiwei", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("Manger", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("leaveType", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("outtype", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("outtypeDays", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman1", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname1", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename1", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype1", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman2", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname2", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename2", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype2", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman3", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname3", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename3", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype3", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman4", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname4", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename4", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype4", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman5", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname5", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename5", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype5", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman6", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname6", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename6", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype6", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman7", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname7", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename7", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype7", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman8", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname8", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename8", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype8", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman9", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname9", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename9", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype9", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman10", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname10", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename10", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype10", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman11", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname11", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename11", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype11", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman12", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname12", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename12", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype12", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman13", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname13", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename13", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype13", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman14", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname14", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename14", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype14", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman15", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname15", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename15", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype15", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman16", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname16", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename16", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype16", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman17", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname17", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename17", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype17", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman18", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname18", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename18", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype18", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman19", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname19", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename19", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype19", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditman20", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("localname20", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("audittypename20", typeof(string))); this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Columns.Add(new DataColumn("auditmantype20", typeof(string))); string OrgCode = string.Empty; string OrgName = string.Empty; string BillTypeName = string.Empty; string errorMsg = string.Empty; string Overtimetype = string.Empty; string LeaveDays = string.Empty; string Shiwei = string.Empty; string Manger = string.Empty; string leaveType = string.Empty; string outtype = string.Empty; string outtypeDays = string.Empty; string[,] AuditMan = new string[20, 4]; string WorkNo = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName = string.Empty; string AuditManType = string.Empty; string AuditMan1 = string.Empty; string LocalName1 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName1 = string.Empty; string AuditManType1 = string.Empty; string AuditMan2 = string.Empty; string LocalName2 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName2 = string.Empty; string AuditManType2 = string.Empty; string AuditMan3 = string.Empty; string LocalName3 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName3 = string.Empty; string AuditManType3 = string.Empty; string AuditMan4 = string.Empty; string LocalName4 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName4 = string.Empty; string AuditManType4 = string.Empty; string AuditMan5 = string.Empty; string LocalName5 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName5 = string.Empty; string AuditManType5 = string.Empty; string AuditMan6 = string.Empty; string LocalName6 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName6 = string.Empty; string AuditManType6 = string.Empty; string AuditMan7 = string.Empty; string LocalName7 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName7 = string.Empty; string AuditManType7 = string.Empty; string AuditMan8 = string.Empty; string LocalName8 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName8 = string.Empty; string AuditManType8 = string.Empty; string AuditMan9 = string.Empty; string LocalName9 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName9 = string.Empty; string AuditManType9 = string.Empty; string AuditMan10 = string.Empty; string LocalName10 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName10 = string.Empty; string AuditManType10 = string.Empty; string AuditMan11 = string.Empty; string LocalName11 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName11 = string.Empty; string AuditManType11 = string.Empty; string AuditMan12 = string.Empty; string LocalName12 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName12 = string.Empty; string AuditManType12 = string.Empty; string AuditMan13 = string.Empty; string LocalName13 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName13 = string.Empty; string AuditManType13 = string.Empty; string AuditMan14 = string.Empty; string LocalName14 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName14 = string.Empty; string AuditManType14 = string.Empty; string AuditMan15 = string.Empty; string LocalName15 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName15 = string.Empty; string AuditManType15 = string.Empty; string AuditMan16 = string.Empty; string LocalName16 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName16 = string.Empty; string AuditManType16 = string.Empty; string AuditMan17 = string.Empty; string LocalName17 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName17 = string.Empty; string AuditManType17 = string.Empty; string AuditMan18 = string.Empty; string LocalName18 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName18 = string.Empty; string AuditManType18 = string.Empty; string AuditMan19 = string.Empty; string LocalName19 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName19 = string.Empty; string AuditManType19 = string.Empty; string AuditMan20 = string.Empty; string LocalName20 = string.Empty; string AuditTypeName20 = string.Empty; string AuditManType20 = string.Empty; HSSFWorkbook hssfworkbook; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(20000); using (Stream fileStream = new FileStream(strFilePath, FileMode.Open)) { hssfworkbook = new HSSFWorkbook(fileStream); } Sheet insertSheet = hssfworkbook.GetSheet("Sheet1"); int nRows = 1; int index = 0; int errorCount = 0; while (insertSheet.GetRow(nRows) != null) { try { Row dr = insertSheet.GetRow(nRows); OrgCode = dr.GetCell(0) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(0).ToString().Trim(); OrgName = dr.GetCell(1) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(1).ToString().Trim(); BillTypeName = dr.GetCell(2) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(2).ToString().Trim(); Overtimetype = dr.GetCell(3) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(3).ToString().Trim(); LeaveDays = dr.GetCell(4) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(4).ToString().Trim(); if (LeaveDays != string.Empty) { LeaveDays = LeaveDays.Substring(0, LeaveDays.IndexOf("[")); } Shiwei = dr.GetCell(5) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(5).ToString().Trim(); if (Shiwei != string.Empty) { Shiwei = Shiwei.Substring(0, Shiwei.IndexOf("[")); } Manger = dr.GetCell(6) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(6).ToString().Trim(); if (Manger != string.Empty) { Manger = Manger.Substring(0, Manger.IndexOf("[")); } leaveType = dr.GetCell(7) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(7).ToString().Trim(); if (leaveType != string.Empty) { leaveType = leaveType.Substring(0, leaveType.IndexOf("[")); } outtype = dr.GetCell(8) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(8).ToString().Trim(); if (outtype != string.Empty) { outtype = outtype.Substring(0, outtype.IndexOf("[")); } outtypeDays = dr.GetCell(9) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(9).ToString().Trim(); if (outtypeDays != string.Empty) { outtypeDays = outtypeDays.Substring(0, outtypeDays.IndexOf("[")); } AuditMan1 = dr.GetCell(10) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(10).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan1 = dr.GetCell(11) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(11).ToString().Trim(); LocalName1 = dr.GetCell(12) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(12).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName1 = dr.GetCell(13) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(13).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType1 = dr.GetCell(14) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(14).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan2 = dr.GetCell(15) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(15).ToString().Trim(); LocalName2 = dr.GetCell(16) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(16).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName2 = dr.GetCell(17) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(17).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType2 = dr.GetCell(18) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(18).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan3 = dr.GetCell(19) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(19).ToString().Trim(); LocalName3 = dr.GetCell(20) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(20).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName3 = dr.GetCell(21) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(21).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType3 = dr.GetCell(22) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(22).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan4 = dr.GetCell(23) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(23).ToString().Trim(); LocalName4 = dr.GetCell(24) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(24).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName4 = dr.GetCell(25) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(25).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType4 = dr.GetCell(26) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(26).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan5 = dr.GetCell(27) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(27).ToString().Trim(); LocalName5 = dr.GetCell(28) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(28).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName5 = dr.GetCell(29) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(29).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType5 = dr.GetCell(30) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(30).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan6 = dr.GetCell(31) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(31).ToString().Trim(); LocalName6 = dr.GetCell(32) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(32).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName6 = dr.GetCell(33) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(33).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType6 = dr.GetCell(34) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(34).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan7 = dr.GetCell(35) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(35).ToString().Trim(); LocalName7 = dr.GetCell(36) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(36).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName7 = dr.GetCell(37) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(37).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType7 = dr.GetCell(38) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(38).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan8 = dr.GetCell(39) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(39).ToString().Trim(); LocalName8 = dr.GetCell(40) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(40).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName8 = dr.GetCell(41) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(41).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType8 = dr.GetCell(42) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(42).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan9 = dr.GetCell(43) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(43).ToString().Trim(); LocalName9 = dr.GetCell(44) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(44).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName9 = dr.GetCell(45) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(45).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType9 = dr.GetCell(46) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(46).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan10 = dr.GetCell(47) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(47).ToString().Trim(); LocalName10 = dr.GetCell(48) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(48).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName10 = dr.GetCell(49) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(49).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType10 = dr.GetCell(50) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(50).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan11 = dr.GetCell(51) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(51).ToString().Trim(); LocalName11 = dr.GetCell(52) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(52).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName11 = dr.GetCell(53) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(53).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType11 = dr.GetCell(54) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(54).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan12 = dr.GetCell(55) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(55).ToString().Trim(); LocalName12 = dr.GetCell(56) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(56).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName12 = dr.GetCell(57) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(57).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType12 = dr.GetCell(58) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(58).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan13 = dr.GetCell(59) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(59).ToString().Trim(); LocalName13 = dr.GetCell(60) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(60).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName13 = dr.GetCell(61) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(61).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType13 = dr.GetCell(62) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(62).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan14 = dr.GetCell(63) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(63).ToString().Trim(); LocalName14 = dr.GetCell(64) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(64).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName14 = dr.GetCell(65) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(65).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType14 = dr.GetCell(66) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(66).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan15 = dr.GetCell(67) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(67).ToString().Trim(); LocalName15 = dr.GetCell(68) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(68).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName15 = dr.GetCell(69) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(69).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType15 = dr.GetCell(70) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(70).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan16 = dr.GetCell(71) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(71).ToString().Trim(); LocalName16 = dr.GetCell(72) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(72).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName16 = dr.GetCell(73) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(73).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType16 = dr.GetCell(74) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(74).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan17 = dr.GetCell(75) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(75).ToString().Trim(); LocalName17 = dr.GetCell(76) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(76).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName17 = dr.GetCell(77) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(77).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType17 = dr.GetCell(78) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(78).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan18 = dr.GetCell(79) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(79).ToString().Trim(); LocalName18 = dr.GetCell(80) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(80).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName18 = dr.GetCell(81) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(81).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType18 = dr.GetCell(82) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(82).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan19 = dr.GetCell(83) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(83).ToString().Trim(); LocalName19 = dr.GetCell(84) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(84).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName19 = dr.GetCell(85) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(85).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType19 = dr.GetCell(86) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(86).ToString().Trim(); AuditMan20 = dr.GetCell(87) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(87).ToString().Trim(); LocalName20 = dr.GetCell(88) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(88).ToString().Trim(); AuditTypeName20 = dr.GetCell(89) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(89).ToString().Trim(); AuditManType20 = dr.GetCell(90) == null ? string.Empty : dr.GetCell(90).ToString().Trim(); } catch (Exception ex) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('" + Message.IsNotExcel + "');</script>"); return; } int t = 0; int intCount = 10; while (t < 20) { for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++) { if (insertSheet.GetRow(nRows).GetCell(intCount) != null) { AuditMan[t, j] = insertSheet.GetRow(nRows).GetCell(intCount).ToString().Trim(); } else { AuditMan[t, j] = string.Empty; } intCount++; } t++; } if (OrgCode.Length > 0) { int i = wfset.IsExistsDeptCode(OrgCode); if (i <= 0) { if (errorMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = errorMsg + ","; } errorMsg = errorMsg + Message.deptcodenotexit; } } else { if (errorMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = errorMsg + ","; } errorMsg = errorMsg + Message.deptcodenotisnull; } if (BillTypeName.Length > 0) { switch (BillTypeName) { case "D001": case "OTMProjectApply": if (Overtimetype == string.Empty) { if (errorMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = errorMsg + ","; } errorMsg = errorMsg + Message.overtimenotisnull; } break; case "D002": if (LeaveDays == string.Empty || Shiwei == string.Empty || Manger == string.Empty || leaveType == string.Empty) { if (errorMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = errorMsg + ","; } errorMsg = errorMsg + Message.leaveinfonotisnull; } break; case "D003": if (outtype == string.Empty || outtypeDays == string.Empty) { if (errorMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = errorMsg + ","; } errorMsg = errorMsg + Message.outawayisnotnull; } break; default: if (errorMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = errorMsg + ","; } errorMsg = errorMsg + Message.doctypenotexit; break; } } else { if (errorMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = errorMsg + ","; } errorMsg = errorMsg + Message.doctypenotidnull; } Dictionary<int, List<string>> driy = new Dictionary<int, List<string>>(); List<string> exit = new List<string>(); for (t = 0; t < 20; t++) { WorkNo = AuditMan[t, 0].ToString(); AuditTypeName = AuditMan[t, 2].ToString(); AuditManType = AuditMan[t, 3].ToString(); if (WorkNo.Length <= 0) { break; } List<PersonModel> listperson = person.GetPersonUserId(WorkNo); if (listperson != null && listperson.Count > 0) { List<string> personstr = new List<string>(); personstr.Add(WorkNo); exit.Add(WorkNo); personstr.Add(listperson[0].Cname); personstr.Add(listperson[0].Mail); string manger= wfset.GetManager(WorkNo); //這里管理職有點問題 personstr.Add(manger); personstr.Add(AuditManType); personstr.Add(AuditTypeName); driy.Add(t, personstr); } else { if (errorMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = errorMsg + ","; } errorMsg = errorMsg + Message.supvisor + (t + 1).ToString() + Message.ErrWorkNoNotEXIST; } } List<string> reasonList1 = new List<string>(); switch (BillTypeName) { case "D001": case "OTMProjectApply": reasonList1.Add(Overtimetype); break; case "D002": reasonList1.Add(LeaveDays); reasonList1.Add(Shiwei); reasonList1.Add(Manger); reasonList1.Add(leaveType); break; case "D003": reasonList1.Add(outtype); reasonList1.Add(outtypeDays); break; } WorkFlowLimitBll worklimit = new WorkFlowLimitBll(); DataTable dt = worklimit.GetSignLimitInfo(OrgCode, BillTypeName, reasonList1); List<string> sup = new List<string>(); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { for (int l = 0; l < dt.Rows.Count; l++) { string temp = dt.Rows[l]["flow_empno"].ToString(); if (!exit.Contains(temp)) { sup.Add(temp); } } } if (sup.Count > 0) { if (errorMsg.Length > 0) { errorMsg = errorMsg + ","; } string temp1 = string.Empty; foreach (string item in sup) { temp1 += item + ","; } if (temp1 != string.Empty) { temp1 = temp1.Substring(0, temp1.Length - 1); } errorMsg = errorMsg + Message.supvisor + temp1 + Message.inthiswayexit; } if (errorMsg.Length == 0) { if (driy.Count > 0) { List<string> reasonList = new List<string>(); switch (BillTypeName) { case "D001": case "OTMProjectApply": reasonList.Add(Overtimetype); break; case "D002": reasonList.Add(LeaveDays); reasonList.Add(Shiwei); reasonList.Add(Manger); reasonList.Add(leaveType); break; case "D003": reasonList.Add(outtype); reasonList.Add(outtypeDays); break; } wfset.SaveData(OrgCode, BillTypeName, reasonList, driy); } index++; } else if (errorMsg.Length > 0) { errorCount++; this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].Rows.Add(new string[] { errorMsg, OrgCode, OrgName, BillTypeName,Overtimetype,LeaveDays,Shiwei,Manger,leaveType,outtype,outtypeDays, AuditMan1, LocalName1, AuditTypeName1, AuditManType1, AuditMan2, LocalName2, AuditTypeName2, AuditManType2, AuditMan3, LocalName3, AuditTypeName3, AuditManType3, AuditMan4, LocalName4, AuditTypeName4, AuditManType4, AuditMan5, LocalName5, AuditTypeName5, AuditManType5, AuditMan6, LocalName6, AuditTypeName6, AuditManType6, AuditMan7, LocalName7, AuditTypeName7, AuditManType7, AuditMan8, LocalName8, AuditTypeName8, AuditManType8, AuditMan9, LocalName9, AuditTypeName9, AuditManType9, AuditMan10, LocalName10, AuditTypeName10, AuditManType10,AuditMan11, LocalName11, AuditTypeName11, AuditManType11,AuditMan12, LocalName12, AuditTypeName12, AuditManType12, AuditMan13, LocalName13, AuditTypeName13, AuditManType13,AuditMan14, LocalName14, AuditTypeName14, AuditManType14 }); } errorMsg = string.Empty; if (nRows % 250 == 0 || (insertSheet.GetRow(nRows + 1) == null)) { break; } nRows++; } this.labeluploadMsg.Text = string.Concat(Message.NumberOfSuccessed, index, " ;", Message.NumberOfFailed, errorCount, " ."); this.UltraWebGridImport.DataSource = this.dataSet.Tables["WFM_Import"].DefaultView; this.UltraWebGridImport.DataBind(); } catch (Exception ex) { Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "alert", "<script>alert('" + ex.Message + "');</script>"); } }
public void TestModify() { HSSFWorkbook wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.OpenSampleWorkbook("HyperlinksOnManySheets.xls"); NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sheet; ICell cell; IHyperlink link; sheet = wb.GetSheet("WebLinks"); cell = sheet.GetRow(4).GetCell(0); link = cell.Hyperlink; //modify the link link.Address = (""); //serialize and read again MemoryStream out1 = new MemoryStream(); wb.Write(out1); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(new MemoryStream(out1.ToArray())); sheet = wb.GetSheet("WebLinks"); cell = sheet.GetRow(4).GetCell(0); link = cell.Hyperlink; Assert.IsNotNull(link); Assert.AreEqual("", link.Address); }
public void TestCreate() { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); ICell cell; NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("Hyperlinks"); //URL cell = sheet.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("URL Link"); IHyperlink link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.URL); link.Address = (""); cell.Hyperlink = link; //link to a file in the current directory cell = sheet.CreateRow(1).CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("File Link"); link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.FILE); link.Address = ("link1.xls"); cell.Hyperlink = link; //e-mail link cell = sheet.CreateRow(2).CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("Email Link"); link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.EMAIL); //note, if subject contains white spaces, make sure they are url-encoded link.Address = ("mailto:[email protected]?subject=Hyperlinks"); cell.Hyperlink = link; //link to a place in this workbook //Create a target sheet and cell NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sheet2 = wb.CreateSheet("Target Sheet"); sheet2.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("Target Cell"); cell = sheet.CreateRow(3).CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("Worksheet Link"); link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.DOCUMENT); link.TextMark = ("'Target Sheet'!A1"); cell.Hyperlink = link; //serialize and read again MemoryStream out1 = new MemoryStream(); wb.Write(out1); wb = new HSSFWorkbook(new MemoryStream(out1.ToArray())); sheet = wb.GetSheet("Hyperlinks"); cell = sheet.GetRow(0).GetCell(0); link = cell.Hyperlink; Assert.IsNotNull(link); Assert.AreEqual("", link.Address); cell = sheet.GetRow(1).GetCell(0); link = cell.Hyperlink; Assert.IsNotNull(link); Assert.AreEqual("link1.xls", link.Address); cell = sheet.GetRow(2).GetCell(0); link = cell.Hyperlink; Assert.IsNotNull(link); Assert.AreEqual("mailto:[email protected]?subject=Hyperlinks", link.Address); cell = sheet.GetRow(3).GetCell(0); link = cell.Hyperlink; Assert.IsNotNull(link); Assert.AreEqual("'Target Sheet'!A1", link.TextMark); }
public void TestCreateDocumentLink() { HSSFWorkbook wb = new HSSFWorkbook(); //link to a place in this workbook IHyperlink link; ICell cell; NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sheet = wb.CreateSheet("Hyperlinks"); //create a target sheet and cell NPOI.SS.UserModel.ISheet sheet2 = wb.CreateSheet("Target Sheet"); sheet2.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0).SetCellValue("Target Cell"); //cell A1 has a link to 'Target Sheet-1'!A1 cell = sheet.CreateRow(0).CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("Worksheet Link"); link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.DOCUMENT); link.TextMark=("'Target Sheet'!A1"); cell.Hyperlink=(link); //cell B1 has a link to cell A1 on the same sheet cell = sheet.CreateRow(1).CreateCell(0); cell.SetCellValue("Worksheet Link"); link = new HSSFHyperlink(HyperlinkType.DOCUMENT); link.Address=("'Hyperlinks'!A1"); cell.Hyperlink=(link); wb = HSSFTestDataSamples.WriteOutAndReadBack(wb); sheet = wb.GetSheet("Hyperlinks"); cell = sheet.GetRow(0).GetCell(0); link = cell.Hyperlink; Assert.IsNotNull(link); Assert.AreEqual("'Target Sheet'!A1", link.TextMark); Assert.AreEqual("'Target Sheet'!A1", link.Address); cell = sheet.GetRow(1).GetCell(0); link = cell.Hyperlink; Assert.IsNotNull(link); Assert.AreEqual("'Hyperlinks'!A1", link.TextMark); Assert.AreEqual("'Hyperlinks'!A1", link.Address); }
public string aj_excelEvaporateApplyUploadForTest(HttpPostedFileBase file) { ReturnAjaxFiles rAjaxResult = new ReturnAjaxFiles(); #region string tpl_File = string.Empty; HSSFWorkbook wbXLS; try { db0 = getDB0(); wbXLS = new HSSFWorkbook(file.InputStream); ISheet getSheet = wbXLS.GetSheet("年度申報表"); var getUserId = GetCellValueString(getSheet, "G3"); if (getUserId != this.UserId) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.message = "User Id驗證不符"; return defJSON(rAjaxResult); } double getYear = GetCellValueInt(getSheet, "C4"); if (getYear > allowApplyYear) { rAjaxResult.message = string.Format("{0}年度不充許申報!", getYear); rAjaxResult.result = false; return defJSON(rAjaxResult); } var isExist = db0.Apply.Any(x => x.y == getYear && x.userid == this.UserId); int startRow = 7; int getLastRow = getSheet.LastRowNum; int apply_id = 0; Apply apply = new Apply(); if (!isExist)//如果申報表不存在就新增 { //Apply apply = new Apply(); apply.apply_id = GetNewId(ProcCore.Business.CodeTable.Apply); apply.doc_date = DateTime.Now; apply_id = apply.apply_id;//取得id var getLast_1 = getSheet.GetRow(getLastRow - 1); apply.doc_name = getLast_1.Cells[1].StringCellValue; apply.doc_gender = true; apply.doc_rank = getLast_1.Cells[3].StringCellValue; ; apply.doc_tel = getLast_1.Cells[5].StringCellValue; ; var getLast_2 = getSheet.GetRow(getLastRow); apply.mng_name = getLast_2.Cells[1].StringCellValue; apply.mng_gender = true; apply.mng_rank = getLast_2.Cells[3].StringCellValue; apply.mng_tel = getLast_2.Cells[5].StringCellValue; apply.y = Convert.ToInt16(getYear); apply.start_date = DateTime.Parse(getYear + "/01/01"); apply.end_date = DateTime.Parse(getYear + "/12/31"); apply.i_InsertDateTime = DateTime.Now; apply.userid = this.UserId; apply.Apply_Detail_Condenser = new List<Apply_Detail_Condenser>(); apply.Apply_Detail_Evaporate = new List<Apply_Detail_Evaporate>(); } else {//存在就修改資料 apply_id = db0.Apply.SingleOrDefault(x => x.y == getYear && x.userid == this.UserId).apply_id;//取得id //apply = await db0.Apply.FindAsync(apply_id); var getLast_1 = getSheet.GetRow(getLastRow - 1); apply.doc_name = getLast_1.Cells[1].StringCellValue; apply.doc_gender = true; apply.doc_rank = getLast_1.Cells[3].StringCellValue; ; apply.doc_tel = getLast_1.Cells[5].StringCellValue; ; var getLast_2 = getSheet.GetRow(getLastRow); apply.mng_name = getLast_2.Cells[1].StringCellValue; apply.mng_gender = true; apply.mng_rank = getLast_2.Cells[3].StringCellValue; apply.mng_tel = getLast_2.Cells[5].StringCellValue; apply.i_UpdateDateTime = DateTime.Now; } int equiCount = db0.Equipment_Chiller.Where(x => x.USERID == this.UserId).Count();//計算該廠商有幾筆設備 for (int i = 0; i < equiCount; i++) { //int monthstart = 0;//起始一月行數 IRow getRow = getSheet.GetRow(startRow); ICell getCell = getRow.Cells[0]; //取得設備編號 string getEquipmentSN = getRow.Cells[0].StringCellValue; var checkEquip = db0.Equipment_Chiller.Where(x => x.equipment_sn == getEquipmentSN && x.USERID == this.UserId).Select(x => new { x.equipment_chiller_id, x.equipment_sn }).FirstOrDefault(); if (checkEquip == null) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.message = "此設備編號不存在:" + getEquipmentSN; return defJSON(rAjaxResult); } //判斷設備是否已申請過 int getEquid = checkEquip.equipment_chiller_id;//取得設備id Boolean checkDetail = db0.Apply_Detail_Evaporate.Any(x => x.equipment_id == getEquid && x.y == getYear && x.userid == this.UserId); if (checkDetail) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.message = "此設備編號已存在:" + getEquipmentSN + ",請點選刪除後再重新上傳"; return defJSON(rAjaxResult); } decimal get設計值 = (decimal)getRow.Cells[1].NumericCellValue; string[] getAbnormal = new string[12];//異常狀況陣列 decimal[] getTd_value = new decimal[12]; //每月資料填入 for (int j = 0; j < 12; j++) { getRow = getSheet.GetRow(startRow); getTd_value[j] = (decimal)getRow.Cells[3].NumericCellValue; getAbnormal[j] = getRow.Cells[4].StringCellValue; startRow += 1; } Apply_Detail_Evaporate makeEvaporateDetail = new Apply_Detail_Evaporate() { apply_detail_evaporate_id = GetNewId(ProcCore.Business.CodeTable.Apply_Detail_Evaporate), apply_id = apply_id, equipment_id = checkEquip.equipment_chiller_id, equipment_sn = checkEquip.equipment_sn, td_set = get設計值, abnormal_01 = getAbnormal[0], abnormal_02 = getAbnormal[1], abnormal_03 = getAbnormal[2], abnormal_04 = getAbnormal[3], abnormal_05 = getAbnormal[4], abnormal_06 = getAbnormal[5], abnormal_07 = getAbnormal[6], abnormal_08 = getAbnormal[7], abnormal_09 = getAbnormal[8], abnormal_10 = getAbnormal[9], abnormal_11 = getAbnormal[10], abnormal_12 = getAbnormal[11], td_value_01 = getTd_value[0], td_value_02 = getTd_value[1], td_value_03 = getTd_value[2], td_value_04 = getTd_value[3], td_value_05 = getTd_value[4], td_value_06 = getTd_value[5], td_value_07 = getTd_value[6], td_value_08 = getTd_value[7], td_value_09 = getTd_value[8], td_value_10 = getTd_value[9], td_value_11 = getTd_value[10], td_value_12 = getTd_value[11], i_InsertDateTime = DateTime.Now, y = Convert.ToInt16(getYear), userid = this.UserId }; apply.Apply_Detail_Evaporate.Add(makeEvaporateDetail); } if (!isExist) { db0.Apply.Add(apply); } // await db0.SaveChangesAsync(); rAjaxResult.result = true; rAjaxResult.success = true; rAjaxResult.FileName = file.FileName; } catch (LogicError ex) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.success = false; rAjaxResult.message = getRecMessage(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.success = false; rAjaxResult.message = ex.Message + ex.StackTrace; } finally { db0.Dispose(); } #endregion return defJSON(rAjaxResult); }
public string aj_excelEquipmentUploadForTest(HttpPostedFileBase file) { ReturnAjaxFiles rAjaxResult = new ReturnAjaxFiles(); dicEquipmentIsNew = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); dicEquipmentIsNew.Add("即設", false); dicEquipmentIsNew.Add("新設", true); #region string tpl_File = string.Empty; HSSFWorkbook wbXLS; try { db0 = getDB0(); wbXLS = new HSSFWorkbook(file.InputStream); ISheet getSheet = wbXLS.GetSheet("設備表"); var getUserId = GetCellValueString(getSheet, "E3"); if (getUserId != this.UserId) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.message = "User Id驗證不符"; return defJSON(rAjaxResult); } int startRow = 5; int getLastRow = getSheet.LastRowNum; var getEquipments = db0.Equipment_Chiller.Where(x => x.USERID == this.UserId).ToList(); //匯入之前要先移除設備資料 已在申報中的不移除 foreach (var equip in getEquipments) { var checkCIsExist = db0.Apply_Detail_Condenser.Any(x => x.equipment_id == equip.equipment_chiller_id); var checkEIsExist = db0.Apply_Detail_Evaporate.Any(x => x.equipment_id == equip.equipment_chiller_id); if (!checkCIsExist && !checkEIsExist) { db0.Equipment_Chiller.Remove(equip); } } //await db0.SaveChangesAsync(); for (var i = startRow; i <= getLastRow; i++) { IRow getRow = getSheet.GetRow(i); Equipment_Chiller getImportData = SetEquipmentImportData(getRow); if (getImportData != null) { var isExist = db0.Equipment_Chiller.Any(x => x.equipment_sn == getImportData.equipment_sn); if (!isExist) { db0.Equipment_Chiller.Add(getImportData); } } } //await db0.SaveChangesAsync(); rAjaxResult.result = true; rAjaxResult.success = true; rAjaxResult.FileName = file.FileName; } catch (LogicError ex) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.success = false; rAjaxResult.message = getRecMessage(ex.Message); } catch (Exception ex) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.success = false; rAjaxResult.message = ex.Message + ex.StackTrace; } finally { db0.Dispose(); } #endregion return defJSON(rAjaxResult); }
public async Task<string> aj_excelEquipmentUpload(HttpPostedFileBase file) { ReturnAjaxFiles rAjaxResult = new ReturnAjaxFiles(); dicEquipmentIsNew = new Dictionary<string, bool>(); dicEquipmentIsNew.Add("即設", false); dicEquipmentIsNew.Add("新設", true); var fileName = "Manager-" + this.UserId + "-設備-" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmm") + ".xls"; var path = Path.Combine(Server.MapPath("~/_Code/SysUpFiles/ExcelUpLoadData/Equi"), fileName); file.SaveAs(path); string successMessage = string.Empty; int countSuccessImport = 0; List<Equipment_Chiller> excelEquipment = new List<Equipment_Chiller>(); #region string tpl_File = string.Empty; HSSFWorkbook wbXLS; try { db0 = getDB0(); wbXLS = new HSSFWorkbook(file.InputStream); ISheet getSheet = wbXLS.GetSheet("設備表"); var getUserId = GetCellValueString(getSheet, "E3"); if (getUserId != this.UserId) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.message = "User Id驗證不符"; return defJSON(rAjaxResult); } int startRow = 5; int getLastRow = getSheet.LastRowNum; var getEquipments = db0.Equipment_Chiller.Where(x => x.USERID == this.UserId).ToList(); #region 刪除設備功能(目前不使用) //匯入之前要先移除設備資料 已在申報中的不移除 //foreach (var equip in getEquipments) //{ // var checkCIsExist = db0.Apply_Detail_Condenser.Any(x => x.equipment_id == equip.equipment_chiller_id); // var checkEIsExist = db0.Apply_Detail_Evaporate.Any(x => x.equipment_id == equip.equipment_chiller_id); // if (!checkCIsExist && !checkEIsExist) // { // db0.Equipment_Chiller.Remove(equip); // } //} //await db0.SaveChangesAsync(); #endregion for (var i = startRow; i <= getLastRow; i++) { IRow getRow = getSheet.GetRow(i); Equipment_Chiller getImportData = null; try { if (getCellValue(getRow, 1) == "" && getCellValue(getRow, 2) == "" && getCellValue(getRow, 3) == "" && getCellValue(getRow, 4) == "") {//欄位都空白就略過 } else if (getCellValue(getRow, 1) == "" || getCellValue(getRow, 2) == "" || getCellValue(getRow, 3) == "" || getCellValue(getRow, 4) == "") {//其中一個直空白不匯入,彈出錯誤訊息告知他資料填寫不完整 rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.message = "Excel檔案第" + (i + 1) + "列設備資料填寫不完整!"; return defJSON(rAjaxResult); } getImportData = SetEquipmentImportData(getRow); } catch { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.success = false; rAjaxResult.message = "Excel檔案第" + (i + 1) + "列資料型態錯誤!"; return defJSON(rAjaxResult); } if (getImportData != null) { var isExist = db0.Equipment_Chiller.Any(x => x.equipment_sn == getImportData.equipment_sn && x.USERID == getImportData.USERID); var isExcelExist = excelEquipment.Any(x => x.equipment_sn == getImportData.equipment_sn && x.USERID == getImportData.USERID); if (!isExist && !isExcelExist) { if (getImportData.equipment_sn.Length > 20) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.success = false; rAjaxResult.message = "Excel檔案第" + (i + 1) + "列設備編號長度超過20字!"; return defJSON(rAjaxResult); } db0.Equipment_Chiller.Add(getImportData); excelEquipment.Add(getImportData); countSuccessImport += 1; } else { if (isExist) { rAjaxResult.message = "Excel檔案第" + (i + 1) + "列設備編號已存在,請勿重複匯入!"; } else { rAjaxResult.message = "Excel檔案第" + (i + 1) + "列,在Excel檔內與其他設備編號重複!"; } rAjaxResult.result = false; return defJSON(rAjaxResult); } } } await db0.SaveChangesAsync(); successMessage = successMessage + "共" + countSuccessImport + "筆資料匯入成功!"; rAjaxResult.result = true; rAjaxResult.success = true; rAjaxResult.FileName = file.FileName; rAjaxResult.message = successMessage; } catch (LogicError ex) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.success = false; //rAjaxResult.message = getRecMessage(ex.Message); rAjaxResult.message = getRecMessage("excel檔案格式錯誤"); } catch (Exception ex) { rAjaxResult.result = false; rAjaxResult.success = false; //rAjaxResult.message = ex.Message + ex.StackTrace; rAjaxResult.message = getRecMessage("excel檔案格式錯誤"); } finally { db0.Dispose(); } #endregion return defJSON(rAjaxResult); }