public void TestSerialize() { // Check under max record size DrawingGroupRecord r = new DrawingGroupRecord(); byte[] rawData = new byte[100]; rawData[0] = 100; rawData[99] = (byte)200; r.RawData = (rawData); byte[] buffer = new byte[r.RecordSize]; int size = r.Serialize(0, buffer); Assert.AreEqual(104, size); Assert.AreEqual("[EB, 00, 64, 00, 64, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, 00, C8]", HexDump.ToHex(buffer)); // check at max record size rawData = new byte[MAX_DATA_SIZE]; r.RawData = (rawData); buffer = new byte[r.RecordSize]; size = r.Serialize(0, buffer); Assert.AreEqual(MAX_RECORD_SIZE, size); // check over max record size rawData = new byte[MAX_DATA_SIZE + 1]; rawData[rawData.Length - 1] = (byte)255; r.RawData = (rawData); buffer = new byte[r.RecordSize]; size = r.Serialize(0, buffer); Assert.AreEqual(MAX_RECORD_SIZE + 5, size); Assert.AreEqual("[EB, 00, 20, 20]", HexDump.ToHex(cut(buffer, 0, 4))); Assert.AreEqual("[00, EB, 00, 01, 00, FF]", HexDump.ToHex(cut(buffer, MAX_RECORD_SIZE - 1, MAX_RECORD_SIZE + 5))); // check continue record rawData = new byte[MAX_DATA_SIZE * 2 + 1]; rawData[rawData.Length - 1] = (byte)255; r.RawData = (rawData); buffer = new byte[r.RecordSize]; size = r.Serialize(0, buffer); Assert.AreEqual(MAX_RECORD_SIZE * 2 + 5, size); Assert.AreEqual(MAX_RECORD_SIZE * 2 + 5, r.RecordSize); Assert.AreEqual("[EB, 00, 20, 20]", HexDump.ToHex(cut(buffer, 0, 4))); Assert.AreEqual("[EB, 00, 20, 20]", HexDump.ToHex(cut(buffer, MAX_RECORD_SIZE, MAX_RECORD_SIZE + 4))); Assert.AreEqual("[3C, 00, 01, 00, FF]", HexDump.ToHex(cut(buffer, MAX_RECORD_SIZE * 2, MAX_RECORD_SIZE * 2 + 5))); // check continue record rawData = new byte[664532]; r.RawData = (rawData); buffer = new byte[r.RecordSize]; size = r.Serialize(0, buffer); Assert.AreEqual(664856, size); Assert.AreEqual(664856, r.RecordSize); }
public void TestRecordSize() { DrawingGroupRecord r = new DrawingGroupRecord(); Assert.AreEqual(4, r.RecordSize); EscherSpRecord sp = new EscherSpRecord(); sp.RecordId = (EscherSpRecord.RECORD_ID); sp.Options = ((short)0x1111); sp.Flags = (-1); sp.ShapeId = (-1); EscherContainerRecord dggContainer = new EscherContainerRecord(); dggContainer.Options = ((short)0x000F); dggContainer.RecordId = unchecked((short)0xF000); dggContainer.AddChildRecord(sp); r.AddEscherRecord(dggContainer); Assert.AreEqual(28, r.RecordSize); byte[] data = new byte[28]; int size = r.Serialize(0, data); Assert.AreEqual("[EB, 00, 18, 00, 0F, 00, 00, F0, 10, 00, 00, 00, 11, 11, 0A, F0, 08, 00, 00, 00, FF, FF, FF, FF, FF, FF, FF, FF]", HexDump.ToHex(data)); Assert.AreEqual(28, size); Assert.AreEqual(24, dggContainer.RecordSize); r = new DrawingGroupRecord(); r.RawData = (new byte[MAX_DATA_SIZE]); Assert.AreEqual(MAX_RECORD_SIZE, r.RecordSize); r.RawData = (new byte[MAX_DATA_SIZE + 1]); Assert.AreEqual(MAX_RECORD_SIZE + 5, r.RecordSize); r.RawData = (new byte[MAX_DATA_SIZE * 2]); Assert.AreEqual(MAX_RECORD_SIZE * 2, r.RecordSize); r.RawData = (new byte[MAX_DATA_SIZE * 2 + 1]); Assert.AreEqual(MAX_RECORD_SIZE * 2 + 5, r.RecordSize); }
/** * Creates a primary drawing Group record. If it already * exists then it's modified. */ public void CreateDrawingGroup() { if (drawingManager == null) { EscherContainerRecord dggContainer = new EscherContainerRecord(); EscherDggRecord dgg = new EscherDggRecord(); EscherOptRecord opt = new EscherOptRecord(); EscherSplitMenuColorsRecord splitMenuColors = new EscherSplitMenuColorsRecord(); dggContainer.RecordId=unchecked((short)0xF000); dggContainer.Options=(short)0x000F; dgg.RecordId=EscherDggRecord.RECORD_ID; dgg.Options=(short)0x0000; dgg.ShapeIdMax=1024; dgg.NumShapesSaved=0; dgg.DrawingsSaved=0; dgg.FileIdClusters=new EscherDggRecord.FileIdCluster[] { }; drawingManager = new DrawingManager2(dgg); EscherContainerRecord bstoreContainer = null; if (escherBSERecords.Count > 0) { bstoreContainer = new EscherContainerRecord(); bstoreContainer.RecordId=EscherContainerRecord.BSTORE_CONTAINER; bstoreContainer.Options=(short)((escherBSERecords.Count << 4) | 0xF); for (IEnumerator iterator = escherBSERecords.GetEnumerator(); iterator.MoveNext(); ) { EscherRecord escherRecord = (EscherRecord)iterator.Current; bstoreContainer.AddChildRecord(escherRecord); } } opt.RecordId=unchecked((short)0xF00B); opt.Options=(short)0x0033; opt.AddEscherProperty(new EscherBoolProperty(EscherProperties.TEXT__SIZE_TEXT_TO_FIT_SHAPE, 524296)); opt.AddEscherProperty(new EscherRGBProperty(EscherProperties.FILL__FILLCOLOR, 0x08000041)); opt.AddEscherProperty(new EscherRGBProperty(EscherProperties.LINESTYLE__COLOR, 134217792)); splitMenuColors.RecordId=unchecked((short)0xF11E); splitMenuColors.Options=(short)0x0040; splitMenuColors.Color1=0x0800000D; splitMenuColors.Color2=0x0800000C; splitMenuColors.Color3=0x08000017; splitMenuColors.Color4=0x100000F7; dggContainer.AddChildRecord(dgg); if (bstoreContainer != null) dggContainer.AddChildRecord(bstoreContainer); dggContainer.AddChildRecord(opt); dggContainer.AddChildRecord(splitMenuColors); int dgLoc = FindFirstRecordLocBySid(DrawingGroupRecord.sid); if (dgLoc == -1) { DrawingGroupRecord drawingGroup = new DrawingGroupRecord(); drawingGroup.AddEscherRecord(dggContainer); int loc = FindFirstRecordLocBySid(CountryRecord.sid); Records.Insert(loc + 1, drawingGroup); } else { DrawingGroupRecord drawingGroup = new DrawingGroupRecord(); drawingGroup.AddEscherRecord(dggContainer); Records[dgLoc]= drawingGroup; } } }
/** * @return the next available record, or <code>null</code> if * this pass didn't return a record that's * suitable for returning (eg was a continue record). */ private Record ReadNextRecord() { Record record = RecordFactory.CreateSingleRecord(_recStream); _lastRecordWasEOFLevelZero = false; if (record is BOFRecord) { _bofDepth++; return(record); } if (record is EOFRecord) { _bofDepth--; if (_bofDepth < 1) { _lastRecordWasEOFLevelZero = true; } return(record); } if (record is DBCellRecord) { // Not needed by POI. Regenerated from scratch by POI when spreadsheet is written return(null); } if (record is RKRecord) { return(RecordFactory.ConvertToNumberRecord((RKRecord)record)); } if (record is MulRKRecord) { Record[] records = RecordFactory.ConvertRKRecords((MulRKRecord)record); _unreadRecordBuffer = records; _unreadRecordIndex = 1; return(records[0]); } if (record.Sid == DrawingGroupRecord.sid && _lastRecord is DrawingGroupRecord) { DrawingGroupRecord lastDGRecord = (DrawingGroupRecord)_lastRecord; lastDGRecord.Join((AbstractEscherHolderRecord)record); return(null); } if (record.Sid == ContinueRecord.sid) { ContinueRecord contRec = (ContinueRecord)record; if (_lastRecord is ObjRecord || _lastRecord is TextObjectRecord) { // Drawing records have a very strange continue behaviour. //There can actually be OBJ records mixed between the continues. _lastDrawingRecord.ProcessContinueRecord(contRec.Data); //we must remember the position of the continue record. //in the serialization procedure the original structure of records must be preserved if (_shouldIncludeContinueRecords) { return(record); } return(null); } if (_lastRecord is DrawingGroupRecord) { ((DrawingGroupRecord)_lastRecord).ProcessContinueRecord(contRec.Data); return(null); } if (_lastRecord is DrawingRecord) { ((DrawingRecord)_lastRecord).ProcessContinueRecord(contRec.Data); return(null); } if (_lastRecord is CrtMlFrtRecord) { return(record); } if (_lastRecord is UnknownRecord) { //Gracefully handle records that we don't know about, //that happen to be continued return(record); } if (_lastRecord is EOFRecord) { // This is really odd, but excel still sometimes // outPuts a file like this all the same return(record); } //if (_lastRecord is StringRecord) //{ // ((StringRecord)_lastRecord).ProcessContinueRecord(contRec.Data); // return null; //} throw new RecordFormatException("Unhandled Continue Record"); } _lastRecord = record; if (record is DrawingRecord) { _lastDrawingRecord = (DrawingRecord)record; } return(record); }