コード例 #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Ensures that the input is within an originBound ball of origin, or within 0.0f - 255f,
        /// whichever is tightest.
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static LPSConstraints OriginBoundFormula(LPSTerm[] input, double[] origin, double originBound)
            Debug.Assert(input.Length == origin.Length);

            LPSConstraints ct = new LPSConstraints();

            for (int i = 0; i < input.Length; i++)
                double ub = Math.Min(Utils.RobustnessOptions.MaxValue, origin[i] + originBound);
                double lb = Math.Max(Utils.RobustnessOptions.MinValue, origin[i] - originBound);

                if (lb <= ub)
                    var tmp = LPSTerm.Const(ub);
                    ct.And(input[i], InequalityType.LE, tmp);
                    tmp = LPSTerm.Const(lb);
                    ct.And(input[i], InequalityType.GE, tmp);
                    var tmp = LPSTerm.Const(origin[i] + originBound);
                    ct.And(input[i], InequalityType.LE, tmp);
                    tmp = LPSTerm.Const(origin[i] - originBound);
                    ct.And(input[i], InequalityType.GE, tmp);

コード例 #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Create formulae of the form:  <code> -epsilon &lt input[i] - origin[i] &lt epsilon </code>
        /// </summary>

        public static void AddEpsilonBounds(LPSConstraints cts, LPSTerm[] input, LPSTerm epsilon, double[] origin)
            for (int i = 0; i < origin.Length; i++)
                var curr = input[i];

                // i.e: origin[i] - epsilon < input[i]
                var tmp = LPSTerm.Const(origin[i]);
                cts.And(tmp, InequalityType.LE, curr);

                // and: input[i] < epsilon + origin[i]
                tmp = LPSTerm.Const(origin[i]);
                cts.And(curr, InequalityType.LE, tmp);

            cts.And(epsilon, InequalityType.GT, LPSTerm.Const(0.0)); // Quantization error!
            cts.And(epsilon, InequalityType.LE, LPSTerm.Const(Utils.RobustnessOptions.Epsilon));
コード例 #3
        public static void AddQuantizationSafety(LPSConstraints cts, LPSTerm[] input, double[] origin)
            Random r = new Random();
            int    i = r.Next(0, origin.Length - 1);

            LPSTerm curr = input[i];

            // i.e: origin[i] - epsilon < input[i]
            var tmp = LPSTerm.Const(origin[i] + 1.0);

            cts.And(tmp, InequalityType.LE, curr);
コード例 #4
        /// <summary>
        /// LabelFormula(output,label,confidence) gives back a formula expressing
        /// that: for all i s.t. i != label, output[label] - output[i] >= confidence
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="output">Output of neural network (before softmax, as given by our evaluator).</param>
        /// <param name="label">The label we wish to win.</param>
        /// <param name="confidence">A confidence interval for all comparisons (e.g. for quantization etc).</param>
        /// <returns>The constraint expressing that our label is indeed the winning one. </returns>
        public static LPSConstraints LabelFormula(LPSTerm[] output, int label, double confidence = 0f)
            LPSConstraints ct = new LPSConstraints();

            for (int i = 0; i < output.Length; i++)
                if (i != label)
                    // Need: output[label] - output[i] >= confidence
                    // i.e.: output[label] - output[i] - confidence >= 0
                    var tmp = LPSTerm.Const(0.0);   // tmp := 0
                    tmp.Add(output[label]);         // tmp := output[label]
                    tmp.AddMul(output[i], -1.0);    // tmp := output[label] - output[i]
                    tmp.Add(-1.0 * confidence);     // tmp := output[label] - output[i] - confidence

                    ct.And(tmp, InequalityType.GE);